letter to the editor was prln thisnawepaper recentl and it who sign edÂ¥ltwaa rom 313 ywhoae husband ia teacher lnanothercommoaity=in this very rovlnce Briefiy they had been on aatcr vacation andVcaah rei Iourcea were down to ten dollars which ia understandable since they were on the way home But their car deveIOpedtrou hie and theycame intollarrla tohave it tired it Woe lateln the afternoon and the banks were closed We do not know the arage or aervice station where thin incl ent occurred only the con 1e involv ed do but the bill came to £15 The were ralused theircaruntlllt was pal Despite good credentialsI the service op erator refilled to take apenanii cheque em on the line onl Several hours later ml with help local police theygott the way home around the reluctance to accept an uncertiiied ehe you ever been in strange only alter inking hour and loundyeuree emergency over financing Maybe not but you could be inthla caaetheaervice operator hada cargllcence which could inan the pï¬hu him not Mmllltlflllfll ie umttiinu heir lying lemlttz pathoth la botelroom min iy to neuronte ritumoroi the lnthet rtoitheieot cat the ohvioua month an certainly til fly humble Ihouldjbe to an alter age so be traced theibiilwar amaliyhow would he lost over1 eraonal ohe ue Weflndit iiiculttobe eveth we have thla kind of diecourteey to touriaia in BarrieSureiy it muet have been very scattered incident one in hundreda Butthiakindotpublldtyfloeanoigood to the city which let ng to show it to lendly and cooperatve withta géeat we come rlgn out for to Amerlc elik 019611 year ago it Canadian went intoa xUnlted statedborder city his dolinrwaa worth premium of five cents Several weeksagojin New York city the banka and hotels were taking discount of six cents Thea cameth atarthngvannounce meat byFinancefMlnister Donald Fle ngrthatethe=Canaolian7doiiarh pegged at 92 cents in fixed relation to theUs dollar Will this do the job It wont be known or some time but the drastic measure had to be taken and it is no political expedient Watch Can adae economy in the next year If trade ls good meaning exports they will help get the economy in better shape and keep pressure otfourcurrency As for pim ports devaluation will hurt the demand and this should aidour domestic manu featurers and take essureotf Canadaa PIONEERWOMEN Sudbury Star eat tribute la pa th moved into the around theturniot the century to ioneer its development Even greater bute 91 was one of thoaewomejnwlio not Authorized lee Port oiilce Department tau nd tor paymentxet poet in each bye and omeletInsulide more waeurneusau meet aoerorrr ocnmr Mueller Gull MoPBBBIDNLMIliflII lle titalelmldlh come as Univmlt me communities in the rugged bualllan balan otpayments1n the matter otca pitai layeatmentthiapould hel to push up the value otjour dollar snce Us moneyworth more will moveln to take advantage of theme Forel inveatorl will havetogain conï¬dence ourecon only otherwlaeour dollar might decrease iii to gel sign when meme take aii cents egge Priceamuatbe eptunder centre in this period oi bringl gthe dol larbaclr to US parity rBarrieIrnanuIactureraitwould no hear theywiii agethl her dramatic tale itemswhleh compe with importer 95 less thantwo years ago new costax $108But it will take aevaralmontha to see it the dollar pegging wiil Workout the way it is expectedand bring our cur cwrtrsaonr lrtltoa tlutltwno Anaeriean product seiilng in Canada tor uat be paid toithe young women who came into the Northrwithjtheirztalente as teachers dressmakera cooka keepers aid to make their contributio toward building better and civilized raWArtliur Evans who is deadat dloated herllfe to teachinghte her lehe $1 411 Auols MURPHY JOHN snxon seaweed methionine two at in Me teller training prom Mime md coaterencee rcetilttbo in career attitude doped to tirecuatomer1tbe mm no iconiu eiuableaaset much earlier ire histencel interest iamniniainodgiothepoiot able certain the it GINIMAMDPI AITMAN OQLOR