pairs should start answoring pars should start answering itsher at the Wlnnipeg Tribune idhionday He advocated the mont or publicrelations pro gram to keep the public in ed ha Waiiemv short sheoid azivcr tlse ourselves he said ifi eve been living on Cloud Nine in rareï¬ed atmosphere and it is time we eamedown to earth He told the triennial meeting of the Canadian meena Pres clhbmeneLth stepsmyth line are already occurring th9 Antertcanj Newspaper Publishers Association has set of an intorrnetton service and its Conadian cquntorpart has set up publicrelations corn mittee MrLMunmsamrime last year there have been an ex ceptional numberoi direct otr tanks on the pres byboth ia ï¬ned and unihi ed 5202 pie He described some at them 5nsgttjitlnlnouaty unfair and on MUST TAKE SERIOUSLY utznewspapors rowtat eunuch of the criticism seriousiyfl We shnuidtaka aionglhard Iooit ot our deï¬ciencies at ur iauits at our methods at our approach in the news at our editorial shimmy at our newts presentationat ourlstaii com position and deiemrin also if what we think areonr strengths have the muacieo these Critics hoirid that onreawnable and hid formed attacksnn the press are really attacks on their omii ertyi Freedom of the protein only an extensional the tndtv dunis ireedom oi expression shaoldfchnlienxe the critié ta Paid oi bettermicture dleptnyafhn int cite ehnptor and verse iar their oi talented eterab an dying oamnany one the titLhM mtey OMINION 1R0 aloorsrrRAoHNA