suture in ten to rl hundreds chool audentsto ttawa for discussions sight places of interest revision is made for udihg dances and ban phs School heejoinadother be send ir for an exciting four days activ ï¬iealhe urposcv Atmglvetthemllre hand know edge of Democracy at work Canada federa or provincial is always uncertain But the recordglndlcates that being prime minister of Canada even for short time represents the key to along The Chatham Daily Nevvs recalls that in the 95 years since Confederation only one prime minister died young that is young as politicians go That one was sir John Thompson who at age 50died at Windsor Castle inlhfli Inst afterheing sworn in as memberof ir John Mans the first minister died at 76Ha would pro have lived muchlcn for the exhausting ef orta of hlalastcamg paign 1591 The com aignwas fought Kaxvinter weather an oldiSlrJohn is of paralytic stroke on the ensuing The longevit of anygovernment in Pit ht orir electioheering cahtaetniiniatera may oak totheae voters of theme the heritage freed by th in of Cenad Visltsto the House of Parliamen theSupremeCourtliuil and spots nthecapltalshoul important impact on you the threshold of adulthood tii wiltretumtoiheirhomeemuc more aware of what makes democracy stickslhe agate cost of the trlpmade by them or be considerable but judged on the basis ofaccomplishmen it will be money well spent fayfdeserves commendiii on for though oilyarranged project Key T°A lionsLite Alexander Mackenziethe first Liberal rims minister who served on one em died at 70 SirJohn Abbot the stop ap rime minister who succeeded Mac ona it died at 72 onipson died Senator at 93 and Sir Charles Topper his successor though beheld cf fice only two monthsllvndto he 94 Sir Wilfrid Laurier who led the Liber sis to lpowerin seen after ill long years ofexi lived to he 77Sir Robert Don den achieved 82 years and Arthur Meig it lisnnett reached 78 and On the other hand Sir Mackenaie Do well who followed Sir John in Dear Dr write about th curricula contest enrl ng whetheidthe post of Ws rline minister longer than any other one an lived to both St Laurent celebr His successor John Diefanbairer 67 on Se tember iii whether or not heisetili minister Down Memory Lane ao vsagsaoo iurowu Barrie Examiner May 11 1922 Wo men schoolteachera ask Board ofJEdu cation to restore maximumsalary sche dule to$1200 Huxtable wrote scathingI letter to editor concerning comw plalnt Alderman Marshall in town council over unfair operation of local jit ney service Winners of prizes in loc al boys birdhouse building competitions were Arthur Watt Stanley Partridge Bil lie Wolfenden and Morris Moncrlefl New Dreamland Theatre announced ra tum engagement of The Four Horse men of ocalygse Yaeti es gardener or can trace his family record hack toyear 066 Central Methodist Church we ported another successful year with 40 new members received last Sunday District Deputy Keller of Midland visited Corinthian Masonic Lodgeofflclally Af yerthe lodge work and conferringde crrizcus COMPLAINT be rich into the coffers of state for iredlstrlhutlon among the votersioli 1lcians havestrsined their ingenuity to discover new sources of public revenue They have doubled the indirect taxes ch as customs due on imports and ex its They have continued the extrao inarytaxes of wartime into peacetime cg have broadened perlously the field of income tax as well as the property XI one of our wise says 1When was wealth was regarded ad rah ofcrlniev me professionallzed young clttzanswho once The Barrie Examiner Authorized ll race at class mail Post cptflgaent Heliinuth KC es tate Strathollan across the bay in Innisfil lng further th gross all adjournedio Vairs banquet hall or ante and program Schedule for county junior lacrosselea erannouncedw the secretary Dalton hlte at Midland and orllliagoif on an gaged joint rofesslonal Mr Hunter mt WWW rom Scot an Pie Patrick Edwin Teddy Walton from point of service Berries oldest war veteran succumbed to war illness as result ofbeing eased in France in 1915 He had racer of over 40 years in army service in addition to World War One he servedln pi die and Africa withthe Imperial Large military funeralied byCitiz Band ended foruburlal at StMarysCem etery John or employed by the Lattorneygenerals apartmentvncharged withperliurywlll appear beforedudge Wismer nicounty courts Town council decides grocers petition for halfhalide had notenough signatures for bylaw ut made it com pulsory for drygoods ers tailors and menswear shop Louis ed his dothliirthday still halo and hearty Linenan otherlmm exposes our shoot the skluri labia roses pityRYE uhala Manreeuhl is com order in patchy fashion Its not dangerous but is nuleanca and can be scsrey if you dont kno who is and it contest in the akin but of feeble sort in mparlaon to eryalpelas in Hell lteaaarchera have been un Witch WI all sorts man but on lalnedakln dis thi flammenmor menses thinmeiflroommonsr man fellvto spring and for some sea son nnosreriinrorar hohoncoon Ito ofth would never heardoi beforoehe believes all this atuffwhlchmatrea mates with Could it bethoi irfi about to lose my mind try not to show it but lm getting terribly wanted an ore youraister isnt leasin If your slaierlSfeaaing maybe The students were bro you can turn thatabler by de the capital fara found mending that she write down endclose everything you are suppose have said Shernight get tired ennunladvenlu =ofthat=pretiyssoourendiadmitï¬hlp spo that shes been makingthia up Rotary Club Mainly pityrlaele aoems annexeno able to find any signthat it lanai51 contagiousi neither have they been abletollnd cause but suspect that virus may be responsible Slrioe lt occurson covered phrtsbl thegbody role Could it be new garments that are worn without first be tng launderedi Could some sort of mold yeast or virus be picked up in manufacture or ahclfatorsgef it baffling ques on As to treatment dilute so luiion of iodinehns beanuscd with sitcom ifeppiled eeriyl to prevent spread of the irri tated area Otherwise oint ments containing salicyclic sold iurn new exert themselves vicariously witnessing professional exhibitions hy has struggled to find in civic loyal or in national ethic some substi lltute or the divine comma ments and the surveillance of God It was voiced atAtirens in Greece he citizen speaking was mad Socrates THE ARMSRACE Cornwall StandardFreeholder Dr Hughlfeenleyslde himself scion ï¬st of moreithan ordinary distinction says somuch talent and moneyare bein cured lntothe machinery of destruction hat theworlchis failing to progres wardbettermen otthe umenlo some of thengpneyshelng armamentswere spent on wag peace many human problems wouldba solved It would cost less for instance than the combinedsumbeln =sp arms to providethe rid wtt adetiuate nice torts being developed and food The nations have made choice be be on we mm lmymï¬ tween two possibilities both foolish One to continue to arm thus presenting front to any possible enemy The other is to disarm andnilld antiseptlcshelp lhe thron ed the la roundsor the mnasp Port Arthur News Chronicle gy The poor citizens liavecepturedthe principal harm consists of lich ng and appearance Dear Dr Mouser We heard it la possible to contaminatean individual in an injection needle even though it has been sterllacd the worst offender be ing the hepatitis germ know the armyvla using air injection but should privatecitizanin slat on doctoruslnd disposable dlo heads goodfor that time JB disagree properly sterlilzedneadle can transmit Alarms became th verynerinwsierl tiled bygthe armed services and by health departine to because it is efficient for large numbera olt inoculations The equipment oidinnry needleless handope year Disposable lent andlve used good hemmysell ifhrown Way laboroi sterlllzl eggy efier use they saverthe erly aterillz on one unpmve ares Spot thatperhaps clothing has some Annexaticnis one again in the am with Veaprarntepsy areasbefore voletng strong opinions both pro and con The Barrie or however remains rheumatism We he realises what an nexation will mean return 8urelythia assuming of al most lwoacres is going to affect him perhaps mat deal more than he thinks This large area almost two miles square lsalmost devoid of city No sewers water mains curbingaldewalka or paved roads Where lathe moneyfor these improvements to come from The answer in obvious It must come from the already heavliyiaurdened Barrie taxpayer lhere isnlso the matter of extendedfire and poll The Barrie Public School Boardrhanaircady stated it has notthcnfacilitiesto commode the ho students an auction them sense rosrrroiv Barrie musteonslderher sent position Manylservlces have still to be movie for th still Everyone atate iOl Amost work andlllve i1 arlsorne tax burden nd everincreasing city debt The ivory industries and rest th Ba slaeiah lifls these She sleepianri say cationiom could deliver such usua iffleulhteruncé deretnnd whntutqeleeptelker and parties by Fisheries Minisv ay tour hand look at govem manta to land now wlthlniher present houndries Attempt to lowervor at least not raise her up present debtor tax rate In short to put her pmnt rooms in ordar before adding new We do not anticipate industry in ourj country butna recession could come and cer tainly Bairla would then be iak placed lnthe veryernbarraeslns position of having on herhands large area ofundevetoped and requiringcostly imaintatn vanes and services but provid ing fer than its share of ex doll it ll left rtlon annanedin its ands are olderysecttona of Toreador gaveaaoins sharp clear in personality injhia speech to the annualmeetlng of the Western Ontario Progressive Conserva Students Told Politics mews cria group of whoa ï¬Mï¬AfldThJtThmmrhap ï¬gs hflï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬i gave more of himself than we Idlnllit that they are compro in win Much sin is no is to set Interested in politics in mumblehnd no dont worry cboutyourxmind0nethought mm the Association in london of their whole life Here are some of the keys ream shamanism Very few willadmltthat as lions they may be taking my th ler ave to himselfi uot be perfect butthatgovern satyoanlcanngt stop int the Dentin kWPSOJDBahud point where what we plan no the Wild keeps E01118 ahead parently counter particular Not all politicians tools edit lhsir lab to anticipatemen mup tokegrlolgagslPwï¬tï¬eeiï¬atheimthatwins ioposing in the light of how it will affect more than in fetiaftaskyrtu so design legisla lure date sdverssiy affect some Iegment of ourpeopleJ tion that it will notat some fu Governrnsnt cannotat and still We mustvdo something and compromise manoeuvre we readjust our sights as it were and we do what we feel baths and will be for the benefit of the majority 9l never want when four government thatws failed to reachdeclslons th didnt some action Asleader of theizovernment tytoentici rning up and itoaethcrwlih the members of the cabinet decidewhatgactlon we Should take theJndlvi much easier function of foil thewlshesrol the people Proof of the sincerity ofwhat to say is con hs telnedin hlshsndling of the cabinet to date Hehes made his ministers take responsibility and has del egated power to them Has done it so obviously in fact means simply that we must it has been matteryof coinin erable ent here cannon may wean LONDONpo Church laymen and clergyfrom across Canada met here during the weekend to determine how church can become more ant to todayl society Don gald Cameron of Toronto scci rotary of thejchurchs hoard pl men said therchurcb is becom ing an institution of iddle assgpeopls audit ng