WWVWW1mwmwmrmmammmw IntereStlng SPEERJQNES Again this week we etudy snagestrom th at Raveletlon eloeed Io thesportie John dur ing his nltierlnzr on thelrlend oi Putmos shout WAD Cou led with them Is Davids 24th ulml ell ere pnesne oilprslu to God To appreciate the 21th Penim properly we need to know that it was written In conhlnctlon with the triumphsi entry of the Arkoi the Covenant into Jen urolem The symbol or the Presence oi the lord since the time oi Hie covenant with Mom end the lrrseliiel tree Exodus 33 it the Ark housed the lords testimony For description oi it one its arrangement in the meeting ter ol the peoplepree Exodu ml ammo The Ark hsd eurvlï¬ed molly adventures Including capture in bottle Snmuel 411 and at last after David captured Jeruselom lrom the Phlllstlnce ll Samuelmsl the Ark wsel creatures sn moored hm mils city tobe known hence the City ni David the was epparentiy wrlti Jehovah iiimeelioie entering the city for Loni Hirosle the The psalm II op it is now uaed or Ascension Day celebrating the lnougurm tlon oi Christa heavenly domluv loo It will achieve even iuiler meaning when the gates or doors of mens hesrto every where are flung open to in knowledge Him Moving to Revels study aeverai oi the hourly own aung by verlour heavenly cree lures in theillth chirp hive three such The tire these is the song verse Bowl sung flour living 24 elderllfflln will acl Chrietiote loudest theLord ervw thereby tï¬eveleiion the chopte we no huge multitude iiHsing Godjtndiiis 8e Hlh gerhed in white colorpplrrllierl by thehl Christ and they have aurvived eogreettrtrth ï¬nneymbolizu th oh Revelation yetenother hymn oipraiee and thanks mmhemnosm moms There will he aeudden hush in the diurch then strains or the wedding loud will pest forth and sin will take her fathers arm end start up theeiele her measured steps symbolic of the very real heslhsthn she will be feeling She wouldnot hehurnsn it she no hesitate These steps she about to tokens thelnest lmpon tent steps of her life She is poised on the threshold of another existence which the pronoun she uses wili be We end not Soon she will learn to think of another before she thinks or homolumtly she will come to know fully the meaning the word shore As she moves forward she ï¬lters or just second Then her sleep becomes sure her lips curve in srnlle Thsdmrch through whichshewelks is dehr end loved to henend so is the men who stands waiting is beginning where all mmlogoo should begin the Church thighs Ina Sunburn Va THE CHURCH FOR ALL ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church tr the ugliest haul on mil to the when of chum ind good timuhlpltilstvrdmheot values Without Wang neither democracy on utlsn con vwrvivzofrhm sound loam whymri person llmd mins noelxiv so umsl The net 10 ll own uh For his rhilrilu nile Fee rheah at his eneamunity rt rd of her besidethe alter Her mmlegehiessed by chusroerflrcnllacn nsusmrss rsrsouslmenrs retraining on gt adults it high to teho notiont Alton Brown tended eoniverury oiled the lunday niheol Nutter than Morning hover Evenioug Minionury Fllnl You are cordially tnvltee sr ozone autumn Burton Ave at hrsnvllie Street suunllvsshwcss svsnvon wnnooMs cnunjcn TH NAZARENE rnls sulvnsv anlJcnssr scsoon nvsnvoun WELCOME when AVENUE the mah dotting up the copltsl occasions Hell nxlptcilileommlttee charged with th eteilsvior welcoming votlon VArnty Citadel so Collier tttreet owonhnnnns oprwonllssr Com om SUNDAY sesv suNDAv sellout v945 em Hotmess MEETING llooom EVANGELISTIC SERVlCE 100 pm wlsnconstwlursvou Owen and worfleyStl REV RADAM Ell has economies or Lonns screen clulrou snoopy drool 045 eilnréhieare and ever FIRSTCHRISTIAN neromro cnuncn srl olhnvs enuncs so MULCAHTER sr PAMNS SUNDAY MASSES him an it Sunday pm Wed soy ot mo Our Noises mar snmhvs Mnssss 780 and is Mother oiétterpetunlflelp soul no arose 8t Vlneent Elm larch ot the NJ mic promm Ro Orlflla overs sunsy Roman Catholie THE shoals REFORMED CHURCH Iteratiornclle 650 Minister Phone PA 610 be held in st some cum gt It Crown Hill Srlllllllllws ll chuhnn ï¬rssAllvo WESTMINSTER enlLL BA Minister hikers Onlnnlst 1100 am 091T Gradueï¬on Mrs ToL WynneMA wlie ol Rev Wynne MA at Victoria Presbyterian Church Toronto during Service enuncn scnool Years lonllull no Monmsmlr sutlnhvscnoor Departments shimmery new cnuncsssnvute New new