iiliWA SOP Interno oi competition took the spot LTLloitduy at the third the Conodion Amolour Whey Associations livetiny ting eiegnteu approved the soieo tide Troll Smoke Entersno cannon representative in the on world hockey tournament ihtthe some time they were warned byprcsltienl Jock Rox gh thol under the present elem ï¬nishing its interna rerenrn ill va one tough time win nihz title ondan oven tougher time winningun Olym iI node by Rurainn club and at Western team lrern Cle picked by Chile core tour Czechoslovakia Deferred until Thursday was the decision whether Conudn ohnuidraand teem to the dim ononrn lltAGAZlh iodny the deiogntesmeet in closed session to decide it the CAHA should publish its own hockey1 mogazine oiiicersv who nothin th test oiihe senion theyd win the linicrnntionoi breeze thrown It isons this Southp nradcTuesday nightnSyro aintng 311 games behind the rst lpléce Jacksonville Suns 86 gt Toronto Mepie Lents moved in third place with aion over Rochester ond Richmond Virginiahscdged Columbus Jets 43 in 10 innings Ironically it was John Herrrl Bonny Kid Perot iormer orid middleweight marrying when herlett Lna Ve gas Neviosi year otter light 31 one Vullmer ho whipped Atlanta Crockora to oirppiruth hi alcohol roost layer the periodical any more three and genera now in the rhoeheytiel are too concerned wiihvpmicsslonal team it decision to em Troll i0 the world chompinnahi lot jiowo CAiiA prdctice oi vitinl Alton Cup chem ion to repre fsent Condo in international even gt5 lory manager Gordon iuckee told the meeting irail will nocont the hidii suitable ttnoncloi arrangements can he Alter oi etn hr declared their inchiiily to Ierlea But any bwlIlJraentiiied to chnllenge tho woltornera it wont toeotortha iinoL Doleuntes5 liner decided to on committee toeo variatiortloitooiihro in or Iii jEnropeon teom hampered thecausc too1rnony nt the best noon on are controlled byli on Hockey name tea He pushed Gait fierriore unodna ï¬nd in wonderful would have won the aka hind Colo most or the play it just couldnt put the puck in the nail Butv because of line detonain play chdenwtu tha heal lenrn ï¬t that tiny EOLSTER JUNIORS ihe meeting look eiepa to ltrelngthen intermediate ond junior competition uffgiévï¬lsbnslf theoniyleil41andedhiller in the Buitaio batting order who Chico Nesdoy night trips to the platedheheitcd at homerpthreo doublea glen driving in six run Itoekie John Booze tortho Bisons thee all the ns Cal Browning who pitched the that neven innings rPut title home Pedro Gonzales in the10th inning to give the Virginianolthveirvvictory over Jets honny money in the ank and lo told him to hide itbehindthe etid oi at drawer inhi Paret died April in itniurtes nuttered he war knocked outiotheJZ round ot mi diétlletght womens here wi Emile Griliith floral try lost February in an intil edthe mutndamagato tho eupporttorlohin Rote rome Nohby lVirkowakl oi theconch nnd now econodian citizen ap RolphDuPoai Mei Gr moiten tor Siive State Sports ea which he knocked outiienny iKllenret in New Lork March Paretdied to days later Hamilton will hove Itejgive neorohtoe til ed the nemu ed bum men ulryw alveiyhenext two yenra Ho ii iromtitelllï¬ti id when hondied in 13 long pileup alartdtihyi marten on Rodger Wordl cor iamiiy on ny to take on thonext with on world mlddioweig hoxin prize formerly aorve Marine outpointe merei VéltJordan Utah overt to luriou rounds fol London Wemilioy indoor Stad nyrnight Don Fuli an Duhirnakr to get Mule gest fullback tirrc Ieason has announced his re lirement to devote iulithne to the Utamily rousinoea in Kit chener but iorontohal given the Tieoto permission tonego tintewlth him Its no eeoretthat the Argon would like atronger quarterback thing their recruiting progrnrn soned periorrner in oomph ing demand Agaae wouldpra him no play uhiirlski aformer Argonaut tn Tig hospital late Saturday oi the BCMPwhozrnnfand lotens two years ego entered en mile Chandler road dihin hoanatrachieved The only aea 31m in son While the lndiano homer second high With gopherhnlie ihcn co en Mr Heotdnretrred member eddï¬ew YorkMetn 3111116 tigurea oreve plete th Vancouvers Mondaysgames VStnol Park almost every day comiteted in morothonraee as tort 21 while San Francid hit the met Lorry Jackson the individ Fulime the leagueload indtnns that their are iinding lthe Coho 42 8t Lottie Carr Milwaukee fittrnves rnneisco Gian Houaton KCoita have lowest hornets ind ih iuei Tueodny gh fond drew the Wei nouneed no ï¬n ord tor intentionol patios 101 it may mth innlng when nibio Peurron meantime Gene training nud Icont think on tight nsen raid ulch one Wheeled end mobut ll hiinneroto winter nrandoy who doubled now my thelugging drovoinilrodoeldi with oevorthltlmi lg ï¬g ning endpirm stigma my in need to quell nether ut in got eidht hit 11 Joyce oithe Anni negro out ch leer iteg hinrildrewv iour intentionaltor motor tongue record lhezYonkoer piece by poreentngo point Jovor Minnesota vlwinn who edged Wodllngton Senators to Baltimore tiriolol with pitcher Milt Poppon and Iiugger Jim Gentile tiuppi ingziho newer heat Cloveinn Indian lend dropped tittlillditlll8 to third place trom iirrthaii game oii thotooce lionule City Aih pinned the oinhth straight on eion with 51 tri gihehngelr iumpe nod oi Font and the Yonkn the that wolkcd rtoiaitocond took third on in groundnut and reored on Steliahiikol tiy Deon Chance hioniled the Yonkeemntii the lixth then iom Trash walked and come around on ringla by Fepilone van intentional rtecorihgiiyl klurned bootvay reiiaverll yno Duran Jock Spring and Tom Mo through the tith the Yonkers iinnliy broke things open In the tord wlth ngein the key he rotal wnlk to Maria 3and vHoillAldlv to lfoiix 3WD ity Iirhbnrn Herod Tl our one day