WWWw memmmwrmmw FOUNDATION You wontisave Alter youveelemsed irritable ixoodloundadonul la The es en NM my nelhigptocovertln ec sh dhethestin ï¬ghtershadeoi base thentheuskiiilt PO DER PRESS lton One pear sets it has luminitlilyio it dlwthri eels any ve avieserous on yhrush your skin th lush pied remove excess Brush youreyehrowa an hairline to vihisk awe ï¬hï¬wttllï¬lpï¬toigle reemaeu so ï¬g MAKE it you are still not toosklll ew exciting art in makeup practiseer mad before the weddin de The new eye look is the Egyptian ourse Butgtheynewest look of all the nicest is theNEAT NILE 1100K Perhaps no sounds oldlash onedBut after theselsst few monthssolrthe heavy gt siren smoldering movie Cleo atra we vote lortheneat elooklts provocative rett Butlts notso verpowerlng that ourgroomh as youtvha have on doneto yourse dear How to crest Eyebrow Pencil iirst Feather strokes onl sutliclent to give our brows deiinlte areh Eyeshadow mmerlng pearl close to your upper darker tone near thee rocket misty green or turquoise en mescar the lashes Now with an eye beauty pen gramme lldilnes mwmm he csyourseyeLs so gt tilled198 on see 13 look withoutb gitoo dramatic 1HAND MAKEUh Last thinwaeforeyou bou net and oil to thechurch ind od otloh on your skin GRANCEeEventhou alight cologne or essence iberell he so many flowers ind bestbib andtuckers itahettertolorego any scent gt unless its light ONEleet word at advicetdont set on on your honeymoon with so much cosmetic lugga that your groomyiilbegln tosyonder iiyeu area themamber hasnt been privy to ladny to before So teieScope your hr side good oundation lotion can do triple duty foundationnight cream andlimlt ed sunburn lotion Qieensmgcreams can make agirdle go onreasier colone refreshes your skin as well as scents it Keep ll tie bottle of it in your handbag for quick ireshen upen route Dacladadurn here comes the bride and ientshe aheautyt helium To His Other Family daysnd are when oil rced peo ple are so husylseckhlting and oompetlne lor the silectlon ol their childrenld litresto1say xwerd about one divorced They were very close meandl lashing Lentil comfortable or thern and you maypiiave lever iteperfume thats your indi dual signaturesettle tor Sr crime and ismsdorned The First Baptist Chureh Earth for the wedding oitldlss Sharv Eugene Push Gorrlnn Wailrer personified the Kr iMrI Horace Puller Loop Bord Walkï¬iegee Miss Elsie Clmsghly organist tlat Weetmountyhdoutre leel un womn who did it thl other My mother ad left her to marry another woman who did it the other the time and didnt know what it the word divorce meant knew was that Daddy live at homsL anymore We 11 we never heard one word against He is linepsrson mother wouldtell us You must always have and respect hint Through our1 growl evening We arranged lor us to visit um an married lwsllred own thealele on myJathers Mother Wei areciaus end charming to his other issnliyr They had the zoodiudrnientto stay well in the batlimited Msis thefvray one set at orced childrengrewyup tthout hostility without E0111 ct without anxiety And all ecauiseour mother was alady the houseworkuand essefor young children we never con sidered myself oielenifls Kiri or nursemeldxl ieel mar members the ipmlly rutmun levees tried over aiterthetolk had eltr theeveninrigihis was resinous miss out 1wss didnt have éonsldered quitting and taking adeb elsewhere Yet hate to leave because Im very food at these people and this my home Iiorritve evidence that th people sre genuinely interestedinryou stay where you are and im5 prove your behavior In time youll overcome your leelinge oi diesemiort unnlngr sway hing Youd lMlaetRuih Gertrud Hewitt maduete irons the Faculty ol Dentistry Toronto yesterdlydsfa Hygienist Miss Hewitt ls do ghte oi Rev and lo rly of area deptemher Hewitt will commence practice with Dr it Harvey Pe fro Vivous Furnace cLEANee ND ssavrce aY guiltin you on Ann Miller and Rlchlrd th at tuilsllilusion Th 31 emulsiï¬ers street length dressol tur hlu tn matchinszheaa hits and blue ln street fvlengthf dress ln pale yellow tones with match ing nylnnvnet headdress Her bouquetwaayeiiow carnation and3wlutemunlei Bruce Button at was groomsman Barry Pa er Barrie acted as usher ihe reception the Church llall For travelling the were mlntgreenwool suitwiih beige accessories and careers cl sweetheart roses On return lrom the Wedding trip to Niagara Jails the couplewiilvresltle at 251 Due Dental Hygienist lop StreetWest Out at city ueste attended lrom iorent Ottawa and bill Ont Ci An amaslnuow named May on arm in this district 70 miles rth oi Bellevilteihes river by birth to 16 calves In six years First wasia sinlle calf lowed by triplets twins strip leteagriinquadruplets last eel and triplets this year interior the the Merry utesot astmeatin dress 1She carried of with elflt marchers visitors present Mrs none was In the chair Themeedng was ed by and adopted Mrs WtPauiin adisn same lion law most nterealin JBPOI on the work of th ociaii lecithiiï¬m Retreahrnents were served by the hostess esslstoti 1b Sci William sans roars summer lormel wu isshloned rintzlrs eh es oi alerted 5y their el angerevalustien you can more into new Pro mhomentythe derdhousl