Indil one removes Buildings NW one rm may he limit Pro Ontario rmatlon on conditions oi sai details at buildinogl and tender iorms are be tlined ironinir Superin tcndent Wasagshssch Pro vincial Perth phons Wassgs Beachs or the District For estcr Maple Ontario phone 2061171 or AL 73241 Term Cash The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted LEMAN District Forester Dept oi Lands and Forests an smear our TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FORHUVNLISTEDV miloeast oi Highth 50 NUMBERS sonnet anonins New Phone Number PA 6186 lIwy11$outh $428 l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTON SALE Mo ll At last Concession Dro Township on Highway 11 hail way between Barrie and Crown Hill oi high class iann nasal lncry bay registered Hol stein cattle show equipment milking equipment andsome household effects Terais cash No reserve as term is sold COUGHLIN auctioneer tEGAL WM HINTON BA Banister Solicitor and Notary lubilc 135 Owen Si Corner Collier and Owen BOYS SIEAGRAM 8e ROWE PA 61889 Barrllters Solisltonx Notaries Public conveyancm eta Branch oiltce Hmvsls Dot allies l3 Owen Stu Sani PA mu downed Cordon leskgy condos suoo EAMlEKERS common norsarra PUBLIC ECONDER as succ as unto St East sedan OWANS COWAN asanrsrane nose on AN 53 COLLIERWST as use LIVINGSTON MYERS iL cocxauan Barristers and Solicitors it Coltlsrstr Barrinfh PA M400 wagon Mooney laaaaisuaa seducrron the Sssrnmlqti hangar of Plano Slams Musie rnwtnmwmgm rmnwrtmwwrgnvsr is going al out to In new oi aviation Viies the public ltociicitiie air base saturdeyt National Air Force Day not with the theme the RCA yes and today was yells at prmï¬mie lhuroday Every RC mmdetii present display their past and present since was formed in im its Avcno Alas AUCTION SALE Saturday June 16th 230 mL ltegisi Holstein Cattle class iarm machineryhtooll household lumlture ctc ior GEORGEMILES Lot it Gone AlbionTwpl one nortboi Bolton one snoonson esownsn ano conwna Auctions AUCTION SALE govenane ialledio win any converts the idea that Brit uln should seek Elect in th peanEceno nltycomrnoa1y down the The Labor partymana Its position otrreiusing to come p9 out elthcr ior or against join tho broadontlines oi lhej antiComma Ma teers in both parties remained unl Wednesday Evening June 13 630 pm sharp DST at the BARRIE FAIR BARNS Auction sale of good household furniture electrical appliances hoatend motor extra motor tools and many outer articles owners are leaving thecounlry JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer AUCTION SALE Wednesday June 20 pm sharp Auction sale at high at as household furniture kite en ware and equipment garden tools many antique articles ior the estate of MABlHAll ATKINSON 50 Blake Street Sale being held at THE EMBASSY an BLAKE sr saaam AndersonPlo an and Col Auctonecrs bonesr rin Harbour mm Ehnvaie paorasnonanioiaacronvi it accounmnrs HARRIS NEEDHAM gt WRIGHT cartillcd Public Accountant Toronto and Bernie Barrie Oirtce Wilson Bldg Fred Grant Street PHONEPA 3397 In NaarlhlmOPA Undertaill CPA Resident Partners R9531 HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee in bankruptcy Samuel Rose BA bone PA 84949 Musiciessons JE screamed wees Put rvthe Conservatory All mdsr Ind AMT lttodemmethodax studio 17 landlord 5L PA 119 cinnamon achieve reconciliation ol the agreement servictnte moved bytho assurances and expositions given by Lgovemi mcnt leaders Their campaign to expected tobecomemore in lease in the coming the letter that Lord Terms cash No reserve as the do not behave is beyond the bounds of mankind to two concepts 01 our Common wealth and Europatogelhel he said AFFECTS MILLIONS fiVo are dealing not with small question or big ques tion oi tarliis but with iunda mental human values because they sticcttha iuture oi mil lions of people inVEurope in the Commonwealth and right across Vthewotld and that is versity students tried agai to day to march on the bassy to demand soldiers be tried in South Korean courts ior oliduty offences South Korean military police with fixed hayonete charged the 1000 demonstrators massed 9n the Seoul National Univer sity campus and kept most of them irombreaking out intothe streets The police didnot use their hayonets on theistudents lee were lreportle students were police sudrushed strong police guard thrown around the iUS bassy compound about tbs miles from the university precautionary measure ltlwas the second demonstra tion this weekby thestudents demanding jurisdlctio The studentagitation starts with Ithe disclosure American lieutenants in South Korean ca ht intrring into their camp May 29 leasiooal 0MB AP Bosomy JnyneiMansiioid twisted own to hernlace brassiere no atriptéaaerjust on so she saidin night 521 Roman partying that ended early today Stripteasc by Mens tield handlined Romes 11 iFwiï¬io atï¬ptease just happened to be wearing very loose iitiingd as Out spartv lament she and husband Mickey Hargi ï¬rst twentto movie studlo party thenpto home night club Athoth aces the blond actress here in in Voli her shoulders leaving foniy blackand rose lace bra above the waist taken in by societies that ated as a3aursery Police and ouse inuud childrensun erwear agona clothcslincs over teredan flithyh in yard met memberod Lothringer 41 disappear rhealth oiiicials enInrcvvpva mporison dominate speéch gt hou reception honoring Trad Minister Luigi Preti visiting an Italian indu trial exhibition in Moscow Dont beiive your can trig tan us1 Khrushchev sal ina favorite gesture The Common Market Is the usual bogeymnu but it win 3115an pearrlike smoke Khrushchev indicated that th Common Market nations could ionn more natural trade ul llnuce with the Communist bloc because we can give you raw materials and youscan give us industrial equipment lie saidtbc present Common Market tleup was like mar rings between melanoma the Common Market nations were all highly industrialized andwaatd seilbutnot buy alarm spreadto Canada and Mexicoin alsearchior New York physician aiter the dis body or girl was found in 01 lhe ctimideutllled aeVBars inlmeoto lbhadflhecn by scalpel and pngver or Thamissipg man Hange5 as Sdnddyflsome hours atter he girlwss broughttohis cities by her moths Wlthh xhnm Mrdnd Mrs iJumlnickIai deeper in un subjectbccouse hero with us those ihlngs are punished by law Prcii replied that the Com mun Mnrkatflisunot dircctcd againsijthc Soviet Union and wlIIhuve no ciiect on soviet lretl sugg red thatKhrush chev slop arguing about the Common Market and talk about personal contacts with th chieisot stnte These are not always posi tive Khrushchev said and went on to admit ior the first time that he never cxpccted anythingio came at the 1560 Paris summit centerence which he iorpedocd iknew in advance was useless but went anywayt convrncethoseo ers Carila onetime arme hotesa and the doctors receptionist girl friend who also is aliasing rtments of Canada andliiexxc are onthe lookout for Lothringen The Lothringer familythe elderLothring is retired physicianhas nt ingIodge she 60 milesnorth at Montreal Polioesaid siss ter notiurther dentiiied was thought to he inMexico City Cuhan he Nation Airlines ru was Iiavana Since no diplom relations exist between the US nd Cas tros Cubaanylnqui swould haveZia be madehy thastaie department thmugh the Swiss Embassy in Havana The deadrgirl was oph more at the College of New chelle She residedatPa with her parents meeting by reiustng to apol ne agunaswsswnmmwmmrm sd told repo before themeetingihere Ivory goodchan the lead err tho throesiectionrvwe roach corn by he am be ion the conservation oiwild liio including the hdld eagle vwhichhei called the national syniboi oi holworldsgroat at nation Vi lrephoioi psd tenement cub end the rest iniongierm insist meat An ulatos thatat least to per cent at the total proceeds mustbe reinvested in new Blulllan in dustry ihe Brazilian embassy made known titsdeialis lhurm the law says the value at th expropriated utilities isio be arrivedat bytmutual agree mentf betweendbe utilities varazlliangovemi lhe arenas annual headed by PresidentJoao Gout art has been considering expro at Presi prietion oi lioreignowned inure ante teiephone and rutili dent Eisenhower wreckedthe ogise ior iiot Francis ary Powers spyï¬ight over thaSo vlet ilnlon earlier that year NEPEATS OLD liOPE Khmshdiov also repeated his old hopevof ltaiy beconiing neutral nation Wouldnt it be wonderful it Italian Communist Paimiro Togllattl prime minister he asked Thcn ltaiy wouldnlonvo NATO and iolinw at nedtralist policy One Christian Democrat mem ber oi as visiting ltallan Parlia mentary delegation oci replicd uld take Italy out or Ti ad join the Warsaw ilcquit Firms Oi Charges ammonia sinThree major saltcompanies accused of scheming to rig prices oi rock salt were acquitted ihurs day by icdcrallury NTho panel which deliberated nearly seven hours cleared Morton Salt Company Chicago internationals Salt Company Clarks Summit Pa and Die mond Crysta Clair Mich The government had accused them oi conspiring toiixiprloes on rocksait during aiiveyear period in violationoi the Sher man AntiTrust ActCoavlc could have meant ilnes otup 350900 radger today pulled the era shipv South America from saridhanlt In the Iowsrjt Clair Rlvsrwhere itrsn aground in fog on WednesdaywIth zoo Michigan businessmen aboard m1£UBColStGtiMd re the ship nowis on way up the river to Lake it ran embers of nosng and Pontiac Chambers at Commerce were taken ashore by terry They returned home tram theiri urday TAKE STAND FOR TOMORROW Elect fannalr banana SIMCOE NORTH NEEDS THIS YOUNi MAN or ACTION PUBLISHED av soars SlMCOE Lasagna assootarton CARRIER Miss You it your center has not arrlv PA 182433 villi Be delivered lo Your Home manta The father is eli do acist ERVlCE