limit ion the to extended itncedm so some coneeralhst it theblldii Mmmtimihiiï¬iil boerd neverlhaionil slated out on 31 gnu 1123351355 mail was 151 paged mllhtootboroomplsted when igh an mummy tor nothingmorsthen what it 19 thmkgfllflfgw flawWWW 13 Mm WNW minim °° MrGriiiinssidlhat he had Depaflrtnï¬rt otiJducalion heads unuisumoumu would he of the people extended for school boards and said item aroundthsprovincs whichhad move that wnsvvery their reject byhpril utopiwilh liarrles lindlts éorgmagtmflgnmï¬my thiaye lleaddedfurther development Quehe Ontario G1 wu done several of oounciljlauded to tha by and laureate gonnpodred alters sincethe uw rm oi pumice information more important Hm nacho room one New snmswicr reported aMi sillbhnleetï¬ï¬riéiih Wilt$5 Miain iérisnihtdmm aim es crcnlod soaresat ideas prise oi std ihocontcst or doityouneitperso Second prize or $56 weswon by Mrs Merr Scuoor BoonesProstate ports some people have endealt ie slve thalath sheltersbuilt med intCanada as many others have been built privately wi out tcderal iinaacial paid th lerded here sszclea vi deuce thatvthsaheltar program has failed to catch on with the At Hll Hillerest Public School in Earrie not only needs new heating system but also repairs to the root the Public School Board learned at meeting last pight iha heating system may cost between 511000 and 517000 and repairs to the no 415 twasestlmntcd Properly InVespra Township Mayor Les cook lordwledgoabie and intelligent has ibranded funtru astate assessmentjot the pros and meat made by Vespra Town rooms at proposed annexation ship ratepayerst public meet in Monday nightwhiebwas ca ed todiscuss Barriespro posed annexation scheme for 1110 acres otVesprs ibvinship Eli lhasgtementvdresmgge hy antiE remitn Washroom APT711a United States triggereda new by seniorgavcrnment on gilt bariswith thep vinclal government 75 per cent and the fedora government ab sorbipgtho remaining is per cent Therefore the City oi Barrier actually only concern ed with stranger in the old dance in Otto Butssurvoy auditorium to and of mfembgzbflavm ï¬gï¬nstrucllon ot using veae and only hanthl had my Wish Fraser Betty Gates Ronaid Harris ingrid Kritur Charles Layer Shirley Mason Joanne ghmsrd and Helen Peggy realisation of effect at on glcxetion oilieaprs township on JO cussed Craig urged the boardilo discardthe present system and start over fiiecauso you cant operhts the system as ills now He said hewould have speci ilcations to present by June This would ailowt egkai nderszandflhe cnnlirbe Prime fminister Dietenbaher set an example by having shelter built atvhis otiicisl resi nierence ï¬lleiairded coco lorvRelsrdcd Children at North irom one on the other major leak Hardy Craig consulting env gineer lbronto made re art on hisyinspeolion oi the had as system at Hilicrsst School Besides corrosion he said thore iseiectroiytie action it is condition where current iiows nbctuieon lino different lypesoi metal as in agtstorsgo battery and deposits particles He said the caretaker told him he couldnt keep enough 45 water now and this indicated ibese systems with pipes buried under cement were built during the war tor cheap heat ing Noschoois are built with thht kind oi system now he as The original floors ivere treat sh cd with hardening compound Re airswould be extremely dii icult to make Mr Craig sal Every time you get WJeskdayoomnderaiomiï¬ys repair tem it will mean very costly aratcr underneath it isesti Job completed by Sept ior when school reopenser holidays Meantime llflicrest School will carry on With temporary electric heating system Estate hlr Craig arrived at the meeting the boardgdiscuss red the rooiot iiillcrest School lhsmuin root is pulling away from the Institutes and trierair mailed repairs will cost about The board received report ofitho management committee recommending that eight EX perlcncsd teachers =and 12 stu denttcachers be taken onstali Their salaries will be according to schedule Experienced teachers eraKVau an Antsy Margaret Baulchr ltuth Jennett Earbara Kings wood Gary Reynolds iliargaret Linton Jack Phillips and Mrs Mad cotlhacbï¬iW arr Mary Dunsmore Valerie Ferndale and schools the board might be laced with buying education in the township or providing trains rtation tcssreport is reeonunen lion that kindergarten refistra lions tor thermos echoo year be carried Men the following schedule Park schools Mood ll May 15 all Wednesday Moy 16 allday ihursdayMay 17 meat to financing research by an indie dogor all day thattire board invest to in Johnson Street Schoo leerark School and that it was notedl in ï¬rings township en Edgehiii Drive to end from on Princooi Wales and Oakley thmughiilc and Johnson iucsday Oodrlngtonandiilng Edward ï¬llicrest ihe report also recommends ï¬gflLtabiMoss to Bay Friday andSal They are Mrs Eileen Hm James awe and and Mrs George Bradley address the OARC annual din ner Sstprday night the needs at the 00 ml menl wilt report on chased to any Park School seriousplans to construct one in their own home rnntcs had been wrong am price oi theschoolwouid sclult ally costconsldersbly more on lihe delega square loot basis lhevboard then had to cut prices and trimwhcrever pos siblctocome Within the lowest submitted contract price It still meant that the board has to seek higher grant irom the Federal and Provincial govern mnsit tor the technical wing but rather than wait tor fappro val it decided to proceed im madlaiely with the audit urn portion oi the construction hlch is at aoconcem to the itnaociaiinterest at any kind Bimbnum ot Guelph will urge encompass tarded an Mrs Eileen Kielnsteubhr Port chairman of acorn tteeon research and ovelop mm government 51m In hulk oLlhemsLhcroJLho its belhfc anti it was for this total program to Iborne at Torontos remedial classroom in The set mayor oemsconsidcrahle isnd inthe proposed areaand so he no idea where could iiadlhorb lstatement liy do Vnot or easeproper espra ownr ship and neither dol have any in any other persons business or property in this township kind are misleading and com pletely unwarranted particularly when the ratepayers of Vesprn are endeavorlug to make nuclear blast above the Pacitle iuesdaylhs sixth in the cus jectivei The announcement from th geatiemhn asislorraudrs wem said theidovice theinie mediate yield rmquual to more than 20000and less th 1000000 tons of TNT an airplane in the vicinity of iChristmss island where the five prevlou blasts took plac feel that statements or this and evaluation test rather than check on aflnlahed wea no scariwihnsas sornn roan atmospheric snore pram Elliott Jeanette Falls Jane used portable classroom King Edward 1Schooiwouid be rept seriesoi atmospheric cant vsrywell look atlhlaob tests Atomic Energy Gonunissicnf The device was dropped irorn Apparenlly it was research made into regular classroom after the tirernarshals require ments had been tistied and cost ot improvements mnsiden VTOTALOF1$40L76$ Therewas an increase in lendapc ring lhernnntbv of April and an increase of 204 overatprll sot the Progressive Conservative party Mrs if Bell adltothweli Crcs 11 Saundersltit it Utopia Mrs 11 Eeclcsdi TorontoSt RsNuihsii Rlt Strand Mrs Orchard Mlneain Mrs John Holder RJL Eileen Warden Stayner Mrs Crane 44 islh Sl Camp Borden Mrs Rice Mt it Hawkestons PASTOR TDISPEAK Rev Marlin Nelson miss ionary who is pastor to more than 14500 orphanslnKorea sponsored by World Vision will speak at pm May 17 in Emmanuel Baptist Grur John Vlanrieyrliai rlrnalelv 170 members Indguestssatdawn to name Ni illicit Etiikhiihilsm harem PRESENTS rnnnr son rheaonus ortsr rmo unions growthhaa been steady oilicials report During iive years only one smallloanwasnot repai Simpson genéral man briefly aids and Collins vicepresident Geor gian BayCredit Union chapter were also speake John Roubos is ectors James Smith and Pat luMcGrath credit coarmitlee Bill Hero and John Urban sup Irvisory committee TedHorns simwus director and pcesiden olrthe Georgian Bay chapter was chairman are ieft to Lietenant UMMER LEAGUESNOW it RMINGAT MM