gmmmmmrwgmwmv no of seats Truman ttyoars old yester dayholds birthday cake on his two grandsons blow out candle attai hil arrival at an Sankatohewcin Granctrlldron are William Wal iaeeDsniel arieft and bro ther Clifton TrumanDaalei Their mother Margaret Stand saysmoaahaslo anxietyun be traced to theeoncepttbat nnuMliN mm autonomous panama lormer Prcaldont Harrys ldlawild Airport in New York plan in mama dau ter stands behind him manarrived an troni Kansas Cit photo rem psycldatrllt indentedastray in disturbances all human helper through an unconscious relation betweenmoth and cm Drwniter torrential boar loi psychlatrlst at Camarlllo State Hospital in Caittomla evory child season resentment in his Vraothu In an interview Wednesday at theAmericaa Psychiatrle Amclatloa annualmeating Dr Gamsaldlhe maternity producedby this intentexpec ience isa lifelong basic anx iety common to everybody The anxiety is basicha said because it can manifest itself in physical mental and social health selenium maturity and reproduetlvlty Dr Gnrrc said as nevhopeo understand1 is to trace what he terms so ernotiouoi daddtf treat the earliest tntantmother relationships in total so proaclt to human personality Gum explained thatun her animalgnthcahuman or experiences variousde me at resentment in pro Tunney anaclous oruaco threat to his yery existence VThe resulting anxiety is based on unconscious tear that the mother will in to provide protection Haadded the uncon sciousdeslre In humanhelag throughout his lilo is the feeling that atpemn would he poten tlalty willing torisk and lay down his very llfo ior him rises this resont ment andporeelves it as IfPeoplyeWiSIi7M1edié€l 1a REGINA tCPlThe Saskat He added One more no fwhether the people unsung chewan governmentwill stnnd iirrn on implementation of its medical care insurance 11 ska ch am er Lloyd said Wednesday night Speaking on government r5 sponsored tcielflst Mr Lloyd urged people to be firm and make clear to their own doc tors they wish the health plan to have hair trialtie also urged doctors to give the tan fair trial The plan is so od alert to on into operation July it lllr Lloyd promised that no Frioctar will havetalleave the province because at government interference in dootorpatiant relationship promise that your government too will stand firm As tone as we know that the puoplewant healthzinsurucomlnnzhrthi province vercau stand what ever pressure opponents oi such plan may be able to apply He termed ft new kind means test the doctors decl lsion to provide emergency med ieai servlccs only if they can not practise outside the Medi cal Care Act 5Do you diagnose yourself and Vdeeide whats on emer geney What about doctorpa tient relationship in such case Heasked chowan ahalthogoverned by dcmocratleally elected legisla ture ponsihte to thepeopie or tag He noted the president ottha Saskatchewan College at Physi ciono and even pleh ian would make nodiiterenca in their attitude Mr Lloyd sold the issue is Smaliwood Critical Oirilandline FadetOlNewfoundland Union ST JOHNS Nild vCtl Term 29 at the Confederation Frontier Smailrvood Vednesdaylr9m9nl5 Dletenhakers handling of term at Canadas union in 1949 Uwith Newfoundland in speech at an election ï¬compnign meeting attended by an estimated 500 persons hir Smallrvnod said John Bassett tichnirntnn and publisher at The oronto Telegram and an regressive Conservative can idnte in TorontovSpadlna had attempted to convince the prime minister to give Netti tioundland better deair over loundland Bath sTury onvince Mr Dietenbaiter that New should get more money under the term the mier said Term 29 provi or roya commission ta recommend eight years alter= Confederation what extra financial aid New foundland might need to eon tinue services at the standard reached at thattime without heavier taxation than that in the other Atlantic provinces ALUMINUM site nouns It Laeider Ladder Add see THESE AND MANY MORE NOW on otseLAv Not Exeetly as illustrated esaoALton 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