strumming or deny the scheduled July start the Saskatchewan governI Ioents lsery medical télugees rem Commiunlst Chino can absorb as many more in the next nightwear til it has free access to the worlds znrkets Wt quotas imposed by other no tions upon lts manuincturcd moods iiong Kong Is going to tha an extremety difficult tlms lust supporting the 3250 000 people already jammed tllt naht usable lend Absorption of more vlllboiimpussible lhst is the collective ap praisal of Hong Kongs prob lem voiced not only by leading thewspapcr luduatriallsts and businessmen but by government circlee as well Hang Kongs government is known to believe that Indus trial expansion permitted by our to Vlfllld markets Vvouid support populutien oi 5000000 by 1070 MUST BE GMDUAL it would have to he gradual lnfiuxnofldng like the 70000 who stormed across Hone Kongs border in the first 25 days of May Approximately 62000 of those it was revealed Aesinsr that haEkgrouhd Government CllS Control TORONTO CPlThe annual gonference otthe Ontario As sociation of Childrens Aid So cieties lnan almost unanimous vote Wednesday resolved to op puss government control oi tbeir agencies Agreement came alter the conference had split into two factions on the question Tues llay iiuwever the resolution pledged that theassncietion would ceoperate with thaOut tarlo departmentvof public wei fare in seeking modifications in the structure oi GAS services The conference tabled another window condemning an old chat at the welfare departm who allegedly has been advocat ing that OAS agencies should be loet Wedn turnstom carer snuweremrmnted Pr er Li and his coir altermonby coupe egina woman The women were part oi patrols and reached the citys cmwded streets and tenement areas it in addition to those it was learned another 15000 are known to have enteredHong Kong since the iirst of the year All cxcepts000 are 1355940 Ute sovernment us illegal immigrants The colony accepts only 50 legal immigrants day Colonial authoritl hav II to conditions3 turning morehthdn handful of theothers iiris yearstnflux of reiugees is expected to reach 150000 Some nenanvernmsnt sources put it considerably higherr up to 350000 Hong Kongs only solution to its problem oipeopie is my ufecturin liaising arable load out of JOBp duce less than oneiiith ot the food it needs HAS NO ltilNERALl The colony has no minerals in appreciable amounts and never enough water which cur rentlyis rationed to only four hoursa iayi its only natural pleand the Kong can sup increase rlts Hong Kong has seen the United States Britain and Canada lm pose quotas upon its cotton texflie exports which make up three querie total ex More than 5000 cotton textile workers wore thrown out of work and nearly 20000 spindles made idle whenJhe United States clamped restrictions on mm Hong Kong cottons earlierthis yenrl Japan has just banned the export of transistors and djodes to Hunz Kong to an attempt to brought under municipal de pertinents The uiiieielwas not amed gt conference resolutionurged that all cases Ldeallng with cu tody of children he heard in iormat ismtly courts lackj lay oi Hamilton said much fusion results from auchc tody cases as divoi involving neglect ï¬Another resolution asked for the right to convene yuveniie courts on Sundays organs in whichlegal ncttonisneededffor CAS egency to secure emer MLu iaurt in flownamawulr may one cent hiltth pr ted in to months shopuof igni nausea 311 miles ngigthwest Win nipog veritylive thousand have woody been printed and are being snapped up be opposition parties or use the duo iii election cem lrfl xeutlca oia recent cement Peter Kuch oi the Winnipeg Free trehhoto Contempt Citation Sought for Banks MONTREAL OP Uppe Lskeadhlppiogdimttodmoved Wednesday to have President Hol BttnkswiflhrSeniarers international Union find de ntempt oifleourtvfor alleged conspiracy to violate the terms of en tnjunetionobtatned by the company May 10 hear iog was fixed ionJune ii Themotion asks em Banks be Jailed iorso days and fined $2000 If he tails to justify dis ohediencsoi the terms at temporary injunction protect its own transistor radio industry The solution to Hong Kongs popuiationrefllgee problem de pends almost 100 per centton industrial expansion says one highiong Kong source OWAITIHG because with gas than are no elements that have to heat up rs N0 WORK coal sh net wt nowonnv thermbststlca centroilsdte the exact temperature you went You have all the hntwstaryeu could possibiywsntstsl times for all your household needs our mdianigidoi ail Vilthltiltllt TIRE STORES Yttrium smile kinds sod voluntary pro nmxlmltslv MM VIII The airs for they can tooling sndthudvent oi close we mean lonsend curleduasidldr Bent but the ct that they were Julian DOMINION TIRE STORES LIMITED comletevdtiiitoan ionsndh hoodlumtummym STORES ggwuol menswear we not Correct wheelslignmentJnspecC and correct oesteriiand camber and northern anatoeomto correctroondition wheels Install necesse correct uneven ti nwpwm runs wear Safety gheek steeringand all tir JIUï¬3 nursmcnrronu oeuvres panic pol mu was New Lowell Ont MITED