Exceurai some new takes in the area oi ult Ste undercut rails decimation teat VA negro irate tbid Ontarios royal comv misslolrLcn crime Monday that iormdr provlnclal cabinet minister made improper Inquia lee about gambling case be inrehim The magistrate Frederick Th not had be telephone chlla in 1969 from the late James Mnioney tomes mines minister ot theprovince rbouldla trial of Kenneth thronln bias one the deiancelawyarsin the case Magistrate ihompso convicted Currier char am one morning OiIAWA CDThe messa was not to send any chocolates it meant halt shpment in lndnchin of string wrapped brown parcels containing sold Sci RlaiChampagaatold court Mondays sentthat message to Mat WiHiamVAllan Flatt 46 who is betore the military court on charge at organizing and said th particlpatin in gold smuggling last Maj Plait hersaid ha recalved at gainl iromytlre motor Part of TORONTO CF nadian Medics wamedl1 today age document onset the key note presentations made to the royaL commissionln its cross honslve me lcal anca undergovernment aus uwas stunned at continuedthat he realised the trlal ut his He said the onto that he iumb words hung tlp and his wltn ifltought as going to He said goty sooth call irom Maloney low down aler an third Magistrate Thompson Vtold commission that niterha got he repertedthe on Gen jpglaty Attorn 3P pea dannoyed when he heard thcxstory and said Molauey had been in the departments hair beiore no more until hear from Please send lettergior ursdaya planes liven thinkywetshouid send once weekhy dip bagtdlplhmatic pouch so thinksltuationrtoolriclq say so and well discontinue wasinltialiedlw notation Please hutn aiter reading SgtuOhempegnewasth lirst prosecution witness Monday ioi Sgt Champagnetestiï¬ed that he received three parcels irom owing tourpoint detence presentation sealting case declared beyon he mili tary urta Jurisdiction Each point was rejected ihe case inues today Chatnpagne one to military man sentenced subscribe univarsal servrcesvlnsur rites SHOULD PAY FROM FUNDS The CMAcialms about 1520000 Chandi or eiglht per cent on recruitment ver ed nation unsettlédhlm so much creator wouldnt he abno al3ropli sonnet ot loan supervisory swans nor dorm Plattinailrm7cie sergeant and bore the havo tha laterMr ntmo taokhmtonn Roberts told about the calls ntlrnirtetors10t these itsmtn ind Monomers were admitted discharged ailertrestnrent rolre outin aleNeg washipsnaarhero abodit the sometime that itch Bu er ritlsh mtnisierjpr oen wasfl otjop ltvasallitiesorty id the tirsi place ndrew Brewln lot rte Democrac Patty nskedabou the id nnï¬y being drunk when the that me Well some or my newspaper triean at Queens Park say this the msgistrat BELGRADE ReuterslMll van Djilus once leading Cont munlst was sentencedtMonday by iYugoslavlf court to me years in prisonior disclosing oiiiclai state secrets ihecourt alsoorderod the controversial politicianau thor serve the unexpired period of an earlier prlson term to spreading Ihostile props truce comm not tine mend He received severe repri iNot guilty sir tence eight years andeight nience was that or court as nine iriends stop months ped in small gun shop in remote section attire country for some minorrrepalrs to one giggle huintere Llgdrend why gn qu prices hanging brief closed trial which openedMonday with drama tic bid by theiormer Yugoslav yicefpresident tor public hears The conviction ptDlilas one time vpioliiical heir to President Josip ltais expected to touch it new ests irom feral or the shopf per hour DisK cussing hunting tishlng politics ctc $750 porhour Arguing $2000 per hour Disc to hospital and 11 persons were mentwuuld genus mokiogvthe total sen announced bywtha wyearsh eight nurse was iound guilty otter Mr Pearson also repeated his promise tat Libsrslgovcra dept distlnc lflll enricaud tr policies in his appearancoli this VSagueney itivenLake Etta phlegm wholes menu sea area on run paper and aluminum exports Liberal government he said would puttorward axplan tior creation oi angtltlnntlceeo nomlc communlwncluding the Europaah 00 ST HYACINTHE chtonbaker Monday laid siege to Quebec tor the second time in the curmat campaign He used French about halitho tlrne lnhls public speeches at Nicolai Sorel and St Hyaclntlre during gruaiiing campaign dayon the south silo tithe at uebee electors members to tends to make bigplich aideratltm ties for convalescent and chro homemaker programs appeared next on the list new ap proach tomentnl illness with unitsnit buiitdin conlunction with re Pub assistance approved car rlers should be selected from tary plans now operating the recommendations ranged from 12th through 15th inthe CMA list oiï¬priorltiash Tep priority was given tea ishealth ervlces personnel Next came improvement aspcc otf rehabilitation service was also recommended ahead ot subsidlred medical insuraneo 5Medica rvices insurance represents onlyhgsmali ices MA ifhrough evolution servie anadi sat nic patientephoma care and beds orlicss being v1 tion ofddequateheaithdserv Mr try to retain the so seats Con servatives won in tree liannw hasjapont three days in the province witheba another trip First what mains or Unltedestates italrl ind th slplng organise the erllr revoltlnnpril Mi it than at being theisederot the terrorist doeroMrmyOrgania idoat oi the when Ms owners orinoon Warn tress Inniaree was reserved torrthe no 150 was and toroign re mrterstgwerlne the triehilhs reporters endvtbe iewepectete are rllawsd into the courtroom and tapes through ilva check routers Ouslde Eeleca oi mum groups my through rteeligrtllvmrrin the racemes 3° uu usgredue dlm 1° orders to world trade arowould be created it you will moonzmantderlret on Wbridwlde sable manor biasing Sitingam mm we thecountrysnd bring abo tsconomio feather nsto iiy eart gt ward today ior campaign ap lnatfllminutes chal nee Wm WW tie Bathurst andDalhousle in rancea along Naw Bruno 31sz north shoreat Newcas the last Parliament the Liberals heldfthree oi the provincestiu Aconstituenciestand are hoping to tired their position with th elp DiCLtbulL or do Rohichhud lnltirlsflueheo region Lib arais held only onaloi tour con stltupncles et stakeLemmas where Augustin amssard is seeking reelection The other IthreeChicoutirnL Lac Sidebar and Renewalwere held by Liberals beiore Conservative Qua GP Eieclion bent Prime Minister torrent Commons and itis apparent the prime minister victories in th est electlonin 195 managed to avathe matter placed beiore the Qanada llS international gtJoint Conunlsslon He also said the liberals had allowed the shipbuilding indus trytoiall inlodecsy iiis government wespmvld ing=subsldios torthe industry and lot protects worth mam 000 now were in hand An addi ernmcnt now had Mr Dieienbnker root not Govetnors Cottage na tional historlcslte to crowd wtltviorCen at the searched tit he srdd minimum in this dreams can Secret Amy stop lrilling otidosiems tom inflation for the firstM01 Moslentitsrrorlst attack since the March talceasoiire Nineteensttloslem men and Moslem womanwore killed in Algiers and nine Moslams wounded thoEuropeans eons centrated their shooting in the Hussein Dey uarter where many Moalarns we done European lriilcdnnd onowounded HI Nice said no persons were lriilcd Sand as wounded Monday by MoslemHGJmmandos who drove throuahJisteerithnnas th WMï¬lï¬gWenTdt the daadana 27a oi nth wounded were Europeans The Secret my Ioil Mondaywas three ot them women the titanium rampag ended terrorist Moslems they so strike ball as telraa among theï¬unions 08 local chairmen wheaendorsed the strike call and math negotiating oonunittao authority to reach settlement on such tonne and conditions as may be deemed advisable the violence stopped klliedsomeoi the Moslem cons mandos sears arms BvnishtallAlsiers were 9W1 except ior long voysf oi Frcnch army vehicles and heavilyguarded barricades thrown across mailer streets peace agreement tint the cret Arroyhari hoped to trlgg amass Mosiem uprising aold blooded killing by corn mando threes using tactics as itself