tea sponsoredhy the St Maryis Catholie women us weeheld at the heme sFrank Hargreaves BEETON 81 WRIGHT Mra rewetar Toronto fyvisited Mr and Mrs Milton Reynolds Saturday Mm Choste Toronto fled herbrother Charles mell during the weeke Mr andMrs viiarry Camplln spent the pest week with reis tlvee tn Collingwood and Mrs Renter called on friends in town Monday Mrend Mrs Cranston spent the weekend at their cot tage 1n the Braeebrldne area Mr andMrs Elgln Blakeiy Alliston were guests of Mr and Mrs Bruce Gould Sunda tï¬tter Willie spentFri dayin1oronto MRS JOHN RAE Mrp Rae died suddenly Sr Amelia Street eaterday niternoon Thesale oi handi work displayedhy the Slater included smocked dresses fancy aprons crocheted doli tee and lmitted articles Shown visited relatives in shower was held tn the Llsk nint eammunlty hall Friday evening rled Doyles hrtdreatravprovlded June in honor Mrand music for dancing Tuesday May 29 in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alllaton Mrs Ree was resident at Beeton or eeversl yearsher husband John Rae died in 1952 They were iormer resid ents of Arthur Early Co water and AHlstnn before ing to Beeton Funeral service ae held Thursdath the Aud erron Funeral Home Tatten onmme entrantt1 qld mrsrtle hire Cecll Sheardewn Plans or cleaning the hali were can There ere seVen swell wins in tailed president in lane of Queen and petluck lunch was served the Howell Was front the lait Donov ire Erank Ha hostess and Mrs Brennan convener the tea Lar elec ut unable wssvaledthal the wt tithe grnde eight gar school with the gpth samuae slvent Schooi Fair prlze list it wasqdeelded to sen $510 th Retarded Chlldrenav Mancin nd $5 to the Salvation Hus won by Mrs Howell There was an tlon sale otplants andtrulbs which netted proilt $320 The June meeting wltl he held at the home of MrsuGor ed atMlitpnaonneys fonSaturdny AtomsWT COME IN AND PICK UP YOUR FREE ENTRY WITHOUT DELAY ham Interment was in Laurel Hill Cemateryh Bolton Sym pathy of many friends is are tended to her tandiy and rela tives in their bereavement Mrsu Aivln lthompsen and daughters Viiarrle spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ce Ferrier large number from twin and vicinity attended the of Mrs Donald Swindiey Taro home during the weekend Mr and Mrs CuFerrier vls lted relativeslin BarrlenMon da evening and Mrs Gray and tnrnllynnd Mrs Jnrdlne visited relatives in Stayner Sunday Held 67 lbs FrozendFae eAUToMArIC nernosr SECTION ULL ncu FT sroaaee uaNeurroneELAIN enlspen mangle noon leetlng emitter God em 1141111 191298 imty Polka dot pattern mo bolder design and My 1305 PM WM no isdollud mam utue orno ironies MW ed Blue sandman smut Medium large Buy never at or mawhtdg News wnnsrnmurngiy row prioel