HS coma lions ll tl Wallsse 34mm Abraham salmon out to doctor were riolalloz tbolrmro wea litm valor II on Wll ll msii can and th Amerl remote iaaued by the Tar onto Weather cilia at harm Byao listA warming trend la in ted tar tout and Thundly in Ontario thle beamgpenled by tom war Ike Clothragion showers and risk oi thunder atom llliudlsy nonhiastwm lo sou or us say aghke Erie Lekeviluroo Ni bondon Hamli ara re one hut coolvtod sunny Partly cloudy sod saline wsrmor Thured hills raw showers or tbunderahowersin the evening or at night Winds northeast to today southeast ll Thuraday if Nottawaeaga conservation lSurvey Starts Vlhe Ontariodopastment oi landsandziormsLhaezoouuuoa the conservation survey at the Nottswssssa VslleyConur vstlon Authority tor ms lhia eaurvey was begun in the sum other at 1901 and will be contin gued this summer lield parties consistio ot studentssad aduslas on ario unlvarsit ca wiil work un der the direction of permanent ottlcormLthe conservation au horitiaa bronchi The Noltawase Valleyicon servation Authorigy has request ed the branch to make this sur nveyto alsoss existing contor Th vetioa problems in the water shed Tho branch will make Jecommcndeticns designed to Lagorroot problems ram oblorva rationamade during the survey Field men oit surv per ytles will be travelling in came sment vehicles to all me of fjthe watershed and will slaoba ground on root in the watersheds woodiotl liel EHonor Workers gal Mansï¬eld Tweive members were initiat godat the seconddl House Li oaserkpreaidet1t1t oi the Etoompany apoe on as ï¬fpresant end lutura otthe us AUWE Mr Rosser reviewed th Papeclol fling andsaliing and the ma itpeata tor the coming moat VicePresident Jansen bairrnan oite on problems ot coping araeplont running ï¬mooth Sincgos per cent oi tweara experience Mr Jansen aid heylelt this mu was most ï¬lament to snd elli Fivayesr pins are presented on new member ndeach was given brochure on the plant erattons mutterinSsmcoe erals Meet fiha DultarinSimcoe Liberal ï¬ncelatton will hoida no tionjconvantlon in Allston mmunity Halilllursday ev ynnirig at 330 F4 This will be the lirat delegat 3d conventionevorzheld by the llociation and it do mined at the ï¬lly Royce rpresidant oi the Ontario eral hssoclatlon will be aspealrer Two men have already an gleanced theiridaoision to con stthe nomination They are or Townioy tanner front pranaeviiicyand Harvey stew rtr mar irom Bitelburne ï¬nyeviile willilsoï¬tert the oofliautlon to carry the Liberal co mm aspects of the produc gall emp oysea have live or more cool today rumours as light today southeast 15 Thurs dllf White Rtver Cochra thuudly little warmer lhuradsy whom Thursday law tollllbt lillis Windsor Wluzhom Hamilton aasagsasgmssss $8888 on accurate The BarriaExamlner Plans to run weeklycol uma giving news at Boy Bcoul Girl Golda ch alli Brownie activities in Barrie and district Items should be received not later than Wodnerdoy oi each week Address let ters to llsrvey Biackstoclt Barrie Examiner or phone PA demo Letters should give the sondars phone numba NewParty Leader ilttle warmer 1hursdsy Windy um muu sunnvtodavena Format Temperatures gt Fiveyearmld Thoma ltlcb Irdtoaim bright smile tor he camaramaajaiter he or WiKWEMiKON Ont OF long hard day driving over Manitoulin leisado twisting roads ended Liberal Moder Pearsons two day visit to Ilia Airorno East riding Tuesday in schools curling rinks and community hails he and his wile renewed acquaintance wills eon siltuents he llla represented aince loll when bundling into two tioat plaheaï¬illreipartyrliew bury tor commercill flinht to Tomato Tuesday night and thrust intolloronto and HamilA ton today in the election cam paign leading to the Jun 10 balloting The last at eight brlei downtimedelivered at this lndlonJosLervatlon centre ML voters this time 75 in other elem All Indtpru beam or the rice emu $1 tsre enriched by home cooked pies ukesaod cookies Sborteryislls toAlloma est aro scheduled lsterin tbejcasn beige including Elliot Lake where tha dogstowers lama holy1 or as on ay $9930 ttlcï¬n Lake llurou ialoudylor coffee break and quiokvlsi oolnst some now have the vote compared with only vetexm in pmtwr years as MEMBER Mr Pearson spelleio about too personal an Ojibviay band thatw years ago grantedphim and his wile membershipMr Pearson as Chief OgimnBinesso as King at the Birdar Hed always tried to not both as member or Parliament and hand me Mr Pearson Donald MacDonaidy Ontario leader the New Democratic Party will speak st oclock tonight ets convention in tho Barrie Public Libra tonom taste TWTQSBHHVEIOE the party to contest the ioderoieiec lion in Simone North hatever hedoas lor Cam ado will heiplhis reserve too said Phlilp Pitwauakwat Lib eral Association president About 2000 of Manifold lla landstz000 residents are in diens The flying Pearson visit Tues none MAY 14th Dll Dons Tu Gt Lakes 0st Pow Hardr Es Roma Altar Not on Mill Bull air or float Bank or NJ Ball Tol lrssllisn DA Oil Ml Power cdn Bit otcam Butter Odo Cement cam Cllllmltlll 01 Fe sr or conï¬ned con Paper Consumer Hull in Oil aar interprov mm can mfsniry Cs Devonian OI Cbib can win Denison lite lu inn aloogbrtdu oowuo laduetrtals own rooms one sameness Dom Found Dom atom Home on Mia INDY TD lllttu in Aouot lnisntl NG hi FIDO Jockey Club duo Mines Gunnsr Hollie 10 down 14 uuuunnowa Tormns Bk lrsns can Trans Trad Film Texaco Union Walker t3 Opemlrite Quomont Rlo Allow Shes Gordon staap Rock United Oil Ventures Wllroy iv Wiltlull It xoaanoa Gold down Metals dflwn exclusive freshbrewed dovletls frdhead rchle Mooreyanfl share her Ma Pgetrano he wii autoav Youihllnï¬ilmg Else When lsol youaro eonung painsso you wish peatslraltm ityneccssb Buy ALPth today hsndshsttesy ratios and tro at Mindernoyo judge Margaret allowed iai ulve holiday when eta torhiidren otgroviden Heloot three BIYIO chatted in hou an soc childlo irom indian and nonin oschoole poured latoythe commqu him When sa udicncemtmyoa sign Mr bend midi ma with maroon rauctrEAs Quartaa tape ava FROZEN PEAS For one calmed were timorlfoouidat ebolh hlmi MW smouldering name win ed ttba 33an7 What with Chambers haa guess eovera eat the out cation of Wu Vflnt un She Iaidhis lathe want to be bothered anywhere drunk lwo yem errouarAIai lets FLORIDA raorrrltuno from amouiderl There ed him and alien nosed ilitiedsmue resulting some ants earnech coed ad lboea Lao Ruttarsaid no lo the rtoro about1 silo pm tvhea every tblnr wee normal but when returaaduabout1oo he teund the bumontiatoraze area perv tlslly guitedin smoke and tho main floor the doorvru quickly ed thatthey wedged in between rear doors oltlse establishment Sydney Frank honey 58jeneralmaerjol 0min sprayed tirerextlnrulsa er which hangs in the base meat at the store but revs aolttsbrie flamed dam The iydmnazed lbd Berna tire chielltoity Irw waralal on the ut ï¬recrackers 113331 on