retireer ionn an gt heani innuenre Frnniynns rty are the above lounging SPEAKING or PEOPLE AND PLACES Notes arrinteirderitu mar the general social ills of the city and district Weddings annivennries bridge pnrtlrs nndcomlng of ego parties visitors and trn vellers are all Items or later eat to the women readers at this page Your help in any relax this news will be really appreciated Knit anwann won The King Edward Lndies Choir of Barrie was successful in oituinlng it marks at tho IsimEBï¬inkzhiesday evening The choir under the direction of Mrs John Dobson competed in the open lemoie voleeeboir class The com petition took place in St ï¬nmes Anglican Church Orll EEGIONAL MEETING eregional meeting of the Catholic Womens League was held at St Annas Church Pen etnng Among those attend ere Leo McCann president of St Marys WL Mrs Jerry Coughlinh Mrs Carroll litre Jack Coleman and Rev Stanley Blackwell RUMMAGE SALE The Barrie and District As soeiatxon for Retarded Children will hold rummage sale in the Canadianteglon Hail Collier Street HSaturlilialyé him 12 to pm ouse ar eies geod irredfllothinmammh garden potted plants etc will be offered for sale Joan Woods dau ghters of Mr and Mrs John Woods of Shanty Bay Road daying With June when leaving the city to spend the summer at Jasper Park Al berta Jmmuu Vliitl asa Barbara will also be eIs pyiariiu leavingtiie city then to no summer position DiNNElI PARTY It group of Barrie women who are members of the Klnette Club attended the interclub din ner meeting at Zones and held at the Nortiigato Hotel The event was sponsored by the Downtown Toronto Club and the setting was done in nScohdin avian ihcme Attending from Barrie were Mrs Alvin Byers Mrs Henderson Lamb Mrs EorlCote Mrs GordonTeskc Mrs Hurry Lowe Mrs Ro ramszatiï¬FNGss ume Gordon Condor Mrs James Reynard Mrs Faris Sins clair Mrs Lorne Corter Mrs lud HeelsMrs Bill Brown oss Artiier Mrs Clay ii ton Wilson Mrsnlinrry Hail den ilirs Ross Appleton Mrs Robert Workman Mrs Doro thy Gordie Mrs or Moot and Mrs Dave lotden The highlight of the evening was as in travelogue on sports wear commentator uwrvnnsrrr women Mrs Wilfred Jury will be speaker at the annual dinner meeting of Barrie University Womens Club next finesday Mrs Jury is the write of the archaeologist from the Uniyen sity oi Wesiem Ontario who has been excavating in Simcoe County Her subject will be Out of the Ashes rm and will commence at 630 pm BANQUET lhird Barrie Scouts and Guhs ther and son banquet will be old at Fellowship Hall Colliery Street United Churwh at 630 this evening Convener ohihe banquet is Mrs Thomas Yates servers are Mrs Mrs Bert Cooks Mrs Parker Mrs Lloyd Conk Mrs Pfrimmsr Mrs CeciiCook liss Monica Vtonnggwns iate auditorium in fabrics there are lightweight iicy woolr seethrougb medias silken gnuzos and wonderful new cottons in colors there are iceérenm shadesavath bet lemonl lots beiges some greys hello bit otnavy but slightly lighter and brighter ontytsome soft browns softly bright blue cool greens lot of white rlniszoreaither aéowor designs on white rniuted soft focus ones to be worn Edmunds Mrs Garnet Pratt Mrs Larry linrt Roberts Mrs Greer Mr Bert Thicker Mrs Dnlton Guest Mrs limmas Mrs lupling Mrs Wil tiom girlie Mrgulii Merriam Mrs John Winchester Mrs Low Mrs Hor old Walker and Mrs William Mnicoinsou Helping in tho kitchennre Mrs Denrrnoru Mrs iiit°ii°ir iii rs en 03 =n hammer Mrs Betty Atkins MrsLorrio Clarke Mrs Burden Mrs Clowes Mrs Crone Mrs Jock Batstone irs Connler Mrs Hur ris Siddali Mrs Frank Ladou ccr Mrs Cameron Robinson Mrs Wiliorh Howell Partridge and Mrs Mills AND PW CLUB Members of the Business and Professional Womens Club of Barrie attending the regional conference in Bracebridge May and were Mrs Jean Dew son president Miss Evelyn Kightley past president Mrs Ruby McCarthy Mrs Dorothy Ayciiiie Mrs Dorothy Gardi ner Miss Connie Wilson Mrs Beulah McBride Mrs Grace Murpiw Miss Sharon Franck and Mrs Arviila Priest cornirunrrv snowen mnenmcimwm Edger iiali Friday evening for miscellaneous shower and presentation party for newly wcds Mr and Mrs Murray Lee The party is being con vened by the Ciowes Womens Institute secession Following rt hel orthColie last evening Mr and Mrs Alvin Robinson entertained at their Codrington Street residence for the soloist and Mrs Frank Craig covervup nuke daughters Mr Mienew stone slendemusi leeway Wriifcemi vers railroad called the lime it ins grhlte tripod eoveï¬ nd bodied with the new low or beelr less shfft dress is ssshed or pocketed cool approach to mmt summer and loadingjlashion okushyzoro the classic thinned in striped cotton sheer of green and whit andpracticai iron the unsalted storuol liars rte and the parade wsrrpon sored by thoWoinens Auxiliary were Mrs Joyce Snider Mrr Dolil Handing Mrs PattyWli son Mrs Dorothy McNaugb ton Mrs Betty Dowd Mrs Blanch unison Gwon Milk Mm Lsensse Mrs Leona Davidson Mrs Julio Corbett Mrs Mnrg Edward Mrs Blnnche Frlo balrn Mrs milfughesrnd Mrs Dernpster wife of the Commanding Diiieorof the ehiuhnd lrsetleai Whether it be for an afternoon otshop ping or dinner date dunno the Community William Warfield of Roe ester New York Among the guests were Willard Straight Mr Warilelds accompanist Mr and Mrs Vern Stewar and Mrs Robert Leepe Mr and Mrs Don Belt Mr nndMr Ramsay Mr and Mr Ailamllton Miss Jessle Brysun Mr and on Cox ovo ounrtotie are ready tor any céuionrromnie leit oro Mrs ii schema Wendyhndrews Miss Nancy Sehioeder and Mrs BuryBelow ready for day at the booth nrefroiri the ie Misses Jackalynnuiien CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Media for North American sn=tmn PA 66555 91 Miss Lesiie all Miss Greta FinleyAlf Pickles Mr and Mrs NevilleJamiesen and gt Welsh William Browne Miss Mr and Mrs All all at Barrie Mr Siepherd VKen Ellis Midland and FltlENDSlliP rnn Mrs Bruce Edey vener of the Friends held at the home of Mr ry Coughlin Eugenia Street yesierdey afternoon Thkev ent was organized by the Bnr ing the tee tnbio rle Womens Liberal Associa tion Receiving guests werethe hostess Mrs Cougliiln Mrs Calverï¬ Mr Meson ndidate new ard and Mrs Howard Presid ere Mrs Mrs Mrs Neil Laurie Mrs Rnlph Sneigrov Clarence rCorbelt Agnes Moore Mrs nire James Taylor Mrs liarol Mnrr Mrs EBobierMrsAnn Church ward Tea hostesses were ck Garner Mrs Harry Wnik irs Ginsslord Mrs and Mrs Ar thur SteWurt In ehnrg bake tableware Mrs byMrs WC John Sexton Mrs Edward Berry Serving after sses Julie Culvert ieeiieliy ve Smith Mrs slon gotten into onepieeo niuitlprlnt and anel front with nnelnctisiz back Travel Arrhngements Ismr nus 9n HOTELS RESORTS cnmsss CAit neurone 0lt Johnson and Co Ltd World Wide Service was abhorrent on at Toron was hark Skkli Ployknit Plain and Printed Donim Plain and Printed Giititieafor Mother from Evangelines delighrfdi new lingerie collections tliisiovoiywmatctieil set if youre ponder Ways to express your love ondircspeot toiMothor we suggest yousee liiiu lovely matched at layFrench Muido nylonj tricot collection in WHITE 0R PINK beautifully detniied with BanLon lace and lace appliqués