Ilf Wthrwwymwtwn mmmovm will Wriehthendero MW elk lenlte gt Cleveieadxin ens eatnlll erds twohitteryreshuffied ibsttop etthe standings The tsrnnrujourrrve nikowskl held the and rate six hile Five of them in Kansas Citys two econ inninge Bonikowskl etrucit at live msnead did not allow walk winning hlsttith game against four losses this sensor scored ones In the first inning groveia two runs with dou Rodgers stews nor Lowcnlcaoocubs MittE mount eted Press Sports Writer lltodgers traded for manager and repeddIed beioro heart to play game with his newmatos may have seevd his latest lob with sudden dis riay oi power for Chicago Cubs the Nellenglleagues The ehortsio hit bases ioadedslagio in threenra fourth inning then tagged homer in the sixth frame rfor the deciding run as the Cubs edged the leagueleading San Francisco Giants in Thursday ledger11 Bahamaebara cricket player originally came up with the Giants tailed to make it as their shortstop and wound up in trade that moved iAl Dark from Milwaukee Brevee to become San Fraa elsco manager Rodgers didnt ieyra game for the Braves he oroihe was shipped to Chicago Hitting only owl and fielding his pen tenets manner Rodgers might thevebeen on the bench it Alex Grommet acquired in trade two days ago had reported to the Cubs Grammas was mine iagat game time MISS nmnrseor The secondplace Los Angeles Dodgers lost an opportunity to take oval iirst spot They were Jealous2 by Pittsburgh Pi rateswhen Dick Stuart hit tell Mr is Athletics yltthiulof keyhlttinsot kept their holdup =tirst it when they broke 11 tie by noting three times in the tint and doubled home Minne tion in iessthanade ri header let own motion ll tn died in son tor New loser Jitherry stayed at in until got some insurencerla sight when they picked up three rune onlthroe hits walk unierror fly fteipb ierry iirede tornth terfor the limit Wednesday when they won and broilers deter the league lead with the iodine ihe Red Soxaipped he ltg are on an eighthviani run produced on Bob Tillman tri in end ringiejbyCetroll ordy Before that it had been in home run dueiwithpitcher Earl Wilson and Gery Geiger connecting for Boston eod itucky Celevito and Jake Wood for Detroit Arnold Eeriey was the winning pitcher dv Ron Kline the loseru Al Smithwepermlthe twirl Sort over ge two hits in live tries theret erea outlieider alerted oil the big second inning with single and drove in runs Ifrr nndsev with another hit threenm homer ii the oi the niathinntngnithe setback kept the Dodgers hall game back of the Giants St Louis Cardinals won their third straight game after rasp ping an eight algemo losing streak by boiling Cincinnati Reds on and ustnn Colts cnma from behin rte edge Mil waukee and Warren Spnha 32 New York Mets and Philadel phia Philiien were not sched uled for action iv Rodgersheroioe tagged left hander Billy Fierce with his first defeat aftet eight victor rs Singles by Bill Williams and Ernie Banksiewallr to Lou Brockand singles by El Tappe land Rodgers encounted for three Chicago runs in the fourth inning beforallndgere took care of the final tally Don Cardweil Ml who scattered nix hits went the route orthe victory although he go up ninth Innlag homer tn Felipe Aiou TAKE EARLY LEAD The Dodgers gave Johnny Padres no leedoa Willie Day vla homer with men on in hitting Kentucky pro solved the trickygreene the Leeward coureeto take the ilrstretadrleedrwlth seesu lie was one stroke vshead of Gene Littler who is tuning up WW WWTWWWWWVFEWM wmmm here toldetead his 118 0m championle at Oakmoat next week and Earls toyeerold el ï¬airner winner oi six tourna meat this year was back in the ruck at more over per lie was etlll feeling the ettecier ot cold that hssyboth dilim for more than week Fred Hawkins and vs ltd lln hedtasend eixcplayere had us among thorn Nicklaus who said he was he with his score because he its Fitted sloppy golf en desert9d about 73 Alter today second round gnmewinner Eirny Panelist ï¬lcfked up the triumph in re Backed by an lahithardlnal alrbciryiiirnle Eroglio ti2 re corded his first complete game of the season with aeevanhit ter that checked the Reds Juiian Javier and Julio Go tay had three hitsotfllm OToole and hiesuccesv rora with Javier tripling ism lay doubling and BillWhite homarlng la iivenmltnarth inning iv ihavitraves moved ahead 21 in the tifth inning on Ed Mattr ews runproducing single and Spnhn seemed in complete eony trol although he had given up RomnnMetiaa home titeflret trame But singles ton Norm Lerker MerrittRa new and Billy Goodman gave the Colts two runs in the last theCoitelwe runs in the last of the niathand left Spahn with the loss Former Brave Don McMahon 21 won in relief the thirdlnnlng The stylish southpaw had four ehutout until the ainihfreme whcag Dick Great and Roberto ole mente hitconeeeutive singlet lending oil the inning That ehaeethodres and brought on Larry SherryY whose second pitchiwas hit bystuart for the ho started Another but and wune made the final retro Doug Senders adChendler sear armingamt mystique floor trotooo ieet dun The big four Herper ehot holeeinoae sen ders on the Wye ï¬eldingol Toronto unto71 and Al Johns oi Montreal 42 AP fending rehampioa Erezll and Chlieetandin the way of Eu ropean team winning ii sworldr soccer ehampi South American Thechemplonrhlp previously has been decided twicoln South America with Uruguay winning both timesat home in tone and intlrazil in 1959 Brazils fenm is the only South Aniericaneiub to captuie th lulee Rimet Trophy in Eu Brautl defeated Sweden In the 1958 finale in StocirhnltrrA ï¬rm ilret andsecond finishers in each of thefourprailminary groups made the quartergiinnisv to he played Sunday Apart from Brad and Chile all wete from Europe England and Yugoslavia were the last to quality for the quar letfinale following Thursdays matchesr England playedvle tcoreiess tie with But rla an Yugoslavia bent Colombia 54 Intite quarterfinals the So viet UnionvplnyajChiie Germany pi Yugoslavi Brazil plays England eadliun gory plays Czechoslovakia England produced some lines play in defeating Argentina in in group play in Rencague here at Pirnlico May In ta K0 Powersvlmydtidge and Louis Woltsoae David Decldediybreirethej urdtlii Downstrackrecord in artist the Kentuckyzmrhy live lweeke ago but ran poorly in the Greek Money jnosedr out Kilian Crimson Satan who was voted the best twoyeeroid Btthuvfalled badly in theeer er classiceithls year finished first Derb tANtittne Mu 41x venoovnn MAHQGANY 60 ran pinching tsetse grade tl li ii it rwwrï¬mwwmnmngwt mam prommwrmvna ey buccnn rs Ancien Marine BlackLnbel brings ever til it TE Shop and Save at Bertram iBrothern where top quality andvlow prices it gt hands queiity building meterle and 1sz nme EATHING earns 7500 ram Brothers areguaranteed tona Columbine Shameoi if The Leading Suns in run cmentew Panes Columbue dots are the de iending international League champions and thoyrpiayad that way Thursday night1nthe pro cess theyribumitiated the league lending Jacksonville Suns Jets who have been in lestplace most=ot this season exploded with power as they Watioped Senatet at Columbus Itwesrthe woret dcteat ta sonville has suffered this sea emee Toronto Magic beats scored three times faitBlItml Rochester Bed defeated Syracuse Citiefs it 16 am Atlanta Crackers Behmend Virgini lheylscored twice in the added their final run eeighth ihe Suneplone in the first inning poeu was hatdndrsonviiehsadtordy we pitchers Starter Art Cec t4 enrolli gave way WVieDnval 1110 in the fourth rDavallllo had in centre laid with than ninth inning to edge But fourth vie ry over Buffalo dohnsoa slammed basenloaded doublein the ninth to sooreLtwo rtuts Eisons had taken artl ieed inthe fourth inning Three ofptha runs scoredon two homers by John Herrnetaia fluss Heman cherwas oredltedwith the vi hitgaa sigh homrunforrflh llllhlhailder an Sedow who had averaging more their eight are gameprior to llt in ad nighta contast pitched yetxrhitte Crackers to struck out tiveae heporled his againstiive losses Cree ere went ahead on in the fireti inningr They added two more was in the third and then hadï¬threerun innings in the fifth and ninth single sacrifice anda two hnsa throwing error by Bud Zipfel avedv the way for has cheaters winning run against Red Wing run cross when he was caliedlon halksv Powelltpitohed onit eighth inninghut it cost him his thirdlos Hahnstwo wi sonveupplledth big ove Louis the Syrnetlne Loterpttcher Grover Powell to cart the seventh Red jLookrersronte moo Hewett EXPE Isethctzrrtter Hes auror ohun enurertou