flatware nwwww the and who we oeiilnz toep theeoonemyt lliea andtoxciunxa pl the irootle market creath record intro Mrer loebei the liberal candidate to the Northwest Territories cont Itiiuency the Junalti on uaF war tanner held by herihue band it iatehiervyn Arthur Hurdle GP erwhoto See ManyDect Ere KNHL Dicift MONTREAme The Na tional HockeylLeeKue open its ennuai meeting Monday and there were reports that week rend denir may heioooked up by the time the threeday session gote under way The introleague dreit will not be reached until Wednesday Ind club general moments were vbelieved ready to talk deals instead at seeing more teetedroieyera grabbed up tor the $19090 draft price Montreal Canadian NHL champions and Chicago Bloch Hawkaootctho between the other eiuhriby announcing deflThurrd the liath iorv rookie Wayne xiiidtaeodfloaah The giantreei eiu war known In the swooidez ieeteeiizwontztoJadlJlMlmtgals ML possible exponent houndYea Ing youngstera Etch veiub cen or agelnst thedrait vita immune There war no indication that Montriaeiaveterau atom are to on the trading block ervhe ieit subject to the drait but two and Jean BeilveauIwiil be to this aummer Severeiothere are 30 or crowding that one Goalie Jacques Piente whose brilliance last set age tree Boston Bruinewo believed Eddy and ï¬elui dvaniige the drofthatmoat anything hav occupied tor the last two rrotect it player piua two zoaij oi themBemiojGeoitrion and AramKhaeheturlan towrte Dickie Mooreere 81 your old New 101 ht 010 net outot the cellar rootthey which had dipped try time point to aim about even rooscow art new Goodman earledthe ituaaians with oneman jam session Fridayunder the well at The viattlng you lclro also persuaded Soviet eom aer ariue epted bid from uh Wed iieiem wait playerowhehihe returns from tou he Soviet Ilhle tra with their exteneive term eye tom Canadiena now have ruched the Itageywhere they must eonaider how many vet arena they cnnjiolect at the hitackiirmsh Mdrtllgreernent LONDON Reuters Auto traiian PremierRohertMenziea and New Zeoiend Deputy Pren mier JohnMniahaii Friday tackhd the British gnvernmen tentative agreement with th Common Market to remove oeriai preierencea from dust iian NewZeaiand and Ca dian products in joint atatement th realledthev agreement turbing deveiopmentr They warnedthat it must no under any circurnstanceataken as hi pattern tor the hips or settle rnentwhieh might here ched on other deucta Heath Eritatna deb uty iorego secretary and chiei Thursday tl goalie wnedv Mont The dreit choice the tntierae order Lefethe finish 01 the clubs last aeasonFor the that two ails BostonBruins who tiniehedaixth rand Detrol tth will get two TARGET rLOWEltED gt TORONTO ACETrustees oi the United Commtmlty Fund hatemvooo ohiec live for the liitizitlulted Item in Metropolitan Torontollhetap peel last year tailed to meet its $10225000 target armnon Merket negotihtor oiiwhile hrieiedCommon wealth high commiaaionera in uarding Commonweai greementa which will outlier ti Britain hécorhes he Common Marke zunrdsrwent by Just been relievedtmm guard hare ot Moscow Evening Midnight in Moacown vBythat tirn 300 or too So vlet ciiizena By ilttiequickstep march as three rio had duty etLenine tomb theorh for aonghnottn in the West as Thissymbel identities déaiers otter the best uancing arvzgmfnw5 now