BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY DEC Kennedys Behaviour Makes Confusion Say His Critics The promlse oi active vigorous leadership was persistent note in debt Kennedys electlon cun palgn How successlul bu he been translating pledge says how strong we are Which of course is true Its no wonder the picture of Kennedy comes through little smoky Those around the president more pleased with some than with others But its easy to criticize president its harder to be one And no one has learned that more quickly than John Fit N0 TIME FORSYMPATHY His teammates look uncon cerned with his plight as Dan nis Addison of Vancouver BIG DONATIONS OXFORD England 1C Brilons donated more than £l 000000 to the Oxicrd committee for amino relief in the 12 months ending Sept 30 0x lam distributes food clothing entrants EXCITICN ONE PRICE takes an elbow in the face and hits thelloor in high schpol basketball tournament in Vancouver Cl Vircphotol and other supplies to the needy in all parts of the world par ticularly The Congo Try Ari Examiner Want no moms PA 32414 into reality Thls II the sec end at three Irtlclel on the US prcrldentr pertur mince in bl ll motlth in olltce By Alirims noses WASHINGTON AP No man can properly judge the leaders at his own time Yet when you try to answer lhe questionhow is John Kennedy doing alter ll months as presidentiyou quickly run into something hard to pin down and impossible to prove The quality of the leadership he at fers lt wasKennedy who put this emphasis on leadership in his election campaign Obviously the goals are too great for the most daring and imaginative leader to reach in It months But in this town you can get ï¬rstrate argument over whether Kennedy has made decent beginning Those around Kennedy natur ally insist he is on his way Republicans dutitully away at Kennedy US DRIFHNG Possibly the complaint heard in lrequently sometimes from those friendly to the ad ministration is that for all Ken nedys talk about the United States needing strong sense of purpose it still seems to be drilling One high Republican says Kennedys own behavior creates confusion He is emphatic against summit conference and yet he goes to one He is emphatic on Laos and then he lets it trail oil He sends up farm prolt gram and says this is what he has to have and when its changed around completely he says this is what he wanted After all He says he wants balanced budget and then he says No dont He talks about missile gap and then one of his men was aashramaszKKIIIKKKmIlflmIKKKQWKKKlmxv mama We car Boat and Trailer Friction bcbtlrcd wheels long sue so Cal about Cuddle nears dellghllul 12 bear Brown and White rayon plush with plnsttc race sue set 77 Little Knitting sat Slmulated wicker knil tlng basket filled with it assorted coloumd bulls at wool and one pair at knitting needles Corkine spool and hook Sale set 77 ane0n Dolls Three cardboard dolls with 20 dimrent eost umos some with maLch the hats dllleront col ouied tipped laces Doll about tall can Sale set lntcrs Sale powered metal car mechan ical boat Trailer and car have rub Amusing lunllo soft pliable substance that be shaped into all sorts or in Polyethylene plaltlc bass auto Transports Friction powered heleed wheels lanr Cara about sue set 77 Machine Guns Metal wind up machlne gun that rhoots sparks About 131A long Sale each 77 Dump Truck Friction powered metal dump truck vlth rubhantired wheels About is long Sale taeb mm Sale each Ironing acts Perforated metal lrontn board about to ens Folding lags tron our set nart Build Pressed paper board about 12 diameter Me tat splder on one side brass darts plastic limits mile book sale let 77 Two sting designs packages set transport with metal cars and ramp All have rub Trnnsport about Kl long Sewing Cards 14 colourrut animal cards each 14 coloured tipped yam laces VI 77 complete with 77 choose Sals play 77 with They range from 25 arent disturbed by his criticism from an obviously partisan source or by complaints Irorn some Kennedy supporters who feel everything is moving too slowly Critics have found the easiest way to hit president is to shoot at those surrounding him PROFESSORS AROUND In Kennedys case the comA plaint has usually been that the White House is overstocked with college protcssors But an ollicial in position to know says Kennedy is well pleased with his choices Ol course he said hel gerald Kennedy on July 25 at the end at radio television Iddress he said when ran for the presi dency ol the United States knew that this country laced se rious challenges But could not realize nor could any man realize who does not bear the burdens of this oilice how heavy and constant would be those burdens And Kennedy who only six months before had spoken so confidently be at leadership now said need your good will and your support and above all your prayers End Fragmented Government Is Municipal Mens llppejal TORONTO tCPtRevkion of Ontarios county system to and lrngmented government was among 12 suggestions submitted to the Ontario cabinet Wednes day by the Ontario Municipal Association The resolutions drafted at the OhlAs August meeting in Wind sor also urged new system of hospital financing This asked that hospitals he allowed to do their own capital ï¬nancing and apply payments on this to the perdiam rate they new charge the Ontario Hospital Services Commission The resolution aims to relieve municipalities of the cost at providing part of the capitalizar tion freeing the money for schools and disposal plants currently major prob lems in many communities in urging revision oi county boundaries the report suggested that their functions also be re vised lt asked that separate communities within the new countles be abolished to end lragmenlcd government Other requests were that The provincial government Take the Rush and Worry Out of Last Minute Shopping EATONS MERCHANDISE Are Handy Helpers for Undecided Santas Heres the easy convenient wa tically eyeryone on with an EATON Gift their own gift You don colour or style Right up Christmas Eve dise Gift Certified Certificate in STOREREMAINS OPEN 9J5 am 900 pm DEC 1822 to your Christmas list they can choose have to worry about size just the right size for Christmas stocking toe right up to $10000 for Grande Gesture gifts Certificates tractive Christmas Gift envelope in asparkling Yuletide cylinder And they may be used in any EATON Storm or Mail 0rd or Office from coasiytocoast petition Ottawa or legislation ailoWing National Housing Act loans for the purchase and re novation at older buildings on the same basis as the program for new construction Municipalities be allowed to tax buildings on conservation land to which any admission is charged Standard dates be instituted lor daylight time Compulsory elections be held tor members of district high school boards The province assume the cost of educating mentally retarded children The Ontario Hospital Services Commission pay the cost of am bulanee services on its insur ance program N0 SIDEBURNS NEWCASTLE UNDER LYME England CPiA dance hall here has banned youths with long sideburns Some of those who are turned away now drop into the nearby police sta tion borrow razor for quick trim and return to the dance please prac because to the moment the store closes on just ask for an EATON Merchan denomination ou Sparkguard special set 1999 FivePiece Fire Set inclpdes poker sh ovel brush and tongs allmatching ln styled with urntype tops and drop Sparkguard about 36x with attractive to $500 are enclosed in an at and over $500 EPieee Fire Set Special set Katanga soldiers dash to new positions on the outskirts of Eiisahethville during an Gordon Has Plans Go Unemployment SUTHERLANDS lVER lNS CP Valtcr Gordon gtchairman ol the 195557 royal commission on Canadas econo mic prospects proposed pro grams Wednesday tor relief of unemplaymcnt in Canada Mr Gordon speaking to the Pietou East Liberal Association here said Canada needs nias slve program of federal public works projects andra program ofincentives to Canadian indus tries to modcrnim their plants scrap their obsolete equipment seek export markets and estab lish new factories in depressed areas He also proposed separate ministers or industry and re gional economic affairs and separate ti at pl economic council or planning ahead and solving existing problems 1749 Wood Cradle Special each 489 Karma ThOOPS Auditom Special pair smart standup holder Andirons shanks to take fire screen attack on Swedish United Na tions troops holding railway underpass Unidentitied air crait attacked United Nations ON THE MOVE positions on Ellsabethvllle airport as the battle continued in The Congos Katanga pro Vince AF Virepholo Cuba Using Canada To llchieve Latin Showcase Newspaper MONTREAL CPIJllle Gila zette says Cuba is using Canada as its source of supply for projected agricultural complex to make Cuba the Communist showcase of Latin America The newspaper says Canadas exports to Fidel Castros island are generally products in which Canada is not recognizany ai world leader They are rather products which the country cannot get irom iron Curtain or other sources but in which Cuba is not yet scllsuiiicicnt that and newsprint for ex amplc are Canadas rnain ex port items but sales of these to Cuba have been nil or practic ally nil the newspaper says On the other hand Cuban pur Prices In Gleaming Polished Brass and Wrough l849 Wood Bolder Special each chases of farm breeding stock lertilizers insecticides and farm machinery have increased greatly The Gazette says Cuban pur chases in Canada for the lirst eight months of tits have ex ccedcd $20000000 almost tri ple the iigure tor the corres ponding iigurc or 1950 and there is no sign of slowdown There is brisk trade by sea and an average of nearly one plane day leaves Canada with chicks and livestock for Cubas collective farms The federal trade department reported yesterday that up to July Cuba spent more than 3450000 tor 15500 head of cat tle 5950000 for 10300 pigs $270 000 or 731000 chicks Fireplace Accessories 0t low Special SAVE 300 on the complete Ensemble iIronEffecl Complete Set EATON Special Price1set Black steel mesh screen Wood Holderwith bailtype handle and rolled edg es About 2lx12 All in solid polished brass Black Wroughtiron Effect Cradle about 18 longholds wood or coaii sanctumBetsohalUseFSh pEurlyforfBésFSeliiiig EA ENANCM sfoï¬Ã©s