or on Oct Receptions and mu PRI rm eLaAsav Cell PAS5198 anytime mm and OCCASION DEMANDS groundelor pictures bIIt weve goth cute Iituehu Charlie Ill geidw with 1060 square iectjol living space at on Vancouver 10er llrepiacein living room large Moon and CONFIDENTLY wrlll EEQWERSWTwnn ilk BIRTH WLIAJLILdLlAme We cud Child ll run um um Child nu It Ill l0 Friday Child II lining and lip villi idiomya Uhud worn hem lor In living Ana child that Is horn on me hanhulh Day lrlrvendxwmrucdgood no Kl counrn nunne lull van ny Bonnier Uullen Alivuye want low warm on ch ml III that out Keep Inlr lId other Im not Inilllmuiidil or your cbil future Barrie Imlnll Birth Aunuuncemenl will inciude the name oi your coil to duly oi the month cn mm the violent me all vital Information pnnlcd menu canenerome permanent In more Each or Family flit 133 nor To place notice phone PAGdud DEATHS ha BBLLNurlnesudddnly At her home 11 Mull Terrace uniti Creak Michigan on June 196 Norine Bell bciov will nine lulu William Ball II mother or Beltran Mlc Ken Inlllyt Nawyr ego Michigan and belly at home lilo John of hammered Dui Nccilnds of Ban Louni Toronto neuter Ta Heoolerunenipm inure Michigan Avenuew Puch cw residence shanty Bly Ontario On Sunday loge 1561 Dr Angul Pmilnnr olbï¬PWï¬iéhT Wailede Univmity of Toronto limbad ii brother of George Barrie in his Dirt yearn in It Till Jcnnclt Punerfl Home 152 landlord smet Bun ric Puncnl service at no home at Crment Rnld Toronto on Turn dy June51 rpm Interment itiount Piunnt Cemetery Flown lfltcflliiy declined IN MEMORIAM LADIJI Invlovinx memory of don sun Pnnk LaDuh who sued Grutly mined by til then and sister COMING EVENTS IRIS SHOW ODD FELLOWS HALL BASEMENT THURSDAY TUNETth 730 pm Entries received 230 to pm For information call PA 68086 Sponsored by Barrie Horticultural Society ANIERONS BARBER SHOP New Location i4 MulcasterSi hearty invitation to old friends aged acquaintances via mother bro Alemuerllmlls To IFK Quarrel noneran AP Chen ere have beendii ences etwecn him and President Kennedy but said the quehed basic porey and the that policy worldyremains with the United tales and the United Stated must have in Europe valuable STII onnhgovcrnmen rinccmpde its own counterpro la and reporte irom hotiII lndicate Lemon silo implement she to take advantage oi lheaeiiingaearon to dispose oi this watertront properly Cull Dorie Nuiiycombe PA DEAR IOHN Ive found anothcrl This could be what youll say when you see Crcswick Court with its 1350 square feet plus ghrage pine ce Would wn ORhorrIennApulcd St completer ienced ioveiy rec realion room and bedrooms with morigagc and pay mentsincluding taller of only $77 per monih Call Les Popei ior iull particulars ABACKGROUND FOR LIVING Shanty Baydroom brick home priced rightvNew garage with tool stornge eic underneath Lovely landscaped lot cioseio nleill intersection Only $2500 down balanceon one mort gage Check with Normll nth vflHE SEARCII ls mm 5rootn brick bungalow on quiet crescent close to schooisten dor will take small down pay ment and accommodate purch Veaerwith interest rate on second mortgage Where could you beat this Call Curly ifloosterman licryhn Smith Norm Heckth PA Willi Chilly Kimtsrmen PA ROSE RIALBSTATE BROKER 1d TiPIlN STREET BARRIE CALL on EVENING PA 84379 RRINGE OF WALES SCHOOL AREA 38900 lull price with pos sible bedrooms living room dining ram kitchen lull base ment iorced air oil heating garage This is hricllhome well located to storesachools and bus Owner being trans media the west coast BEDROOMS $750 down payment bed rooms living room and dining room combination kitchen piece tiled bath lull basement This is brick bungalow about years old equipped with SHANNON ST Erick room bungalow equip ped with aluminum storms and screens Large ecreationroom paved drive garagels 38 Inily landscaped lot This is well ilepthome and well worth your inspection NEWTON STREET $12500 lull price down pay ment $1500 bedroom brick bungalow Large living room kitchen with dining dread piece tiledbath recreation room or red air all heating Very good location to all schools Owner is FARM roll SALE OR=EX€HANGE 51 acres more or less of slightly roiling termiand including about ll acres of hardwood budlr locatcdabont 17 miles north Earlicy wh xroomliweliine double garage 40 60quipped with carri concrete floor ate with water howls ï¬bundant supply of water eavy hy dro throughout hiliiprice $12 I100 or would exchange or larger lawn What do you have to oiferi Contact this oitice now Number or the Barrie manhunt Rel Eli AIM Aigus TIFWIIT Dietricl flowme aeTrr TM Iï¬dJliNbï¬PSlFm Graydon KohlPA on Ir Nut door to It mperlei Theatre 45A DUNLOP ST PA 6648i Member oi lite on Sroull AgenCIes Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST morons Io COLLIER smear lleiresldcntieistzeet Iuo unarnour rm MMW GENERAL STORE In prosperous taming commun ity on pnved road Over 350000 annual turnover Store 32 with bedroom accommoda ion Priced nt only$il500 with range doWn plus stock 12 Mortgage hands Avlillbia Bircan Call Merv or Ede Gond Oro zero PA 04367 Illny slessnr Oren brown PA B72d5 new or iloliI oclrlay PA soil lougnceo Stlynerv Ioows Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 min St Wraplam avannvcs CALL Klli MInblfl PA 917 Emory Miller PA enssl Memhur or me Barrie and District Hell mm amm Keith Marshall am Eran anulmn PA Hm le CLAPPEIITON sr alums rem ermine PA Member Elma Illa DIEM Ileu men none HENDERSON REALTOR IO COLLIER STREET phone nonzero avoNlNos CALL RITA scANennrr PA was comm mall PA ease PERCY eono PA elm auansonewAiN PA enroll Onurio Real Elma Boards large dining area ion oijcup bocrdsand storage on heated Colored bathroom ï¬xtures van lly divided basement Large lot in good residential area torede hooill MOVING Dont forget to tranaier your INSURANCE end it you need extra coverage oi any SEE sTEVENSONs RETIRED CDUPLEH went end Two bedroo garage Bergein hniphjolke Carroll Rni to PAHMIIII or evpblhuPAJWM mullet Ca puanrepruentulen on Reli Eetetel PA MU ion PA cools rllmvn Aiuu GRAYDQN REALESTATE BROKER Marion Rutledge17A H735 name and point Member or aarrlund District and env rm HAW 08741 lon 60H aIII RowePA core COTTAGE or nit Aleonc beech Three bedroom large ilv room medal and timer rcll inruillcd Apply Grahame He Huum Ave AIcorlr peach telephone Toronto Leonor woe PROPERTY WTD TO BUY IN OR ACRES wanted in PM no buildlnut to 0m Township within 10 or miles iron Bap rieShnty Day am prelerred Telephone PA eeeeo LOTS FORSALE ï¬remwaeria ontherty eiLrOnï¬llFr blrnspring pond $1500 Will take on or boll ls plit plyinan Tniephone PA monthly AvIlgbia immediltciy PA MI MN R0 WANTED To bedroom house vicinitywol St Marys Church Write giving do tail to 30235 Blnil Exllnincr BUS OPPORTUNITIES $20000 SIXTEEN UNIT Roominl House Central location Common EII zone rented Monthly in come $550 Telephone PA 85001 TRUCKSTOPSNACKEAR lor lens on No II Hwy It Guthrie Appiy Wbailm and Cool eA Game comm or elm p121 PA gt VARIETY Home and come bar lor sale or rent New clock and equipment Idcli llol couple with out childre Low reniul or priced or pink nie Apply Burr oi rle Examiner GROCERY one Snack hr and Garage Year round business Filll iy paved 225 feet frontage Apart ment included in building Store Ind snack bu lily equipped Goa Ing concern Books open lorln rprctlon PAeesll MONEY To LOAN PRESCRIPTION FORPAYING BILLS Pay em oil with town Venom eLAN LOAN nu ma or NOVA scom HiNTFOR THE BRIDE ANDGROOM FWa Iassified Ads fer ten furniture and ap1 pliance bargains ORTO NSERT AN fAliiICLES WANTED AD CALL PA 62414 MORreAeEs Moria Lo All 5iomhwfl YOUR BUDGET IF You NEED MONEY TO consolidate dehta oPry oIf existing mortgagee oar mortgages eomlngdue Home improvement wnrthwilicha SirnpsonsSears DllNLOP 51 rapid andarcunged Commercial And residential money existing mortc It MORTGAGESint cud 2nd bdilKhI 77 colderstore hoe lldeoy one line children weleopdr Sampiolbuitevmny be Mellie more 1100M ROI not Im lrfllll ruel In Stunt modern coo Ilene omen 1y Telephone even stlynerm IIIATBD UNPUINIIm III corlteined apartment round leer Three lam room urcchool our Private MONT Telephone PA Inflow uliconillncgh lumirhed Apartment Ior rent vuihbie Ina medielcly monthly Telephone PAH liter 530 plug IIIREI IIOOM newly deccnled InibmmmdcddrmAd ill we er en er Telephone PA 100 my FURNIEHID ape Vent rnru room ind pcthl modern cell Iulnrd quiet ing control phone PA Mm WETMIWO bedroom hun ge Reeldcniici dirtrlct Close to whooir Available immediately Telephone PA Hmhnwecn pm and pm THREE ROOM belied iurnicbcd Iputmenl Private hath stove and retrlgentnr included Adulu only TclephonePA NIH or ill tber inlormatlnn TWO DBDIKOO ment for rent In bottom learn cm iripiex $85 Avloicbla June heated Adult one PA sever ecll wouldnten urnm Wm mic cleaned unlimited tb Ammw FURNISH two bcdrnom cpsrtmunl very centrally located to ruin Atreel He cndvuter supplied Avulle June llcit or ma ROOM illlM Irtment tor rent Private entrance end bllhuuulhfllhhld Apply 62 Tlifln or telephone PA him to III or alter pm nmrllallw mm ground floor apartment cellcontained spirally inccxtled hell an pII ng arm or PA eoeel curverudeness trcnele dWouid uketgmrpdglec tbrcebodkc wii RODMvAND IOAND two lcdlu in Ami tnllAi Are Ii doo FPOAI turtbcr tnlormction Two noonre or rent bedroom and kitchen fully mmiubldCtu Incellou Telephone PA med lAEGl ref or rent Central Ran site an on or reirtgmtor Tclcp one PA mg gt mull Bedroom or not in residential area For further Intent Elation talep PA 01017 lit Manson Incwly decorated good aired on bedroom apartment central oceilon ted private Intrcnc nd snoopine Slreet re um EB NQOM ï¬lmilllld Ind bletbctc Sultchlefln 1cAb In Ice ALWeatlbId Plan Tclm gt NEWLY decorated bright Ind It eluded Telephone PA WM UNFURNIRIIID Apartment This rooms and bath Sou contained Newly decorated heated parking ground floor Near city hru New lime and retrigerctor supplied Telephone PA MIMI MODERN unfumlshed up Iained apartment Iuliy draped and lied throughout three piece hlth kinl lnci Centreliy located lmmedlcts powion Telephone PA MIMI or PA 47 EAST EN rlc one bedroom apartment belted uninrniehed roilcontAlncd stove and mlrlger tor supplied Laundry and pit Illl ileliltiug Adults AVllillll Juno Telephone M851 nlonllh live rpom ron iex private cntflncc endurpnrt All conveniences Five miles from Dorrie on Highway Avliilbie June Mmenlhly Telephone PA AIIIIEE 1100111 Aplrtlrlcni1um iahedi1rce piece bath hardwood linen nelrixerator and heavy duty Iove Selleontclned diete pouclelnn Apply trong Hardware BB Dunln PPIln nupLEX two bedroom living room and kitchen iully tiled our piece bathroom oil LaundryJaciliticpImm mien Telephone HZ LARGE THREE Room Apartment or rent belt and waterlsuppiicdm Alto one small three room ADM menL Apply 255 Dunlap ENErt or telephone PA to W71 TWD emnoom unmanned belied hplrimnnt in priveIe home Private entrlnce hath Ncal ucheois and bus Pulling epece New slave lupplled Teie phone PA Hm ovanmormlo PAY Al the Dominion Shopping pl cw retrilerator own thermost Dflvc Telephorl PA 30669 bedroom epurtmeu edit Kcmplnleii iiiluiiifl union 02 ments Onc threeroom twoloom Furnished or uniumish cd All canenIencesPrlvete ent rances Apply eru Box 21Anglu contained Toronto Includel TEREE ROOM mmiihld 111 plrtrncnl with ICIMI to bus IND 56655 UNFURNIBNBDIOIII room IPIII mrnl with private bath bus Ito II donryhclted Avllilbie imme lately no monthly Located at 111 Gunn SincITelephone PA 6123 LARGE BRIGHT bed Ian and kitchcn 011 mph our lIum ishcd Private hlth Ccntrcliy 10¢ cltcd $65 monthly AVIiIAbie no Applyrct wlPenctcng Street ALVANDALE SitilItnrlilillcdy bert ed tour room clcln apartment stove and refrigerator Mmiedcnuple Not all children Available illne Irilio phona WII FURNISHED lhred room lplri meat ground floor Ince private bath very centrally located Ideal or couple only $10 monthly includes hydro but PA Hild private out CONVENIENT EIII End Mludu modemjwo neuronal Ipantmantf completely sellcon ined venltia In undry itiee Telephone PA 2929 pm noon Apartment two bedrooms fluted Ind hot water Centre Telephone PA passe helwcenb pm nd pr cnt three piece bath and priv IIO entrlllce Lots of closetaplc Aduiia only No downtown thre rnnm ï¬tment Stove gcreto Very centni Pcrking Suit couple mainly Telephone PA 61320 mfllfly ground floor apartment three large rooms and bath Verandll Werner and dryer Parking Telephone PA coroner PA elooz snap mud on 111 int Three mom apartment Taniden ri Itovca Sellco tallied lo minutes tlon reasonable rent rpace Ideu or loupln Tole hon emconrmn onl plenum Inlrtluent heated Blake street em Parking Lippi ourgroundl Also unlumtehed Iputmcbt downtow mm tod one AND rwo bedroom modern cpurtmenLe heated ltnllcc suit Us Abouz YoprMortgage Problems WITHOUT OBLIGATION ISTANDV curdAcne arranged on residential commercial and lndus al property 1srANpeND MORTGAGES etova Ind relrtgeuter lbulld ERs cmALLYLOcIIed new mod Iplrtmrntr now renting Ipeduving and dlnlnl Aral two edroorru zone hot water upplic alsowuherrnn dry room Apartment silo cvcllahle possession Apply coutte Lem PA Add or PA um MBERS UPERIORPRQPANE New Phone Number EAJLlBOi Hermit 1mm ddsgnlnwn Telephone PA actor 4SUMAAERJRESORTS HcorrAeEsTORENr COTTAGE or rent one tp thic hedroomr Located Point calbwhlor children rate by Ibweek or Telephone PA Midi ARTICLES For SALE Refr erarOrFw Rangesarld TV ideal for thc collage EPLETTS and Appliances ilv DUNLOP ST BARRIE nor mrsnfrANK lorule 22 gello cepcflty including them 11 and honor clcnlcnt Tole prim PA was WW 55 DIREC Ask About Low Rates Telephone AP LIANCE SERVICES TONYSVAPPLIANCE Tender eervice 41 DUNLog ST RAeII42 DRIVING SCHOOL Learning HowfioDrlvei BALL JOHNS Darvan SCHOOL PAOi2771 lFOr Rates and lniormation ORILLIA scHOOLOE SAFE DRIVING Serving ainco lose FOR APPOINTMENT EXCAVATING Fill and Gravel Bonding trucking and dozing OHN PHONE eA eaooo BARBIE FLOOR dz WALL TILES SALES AND SERVICE 7A MAPLE AVE Opp bus terminal Llnolonm Ind vinyl till heat loodcf Amid me rdwood flooring WOrkmAnrhip guaranteed Free arising Rao 13A avannos PA as oeerhudnur uelion Boe slop furnished honreheptng WELL mn Priccdiromir AND SERVICE ANYTIME PA 68551A CONSTRUCTION Free astimntep dayor evenings oriï¬ce lowu 27 PER WEEIL AS HALT PAVING on he altimeter DISHERFARRAND LTD censor PA com aims SECONDHAND snoop iias allusedgoo pine ner slightiv damsel am below originalcoet it buy contention 551DUNL0P ST PbonePA 32427 FREE Year Guarantee on all mm Hutu Usnonarnlonnarons room 59 McFADDEN Applian MnfnzuPENETAN sr IllBD COALAND Wood Pllmlc with pipu In good candida Price Telephone PA 3491 érWWWfr unmanned for rate uldlmtrill lane of ite ne Neilon sum from RING CLEANING SPECIAL singer vacuum clc cn and cum billtionjloor clelncr mum arc Big reductions roll you are doing your cialnlnl aloe er Sewing Centre to Deploy St Barrie PAIMPW SERVICE By Mon re Illlll HAIRDReSsE HA IRC AsgigNS EF Individuairtyiing Moderate rates roan GRANT SQUARE ueAo0491 LANDSCAPING Service Saddle maintenance palios lug grading etc Telephon OISES ORGANV SALES CONN Triumph in Tone Salesglientals SerVIce Pianosnlned Repaired BougiItSold WRITE tor PHONE WSHOEMAKER Zephyr Ont recount luwz PAINTING AND eAeERHANOINo EDWARDSMPIH AND SO Painting and Paper Hanginl ceding lawn heducr 11 II PLA$TERING PLASTERING REPAIRS smccocisnorvn HisAM CRYER RA 641675 RAnIo AND TELEVISION SERVICE 724 HOURASERVICE ALL MAKESOF RADIO AND aAvawaLnIrrnONIcs Adelaide St PA 89803 REFRIGERATION