Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1962, p. 3

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co llidzson telierl wlihltr Diggl iExaInlnor Photo iastweck my the note mtrveormore listingso amony ac no autumnmam ninajcdmrnlltcoyouid be give leadership andvhoip to calmunicipaiitieslnthematter ot planning and uponginvita tion to to localarcl gt discuss cc problems on tho conunltlee would interim with the local only oi lhomunlclpaiity Approaimatelylto puplislco live Sunnidoie Towloshig scmhlools nor mm decided retain th commits tee Joseph Cochrane chair man oi the anniug lt boys and girls were tro Sunnidaie Corners Clowes Ebenezer Va ciorgy ondlnity alike as enacted in his election to presidency of the Bay ot ulnte Centerenceoi the Unit ed Church ol Canada in tall Eiack was nllted teacher and dedicated pas and it was matter oi fr sorrow to his countless rleods when ill health forced hi to retire in 1949 Since en he end Mia Black the merMahei Hanna oilerrs hov NovaScolla whom ha married lnlhio have resided inEarris Besides his wilelttrBiack is survived by one son Hugh who ion lawyer in Toronto and one daughter Harriett who 13 Mrs Henry hooks oi Barrie soars nv scoraaun liev John iohnstone Black was native of Scotland born at Tarherl ArgyUshlte in the western Highlands where he received pulilic and high school education He came to Canada as student in 1908 and attend ed Queens University King ston item which he graduated with degrees in Arts 1916 and Theology laid and the Queens Travelling Research Fellowship which he used in mm or vstudies at the Universityoi Chicago gt OnJune 21 tall he was or dalnsd to the ministry at the Presbyterian Church in Canada at Burnhrae near Campbell iord He also served namin on lieids in Alberta and Saskatchewan in student days Before cooling minute in loss as minister of Collier Street United Church the was assistant minister in Oriliia Presbyterian and United Churches Alter successful pastorate in Barrie of seven years Mr Blackpwas called as minister of Cambridge Street United Church Lindsayi in Barrie he was an active memher oi the Kiwanis Club and set as chairman of the underpri eged childrens and cluh education committees He continued his Kiwanis member ship to Lindsay where his son and daughter graduated tram coiiegiate with Hugh winning the Harstone Scholarship in Mathematici and lromthers graduated from Queens Unl si and Osgoods Hail Har sduated tram aldliail Guelphl Atterieavlng Lindsay Mr Biack was minister at Newton Macdon can outiIIsLlorW boys and girls from theWeiland Ont School for retarded chil Burg and threavasaistantsl oy were toined hyihe tire paeh Wosaga Beach Girl Gu es under theieadershlp ut llirsfllazel Stamford Each vi sleut was allotted guide1 The young Visitors touredthe downtown part at the Village hranir Lauzan hadwflud Piayiand Park on children enjoyed several games and candy fies FlroChiei Russell Keaweil thenhrrlv he service in Collier Street course conducted by Nottawas Retarded ChildrénGueSts Beach Chamber of Commerce raaacu as now brook United Church North Yonge St unlilreltremenl Whlle in Barrie he was memherni the curling club and was chairman oiSimcoe Pres hylery lorone year later he lag chairman of Lindsaytres hytery Hewas also mem her ol the Masonic Ordcr At time of press funeral arrangements had not been completed However therp will United Church sch nouns as Beach are or new Rumsumros causes learns Hydra new as pit in tile Aliandale nrco iorappro ximnlely an hour and hall yesterday olternoon utter an insulator slipped all one of the transiorrners at the Brock St substation Stan thhsite electrical su perintendenl said this caused Uio switch to open and close couple ot ti and the power dropped the said the insulator was probably worn out as it had been in service since 1911 As always whenthere is ppvler failure the Hydro ol iicn was flooded with tale phone calls by people inquir ing when the power would hggestored Mr Bnhbette Will Takeout In City Parade By answer assessment The Barrie Junior Chamber of Commerce has asked Scouts to participate in the Dominion Day Parade July The requ est has been approved and the letter turned over to Mrs OBrecht districtcommiss lonerot Kempenlelt Bay dis trict Boy Scouts six troan scouters oi Kemp entelt Bay district attended Part of troop scouters ego district at Camp Borden From the 6th Barrie troop were Belt Bowman Vince Nick iess and Scoutmaster Larry erswere Bub Ryd lst Barrie troop George yFaris or Cooksiown and Scouter Stanley Nlch is or the last Edgar troop Tuesday night they plan to put into practice the knowledge they picked tip in the Gilweil training They will pass the ve were on hand to an ly OLD cans nsvrsrr The secretary of the Wssaga has announced that the antique carswhle were so popular at theyBearh two years ago hrou rethisyear the chamber of Commerce They will leave vin Sunnldale Corners at Barrie at three inlormotion on running afpro per campsite on to theme Collier Street Cub pack and will have week endrat Cnmp Wiidmnnlrom June 15 to 17 There will be about 50 boys and Ill adults Most of their time will he spent on games withsorne swimming il weather permits It Is thcnsecond time at Camp woman or these packs hutwlU be the that time tor many of the boys in the packs Cnh sch Cf nder Akela tLanencei Perry is preparing tor leaping woltcererhony when liveacuhs will go up in to the son will take pack the Crown Hi group was recently tanned making total at to troops in than peotelt Baydistrict gt gt The sown Hill Scout troop will visit the1trd Barrie Scout troop tonight and the Cult pack will sit the 3rd Barrie fB pectin Rovers at Fort Willow Por tagers will hold coalsoutba rhecue supper at the home of Skip Adams day Jan Parker istrrnahe otgt the crew will lea thisfironth toruVictoria EC take over the position of Park Supervisor TheRCAEEdgar Scouttro op andCub pack will he lirst into Camp Wildlpan macro tractfwon Nottawassga Bay when it npens June The my gtvs com rtenttl Pharmacy nut ttrna he writes prescalp ho ugh where growth plan itsresnit an munich it relates to local munlcipnl ities and county government was pointed out that shah countrysidcs with poor iidlnga and iirreguiar iuts re sultedjtrom poor planning and could cause trouble or future generations the rounding municipalities is ext ed how the mun ronnd4 London ha planning area know llilddlesex Planning Area euoi representation on iecilon oi olilcels Franc LightI right was electedgrand knight and Maurice McFadden ieit de puty rand knight Trustee John Woods conducted the Cpllunhus home at as Eerezy StyThe official opening and Government th arSTAYNsa Counties eld recently id Peter soVernment was discussed or newngzcomhined planningglor elliesend the sur tre Zely Important lie desarih ltutcurshrcr OFFERS the Barr icers rare chancellor Edward electioninthenew Knightsni Dan Sexton Jack Morris lromh to to Many ontoltown guests BIEUXpBEl cd to attend the opening which marks the 50th anniversary of Council other oil recorder James Petrla advocate loseph lluss treasr urer JohnSchmidts guards trustee John Urcnn Change in the Elecii Simeon County Corcglunity and incorporating all oithe coiné fflhe report started out by Council at florists Arrange Icint yConterenceg the banrd onto rArt Harris localiiiorist District FlorislsCluhb invitation of the Hamilton ween County Councilnnd th Recreation Board lied agoln isgmoralng when councll was sited to paaslobonrd report plaintspreyiouely registered some tuuncillors saying Belors replying to the thebyia passed lziyears ago by the an otSlmcoe The reportsteted every cohlidcnce meeting directors of United Flo ristsioiCanada Tori and UFC vicepresldent was appointed chairm to hand committee to arrange lolnt meeting with the Hamilton and The mecting will be held at thehoyai on ht Hotel Hamilton on Oct 17 at the of FloralDeslgnufor the last two years will takeiuli charge olthe designischool to he held in conjunction with the meeting United Secret sr yTreasnrcr JohnM Bescmer reported mesl mhershlp in the United Flor istsot canada and UnltedllioI warsb wire service to be at an all request tty Community and Reese services the board states As to special mltteo ran at mutthenotlc for employees be reduced to till daysvrnlher than incoherent six months the board said it would comply and recommends cd that alter oslxmonth pe led the stall contracts be re vised to complygwith ounel gth at do has been agreed uponslnce and was arrived atln aspirlt ol mutusi eontidenco and con derotlon duo jto thedilliculty alignding kilobio stall in is conwhile the special com mittee has asked theboard to return chcouolorooso hack to the City at Barrie This money was to have been apor lion olllorrles allotment of or that the chequohe retained untili special committee has he opportunity to complete study and lind out exactly what services Barrie people are re ceiving from the Simeon In which mlltces request that Borrie he cut oil from Conniyxreereation assure rsacs its easy to placean Exam iner lVantAd Simplyiphooc PA szotohand alriendly traitor will assist you with the wording at your advertisemen ratuses ass is oil Juuaiila ifil pri it it was in who agenda for Ma iogbut the warden and Mr Gillespie had leithei it come up lor discussion photostat copy Zol tor had heenreceivcd to county clerk only doyror two yo one banrdmcetlng on May ltand it has since been carefully discussed because the position to tilt anioo she months to one icoveol absence lor lho pioyce oraucvnurucs roan PARKING cloau GARRIC natasntlsrs earnest so Maeieave Fathers are easily spottedin ear pharmacy We can see are love in their eyesdwhen they pur chaseperlume ion their beloved wlv tlce their prodiawhen theyseenre We no eir sons lirstishaving equipment Andwe observe the

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