and at the Anurleen Plyehlatrie Association until meeting here John lastructerlo mydlloiry the University at hilchiun Medical Centre in Audioher presented re rt an arm in hlafstote ineoropeten Desmond ortoa protesaor oi mm on to Iland trial lawat Osgoode Hall LlwSdMI in Toronto was ï¬lm out contributors to the discussion ï¬lhav med that mite 91 torts to resolve conflict 000 troversy ooounuee when chitrim ahdlawyen me gt the field of criminal law The chiatrllt complain that the disregards psychel ogy and psychiatrypihe law olteuteell that plychlatry snout of touch with the tart ot llie in the courts regerdlng procedure to protect mler and the individual Dr lies and his team etudled the records at accused persona ruled Inmmpeuni to flood trleland committed to ionia State Hospital in Michigan lt INTERESTS NOTSEIWED lie concluded that the role of the courts the hotplteil and the doctor oltea are perverted and the Internet oi the accrued are not served The Michigan raetlee the the some or litllliltl to moat other Jurisdictions in North America resulte in incarcera iionaitanlor lite ot perm withdiit heat at tria Dr Hear tanned theeplalon that many ol there committed to lonla Hospital were compa tent to stand trial and them Iority ol the rest could hava eea made ready for trial by treatment within six months Common law holds that the court decides whether an no cused is competent whether his mental status permits him to plead and he tried on acrlm lael charge underatandlng the prtloeedtngs and assiatlng tn his own defence jut tuti hodytng the common law prin pleretm to the sanity orinv emu the accuse mat on romreteace Wderuso at drug which produced ayrnptarus character otlc oi schizophrenia was urged ohmlexetot in Belle Mead NJ Dr SchmeieKa raid that use ot LSD lyeergic acid methyla snide hue nrodueedeneenrag ing resultuin cases at alcohol lam sexual perversion and other personality dlsordera Dr Sehrnlege sold that with one large dose at LSD the in divldual eeea hlmselt in to taliy new light and finds that rthe ageold question oi who yarn It does have algntticaat gunswer Some mentallyldleiurhed Qmotihers may he curedrnore flens other eaidDr Henry Gruenbaim Mes uhusetts Health Centre psych trlst He said recent exp mmey renamsmï¬mwm =A warning by the president Vuear College lenient marital oexual relations and promiscuity has touched him made lalarmal debating at the womens odtoal poll shawloa per cent at the stu deats hack the prestdeatl stand ltllse Sarah Glisten Blending the college presiti oi told the chooll use ntadente at compulsory assembly that those whoeould not live up to the collegee standards should with draw voluntarily la addition to condemning promisculty ehe eloo ould ex ceealve drinking on or oil the campus would not be tolerated Decent behavior expected of atudenteuaheimld does not include premarital sexual ton She made her remark April but word or it did not get outside the cam us until liloa day when the osser Miscel lany News college newe paper appeared The paper carried poll which itwid it had taken oi 1040 zirir 0i theaa per cent invored the presidents position to per cent diao eed and the rest were undecl ed WAS W0 CHAMP ClNClNNATl AP Freddie Miller5worldleathebwetht boxing championlrorn liltit 1938 died Tuesday Record hooks show Miller taught 237 timeelle won Manet22 had two draws and three no de cirions BRAND new not IVolitswaigensf outv $1737 tExcludlng Licence Gu entice mots new lllliSll SPllllltllllilE Plltllllltll FEATURES cotlroanltealtuv fllMEl aetiolousThtAr tonne WEEKINN rntsuy STMWBEiiiiiEST Theyd LARGE BRIGHTFLAVOUliFUL aeolian FRESH No GRADE THE VERYJEST roa FLAVOURi MAY tom 12 new anonetatlnxtmlervt LARGLSIZE CRISP mm liiiiSiigBiJiiiK colitis Leeuws ALWAYS ears FEDERALGOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS WI ALVA rmmmoew muaucuoeu ucuv onrtu Prodressed mum oe nonsrnu STAMPS um tucktemnmnrs WithCouptynalurehlu leer Jlr till AIM instant Gotten orceupeekeusyu notarsehogs 10V6Phant0mnylons MANUEAMIJRERE 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