iorbeingteken in tow by flow Guard Glitch seti school Coats 11 ens Themonnor oijndiustins the portions of the oostsoi the Bradiord District High School area which was the subiect oi an up at this week before the munl put board was decided upon alter board oi reierees had consulted This group composed of the assessors or the ihreeJnu eohy thecounty ass to the decision by allowing iour points for equalized assessment population in the areas one point student enrolment one point The equalized assess ment is the figure calculatedto be equal ioLflgancipalities Ftï¬norm meareTparrg Nentage down from average nndathers like innislil are higher than the average How ever the county assessor and committee setu this equaliz ed ii ure and ths le7the basis on ich allcounty and otherA costs not covered by local con trolare based The townshipoiinnlsill on appealing couple oi years ago found that the municipal board did not agree that the chhrges made to them by the referees had heenunialr and couple of mills were added to the ï¬gure ihi alterVibe township had paid Toronto layer some to handlethe appeal This year the appeal enme irom the towel Bradford as it felt the others were helow their share of the costs How everthere was anitem otasr aessment added to Eradiord The big coid which had been taxi exempt through government bonus came back on the local assess mentaddingolesc=lalszooooos This could have made the dif ierenee in calculation which gsused the peel to be launch El iillmhllry mills and lame ii seem mills based on the 411 formula the total costs oi maintenane andoapltal costs NEARLY RESIGNED Thue has been an eruption among the members at the Bradford High School Board which ow smoothed ver tedbeiplessly or to alter engmtiailuro lt man ihbléd his resignatio which the board did not accept Aiter some discussionthe slgnatton as withdrawn been added to President Tom Meanyr today to an attempt to ease the strain oi internatlonaiunion tending that tineateuuo undermine the power at the Canadian Congress quailiiédjï¬hor observer said the issue at stake goes to the heart at Canadian Iabï¬r un ion autonomy Since the biginternaiional un vehea arters Labor onsw Wthe UnitEdSlflï¬ekeTp tween tworleiglzbars who seem ed in hav grievance that needed airing Reeve Cochraoe was called and asked to go and talk the matter out with th twofieh1llivnï¬oltvno re action needed We won or it he couldtelassity that trip as township business and receiver lrelflhursement for expenses at ea CLASS CERTIFICATE Mrs Mary Greeley at Stroud has received her class beach ing certificate mm the Teach ers Collegewhere she had tok en course during the past summerand winter This certi ticate would entitle her to choice of schools in some at the blgmunlcipaiities it she so desired in tact before she leit the college she was oiier ed osltion in one of the mun iclp ties of theMetropolltan District oiv Toronto However Mrs Greeley felt an obligation to horparcnts Mr ad Mrs Willis Young of had is ta watcht eye on the Greel cnunrenn was riding widch has reiused to about 75 per cent oi the CLO membership they could do troy the cougress it they del cided to walk out and set up rival orientation of their own odoin president at the M21 mheGLGmethere Wednesd with William Schnitzler ecreiary treasurer oi the i250000ttmember AFL Cio to discuss the problem posedby the International Brotherhood of Carpenters dues to the CLC ition the at boardint spars nun Toronto nigh Par rooms WilsoniNDP and who would ave that would happen 0143 thelnter nutionalCarpenlera union is no yrseriouxand=ilirohwillbo= rialsolved whqnemotions cool The CLC1I the AFLCIO til hold liaison committee session here June no ltnd some way oi settling the dispute sermon xGrantCempbell Moose airflow on Bear no on pee in allowing blowlngvssnd irons village road to cause amaze tonetghborlnnorivete At one point in the healin Homing rel ed to his ioio Lsettlement2idr Justice Liberal oppo hraser permitted the eourtftor didnte whoh lhlsridlug Mr no theoryot yrlah on the Wichett proper lions Iaddresscd to Mr did notpdeter him from his claim insinuate had been caused by the roadway construc horrrJEC Edmonton En nard SGt New Westminste McLennan PC lbtalrtodate PC ND 129 SC Conucme one IrEmes HALL innlstli and wilibe one oi as teachers at Psinswiok alter the new term begins The iandly will not have to move away irom iheirStroud home which will please all FISHERMEN Two at the oidtimersof Stmud have lprowen that they are good ishennen ill ADMIismMsc esucxs JEANS hammers Old Tymo and Modern Dancing Black and Telson Reynolds were up before daylight Wednesday and drove to the Narrows nth thelseverunta beamongthe dth resignation when he claimed the board chairman went over his head and hired teacher of his ownivchoice atter theimauagement commit vchairman had already choa Jen teacher toilil theposi tion Many applicants had been rinterviewed and allyr BOBABTYCURTOLA PLU HATNER anooaru CRAWEORD vEXPLOSIvriorunnon plianty of un and basket runmrunssuwneoMs Thelfleuse mono ocoAsIONAL eHaIns MATTRESSES 8t BOX SPRINGS ALWAYS GOLOR CARTOON fwim rHscoavarres