renown can mocking oi Mr Xand un story at Ingattempt to getioio busi ness with almuIttmllilonsirc htlghts ltiesdsy nsQn royal commission on counted hearings antler an ltday recess Tho commissiorigiieard avi donce ranging trom trans gcrtpt version of hardiuck story by smaiiviinie Windsor gambler and bookie previously led as Mr to attempts by ihc Joseph McDermoiiVlnceiit lemï¬amingtwmhlnomrdoa wiih moldmillionaire laylorand CNR president Don Gordon included bits and pieces at inconclusive iniormatlnn about someone trying to its thalouir comeon gambling trial The Windsor mystery man wasidcntiiicd as John Curlyi Gardner 5i The ro Douglas pledged Tuesday hight that his New DemocratlciParty will not up avcablnet ministry ito protect consumer intensts ii lttakcs otilcs alter thaJunI is federal election The 57 year old NDP na tional leader was in fighting Jgrrn hi paigntrai ater ii wen terruptio to Shaka sit bother sonia hou of stomach tint Im now feeling in ilrst class condition he told an audience which tilled the want Knights otCoiuisibus Hall at loint rally for the rldlngs of Well it Lincoln and Niagara Falls CCF candidates ran third in all three rldln that election so GQilt GALT Mr Douglas and drova1to St Catharincs alter the meeting and spent the night here He planned tokvislt Gait this altemoon on route to night meeting in Kitchener The iormer Saskatchewan premier who cancelled aCor wall speech liiondaynlght cause oi his illness addressed the Welland rally for whom and in minutes answered ques tions for another hsifhoiir and ing hands testes Aimicdï¬dde atsh thfiI sitting ol ihejoomniission owed man terriï¬ed and John The Eniomrht iis oi llamlltoni neatly in initiew York in ii tion withan international critics ing OPERATE CLUB Gardner and LeoFintii also oi Windsor operutcu club calledthe ltoseaiid He testified at the socijct ses nthnLfltoyw iiyinsoieiï¬ears to keep the club going but never realized auction He said he owed gamb thine Dernioit fortune vhcro upwards oi 350000 and possibly around 5100 He also was in debt toyPnpaiia The commission nnnounced ii iic session will recall Gardner or afpubv rthathoiwas feeling this just ilnef Earlier in the day however NDP organizers cancelled relay in motorcade iw ch toured St Catharines iWeil Niagarajsllseioczaneho More the meeting it was cool andwat in this day and organizers were asked not to expose Mr Douglas to the cold v0n thormnsuiner piedgephc saidan NDP govern ment would name special from phat hetcrinedtiie econv ornlc dictatorshl oi business cartels Snob war on pricew luringconspire eies unscrupulous promoto coeds rsnius nanoaaaLc Mr Douglas said it is iob in tho accepting nominations lie hcpiassuring wailwishera pres coiiiorence coftea party aridiliir Douglass scheduled orchard region of Ontario Tuasv minister to guard the public wage techniques and poor oualitye onds otter itwasclaunehed was vere setback to the United Stntes plan of developingCe tour as sworkhorse triple present spec pet ioad capacity It also could delay the forth coming orbital flightotastro naut Malcolm Soott Carpenta Catharine oiilce of their mi se gt noammrsnaimmmesiamflmain Lcamacmem Atlds Another Atlas the PasdtroopTraining BaSe mm Army plans malstirnorc use of Canadawith Canadisn con soul of courseass training base Oiiicials say Britain wil 41y to Canada nextwliiter para cliutc company for training at FoitChurchill Man and iullyg rtiile unit for ads next month tor six weeks oiL infantry training at Camp Wainwright Alta nboutssn men willr be in volvcd and they will hea liliedlin RAF Britannias with one stop at Gander Nild The Fusiliers ate allied with the Royal 72nd hegiment Von at Quebecand part of the Fruiiilyroduce Processors Unite To Market For Eiiport OTTAWA iCPi fruit and vegetabl processors have Joined forces me com bined ettort to Sell their it uctswin enipottrmarheisu single brandzname unified saiea ompony stry cou dustry to takeadvantage oi ifederai legislationln 1960 which ancouvan ice Ex Aftairs Minister Green terms AntiCombines Aotg where perotion flagï¬olt business is Thevhrsndnaina under which its products will be sold abroo asnt yet beenichosen Barth organi snap Ho itihle FAWEP council will provide the machinery for nee gobationa aimed at overcoming price spreads betweendornest and oyersaas pricest old Tuesday Gonada is geared ti otwsntvto expand the nuclear nuclear Weapons but dncs mounting of aguardvat the Citadel before moving on to Camp Wainwrigh irhe Fusiliers are even mountaineering unit an itwill get in some climbing in the Rockies The battalions canne club will be looking tor quiet which to dip apaddle 5were not used tomuch wiiite ater Lt Colo Rohert are part of strategic trainedio and move by air at moments notice iheir iast ex else was jlnat suin we grounds that scam through newspap Training at batta and they rlots here Tutiidfly 0t 10 vilians biought Sao Jose Hospitali five were two years ago and tiedto Mos he recently sii ed Tuesday aybl munists for anti government which an elderiywoman was killed and at as in persons injured statementfrom the inter mation few cases police after being attecked Dead wasaiiz gt year old woman who was hit by bullet the suitenngtrom bullet wounds The riots began after leaflets were distributed urging ths people to demonstrate Police cars carrying wellarmed steel helmcted ing centrat streets and sonar Thej police hegan iirlng aItcc demonstrators Istoncd their ca on Lisbonis rnsin thoroughfare the Avenidasda Uherdnde Th leaiiets bore the slogan Down With Fascism and War in Angola Poriu ousWest Atri escape cow Viinconiirmed reports said back into old girl and two boys were when iléa Po ats GENEVA ac police began patroi thanxconvlintionsl rocket tools The second stage did not fire on ltiesdsyf launching iheUSl has made heavy cornmitment to useliquid hyd rogen to iueithe upper stages of its big boosters ior sev erai years Includedare Saturn ii an earth or itlsnd 2300 pounds onlzthe moon or send 1300 pognds toitie cinityoi Mar Russia said today it will never sign any nu clear test ban treaty without ban negotiations at the Unitid States Britain and the Soviet Union Zorin reierred French undergroundiest Sahara and declared VThere is another power no testing nuclearw pong power iareiuaingto take part the negoti as and has ver sai nuclear test nrtreaty The Soviet fUnlon will not aid Yoimgp at former Detroit Red Wings defencemnn today was chargedwlth assault caus ing bodily harm at hockey gometightftuesda ralgiit be considered test the mined to go ahead with Pifltsiory conversation stat Sumter Rusk trans to have another meetingrj with Soviet Alphonse or Anstoly Dobrynin in the next week or Io TORONTO GP Doctors acceptance at prorated fees un der physician onsorod inedi lnsurance pans difiicult or Onto onnl medical insurancesovo eratives the Royal Commission onliealth Services was told vices lie aratt groupirepresentlng medical co tops in 62 of Ontarios GScoun tiessiid in strict to the com lsaion that the reduced fees itiMOUSKl Que iCPi Prl Minister Dietenhalier rnove his campaign for re eiection June is from the south shire of the lower St Lawrence in diitlcult region of Easteni 0ntcringtodmbctorssgoin west wherelt is generally co ceded his partys prospects are Dieienbaker was sched tiy to Trenton Ontr in th Conservative partys char tered Csnadlanfaciiic Airlines DGEB the Empress of Lisbon and then mske asentlmentai return to birthplace of rally Brockvlll Itwa Kingston th the pariysrr iounder Sir John Macdonoid iiist prime in lster oiCsnada and one otth th Confederation had is itin Withtheypeople tounderstand and ideals not the people is by visitingwith dlvldusliy he said gt last government went down because it losttouch be 4Oil Kings 74 to win the series Young became valued in tussle wi Hamilton Coach Ed die Bu viiie lric Play ticoil season was year to tonight as diiierin by these piildah sharply trom or Minister Gerhardt Schroeder took itqu Adouauer told press center glionai mops talc suiier from siting disproportlonsto sharetioi older peopiavln the rnembarahino Federation president McCoig said his organization wouldbsveryfl ceptl tile ides oisettlng up dig agents tor the iitodd it also day said any govtroman up ported health care plan in can ads will have to be mandatory inorder to be oil it other our ricid on Jamie ordinatlng activities not ill oc sponsored plans across Can AMS general manager rDr Honpiih told the commis stars there are signs serious til is ecomlng pork nioyed by mousse the patients oxpen liesoslblli li unit unfitme the medical profe on To Be urned snnannoon one ton wiilxturnoi our year old American girl to the Vermont Chlldrenfs Aid Societytoday The society has promised to site care other until they can ftgure out what todnVSher brooke police said Meanwhile police are continuing their in talks vIIth tin which ncscr doom Ni the stain department reticth litigant annulus when proposol for creation niaon temstionstnuthorityto nth in supply lines between West ondchsHieimW policemen said to Unitcdstatéitl cmrnent in exp biiitles otireachtngrso urs of agreement wi viet Unto can PENN that til 3mam culd elude reprc ElttBeriln and wel was not unchangeabiy mitted to its authority pro posal it challenged Adena Etiifl ho insetouron Wandering over To CA8 miles from the min ordercrossing poin ilhe giil was ident Elizabeth Ann Arne mother MrsLoiieiia iivesin the Vermon south Ryegste she told stat police she last saw her daughicr several Weeks ago when she turned the girl over to the father Richard lArnett for clues as to how the ttla rlgotto Sherhrooke 100 miles east at Montreal and coin