reï¬llah oi suns entree Club Ctrhostess was Missblew Hebermtl sun mouaouonom Aiilm Psshamsw was shown as won the draw for travel has and hllssjlrbam Goodwin was ol the an prise Gas 3qu Thanhs momma gas held stifle 10mm lIlll Unitedchurch with witev It Norman oliidallng Among grandpare ï¬rst and assets of the baby do chad Mrs William flflshof Va Mrs William amt rillia Mrs no clteownet Vesey MrsJohn Campbell ofCsvwn Hill and Mr and hissFrenk Fisher oi meltdown Outgltown eats wers Mles hubrel oi Illlisdal Gamotdristhd Owen Bmilhsm oi Vss Mnrcis thappell oi Er dale Mise Sylvie Chappell assisted her mother sehostess gnmrro ampmen Mr and Mrs Mac ADonald and Miss Diane Mas ISonald Blake Street werein Toronto to attend the gradua tion ceremonies lorths Ontario Society Badiologicdleehnlm inns Cenhalseolion Class 61 The exercises were held at St hs Hospital Miss Jan graduate of re soulo General Hospital roost lire moo1er ieltllrivwartertslned aveningiorher one died his Donnnlruenssn Leda Keynes Sharonlt lJoanpegliobylr Harry Exnll tarry illiLlNG ASSOCIATION Mrs Jack Corby North Park Road attended the executive and general moo oi the Ladlcs Ontario Corns As societies held at theiltoysl Cenadlen Curling Club ibronto Monday and Tuesday Mrs Gorilry district representative we as ury ibronta Other llsrrle resi dentsalteodinntbe lrresosy Mrs Adams Mrs Barristers ldeson and Mrs Peacock MARK BIRTHDAY lne WomensAuxlllary tn the Kiwanis club of Barrie celebrated its llthblrthday re cently at dinner party held at Blrahmere Hotel Orlllle The mgram tools the tom of an orrnnl Games mghtf with Mrs JeannetteEdmunds and her Speoiel0cosslons committee looking alter the es rsngamenis nNvonMENr has beenï¬anuouneed oi Miss Shar on Annhlliieliirenddnughter oi Mr and Mrs Wilbur Reid Bloke Street to Richard Eu gene Pugh so ol Mr and Mrs Horace Pugh Cam Bor sflmu tflngi are or the 230 13 dd May 12 pathogenms At Colliersunited Collier Street United church wins adorned with baskets to pn endleiight cere many was personnedhynev Skelly April 21 flhe hrldels the daughterof Mr and Mrs Gilbert llaight Anten Mills The bridegroom Gordon Cowahy Thorntom Ian Perfect Lovesnd dels Weddlng Hymn accomp eluded by organist Lloyd Tull Given in marriage therthe bride wus gownedin traditional iloorllength dress or chantilly lnce Her gown are or pleatedgnet sud seslll oped lace addedjheck interest boytie skirt of the ins of silk illusion tulle lha bridal carried cascade bouquet at pink rle Height Mines was flower girl maidoi honor sndbrldes mai were owned alike in The flower girl wore deep Following the recessions the hrida was presented with flower woven horseshoe an Irish symbol oi good luck by her niece Miss Height are RDlJEX Park ofBeiinstIreland Gil bert HaightMlneslng and Ken Gordon rriesoted as ush ers ilre reception Was heldvln the church auditorium The brides mother frscslved wearing gown soliee silk inch with hat ndbelge acces corsags oi pink serum WdriMflTJ Finesse hal meetings dur ing Easter week end inmeny cases duringlioly weehthe psclrs and companies reopen JiliLw WillUJMNL activity lbera are so many things to unimaginabeiore semi11 flos ove he es in the prepsrlaoitons tor coolga day internallan fund protects banquets thdmummer camp alertx stereo GOOD runw Seventh Barrio Brownie Pack reports that an oiilelelr letter loll has been receivad irom the Qnterlo Hospital Orll lla for the Easter trey lovers sent to the young patients there This has become an annual goodturn ennd this year the rownies IupplledEsster stin wnses lilyouuaters cases we it not iorthis gesture the children would receive nolhln helpg merit this spedeldey we at the recipientsalao wrote to the brownies to tend their appreciation and is touching to realize what greetheppiness is created througlï¬such TEA AND BAIE SALE The girlguides at First Al lundalsCompany sponsored most successiul ten and balsa sale on April 28to assist in the internations iund drive novel and most interesting variation on the usual bake sale theme was an intercom pany baking competition It was quite evident that the girls had spent great deal at iimeandeflort on their tries andthe iudges iound most diitlcuit to make eds clsion The winners war MamBolts nie Lhusialr second rte his cults es Linda Garrison first My lites second loefElslna Smith first Linda Fitzsimons second The girlsaisg noon eajsnd operated ety table where they altered for sale suahnriieles as greet lug cardsnovelfles and the cookbook compiled by ih trifl SEANTY BAY DETRICI Your support is urged for them planned bythe girl guides and brownies otSbanit Many peoplerwhen they think of guiding arsinelinedto over emphaslze the hnlesllties and iorgetrthe cornerstone of thermovement the tloni of good citizens Never before has loyalty to every pa or adian lite an elfort to ndirnproveour existence tnprove ourselves worthy the name of Canadians by ing faithfulto all that is honest and worthwhile Although the lirstdutyfis to the immediate camunity his isth on six or 083 amenum ins wider application oi the famil lar guide laws Give girl thorough on do real rmdsrstandlng oi the law and shecannot help but be en looserms rerun and those adultsin unilorm have voluntarily chosen to snide ynlms people to realize tion of the ideals th miss and lows lay lorgettin ureaives and putungrlorth our best effort adult leaders can show the th the laws Beiause it ii fthe whom the girls will rem adml coomnnnv The annual Girl GaidaCoolde Day will be held this ye May This first week of May been designated by the Ontario Council as the oitlclal sale per ied throughout etha provln Your support is required to make it success FIRST ENRDLMENT rlirst Aleppo Bench Brownie Pack held its first enrolment sinceit was formed on April 30 promise as brownies were Nancyshephard Lydia Fagent ReheoceFegent Velma Moore Terry Marlatt lteb Sheryl Oaisiey Jaaln Colleen Gulmond Marjorie eves and Gwenyth Wilson guides irsln log or Ketnpeaieil Division andhdrs Deheld 01mm Tawny 0w tonne Barrie baklna can unrmamm was ihbrsmin Photo woman on and eopa trotslyle hairdo end the White Hnuse saysits no win The wile ol the presif dent showed uplor ihe annual lumen of the vggrlltete wives Red soldee hnngs across the front slead sheme small macho lbowgin ironit 80 KEYan hits Indatoa theeked spring week it lin ck hospltal space forces them trensler to nursing horn other resolutions asked Liquid detergents which could cause death it taken internally be labelled poison Public liability insuranc compulsory on all motor will afï¬rming goes Mgu evsseneeln speqflauon and dontletoth ere talk you into ammonium lines thems reot month July seplember late Novemberand teDeeern be resourceitll dependableand highlyprlnci Peter Pans own famouslleelgns nd wondrous gwayouperfecti ntro ed plegwill reside ratAn Quests attended thawedding from Belfast lrelandslDetrolt MiehiganuSerniap Whith to as FltlDAY ro