TR BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER 15 Du HI BRTHEB SISTER DIE Bobby Brantner last bre thar and sister ln yesterdays trainschool bus crash which claimed 20 lives near Greeley Third Accident Results in Death CREEMDRE Special Three strikes and youre out plied in dead earnest to John lllenry Pagan as of Dunedln yesterday Mr Fognn died in the Gen cral and Marine llospitalun Collingwood allowing his third motor accident this year His fatal Injuries were received when secondhand car he was driving for the Iirst time crash ed into tree beside county road near Stayner lie was found and taken to hospltal by Frank Gross passing motor ist Mr Pagan was driving the our because his own was heav LOCAL AND GENERAL CANDLELIGHT SERVICE The annual candlelight carol service at Essa Road Presby terlan Church Aliandnle will be held Sunday evening at sev en oclock Christmas selec tlons will be presented by the combined voices of three choirs CHURCH CONCERT The Essa Road Presbyterian Witnesses in Barrie magis tratea court yesterday told story of days drinking lol lowcd by loo mph car ride which ended in sudden death for one man Evidence was sivcn at Pre llmlnary Inquiry into the death of Russell Mlnnikin who was killed Oct at in car accident on Highway 27 north of Home Patrick Jorcph McAllister RR Alliston driver of the car in which hlinnikin was kill ed appeared before Magistrate Gll loster on charge of criminal negligence other passengers in the death car were Cecil ltilnnikin the dead mans brother Thomas Barrett and Agnes Dunn of Hz Collier Street and Arthur Fer guson of Robert Street Cecil hllnnlkin was the first witness to give evidence and was questioned by Assistant Crown Attorney Kennedy and defence lawyer Gordon Mc ilrllt hlinnikln told the court he and the five other hadvbeen drinking wine at various nd dresses In the city until about three oclock Then we wont to the hotel in Eirnvele Mr llchllister had WITNESSES TESTIEY DayLong Drinking PreCedes Death Ride three rounds of beer and he seemed to be lairly sober They wouldnt serve us any more at the Elmvale hotel so we drove to the hotel in Phelpsion ile waiter said he had received bone call lrom Elmvale and ITS WiluldflI serve Blinnikin testified that so far as he knew tchlllster and hits Dunn had staycd outside in the car while he and the others had tried to get beer in both the ladies and mens bev cragc rooms of the hotel and had been refused to both plac es ihc party then left Phclps ton to return to Barrie liicAlllster was drivtng Mrs Dunn was in the middle of the front seat and Arthur Ferguson we on the right front seat Russell myself and Tom llare rell wore in the back seat Minnikin testified ltlrs Dunn asked ltchllister how fast the machine would go looked at the speedometer and we were doing about inn and approach ing the bend in the road For Gods sake slow down shoutv ed at hchllistor and then throw myself down on the bot tom of the car think the car went off the road to the left but dont remember anything after that was unconscious for about 10 minutes BEER WINE Arthur Ferguson was called to testify lie told the court he had begun drinking at the Bar rett home shortly sites 10 nm and before leaving for Eimvalc he had drunk lire beers and about 33 ounces of wine Fer guson said that in his opinion McAllister when the group for Phelpston Thomas Barrett the third witness to testify said he didnt remember anything after leave ing Phelpston was hollscut and fell half asleep in the car was reins ed beer at Phelpston because was drunk Magistrate Foster committed thllister for trial on the charge of criminal negligence Itilelwas released on $2000 cash Bl There were three lesser charges against the accused Charges of drunk driving and impaired driving were with left Elmvale drawn by the crown altomey in the interest of saving time charge of carelcss driving vlvns held over until Thursday an Insurance Men Landed Asked Help Sell City Barrie and district general in suranca agents were guests of Church Sunday Schvol concert the firm of BellSaunders Lim will be held at the church this evening at eight oclock CARTRUCK COLLIDE minor accident occurred on Highway 93 this moniing ted insurance adjusters at Christmas dinner at the River View Restaurant Valley in Wonder The hosts and officials of the credit for much of the nddition al courtesy now betng revealed in the many letters he received BIRMANN SPEAKS Ernest Birmonn industrial commissioner who is shortly to leave Barrie to loin the stuff of the Nova Scolia provincial in hearing what help by bringing to the attention of your board the possibility of new business or firm locating cre William Malcomson in thank ing the speaker said the on soclation was years too late the commit was fairly sober Mump Incidence High Disease Totals Hit 140 Mumps headed the list of communicable diseases in Sim coe County reported Dr Scott director of the Simone County Health Unit for No vember There were at cases of this disease followed by 38 cases or chickenpox The cases of measles numbered 20 and toe feciious hepatitis 15 Four cases of whooping cough and one case each of scarlet fever and shlgellosis brought the total to Hi WEATHER Synopsis Under the impact of fresh araic cold wave tem peratures dropped sharply in Ontario Thursday night Early morning readings ranged well below the zero mark in North ern Ontario Temperatures in Southern Ontario were in the teens Some moderation may be expected Saturday Lake St Clair Lake Erie southern Lake Huron Lake Ons torio Niagara llaliburton re glans Windsor London Hamil ton Toronto Mainly clear ex cept brieily cloudy with few light snowilurriu today Clear tonight Saturday mainly clear with moderating temperatures Winds northwest 1n becoming light tonight and southwest 15 to 20 Saturday Northern Lake Huron south crn Georgian Bay regions lliostly cloudy with snowflurries today and Saturday Not quite so cold Saturday ands north west 20 today becoming light tonight and southwest 15 to 10 Saturday White River region Sunny and cold today Partly cloudy with few snnwllurrlcs and little milder Saturday Winds northwest 15 today westerly 21 Saturday Low tonight lligll Saturday Windsor lit 30 IiiNISiII acres ReeveElect Errs In His Criticism Dy RG3 Before reeveclect Joe CoCh rane got himself quoted in head baa he might have been better advised to examine the matter of police patrols from the legal standpoint before he lamented regarding the lnnistil Police bclt ing prohibited from apprehend ing Speeders through the ham lets of lnnlsfil on the Provincial highways The Act in Section three Clauses two states that where the highways are the re spdnsibiltty of the province the policing of these are to remain in the hands of the Ontario Provincial Police It lnnisfil like the city of Barrie provided the upkeep of the highways that pau through the municipality they would be expected to provide the policing of them This would include all accident investigations other regulations of which there are many over and above the Isplied of cars through the ham TltLS is not ruling adopted simply in cover Stroud and Thornton or the Cookstown aec tlon which at the time they were being speedtrapped was lini municipality or corpora In There may have been up wards of thousand of these offences dalormined by lnnlsfti Police through their speed trap in Stroud the speed trap could have been used quite legally on the filth line and no doubt to good effect Speeders appro bended there would more likely be local residents who will know that the district is unsafe because of speeding When the police of neigh boring township joined in the the law if he sees flagrant violation Since the Provincial Police have taken over the Job the police car has been noticed with radar check unit quite alien in most areas of tho township INJURED KNEE Key Leugheed of Holly on whom we had story re ccntly on his connection with cooperatives injured his knee couple of weeks ago and per sistent use of the leg has made It worse so that when we cal led on him last weekend we found him with pillow undEr it and staying put We wanted to get picture of the farm home where the President of the United Coot eralive lives and farms and found Mrs Loughced coming in lrnm the barn with big load of eggs which is her part of the production Asked if it paid to keep thousand hens Mr Lougheed stated that it did when the wife did all the work besides her ordinary chores He said they have been showing profit during the past months since since the price has been high He has about 35 milk cows and also feeds some pigs which he buys as woanera CHRISTMAS LIGHTS We will be one man com mittee again to decide on the best lighted homes in our area during the holiday season We Will promise that the one we select will get mention and perhaps picture in the column Lets hear about your efforts spreeon another highway the mortorists began to complain about too much policing and too many speed traps One citizen who drives out Thornton way tells of watching the Innis Iil speed trap in operation with the officer and hi car some what concoaled it was after the tapes had been crossed that the officer appeared At Cookstown where there is considerable distance of re stricted speed area which in not even part of builtup area the lnnisfii police claim they did not operate their trap in other than the occupied dis trials If time spent this way was diverted to the roads within the township which are paved and which have their share of Speeders the portion of the line due the municipality would come back to the township treasury Reeveelect Cochranes state sionor had to olfer Ha thanks ed him for his talk and wish ed him the best in his new ap pointmcnt John Stevenson thanked the hosts for their kind annual in vitation and dinner district association were seated at the head table together With guest speaker Ed Tschirhart and Ernest it Blrman indus trial commissioner of the city of Barrie who also addressed the group Following dinner the guests were given ep talk by Bob Snrjoant cha rman oi educa tion who warned the agents that they would have much harder struggle as time goes on in order to keep their business going in the face of rising costs and lower rates of profit Mr Sarleant introduced Chief Tschlrhart who has during the past year handled the Driver oftheMonih Award an agency promotion with winners chosen lvlng the driver of Norris ll damaged inst week when It smashed it into the rear of Dairy dll hm Gavmr of Barrie and Robert lcn flflï¬nvï¬gï¬uï¬fï¬ snow son who was driving 1952 Last summer he was lruured Dodge dim Damages car wrecked when milk truck were estimated at $200 and to the Dodge 5400 drove onto the railway tracks New we in the Dam No one was injured Ro can In dltionl were said by police to be the cause of the accident Mr Fagan was not married CHILDRENS PAR anneal mm mm The Kempenfclt Wing of He had gwlully bad luck the Royal Canadian Air Forco with cars said his landlady Association will hold their on Mrs Katharine Montgomery nual Christmas party lot the children of the members this Sunday Santa Claus has prom ised to be gresent with pres FREEZING MEAT ants and are will be enter Good quality beef pork lamb talnmcnt for everyone App and veal should be thoroughly proximately 100 children are chilled in the carcass at least expected and refreshments will It hours before freezing government told the agents they could all be of great as sistance to the city by being sure they always had good word for it when they met people especially strangers lie said that alter firm had obtained all the factual in formation they often sent back visiting team of investigators who called on business offices and members of clubs to iind out the personal feelings of all the people they could talk to it was these reports that often changed the thinking of the ol Iiclnls Mr Birmonn pointed out that St Thomas 10 London Kitchener Wingham ilamilton St Catharines Toronto Petcrborongh Trenton Killaloe lliusknita North Buy Local School Board Predicts Increased Grant To Hit $32000 mean the spending or million Barrie Public School Board The assistance grant expected dollars for capital work and Wm receive from letters received from the labor in development it new 000 more inuilllitolhrgrltlll 1303ng mes me dany public The November driver jobs created for each 100 cm This is result of ma nnnuunm attendance but with the midi be Wm has yet to be chosen FINN5 120 new homes need ment yesterday by Premier lional $3 announced by the The award was inaugurated Ed 320 NEW Phones dulled John Roberts regarding an in premer the grant will now be and is sponsored by the Barrie m7 mum WW VENUES Slims crease in the assistance grant 515 times me daily attendance 000 more sales Iiifl more pupils to 15 and district general insurance was 35 making the mm mm mind agents at 50110015 in 1961 the grant Chief Tschirhansald he It NEEDED VITAMIN Diet of the expectant mother should include daily amount of vitamin In addition addedasscssment times average DE ROBERT SHIER An eminent surgeon who spent the early 10 years of his medi cal career practising as coun ty doctor out of Cookstown Simcoe County Dr Robert Shier MD FRCSICI FACS died on Sunday Dec 10 at the Private Patients Pavilion To ronto General Hospital where he had been on the staff for to years Following service on Dec 1c gynecologist on the staff of Uni versity of Toronto and Toronto General Hospital daughter Mrs Alex Campbell of Van couver two sisters Gladys of St Marys and Mrs Horton Byrne of St Catharines and brother Stuart Shier of Kirk drivers since the award had been avail able but he that taxi drivers and other com mercial drivers were standing in reports and were taking time to be courteous while doing so sure that not only had the been more courteous had also found on The chiei felt that perhaps the REV JOHN McEWEN former minister at Hills fact that he had traffic squad working now might have had some effect on the better driv ing of many individuals It po and taxes would be realized plant construction and malnten ance would employ during the building period 429 more people and retail stores and other bus iness would reap the benefits it we could add one new plant year and it each of you was helping to get these plants to locate here it would help to benefit mo city Mr Birmann said Your mayor who is leaving that office is zihouraday daily at tendnncenf the previous year In Barrie this amounted to $141ii0 The total regular girovmclal grant was $224557 We are waiting for the ex act rccnrds as this is only one phase of the grants said An gus McKay City of Barrie sup erintendent of public schools EvaMannheimanaaamaanmrmaamanannimoanmarinara PRECHRISTMAS SPECIAL MON TO THURS till DEC 20 EnsuesEnnuvsngmclsauflung meat that cars could speed through tho hamlets as fast as they wished and the lawn ship policecould do nothing is hardly true Evans private citizen has the right to enforce rtotsvrtta and aware ms toll run Thanorna Chatma ittyntbolls ol luprml hcuvly and value in dinmondt Chem diamonds mum vhddivmpioiad tuition and shoulder for VIIIHIIIIE dale and wyovale in Simcoe Conn Rev John McEwcn they must make an impression 85 dad in Midland Dec ll interment took place there on Improve dnvmg bah DEC 14 He told of having been ask Mr McEwen graduated from ad by other chiefs at convert Knox College Unwcmtv To tion about the Driveroblite font and diamei Pfes Month award and how it was byierlflfl lIEFEYHIM He Md sponsored He gave the agents the United Church of Canada when it was formed in 1925 WWKKKKMHKHWIM His first church was in Cart wright Alberta He later was In Cookstown for 10 years he mlnlster In Port Arthur Wye fore coming to Toronto General vale lililsdale Melville and Has ital for surgical training Schflmherg all In Ontario Mr Untl 1923 he was associated McEwen retired to Midland with the late Dr Starr about 1949 ARRTVING DOWNTOWN sand was also on the staff of the flower Mason and an ard num NOON old St Johns Hospital on Ma ent flsherman Ra curled until Jor Street Insiryear See Santa Claus At Dr Shier was also consulting His son John 15 professor Zellers otter the parade surgeon for the Womens 001 of history and philosophy at the Santa will have free gifts liege Hospital for number or Universtty of Manitoba for the kiddies years He also leaves five daugh He was fellow of the Royal tore Mrs George Harrison of Dont Ml It Saturday college of Surgeons Canada Sea island Georgia wife of the American College of Sur professional golfer Mrs George eons and member of the Scott of Midland teacher hyaicians and Surgeons of Mrs Theodora Huber of Gen Canada He was member of ova Switzerland wile of the Eglinton United Church the chief purchasing officer of the York Club the Granite Club World Health Organization the Royal Canadian Yacht Club Mary of New York City and Rosedale Golf Club translator for the United Na Dr Shier is survived by his tioas Organization and Betty wife the Helen Mc an Ottawa teacher There are ormer Cutchheun son Dr Crawford seven grandchildren Mrs Mo Ewen died several years ago Shier an obstetrician and FREE hvlllian Siephensons Jewellers Dunlop St East Phone PA 84201 It Eglinmn United Church 1m lice are checking all the time termcnt took place at Mount Pleasant Cemetery Dr Shier was 76 years of age He was born in Kirklon and attended high school at St Marys in 1905 he enrolled in the University of Western 0n tarlo medical school and trans ferred to the University of To ronto in 1907 graduating with honors in 1909 He was in general practice enthusiast for the improvement of your city and all of you can Candlelight and Carols Sunday at in FIRST Baptist Church Clapperton at Worsley nmaummuma PERMANENT WAVES complete By Appointment Only nuanmaaeanaaanwmsmaiannals OTHERS 695 750 850 l000 I250 Shampoo and Set At All Times $l25 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE so ESSA no ALLANDALE PA sa57l EveLennox gargantuan tr Form Gwon smith Germaine OPERATORS June donnnon HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 SATURDAY DEC liilh SEE THE KEMPEN FELT TRUMPET BAND SANTA CLAUS PARADE mflflmnfllznhcnmflmmzmcm aarxzmwaannmazman Lows misallSatitIBiiuhlifliflï¬ï¬tiaï¬hbï¬tklflthmllIhiitazfi MAKE IT Wat ammunhlmhhmthmmï¬ BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION NOTICE PLEASE NOTE TIE LAST DATE FOR DISCOUNT ON YOUR HYDRO alLLt canerAs store HOURS sannnocx MANNING PIANOS The Gift The Whole Family Can Eula The Council or the City of Barrie have passed By law 2785 which permits shops in which the pritr clpal trade carried on is the merchandizing of mens wearing apparel hardware electrical apv pliances boots and shoes dry goods sporting goods ladies wearing apparel and household furn ishlngsvto remain open prior to Christmas for the following hours Due to the large number of accounts gtwhich have to be processed and balanced before theChristmas Holiday period the last discount date for all reg ular billing has beenradvanced to MONDAY DEC EMBER lath 19 You coopérafliï¬t and assist ance by paying your bills early will he most ap preciated at this very busy time of the year As usual accounts may be paid at your Public Util ities Commission office from am to prn Mon day through Friday or payment may be made by mail using cheque or money order and enclosing the small stub portion of the bill All customers mailing their payments are reminded that in order to qualify for discount envelopes must be post markednot later than the last date for discount Mmum Quflmy and If mailing payment after pm on the last dts MGM choose 45s count date please take your envelope directly to 7L vSleieUnd Hi the Barrie Post Office Accounts may also be paid at KEENANS MUSIC STORE either branches ofihe TorontoDominion Bank Dunlop St Opp Wellington Hoial STEAK KNIFE with each order MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SHEET MUSIC nsnmochs acconmons GUITARS RCA VICTOR MANTEI RADlOS On Wednesday December 20 until On Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday pre ceeding Christmas Day until pm andon Saturday December 28 until p111 GIVE Record Player Suchv well known names as RCA Vic tor Scnbrneze Elem troltome 14 PIECES CHICKEN ENOUGH FOR to People Ti ONE in Advance one PA lCSDI lAKEVIEW SUPER MILK BAR Records always hit the mark Victor Decca Straughan City Clerk There is small bank charge for this service