New York Blanchard poirlttging discuss play Maria was out of theremular ilneupfdua to amour RECORD American League VL PaiGllL iii 11 iiZl 18 ii 621 1913359 19 315545 1814533 1415453 315464 4V 1316441 Kansas City 14 is are Washington 721150 10 Thursdaya Results New York Bostoni Angeles Baltimore only games scheduled Prohnhle Pitchers Today Minnesota Lee 22 at New Cleveland New York Boston lYork Ford 32 night Detroit Foytnck 10 at Cleveland Donovan nigit Baltimore Fisher 00 at Clu eago Pizarro 24 night night Boston Cisco 32 night Games Saturday Minnesota atNew York Kansas City at Washington LnsAngeles at Boston Detroit at Cleveland Baltimore at Chicage 26 743 23 12 657 Aid is sau in Muses an Philadelphia Milwaukee Houston 1416 467 9V2 15 18 Aer 10 ii 21 344 1355 ill 333 13 lcago 23 sansw Thursdays Ilesulta St Louis San Francisco CincinnatiePhiladelphia Milwaukee Pittsburgh Houston LosAngeles Only games acheduled Probable Pitchers Today Wondeshick 12 at me tSaniord 42 Jackson so at Los at Phlladalphla night sburgh Nlawï¬Yorlg Mill ukee Los Angeles Grba 11 at International League Jacksonville Rochester Buffalo Toronto Atlanta Syracuse Richmond Columbus Thnrsd Columbus Toronto Richmond Buiinld Atlantas Rochester ck nvtila 10 Syracuse Games Today Columbus at Buffalo Nt Richmondat Toronto Atlanta at Syracuse Jacksonville at Rochester Amerlcnn League New York ooooooou 50 17 was 14 sons 1510 600 1311542 113 715 no nu Pat GBL mater leagues hope set one ew player development aya tem involving =revoiutionary chnnges lnthe minor leagues to assure steady flow oftalent inthu big show The first step in the new plan is scheduled to bevtaken today when the majors meet ina spe cial joint gsession called by conunlssioner Ford flair to consider the report oin major D1 minor league committee which has been tolling or were year ear plan etaa lfth thr Phil woman1 OToole$5 Slsler Klin not and Eoll MaLisk Hit Short i9 and PhaSévage Milwaukee Los Augalea omooooiz Boltlm ref oaroonoox 50 Belinsky Ch Pittsburgh Fowler4 Morgan Spring and Rodgers Quirks 22 Wilhelm andTrinndas Hr BelPowell Brandt National League Louis eooono Fran Gibson 52 an ODe 511 and Bailey Olive Clarita in 16155161 oooooonoo oez gt International League Columbus the would AP vaarold right wing and steps will be taken to aiart realigning and reclaaaitylng thamlnora in 1963 The target date ior com pletio ythat time the majors may in expanded to ztaluba inelther two mm or three scion leagu ead tlonsnow orsrang to class the league teams ed to provide settle on five that would menu total at 100teama with full guaranteed flash in port e=rnaier have been putting 1800000 nuallyinte minor eague bsr dleaJlhisme vb under the extras Ellis enough it they ï¬t NADIAN nva WHIsKv WWI mnuaunuuioIunrauumurm