DONALD MInDONALD left New Democratic leader res th ltus was nominat NDP candidate for Simone North ed as night in inn as Wasctgcét Mein DP Nominee Russell Poeuero Wasoga Beachbusinessman was nom lnated New Democratch Party candidate for Sirocco North at nominating meeting in Barrie Public Library last night lltr Pogue recalled his ex rlcnce in factory oftice and Kiedustry 1917 at the age of 15 he worked in Petorborough munitions factory for 60 hours weck at so cents an hour his business man at Was aga Beach and director of the Wasago Beach Chamber of Commerce rind member of the Georgian Bay Development Association have knowledge oiflthe problems oi the small business man and to some ex tent bigbusincss he said FAIR iNCOME ltfr Pogue said fair in come must heiguarnntced so the farm policies of the New DemOIltliic noverhrnnn mTIiï¬tainth lly fa cornerstone at Canadas agrl culture community institute system of producer marketing boards organised on commod ity basis provide parity price level for farm products provide farmers with capital assistance to take advantage of new tanm ing technique and equipment and encourage greater use of cooperatives in distributing and processing Outlining the New Democra tic lurtyhenithplan litr Pog ue said New Democratic government will introduce in cooperation with the mvince essential drugs and appliances He said New Democratic government would make finan al arrangements with the pro vlnces to enable them to have free education at all levels to those who could beneï¬t better schools vocational schools unir vorsitlcs be or trolnlngiadl itlcs and salary standards DlSGRACEFIIL ilr Pagan said the treatment of retired citizens has been in adequate and disgraceful cw Democratic government will Immediately Increase the old age pension to $75 month available to everyone at 65 with no means test Introduce sup plementary portable contribu tory pensions and make periodic ndiustmen it would cnaet legislation to prohibit unscru ulous promotion and pricing ntques ilx lts ntercctratachavg timer credit he said The old parties speak of heel enterprise and the truth is that the oidparties by yielding control to the co ration giants on are in tact rapid killing what free enterprise remains Remember Dicfenbakers pledgethat no Canadian would sulfer from unemployment if he was elected Well he was elect cdand you knoiv tiiarecord Poguo saidNew Demo cratic egisiation would be brought in to stop nilunlair practices to guarantee five day tdhour week and equal pay one gram that vilirestora wdw sea flabia fleet ofCanadatn ltsrigh piacsinworid pp tag fleet phat now everyone he accessiInl Herald that Canada had good fleet at diction of the war in 1945 and yet the liberal government of that time let It all and no dates the drain they were even ready to let the lalre freighter go the same when the seaway was but he nddcd tie said the Conservative govt Wain Smith lnhisaccoptaaca ernmeat stopped this by lending money to restore the fleet to what it is today and will con tinue to be lie sold the next step was to build sea fled toreatar dition in the sengoing field the shi ulldin industry needs and erlves eip and will get it said Mr Batter So far the shipbuilding de velopnient has been tor takers and coastal ships This item ble paid off and now we are looking towards dccp sea ships that are built in Canada We stand 26th or nth us far stated that it at Camp Horde nan uoititibo not Mr rest tige if naval workwas Coilingva til manhxwient Md lit The ano tend mics after openedond diam orso want preseniat the Colitngwood District Collegiate auditorium it landed gpoalmr was had speechn dealt with the res poets of shipbuilding in Co iag wood He said he would con tinue to strive towards lot it USY its toryrhes Colli ood shipyard been so busy bulitrwero tot private owners However let me remind you thatlt haaIbeenthe Conserve tlve governments policies that are made it advantageous for these shlpowuere to have their ships built in Canada said Mr th Sin tit st of the ships ch are provided and thyme busitetrthe klndof work do est achievements of liiI past four years Mr 5th saidthat doclr en built on Kem as penfoit Bay at Barrie and add that he hopes there would be similar dock at NoltawaragsI before the nextaomiaatlnz cou ventlon in other government achieve it be loans to small businessmenI angea in the Combines Act which have enabled manufac IurcreI la this area to mark their goods in an orderly to Ion liedlsmmentloned homes for the seed at Peaoteng the county court house renovation new registry ofï¬ce and the rehabilitation of or Marker Smith hernias entry of Great Britain into could hava an adverse effect on anadian trade licher Smith QC told members at Bar iy dinner meeting at Commun ity liouse We would bevory unwise not to voice our fears andraakei them known to Brltainhe While for political rca sons it is almost certain she will enter the Common Market European Common Market parliament for Simcoa Nnrtn since 1957 and Progressch Con servative candidate in the forth eomlng federal election was rgo Caldwell the Common Market was dull subject lllr Smith stated but of Vital importance to Jen at Ontaplo especially because tvitsrpossibie effect on sicond lndustry it was the func ti of any government to pro vide peace security and pros perity lorgtha people who live introduced by Past President rieKiwania Club attheir week Geo in the world Most braneh plants here were subsidiaries of 15 companies fliers wasa ood economic reason to estsli Ilish branch rplant in Canada to get aroun Commonwealth or imperial preferences Mr Smith listed the European Common Market countries France itaiy Belgium beerï¬ boars Holland and West Ger many plus Denmark and Bri lain as likely nawpartuers Hero we find wages substant 17 leweis bracelet to match entee white or yel Rcz N35 NOW$l295 yr gimr asLowI combstats rates ectrcShavern ran nasa lies not raises Large Artilleal noses sunroowen rivswaiieas Sul List iliic Ladiea NYLDN srocmNos complete programo pi aid for equal work with minimum yet we mustItry to drlvénss In tally lower social justice and RUNNINGSHDES health care covering mczipcei wages and tivoweeks vacation ham WE Wwbler lgreategt algorgsibmi 9mm Wï¬nem 911 1W9 KI an have high skiifui labor WitGrew are we $335gggmemtyggggï¬ and trades exceptBritain size chest98 employmem are protectionist with hizhtar NOW $139 NDP Leader Sa Chamber Basie monumentssen YW ï¬owmtï¬pï¬esyiï¬e Isatdt Dumps32ml Ladlca Snmmcr LadteaflEs rn in rea Ti Shitttlnh whiting in Cisvgnada Anoaiaiiranlsss TOPS 5K 5575 aapx ms over epns years are Win of co As 50 per centiveroonfarmstnow wlildoaisab1ishillrlmtrttfgrb AMCZgasm n12 unison INows29ossr 296 PEDAL PUSHERS 51353 Au Sim Assorted Colours sizes leis Reg sees Reaction Now $169 NOW 49 =o12rn amber of that the greatest allies of the meet the incredible backlog of nanLimiting limit $151333 thisimmvimifiiiymiiid Commerceis helping the Com Communists in Canada are human needs he said the malted aimname in 5mm pointed out There wui munlsls to win the cold war by those reactionary forces such dusmes sun as minesand 8150 be camp me new refusing to consider economic asIthe chamber of commerce tals texaeptperhaps in Que pulp forestsmow accounted for labor and some political as planiiing and ribosoiiféioré toMun wlincli billldï¬ rlippbse economic belcibSEdptigvate enterprise will 1955 1mm five per cent where pads also there pros empoymen na ec panning none can resr no em Donald tolda iederai nominat cue us from economic stagna We will pass aGuaranteed decadeugo as math of man In Ems me MENS PONCHO SHIRTS ncI Ingc0i1ventinn Slrncoe tloa and unemploymenL Employment Act that will guar whn muniinimxiiï¬fnaggtlg mm 19 91 mm 3° tours NOYHI 155 lithi He our nntee every rem loyment Smith said he leared eon ASSt CPI Mr MacDonald Ontario lead 120ng egarlggs gaging He said the Edith Dpieienbaker 2533 qmgglnm tlld have taberaedeq ter of theldNew Deigoeratie iatr tng the bgnkmpr 11mg up Rlitili beightiswilsls just reï¬tting ad high ougdsthlurt spea ng in amepu Ic 51 IN istory an at or In 85 59 arv l1 155 mm 531 the emnomy of $3232 llgtrgirty $351353 Rights ihvuld guarantee ea LIVING dTANDARDSI With Empire preferences gone the Soviet Union continues to Donate to cm unemploymem man employment Discuss 0i limits would 39 somuch 19351 expand by up to to per cent hesaidI Mr MacDonald said With the Unite States Mr two for U5 manufacturers year while North America can McDonald said am robI chov said he wants peace Smnthd will Chi dill Slob tlnues withivide unemployment lemIlh fail atlvwm believe himbecause anym 11 190011 MERE 5WD BF hit FENMANISI BREF5 andadro in production the 90 0ch ma Sb in this nuclear age who didnt mi Sizes SML Reg 790 Soviet word wtll ovartake as are no mm ca Wantgpeflce WolliId be madantl induction she whatever What of Khrushi They will be able to win chev he not mad the cold was without ï¬ring The Liberals haVe leull Hemmpared Khrushchcvig PENMANSTOPS shot or dropping single lime PNblEmn They ï¬le warning to Hitlers MeinKom sates SML Reg 79 bomb Mr MacDonald said himde team WSW becauselitwas clear warning lie desoribed mass unemploy Weaknerts the 19mm Eve He said Mr Khrushchev has meat as Economic nonsense at 59 killer55 lemmas ad warned he will win the mid Mglhomfli 01 Baffle 80 home and mm onubmvm mit that Pearson isnt the warI aouncedtnday that he had sold ASStd C019 broad that democracy cannot strangest leadeflnIle Mam The mum of control of the ThomasIIElectrl to our customers advantages Re $495 competelwith communism Donald 581d cal supplies Ltd toZenhh it will be possible to expand The ironicol result of El tri Supply Ltd of ITorv our productrangepthrough Ze MENS DEPT gt Short Sleeves Size 1417 Reg$3992 Sizes sML Reg eon Nowson nrnowaoe MENS roses an uiths Iwide onneeiiaus said it no longer be Mr Iiiiom the active Idmtnistretor oi the Thomas Elec business he will eontlnue his by Mr association with the company and will remain on the board eneedsteady growth over the auromanaurvi ltlIT City Service Amm comm Can Pro War Shem William gt Can Liquid wan oi directors pest l2 yearsStewnrtEnuns Glov Cloth anti Stewart Emms formerly as the new manager was theicam Man me 55 95 Isistantmaneser of Thomas ElI ectrie in Barrie has beenIap be point manager Jack Wright iicontIlnue as sales manager Joys reputation for guilty The company operatesn branch andnservlce in this area and in OriiliaIwhich will continue throughoutthe adustr to be managed byArthur Weir stern in addition to MrIThomas the new board of Thomas Elec trieai Suppli clude id on tie the electricaltiadustryr was ccntly recognized by his eiec tloafas president ofthe Cane ion Electrical Distributors Illa socialise Mr ardlaers name is possibly lamilier toe allyIaa he is as director Leaf Gardenriandva her of the Silver Seveni who assisth idi in todayFrom it Thomaszwho will witlath board miner Photo