shl never stopped turn rid of him forthe sum vlesa bisheart is all atlutter out as luckgwouldihav it no didnt sell The horse is still airman ag seheduledtor tawarJuna So NHL clubs are reported to haVa that the cvyivafrzfyï¬l Sunshine has developed into ne Jumper fact Miss Barbara Lloyd wellknown in riding circles and an excellent trainer of horses claims Sunshine the best horse with with shes ever worked an train tit sec EsampleAtter not three weeksof train pring Sunshineywl Miss Lloxyld aboard place at the TorontoEgllngton untClub show Sat ur ay Sunshine best more than25 of the best horse lathe province He lost on the fourth jumpoft Example Lloyd has already been offered abou abntimes what he paid for Sunshine Horsemen and flvvomen around theprovlnce are taking more tha casual notice Theyre interested But Lloyd no longer wants to sell What starte outas problem story has already developedlnt Wonderful tale Sunshine is entered in comnetitms almost every Saturda through the summer All com etltlons are of the ghest calibreeroyo ararrs WWW oyd agree that thisls the only true way to assess my mum to lend Barrie Coops ton 50 ndustrt Solthall League vic cry ltusse was in command oil the we not allowing more thnoone hit in any frame madeï¬ouicldy andship penscthantrom Western Can ada They also saythet the con ppo collected six hits tour in mm EM ch gt that two lramcs in Which they scored five times pimping ti and ark Torirorrow at the snma park Smiths Dairy plays Lakevlew Larkspur 1833 Derby ee How longwlil Sunshine compete Until he falters or suffers serious setback says Lloyd Lloyd has no visions of grandeur but revels in the praise heaped on his horse Its been suggested that Sunshine could de velop into an olympio competitor Lloyds not sure butthls talk has made him even more crazyahout interested in aveoaching join is atnongthrea leadingflcandld Gav plat etesfrthspostWith eltau led Hardcore bases the horse The big happy fellow who curlsï¬vvithkeckless abandon haaalways been known as against men so clally or otherwise But Sunshinehas brightened his llle considerably Theyllundoubtedly live happily ever after litter Illnprecede aynmrv canvas 1rvlnfSpencerfromIe York when he as dropped tronthe Rangers to make oomt linoland YugoSIavraFav0red Gain Soccer Playoll Bertha enhance or England and Yugoslavlaare favored to day to capture the two remain inglaruartertlnai berths In the or under 85 Eng and can make the June Ill quarterï¬nals with only tie against winiess Bulgaria this stternoon in group tour play at lineages wldtaan upset by the WW tit 5P an four rgrollp leaders on in the round of eight to Argen use old the other key game Yugo slhvia will take on Colombia in group one at Arica needing oily draw to advance lornhia pull an upset get 1schools in the quarter Rusaia West Germany Chile Brazll Czechoslovakia and Hungary alreadyhave clinched qnarter finai berths Russia Mining Magneto Seeks Plate Win honouro calginning magnate lirir Boylen has the true prospectors philosophy The next claim thenext hale drilled may eveal the not at gold caching for anotherplsteeu in thetotird running of the Qir its Plate with King Germ $75000 classic foricaha dianbred threeyearhldsw will bé raced with the QueenMother looking on mm the royal box swank 315000000 Wood track onJaturdey June 16 Fiestatime is 504 pm More experts tiger Eoylen cansrike it rich ribKihg Germ an expensive colt who had Aan inconspicuous seasonal the races in 1861 This year the colt pod rapldb and tta ilke ll rtvflrst onsecond ch in North Americas old Inuously run stakes om LB len proprietor oi the Lanson Farms in eubur bin Melton bought King Germ Odoht the 1960 vote uh shaimr times Ina soccer championships way in four Chilean citt hould would zerlarrd ltaly Mexioo Sp met secs half with his enalyed the West inalled down first place in group one with 21 victory over Urn gusy Wednesday West Ger many won first place ingroup two at Sahtiagoby blanking Chile 7A Brazil moved tothe load in group threeat Vina Del Mar with ztdecision against Spain and Hungary clinched first in Group Four playing scorelesstie wth rgenttna cons access our ished the first three rounds with records of two victories and one tieior five points Czechoslo vaki whichmeets Mexico to day lready is assured of sec ond place in group three with victory and tie in its two games while Chile tookseconti in group two by winningtwo and losing one The top two in each group are the Quarter Valists tn the only quarterfinal pair ing determined so iar1tussia will meet Chile at Aries Other matches will he Hunï¬ttrt vs Czechoslovakia or Brazil at Hancagua West Germany vs Yugoslavia or Colombia at San tiago and Brazil or Czechoslo vakia vs England or Argentina at Vina Del Mar Eliminated from the champ ionslrlps Wednede were Vulgarlaand Uruguay in the game With Russ Uruguay was handicapped by an injury to defender Eliseo Ala the early stagesnlhe leg heavily bandaged and was little more ngerï¬ on the wing handicap Uruguay managed to tie the gameafter 53gtminutes inarildo got the twoygoalsthat gave the defend lng champion Brazilian their wrn over Spain Goals by insiderightï¬zyman task and centreforward Seeler bred King ute and wesvdestroyed Several rid or at including Carr who is stable jockey for the Que utter sacs Arcor 40 to and Suzy Volterras Le Cantllleri to six riderless horses galloped slowly down the stretch Fallersbeside King Candie were Plndaric Gha mglimqs Romulus Persian atria Ciossen nnd llet set horse ch English fans stalled choice CANADIAN HORSE SIXTH Prince dA Canadas hope finished respectable sixth in the ï¬eld of 76 alter rac Ing prominentlyeil the way in thisstorial 112 is race for three yearaids to dAmour Australian jockey non passedup the mount on Larkspur to ride its stable mate Sebring fellow Austra lian Nevill Sell onwLariis inning own its all New York ankeflhu the herb Guest star poloplayer in his youth cousin of Sir Winston Church Tslti sTéeved crowd to the Downs for arace wdvaas up Neinork May 12 metastasis league lh victory was he doph as tireuyrisiatl gIltlds including four from Marianne Lentsr Bonnie Bailey rrnan and herself evening at Queens Park illcrest Monarchs play Varcoe Willows yrnghssociatiens May rankings nounced day nightiie was honored to his successful defence against Doug Jonesoi Johnston Was selected over Eder flotre of Brazil made billed as the mostopen in years John Watts clcrk or the course estimated thepattend ance at about 400000 annals MISSES nirch One absentee was the Queen suffering from lh the onlvone of ioclreys who could eal was ranked the No it contender in the heavyweight divisio ing upjfrom his April theprrce of gasollne be warning rnuwspaper ofMay ill two goalies maltlng them im it hit Boston Brulns and Detroit Godfrey from Detroit and Jean Guy Gendron forward Who has shuffled around lhelast in seasons among bailout Mo tree and New York in post dratt deal they also acquired goalie Boblerrcault from Hersheyhears ot the american Hockey League in ex change forgoalie Ed Chadwick and delenceman Bob Ashbee plus the=loan=tothe Brone Hamill from Chicago tea players plu protectqu list of la Red Wings the havenets who missed the St lay Johnson tripled and Neil Ch ley singled for 26 ie Kazanskls homer in th scoring Pena meanwhile and two batters in five runner to stretcbghls consecutivegem shear hols Johnny ZGabler was Ohnatead deteneatnlsn Warren Plat Len Gabr lson singled and enth wound up the Maple Leat struclr out the side in that urth trng singled in the lnnlng and left unclaimefi were Bostons chk Meirsner and Jerry Toppaulni Vle Stsl lctsauaoiusro AND gorsloe shrrssacrrorv thin ttvo gamesht the lac Bisons in IL time league leadrng Jacksonville opened laysgarneï¬edge oyer Buffalo heating Columhus Syracuse whipped Rochester ianta aner WITH rises New sHukoAI New Shupcahr Silebsrnstartcr has been developedbv shluGItll Nutritionist tnget than newly Fill on to futt feed soonerwith no urchd