lhe ow included Jack NixonJack Wei Geor Dadgdrlleid Ernie Ball Charles earn anuedyA1 soon and Ron Stewart no Johnny Ough orte arller ugh wesln the crew Norwich Insurance typ went to Oil haul Lake last Friday ndret pleased with its catchol 11 dish ght lake trout two lIllickerel and onepike whlh member on gang was slrunked them last earl In th Eob Addtaoh TedSwaln Ray Hoeplol man fthe gangland Gary idoCloskey Contrasts and manpower lor Barrie inan exhibition baseball game at the Fulï¬llmnds last night win ing7 Bothteems are in 3019 South Simme Baseball lessue Utopl chackers eWid dairile rtlbese were stingy Senior Soltbelis Lens gue defeated Clarkson Hotel at the ladadrisll vW laï¬ nightvln en exhth at Queens Park Th an gt had the luck jwliloh rested on the English shoulders the score might well he beenjnitlorikSwitzerianbd gee am Spr ngett in the qEng sh net koptsEngiandlro going dawn lgnomin mesons Eegil dl ran an evanl rser 511W than they did in imp to Scots Hempdena month rSuohetili resistance was not acted 111111111 Swiss te pended Amerlean League Utopia had 3toomuch savvy Doug Alnwden and Nick Brown night stretching hnctr in there Imhittlng good rlghtlnowxedd dont eat to contesti 3oever Imidred The English theganngs Shut the Were not there Walter thterbottom than ager ol the England team has werds radars night mouth hell hitters oi Atlantsfmakers Roger rs Ahsenoe Hillier Yonkers aosrou art Roger yrs ris whoestehltshed record 61 homers lest yearginthe en schedule last season was oul at New YorhYankees lineup against Boston Red Sea Thurs day becauseï¬ot apulird7rauss ole Manager Baiphllouk said the ielthender KW lor thathome ran ball that Cari Ya rezmskl Mari said dlaturally want toget his sastetung air the lulu forwards sharing inth withdouhleLligures ed possible rnar constable when spirit as England wingers Charlton and CoonelV 1y were adept at morning all over the llieid touching in the ml die lorwardsp leaving their wings wmpideiyunpatroiled Time and passes went oatvto gienty otprobieme to sort out storethe ï¬rst Worid cap game is ï¬iayod in Chile on May 31 gaeolll In the other three wit inlay elslly sequel transls Elmo amaliywch heen reported in otheworhs lor some time was rnade here arsdsy at aclosed session at and toemown ia the International Baseball emu harmElliott homered two men on In theeighth Inning lor Coiumhua but the Jets lost 43 to Toronto Mepie tools at fioronto sinus mar wm Righthander Garl Greene mailinghis lirst start ol the season loathe Leels went7 innings in picking up credit lor the victory He was re llleved by Claude Raymond altar Elliots homer ihe Leela scored all their ransrthe held oarwithout the aid ol homersY Thflijjuiflped to all lead in the lirst inningftm iourhlts oli loser Don Bowe iheilnnlwlseals ru was scored in thilourth Aleutian thelilsons helpedth tw homavrun an gouge head to ego sign use other Young lorrnsr Detroit Red Wings defenceman said tohaveheen mixed up in trades duties eM ls Em game withhlsuon whenheveew Young standing on railing try ing to tea being escorted out special truggle took place hetwee Young ll iton co Eddie Bu could help sea was made or apoilceman to report tothe llemlltonbench ter gotlng loud agithe oung was manure momma newawwmaï¬mï¬mrerWlwrmmrwwm ryin th alleged eymehts at oi1i000to the aerated added one Syn sense where Jacksonville Suns dawned homers in two leagueleading dad llvo six Dave iillo weiloped balesempty homer ior Jacksonvlile in the be one oi several mater items lacing delegates to the annual meeting at the Canadian Ama tear Hockey Association 0t tewa opening Saturday uordonsucres cane score tarpmanager said in an inter view ihuredéynight prior to his departure tor the meeting that the 10d deiegateselso will study Canadian representation at the less world championships in Stockholm and themes Olym pics in Austria withheld olteedphi aye EowilnaGree tho varsity huslretbell to lives in Naijor iwoothercounte ehe wyearoldMoiines wih co and attempt oi perjury ili Chiels roe Mad Pt Wayne Pistons and the liazeltmteamol era Prolaselonai League alter his oolieginte athletic career at Columbia Hogan said Molinas allegedly paid ReedL whose lull name is William Dennls heed to damp three gamestwo heavily againstthe Loni statseapturing Pimlloo classic or line earoi iheme Caillornlar December part in the deal stumbling hiorkrt edv Decidedly in glint players were named ditmentl One olthe game Indictment as havlnglnvolved Reed was Dec ot solemn atBulldlo alieged contract was Bow lag Green to lose by nine or more points Hogan said The linai score was Canisias70 Bowilngï¬reen 52 Hogansaid Reed owespald 000 lor his this adenine rsce appears to be Jaipur who wear purposely waterel erby mean King Fame Crim Staten the millet champion wh seemsto he he is tohoeplteiaadreturnedtoworkmm mm5° mm andyou the advantage ot imoregripping andextrasprqteeh againsteldde in tdoorm hÂ¥dtcit WWW III ndaofmflaeonltahl nstnretion means ooler runningonger wearingi ï¬reswithgreateretahilitypgieaterhlghspeedsafety new trend mileagerhoaJ to aaterstope soufson yournewcan or eareplaoementtiree yotwpresent