wiii liable ailI dur one ag or ityingvirip loEnglund where ill pick up car and many oi Dorothys rela sum tightscuirigaud me of the large Brit ish hsfoherles shutters Poultry Farm has nowbecomc limited com wlilghandle the same beiarebut the main in the Delialbl hatched baby chicks in ying has has och superior word and instead oi in at not chick tho it ei induced chick oi the xiaiings slightly over dollarvwhen day old Finer TAGE The business began when andDorathy Hun or were years my Hunter hsme term and inniti1 purchased the term atDur clay uhereths plant is now The large frame barn Wihiékbï¬bd erarho has meatoi the barn provided space for more lay ng hens small house which had been moved there alter the original dog house was burned became their home which they occupied ior chamber of years This was stage one and was soonj outgrown An addition was made the barn and th tnicli space with brooders above The business was changing fast when DeKalb came into the picture Thewhole setup we cha edas specials eggs had to be produced so that these hybrid chicks couldtioliow down the sire laid out bythe promot The eggs produced by DeKalb henswere claimed to be much superior to ordinary hens eggs The hens from the rere also better with yiug cycle and their prod lie gave their pur chas many more large and better eggs raisedby the hy brid strain that crossed both qualities of the hen into one birdeThe eggs came before the chicks The oockerels were extennlnated as they were not quality which itiiald poultryproduction is required building and broodt pens tor field feeding The incubator purchased ion the iirst part of the business soon proved to be far too small to produce hatchingsvfest enough and larger one was sent direct by truck iromthe factory in Denver This was one at the largest incubators to reach Canadian soil and as since been duplicated and the output doubled all in STAGETth Stage two followed as it was soon iound that the sales plant would be better right at the Apiace ior iaculiaV store was built next door toa nevi which became the Huh2 no only by eti lidren land Doreen who besides enirni mobiftsiï¬imï¬ tlvc part in the operations the poultry farm Cralg acts to attend Daturiohgri tursl College at Guelph ei tea which he will be qualified to take ermueh oi the re of management which his father lshandlingy as well as being chiat sales manager Craig Sr is busyman He spends mudi oi hlstime on the road claimlng that one tome is notiust someone who makcsaPtlrchusc but must also be serviced In 1954 it took lot at eon slderuiion to decide this was the best road to take wheniha Deitalh agency was offered thorn to covertiie tilt miles surrounding the home fann Craig was tobccoine salesman for chick which was 3to soil at more thanvthreo times the regular selling priceoia baby chick it hasprovedto be at good declslom and hisfirm has expressed appreciation forfthe services rendered in this coun try by Canadians whom the vision and the bette gt ereii aneurysm Tï¬ mamasch Jail circulated and the amount and raolorol kilometioodnd By hi COLLINB la slash and bushcovored land in Simcoe County the servantgmay noticean aces lanai shallowydcprcssions in earth somewhat circular in shape and two or tlueaieet deep Often the dopamine will havetrees growing in it and or alipurpom theyfonn Just another part oi the natur al landscapes They are all that remain to indicate is where cabins oir early setters had been boil it you dig= thecentre these holesyou will iindbits oi charred wood and perhsp iew shreds oi heavy pottc liiostoi thm cabin sites are In isolated places and this would seem to indicate they West reamed with the incorporation into afamiiy com any Hom es have been bulltpior rman ent employees some 11 whom have been withethe Hunters for many years and appear well sattsiled to help make the overali production bigger and better each year Resery Decision in ErrLiberal OTTAWA icPirCDtlnty Court Judge Frank Costcliooesarvedv decision Friday in theme of Raymond Erunean year old former Liberal member of Parliament charged with acceth ing $10000btlbe in 1956 Judge Costello said he would give his decisiaain the laat week of June but speciiied no date The casewas adjourned aim Crown Attorney John Cassells summed up his carer taining that the word bribery should not necessarily be taken in literalsensa in determin ing Bruneaus guilt Ilis argument caiuitcred the contention made earlier Friday Hugh that the $10000 Drun eau received from AbbeEer geron could not be considered bribe because of Bruneaus testimony that he re ved it ass1oaii mi The crow attorney said that in either case themoney was given tojruneeu by theilawk esbuiy garage owner with the mnï¬on of inducing favors for Bergeron earlier tea edtbat Druneau member oi Parlia ment ior Gicngarry Prescott from 1949 to 1957aceeptcd the money tohclp Bergeron sell piece of llawkcsbury property to the icderal government He also testified that Brunaau was to helphirri get no tires so prevalent earlier ed my them my as residences today slam in Vargas Township oxtensive timber industry in the county in the middle of the last centu Probably these Robins were oysdby buslr an av vasrnh There arenumerous depres no in valley een the sigh ninthcrconcession story that could hav come out oi the American West Evi dently somewhat lesa than desirable ehara ed there but there is whether he was bachelor or had family Heheda hob by that annoyed his hard working nelghbors Instead oi clearing land ior tanning he rustledstock Finally posse of neighbors cut short his business career Perhaps one at the most not able sites oi iormer buildings in the county was thespiaca whereFort Willow once stooch Depressions in the corner at pastureileld on the 11th coni eneeawunseliitoydon Theblyde Circus oi oi iahama City klahomap which produces the Shrine Circus here annually is miniature League of Nations withjacts iibin all over the world uppearingin years show The uni could ind food in thought to watching thennity andgood neighbor policy whim black the many ioreign artists into one big happy iamin din7 ing bhetwwk tour This season the iris rings acts from theiouroorners of the earth From Hungary come the sevennuikkeys from lsrael is the Johhniebaddle family ltaly producesthé Osconons Trooper and South Americas offedng is the Esquedas Icpressions 40f 11 Pioneer EQHIOL rear 19450 excavated and the reoeiistiuc tlon oi the iort is well under way Across the county there are some of thsrpionserflcsbliis buiitgtas iarm land clear 0ne cable was in sialr stats oi preservaton when iirst saw it in This cabin iiibsFSeiy contained one large room rereï¬wastaofeeillngrbut one end oitha room there was loft and crudeladder lead indicate site cabins be space for cumt publications Centre ekfoi mm there that turns on roo orth smelisto scarier This shanty had no windows Glass wasscarce and bad to have fallenheavilyon tiiemen and women whofirst settled Simeon County log to it iheshart chimney was builtoi stone and anchor ed to strong high platiorm on the end Wail EXAMPLE An example oi such anviearly cabin or shanty is theephoto graph right or reconstructV ed lumbeijnisns shanty which has been erected in one oi 0n tariofs provincial parkszote the mght mortise oi the ere the low door and the rhe thod oi rooilaggwith scared ihls shanty 9a lmney many oi tb The Great Talon comes from England and the Home Family is out of am Germany Miss Lottie Bittnn hails from Wut Japan the Wong Troupe the Boumellys csil Swe den home and Arabia oiiers the twin blll oi the Abu HalnmitS and Boy All ihoures score or more at ioreig these performers wili remain in America as past artists have done to become naturalized cit iwns then home owners and ï¬lltlzen oi theAmerlean wayof Sheba Shrine Club of Dar associating the Circus to arrle Arena wi tw performanc June ti BO Th Supreme Court oi Ontario Fri day ordered George Brisboisot Ottawareturned to the United States to serve alhlyear prison sentence ior conspiring to im portnareotics gtChlef Justice Mcituer dismissed an application by Bysbols 5afor writoi beas corpus against an extra dilion order by Judge Peter MacDonald of Ottawa Under the order Brisbois is beinghel in jail pending his surreede ta US authorities Brisbuis was convicted April 23 1956 theUS District of New York of conspiring to smuggle heroin opium and ooi caine into the USfrom France Canedasnd other countrleepaiid of conspiring to distribute hen pin and cocaine the Uaited States Get in OnThe Savtugs rooa acts make up therosteroithe Circus thisneasonMany oi andiestheit Force Station at Caner Borden and their wives have organised charity tundrelsing system thatcould be the envy aia United Appeal campaign com Borden committeewas intod flast Sgptember and AF Campbor ds Ohatltebl Do aliuns Fund ibe committee was origins ed ng oiilce Grou tie Isld realized many or farilsatlons witl1 agood char teble cause were campaigning Minor Problem Ted Giddens of the tarlo Pr incial Pollen hiilis inc chrvicelspoke at meeting of the Barrie Ys Mensclub at the Cedar enchant flve mayor causes as coin intentwtherg fund reached art the stage where Air is rce servicemen and the iatest clog the ltoyni Victorlsllos ital barrio 70the centribu cash go dismited CrossSocietyL Canadian National lnstitute iortheBltad $100 the Grip pied Childrens Society $200 The committee All ranksdonateabat flil giving ibsyueel they can give money ls It through induction Und Ihould personnel station padres oiiieers Ncos airmen students and wives making up total oi eight meeta period lcaliy to consider erequesls This year the largel donation 0n WaterwayS boats is another msiorprohlem Good safety equipment is mos necessary forsale boa in he saidBy law iiieairip per is in chargsoi hb boat and the llv of others in distress in another quite bet on theivlaterways as well Jserson the high ways They have live large boats iourhigh speed cruisers one slower boat on Georgian Bay and so or 70 smaller crait The main purposeof men on thesscrait is life oniorcingthmlai There are many problems to contend with orivthe 1lrcshe said mportent one ins is being dealt withbi means of radar Drinking in Asian or Want Ari encompassin Herman Gaidenbeld INTERIOR DECORATING Woodwork COMPLETE TRIM MING RECREATION ROOMS For Fair Rates quallt rWarlrmensblpACall at P1 sienot equip pad with good extinguisher Ii you are lost you should have lighter somewaymiammm your position Eveaa flashlight is agrsaih Mr Gldde breed is careless when operating your crait Dont operate your crate among swimmers Use your pad dlel Watch out ior skindivers on We skier have two Fmynur srv snacks as some LET USTAFETY caacu yous can NDWl simcos Noam Joauoanaicx HAIR smisrs TAB4661 seMAPLs ave jacket ariaglamorous stole at the lowestisum FREEV ICKUP AND wrsainsruns some Exclusive Farrier wha makes and sclis furs only Barrie Toronto Dunlap NEEDSTHEIMAN wsioiiss buoys THAT HE WORKSFOR ALL marrow it includes the two