gt flhe Barrie Recreation Com mittee at itameeting last night at City Hall denlt hrleilywlth the report In Tuesdays Exam iner that special committee oil Cmnty rCouncii proposed eutthrg oii recreation tiervices to the City at Bartle 11he local recreation bodysuit they wercnotin position to communion the report as they had not received any direct communication tromthe county otherxlran letter iromthélr director thankingihe city for iisvpeyrnentzoi 9650 ih payment which the re Si by the county wasin ended to cover the costs at Barrie citi eens participating in projects organised by th members were however concerned about the not that number other this rte residents had tak the re port to meanthata ummer recreation program would not be operated in barrio this sum mer bass PROGRAM RonaIdMossop mmer rac reailon director said last night mcoe County Scholarships rPreSented To Districtiupiis winners at the toe Simcoe County Scholarships and Jetterys Memorial Awards afwere presented with their prise gt as today in the county council Barrie the presentations formed colorful part or the councils session with Warden Mc Donald council members and otiicials and many interested parents and other spectators in attendance the awards tor group one which lsymade up oigrade eight contestants tram county schools with not more than three teachers and for group two whichis made up con testants irom larger schools laxceptthnse in Barrie were presented by Warden McDonald through Councillor Albert Cal vert chairman of the education committee The money for these awards is provided by county council The awards for group three which is composed oi contest Ints from public andsoparatei schools of Barrie were pres ented by yor Coolie repres entingitha Barrie council which provides there prizes Jrnfreys Memorial Arcards which are rcvided by Ralph Snelgrova and the llurenia mstorle Sites and Tourist As soclation Ire presented by Mrr Sneig who also pra rented the Jetterys Memorial Tropht whichhe provided WINNERS in Ruth McPherson Gil Sampson Danna Walton Essa KathytStrlegl No It Wardenaar No 15 Ore Paula Miller Wasaga Beach Linda Mills No 20A Nottawaaaga Group Fred yeehema Shanty Bay Marg SandallF Campbell School Camp hor den Elizabeth Shiiton Allisi SharonSmlth Senior ch Coliingwood Alan gSmlth Dunn Schoo Camp Borden Larry Couse Cooks town Barbara Scirool Oriliia Group Timothy Hicks Johnson St Barr =Anlta Johnston Johnson 32 Barrie Jodnneï¬arveyt Stiriohn Vi chm surrey Farris Barry Turnouii St Marys Barrier Patricia Davies OakleyParlr arrie and prize irorn Mrs Nottawaeega Sislre the protect attracted so much Interest that the county mull cll voted to continue it andvii has become an annual sature believed to be unique in the province From 1943 to 1949 nclusiva the merits byetu dentson the Department of Educations high school one trance eliamlnotions and special test or knowledge at Simcoe Countys historical and geographloai ieatures formed the basis oi selection wl ners since 114$th ycar inwhlch the entrance examinations were abolished the choosing oi various suitable tests has been responsibility ot the county elementary school and administered the examin COOKSTOWN Inman bamoarsrrnp av FIRE cali was received by the viire department at 345 pm Sunday from Bart Coleman that rebuilding on Queen Stre at was on lire This hadhb en known as the Jehbgarage but was now owned by Jonesloronlo flhare was quantity of usediumber stoned in the building and along with grease and oiltrom years at garage work the Mummy biasing inferno in nvery short time Chiei Broliey claims thiswas one at the hottest tires the department has had to hattle rite wishes meat Thornton iirv artment or use at theirtnnir Frank to thank Cookstown fl Webh ior his time and use of his water ianlr tru ckladles who provided food and coiiee and allwho helped in other ways This building was one of the oldest on themsin street For number at years it had be en used as an implement shop tea of yet will be pro Nilflwm it rovlde games sitanndiaports at local parks tor belt or each day oi the day being devoted to swimming strueiinnv atlohn sonBeac Kinsmens Pond imming pool number at new ideas are being incorporated into the parks program Ihls yearinciud in whom goiivtraining and seasonsend variety about Registration for both wim mlng amiltarlrs will be unduly at city parka All school age titteen are eligible laughter ion the parks programand the ages for swimmingaree to ill An information sheet containing details pertaining to both pro grams will be sent home wtth students beiorethe nd the school term Echo Frur Farm $555 SW¢nt°anv$irfl5 Wats speetors whohnve supervised tord $450 gt ooksiown agrant otttstor the Wasaga BeachVillagecouncfl last night reviewed applications forbuilding pemrits and Easter fused lllcences Council approv ed licences tnr Braemor board ing house Rivercreet restaur and Iusselis Curb Serv gt approved pur chaseoi tire ghting equipment to tha value oistm As result report brought in by Jack Timlock councildeclded toimprot1e docking iacllities at the end Forth letter hamstantlesa ing that he be permitted to buy portion of Wesaga Ave was read icon Blanchard town cigrkï¬ said nothing could be done until negotl close the street arecnmpleted ah pressure has moved into Oh giving sunny days and col nights Tlmagami one Win sor tendon Harniltonftorou North db rarusyrrun pen he se labor short summervwith thentherhalt and that th children upi to and Including Cohncii also voted to give stions since ihe inception at tha plan tomb Whiie recovering trons heart attacis saliered lastSunday Williams as comedy hero of Six transient traders werere grand tor of County court stat Slmcoe tdano shouidbe pa should be According to the jury spection revealed that painting should bed that stepsnhe reality thiseituation superintendent oi the dmuehoithe her At Gaorgisn panor eiury found premise be in excel ent condition the iitslde In Del ggrplpar Rand rCon Ball see sacrum Lao Other establishments inspect mm cd by the grand jury includ thtIcourt house library county buildingjall nd the Manors DEATHS CornwallAlbeit Lavlgne or Liberal candidate ior Stormont in the June iii federal election HoliywoodGutnn iBlg Boll hundreds oi western movies polo playing pal or the late Will ogors star oi late in the Alamo and Comancheroa with John Wayne in hospital after serieaoi operations Guelph Herbert Grime dlclr to former manager of the new deiunct Bell Piano andv0r garr Company of Guelph nd London Euliiun strtaia up nowJoNas New no DIVIDKNIJh industries tlc evenness us on on Utilities down ss sion to the comet was ducted hyuthe Righ it Hunt Suitragan gym iorontofassisted by markson the Simcoe County HUWflfdrDQEWDiDCWfl geographical sand historical CB lt0f2Beet bio oi the examinations toAnlia John of handsome can crafted of ï¬ne leathers trntin pnlyorro of theme aiiab Ethera Day in Peter Certiï¬cate ceet way to EN Trenton Klilaloe