Mmmawmw WM 21551703Tflmyulmmflflwpmtmgi wmmmmaav inawmnnnnyou rouuny CHICKS °Y°RW wBAltREDltOCKSjg lilimhltniflm sunhm on or on moved as taoks repaired meet Over to yarsoi ml sonni selection behind our clos mum mm It 94 mm Wm WM or yuan Interninn men san Titartcrsddds heminltorl nun ex are re whim ornament rialamen tom Within Fri$£3rfii°iiiitfl moors roomy noon ï¬mut mm tomr 9110 nttnsllAhTYBAY mum as inl in use ire38mm at or commissionwitiy draw and narrowed advaneanun permanent sales silii to the Mod PA eoou toe in too or at so atrm rnsooeotoromus ehooaih photos Jam 518 33 tr Enrons mm moan mil moment melanin chicks Order no for Item us equip ed orepaoc saI burner and this electrical hrsyum orgdgrggheount FWJLFVJC hooknaJorJiahiinLM mu timimifl can con um maritime HHVUNTERS baclr mainline earns Mm MW ML WI POULTRY FARMS 7010 Adelaide Post Ottice mounrnona ronto Ontario FARM MACHINERY EXPERIENCED bushel Fr it OLEMWOGWHER appoelrebutter Pilate CHARLES CHURCH required by The Barrie Exam Farm Supplies hService iCaae Newflolinnd iner ior advertising dqoart David Brown Beatty gt ment said bottom oitice du smnii Linv WW tiesSuccessful applicant must north of Barrie Ontann please hm Md mm Firm Equipment contact the underlined as mutate worker BURTONAVE PA 82373 soon as possible CASH TRADETERMS DELMAL anon entromrs rmrnn nnnroaunsr sauna AND SERVICE ittttti° Milken Vacuum1 sea Wash Tonia Separators or any moo homeowner out noon BROWN man leave Torontoo on or on line bout 335 1301 can take aaaenllil Telephone rt lab mmmï¬em on exrnnmtcnn Waitress required rly limit WOMENIS COLUMN tor day shin hwy llm drill minoran it sat MINESING 010 JUNE mam monsoon required tor local Ford Tractor an PERMS Beauty salon pplylglgeumnto Equipmenl AllReduced 1a Muieaater SALES AND SERVICE $550739 so PHONE 103 MINESING 16064110 ton rttirn gt tools or ntw=tionhntt inlormation Insetr bar tnlnliinl cbudron For aurthervtnlortnalionwrtte BALEELEVATORS Rubys Beauty Limited quantity Buy direct saldn JudssntLtran Isa oa MANPFACTURWGI CO No appointment necessary Leiroy STROUD 73M GotEARN MmmDRElgSléicg vernment rter oo lithilt2httit ii Mush sums to all our three her no mirror sale Need ches oi beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING repaln Telephone 0m to continuum two unit neither tor SCHODL lz WOBSLEY 51 PA e396 sale Also lpool bed bureau nook stova Ind cugboard suitable tor BEAUTY SHOP Coldmyoa Sets etc by certiï¬ed hairdresser tn oottale Talep one Everett 99M your own home or hospital son ll House unolnolronx Work at bomefdoioosimple mtnrwmatiooirlnotcrifl mamiiolwllxne WW tit southerlybounriery at bet he distance or sun tact to the rain at vsrtiulniitt tbsnea south easterly and follow to ill not it tit VItiiï¬Il bill to sconcnte men an umber 11 tad oaths wastariy itrnit can thence lonlt ly lint In between onceselons 11 and point betas the south westerly earner ot the NVaot let no one it thence tottowin the sort srlx boundary the flit 10 concrete monumant aumbesari to PERSONALS Would ony persona who wit neued an accident on the 3rd at September tool at about 1130amon No it Highway near the intersection ol the mom ting aw rom llcintoeh Soycototlond and theaurriymer holiv AP gathervatiotteei Fancy Macs and rr tumulml Caplets house runipera Yews and mm 11 army Tree Farm lll Mm um BOATS MOTORS Ronni District Forester1 mg rota em liilvhsmioiilfflg June Yorirsyirejowrtoi booking lost eekinJu laYorirshire HONE Pa 3474 my och Clip or tutoreyratereoc to MWINB DAYCARE than rbiid titmy awnhorna aen Park area Telephone Phenomlii IllWELD Paint bath build mfh ea mire Pionaround loslbsgeach any AND chant 1ooo Seuiod tenders addrwed togthe Works Department Town at lilidland no nor moun nd Ontario and merited thermntenls will be received til inooofcloclr noon noon on Junel 1962 for two moo lb inwydump trucks with box hoist and provision ior snow ing harness iradeine too annuities inter nntloneivtruckluayailabio tor in spectioni at th Works hero by appointment Levens rial new 25 hp Johann electric start and ea so cruisrréite as no Johnson electric start motor $905 WOMAN to do housework and two days Phone bu loohus Rodney Oats Garry Oats 600 ixed Grain mm one and tha WM IT Cone He or point being lh south easterly cornu at the iiit1ttditi ow un Iry them at lot 21 Gone dish oi 109 teat 0mm imsnt numbered asalertyeand toilowlnr nth erly bounda oi lot to cone distance anonmi to main nlent numbered thencenorthen the eastori hr iojorxchsei Tractor 375 My compl order hnuoerlm hill trip bea Diiig= Rubbertired tr tor lotnoth tractor Tiller plate on rubber Spnre Vï¬ieel=inr=liilersteel Chitin lowest or any tender not he Box Setolvlsieury eel trac cessariiy accepted torDlscgood as new set bi WM THOMPSON Ming harrowa with drnwhnr CHAlRMAN Mlt No Square Baler motor PUBLIC wonnscomrmnn driven AlrMF Power Mowl LUKSLP ENG er 7it irpt hitch brand new TOWN ENGlNEER gt MH sldedelivery rakeon rub her like nowBala Siooker 13 AUCTION SALES gt Set at Sieighs hitter Bulb Elevator mt either grain or AUCTION SALE hey motor Rubbertired wag gt on and rack complete Mll Saturday June 16th 1230 pm tractor Manure Spreader 15 liegistered Holstein Cattle high gt good as new International Hay loader Chicken Shelter class farm machinery tools GEORGE MILES Viking Cream Separator elect ric stainless steel Chain Saw Lot 14 Conc Albion Twp one mile northoi Bolton one smile east to Highway 50 ANDERSON PLOWMAN ND COLWILL Auctioneers AUCTION SALE Tami stock and machinery Eriday iuneBih ipmï¬ moo Must be neat iiid cod ttyuoerienee necessary Mly in person to ill omens Iirldlord Street sonsans In preterm Also experienced lit eben hoio Apply in pe to muviaw super Milk Bitnlopï¬iret BABY Emit wanted tor month at June on to mind two or school ran while mother worn shanty Bay area Apply to Box at Barrtemaminer EXPERIENCED airline room wait rear required tor dintns room In eeiient tourist in phone PAbuu or apply ayv Ten rsoe ir°iiti¥°ii it it to children Writs atatlns lull oarttru rs to Box it its LEGAL NOTICES Delaney Boat Lines ear Fl OFBAYFIELD ST lAoo413 167 Mahogany Day Cruiser This cuitgrnbuiit all mah any boflardonhle plank item with lead bedded any he it PM eye pponlnents are curved windshield with solid AUTOMOTIVE vice sumo PA Hm err arp er go F0 our Home advice spot lights compass horn MOTO CAR SA homily Burgh can stars paddles speedometer running ERANBNEWIM mum hvï¬imnwhWï¬ï¬‚n Ad 251 mik°iii°v$r VOLKSWAGENS om 95 or an or seats onwer is one Johnson 0N itiiiifriï¬ifiiniiirhit ALES HELP AGE 54453 mm with my my $1767 Excl 111095 Gas it an telephone Pli eoseo lor homildeai goodmnning boat PIERCE MOTORS Bl ESSA me mm in norydwwmateorti tCnli be had toll to En magnum the Emmi 8275 aeoversma mnn We on HAR LDOJORY 45AiE5MEN MOT RS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALEES monumonlinumbared thrnc easterly tollowlns the southerly boundary of lot as Conn dist ance at sooo teet to the share at Georgian Bay thence extendins out into Georgian Bay distance of miles thence northerly and wastrer sun keepino rlrtsnes miles from the sham llnato point opposite the continuation oi the south westerly iisnitot int Broken Front Concession thence southerly and allowinl the westerly limit of lot Brok en Front Concession Ind lot COM diatllice at 00 let to concrete monumentNo 3t thence weeterlylollovdnx the southerly boundary nLiotocoM distv anee at room to concret onus resent st thence southerly Idiat am 01 mo tent to exonerate man ument numbered 31 thenchestv erly and toilowins theaoutherty boundary at lotJ Mr lot diatlneeolJiio tee concrete monument numbered thence mtnrrly and touowins ins west rrly boundary lot Cone distance at teat to concrete monument numbered 19 thence ln onuih rly direction or distance ohmjeektneellncrnto onurnent numbered lair ti aterly tor distanceota 1M eet teeonnretemonusnent nutriv bered I7 thaneeJollowhrs use easterlrltmlt of the line between Concessions and ii for Idlsh nice not mote tooth point at commencement tihn land danser rel oi the clearly deï¬ned by am Moi will carried out on thecemp Borden lunlea until further notice The more property lies within the camp bn aryl and is bound adastoliows To the NORTH bythe Ell daloToasnrnntio Township Lina ndthe SunnldaleElaaTownshlp Line and to the LAST by the Fourihlina ot the Townalflp of he and to tho COUTH by the nt tannth sidsrosd ot the Twnrhlp othounrnnilo mate the wear by the Fourtbjsinnot the Town shit otTossorontio The denser treatara cis rked by danyer aloneonail is inprogress is given by the lying of rodflalarat entrances tonnee and It the tirinl point and butts STRAY AMMUNITION AND WWI OWN Bombs Grenadesaheiia and Iim liar waive objects are he no to and limb Do notlplch up or retain such obieetus rouv enlrs llyonhave lnund or hav in your posaerrion any obic whlcn you believe to be In at plosiveynoilly your least poile Ind amn mente will sea lt gt ounathoriscd person may ter the reuse prope rt push is prohibited Theicrown will no ept ne rponrtblilty tor any claims which may arise out or damn in jury death toper ins lrn FanninglMill wit screens Etc Etc Forks Chains Shotair Vauzhan LIughiin plaasa cents is Ioniner concern til 10 HELP WANTED MALE Heir OUN WANTED gt grnugmmnrnfruu as apprenticetoieorn all pha see to theorintinz trade at the 11mm Ewen Barrio Examiner Some know ledgeoiiyp preterredlhis with mm mm mm Group insurance Christ and an emplacemenqu root bonus etc in 39 torsnlomtlerlert ARESEHEPHERDERflyab1gypgeyiu tittioitttttnw$ the Home Eeonomleaiood Sen Ziiihiithii$iiiit$ to to pm me millHo WW and 27 seconds on demes r1 daily trinity to movelinto the high SUPERINTENDENT minutes and mono thence wage bracket wont seen by appointrnent Telephone PA Wm tormlore information iMDOt ovmarrn Baat Trail er and MntorJnciuded Telephone PA um gt Qunniitly of eiiectstoo numen Required to complete the sales your to let staii oi progressivesalesorgané Frank ilebb ization Albert Gilliam Repairs to All Makes Idem many COUQHLIN auciion all it noes loot or milqu 16 DEW Itilnabvuti on etinitriy he re Not Located on County Road to beremoved until settled in halfway between mm and Owner will not be responsible tor any accidents day of sale TERMS CASH Buyers from a1disiance must ANDERSONPLOWMANAND prove tbeirjldentiiicailonwlfls COLWILLV Til Auctioneers 0ML and Towing Johnson motor start 1tu equipped eludes TeaNea PAMhi See VIA iniiï¬m Ween she rumors lthsali Armflflém with For Benlnninl in latitude it degrees as metallic and 50 seconds lnnlituda West 30 denoegjuminlltn Ind 20 seconds taken mm Canadian llydrv phie Service 31m No 100 hencevHlormlles me do fees to gasolinebunyet nslnutuandureo minutes in RAMBLER VlAU morons LiMlTED MR 17 GOWAN STREET THE PA 66488 k1 272BLAKE ST PA 132 nroor BOA tth toboud nur nu enune who one heat otter Telephone Lclrpy 161M 15 nemnan new Ausustjm 14 typed 601p lohrunn motor Compietelyvhltitted tor water rkiino Manyi extras Telephone PA wee cr pm aat Outï¬t darlsn aklnx and canal 14 mama so I951 Mali rod with black interior eatenmt trsll Wehheeis iumso rock Telev PA phone PA Mm after van or sale autom llrhnmflninnlhdiofld did mo Telephone memo Aussvronpr inn two door Monday Juhegil pm sharp JERMEY 1M demoed dearees 41 eoiiemu gsgmrgnlarg face Looms er sier Pearson weekgbdore lLies east tor imam mm political rallies at=llalilaxiand Quebec City next Friday and turday furnitur el bigï¬rclms term mach registered Hol slrow equipm and 236 domes tor ry ed dazreea 57 mistut point maths stwsu milesnorthwaidotldeatord wenksaitinen therin headquarv Pearso Tricolor three Bound tes Rdlelea Housma oro tatlonrmo Conan out TRANBE stood eon itionsmedium sin Dhnne ennui Utility Trailer wsnteo llurtzbe int sood eandi phone was Teie Tale windowswbite walls dlo Terms to 17 EllCADILLAC 62 seri doom has manynollea in orderseud no camiottlhlo nun an alter to the MWellinmntst fart HMVMEKBDB VI atliioï¬ two tone blaelr Ina white ln tint class rendition throuthnuLBeli alga comfortable powerful Ii VOLKSWAGWVIUA root new nlva tub new battery loud ttrr radio Al conditionA Telr PA ohm om ms Mmmtcst eonvertlh biue Power too rldto Ex body and runnlnl conditt onabis Telephone PA oozes him 70 or it man smurfs poops use Examiner Wantads 77 sol artlcl ey no longer 1m Mammy taurfdoor Intlo Electron war ant er thanï¬uno 15 tom rurtmnm mooromeo rruo at CC true trliri anolrlet Dly clatter tlli MI it set King St Branch can home specialist name to Hm Study any inn nemoaonnaon rcmAnA Toronto on aManasesrs REQUIRED art your iiWI milororort time No experience necessary Write Gauthier 350 it iAURENITIDVE fiMNQAL 96 BLQOR so vi to apeeehes here thismorni tore flying to Toronto is appearance and the Welkerton iora nigh night will where he explosiveobioclaere has ard initito anti ltm Bo not picir up or retain such obieetliua it no haveztnund or