Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1961, p. 18

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Hologram Sell Those NotNeeded Items With Want Ad PA 82414 Ill TILE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY DEC 14 ml AN NOUNCEMENTS egos PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS at tho Blessed Elcni can be announced to your lrlends and relatives Ior only $150 Just telephone PA Mill ENGAGEMENTS coLLms LDNOLPI Mr nd II Vlllilm Comm 121 nayiieid Sireel liarria wish to annaunca thn engagement or their daughter Nancy Shlrley to air Edmund Langley son or Mr and lira an mngley In High Sireel me The marriot la la lake re Trinity And can Church on Saturday January av m2 ai two oclock DEATHS nounLassAt the Rd at Vic IoIia Iiolpliai name oh cady December It 1061 slary Ellan nonalck beloved wile or 111 late George William nauaiau In her and year bear mother at Ilary Ellen itirl Iamel smut or bar rig George William or slouireai Margaret raila llmes siiiieri or London Eugla aud the is Thomas and Edi srd Rcsunz tho illmlefl Illhllll Home 151 bradtord sireel aarrie runeral urvlcc rriday Derembcr II at p111 Interment parria Union Cemetery DAWNsuddenly at Collins wood on vedncsday Dccembor 11 Ivel Lawnnce Dawn Ru Revanna in his ailid year Delay ed husband or Laurena Arin atrong loving Ialher or Donne Ray Allen Wilma parry at home Ivan or Toronto din Audrey Wan o1 Darrlc bin Shirley Rob em or Eugenia Ruling or Dav Idaonl hineral Home Thomburjy ror acrvlce saturda December at In PARmlOGEAt the Nightin gale Nuralng Home in Ilaylair Avenue thnl cg Manitoba on Sunda Deeem or III 1961 May Amena Robson wire or the laia II Partridge in her all Dear mother or IIIIlla George Burton or winnipcg and Game llilrl William strachan or lgary gra dmother ol aruca st achan or alhary Doreen and Joan Durtan or Winnipeg daugh ter of the late lhorn and Janet Robson oi Crow Hill and Our sister or Lucy Campbell ol IIolly hintrat lcrvlte Dec ember In at 215 pm from Clark katlierdalc Funeral Home Win nipeg ll niioba Interment Chlpel Law rdena Winnipeg QUINN At St riliohao Iloap tal Toronto Dnlarlo on head Dcccmbcr Is not roacphihe Catherlna Quinn daughter or this late Iohn and Margaret Quinn and Illicr or Loretta iiin Clinic nestinr at the Stecklcy runerai Home so ivoraiey street Barrlc ruherai mm al at Iiiaryl Church aarric on Friday Dcccmb Is at am Interment CEMEIEIY wlNlImOn lllcsd Decem ber 12 1901 Stanlcy wtnler be loved husband or Violet Storey or Barrie and dear rather or Audrey tlilra Gallant or Vhllelionc Yukon Earl and Kenneth both of Barric hrolhcr ot Mn Norman Hook lilrs Bert Neeve Mrs Fred Newington waiter Frcd Rolland and Rupert all or Sussex Eng land and Mrs James Baker or Thornton in his 55th year Rest ing at the rcnnctt Funeral Home 151 IirndIord street Barrie Fun era Iervlct Saturday December at pm Interment Sixth Lina emetery IN MEMORIAM COLDIn loving memory or Mr Ward Cole who passed away In Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on December 11 1949 Evcr remembered by daughter Mary and family HICKLINGln loving memory or our mother Gertrude Paddlaon who pllscd away January 1942 and our latllnr Iililton lllcltlinizv who paased sway Dccembcr It not We do not need special day To bring thcm to our mind For the days we do not think or them AM very hard to find Iovlng1y remembered by the anally POOLEIn loving memory of William Poole who passed away December 14 1043 We cannot clasp your hand aon dear Your lace we cannot see But let this little token Tell that we still remember thee sadly missed by mother and family CARDS OF THANKS PLAXTDN would like to thank all the ratepayus or Ward Four who supported me at the polls on election day Compani ents ol the scason to you an aarnet Plaxton COMING EVENTS TURKEY SHOOT Saturday December 16 PM ALLAN BROWN DALSTON Shotguns only Shells supplied SHOOTING MATCH Turkeys and Chickens SATURDAY DEC 16 Community Arena Elmvale Ammunition supplied for 22 rifles and shotguns SPONSORED BY ELMVALE LIONS CLUB Fllrnavond voor de gebela Inm Itle to houden op Zuludag 15 December 1961 am uur in do Public Library Collier street Vertoond ital worden de Neder Iandse Speelfllm De Zaak III VOorafflegaln dODr hot Palyxabn nteuws Journaal Toegang voor nIetleden 80 cent YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you know that goon prospects might be trying to gel to touch with you dinlag those oeriods when your phone service to discontinued Its the solno with your adver tising People are buying aver day Dont let that 11161112581195 you by because your advertisurg Ia discontinuedfj MODERN six room brick bunga REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROSE REAL DTATE Baum TI TIPFIN sTRm BARBIE CALL DAY 0n EVENING PA 82379 Member or lhe Barrll and DthrIcI Rul Estate Board MOVING Dont target to lranslcr your INSURANCE and 11 you need extra coverage any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 OR PA 61802 118 Dunlop SL Stoult Agencies Ltd CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 85901 OWNER TRANSFERRED Must be sold bedroom bun galow on lovely landscaped lot Living room dining area kllchcn Located on Vancouver close to schools and shopping centre Priced for quick sale at $12800 Carries or $90 mon tth Including taxes TRADE OR SELL All new restaurant and scrvlce sintion plus ultra modern apt on No 11 Highway Major oil products Will lake house as down payment Asking $30000 Member or the Barrie and Dialrict Ilell Estta Board EVENINGS CALL aller GOULD 0110 151a EDI GOULD 0R0 251a HARRY sLESsOR PA Mm OlICA BROWN PA 57165 LLOYD HOCKLEY PA ball HENDERSON REALTOR Iii COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 112678 NHA BUNGALOWS Welllllgv ton and Shannon Streets area Low interest rates and easy monthly payments Phone Per CY Ford THIS HAS EVERYTHING four bedrooms Iinishcd recrea tion room Tappan range and builtin oven Reasonably pricv ccl Call Emerson Swain Dynamos CALL RITA SCAlem PA was DOROTHY WILCDX PA Misti PERCY FORD PA Milan EMERer SWAIN PA moo slumber or aarrlc and District and Ontario Real Eltato Ronni Watch for our special REAL ESTATE PAGE appearing on Wednes day December 27th in the Classified Section MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE C1 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkway 05575 CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to th Imperial lbbntru PA 66481 Member or Barrio and Dlatzlct Real Estate Board Keith MARSHALL Realtor and Business Brokers 15 CLAPPERTON ST BARBIE MOOREPA M350 NELLESPA 6dsz OFFICEPA use Member 01 barrio and District Real Estate Board EIGHT IIDOM Houla Iol mliy modern 22 Iclea or illlit 57 Ci all 5750 down or $5000 11 Phone PA 37490 SEMIDETACHED 131m alow three bedrooms lullI baaemfi stoma and reena Located In figmnrketl mil cg1 or trade or mark eaphona New ATTRACTIVE leycarOld threa bedroom bungalow Llha ed lrlg and dining room Alilmlnum startIla and screens Asphalt drive way Carport Large landscaped lot 5957 MIA mortgage Private shalloéslllce $13000 Telephone PA me good Borden and low three bedrooms Oll Bare mcnt suitable or artmcnt with two piece hath Storms through out Special discount tor cash to mortgage Private sale ply to Barrett Muir 125 codidnglon Street PA azoil evenings PRIVATE SALE Grey brick ranch hunglow three bedroom llupcfl livingdining room traito vet when bathroom Illa builtin vanity and uh enclosure Finillled recreation room attached garage Patio and grounds are attractively llndlLapcd will rncct any buyer terms Tclcphnna PA 6600 REAL ESTATE ROGERS PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST Flirt In Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES HUGE OLD MAPLE TREES BUILDERS MODEL HOME 101 STEEL STREET 317500 The builders price on this especially beaulilul grey brick bunga low 15 an indication at top dollar value or this line construction quality Its 3bigbedroom plan with an optional Ilh beside the rec room Has both root and rear entrances to the basement level Extra space is provided throughout the whole living area tor large amily living comfort anu Separate Schools and Is now right ini 98 ROSE Its very close to both Public Iully inishcd and ready to move STREET BIG BRICK TillLEVEL BUILT 1060 Dclilillely the new home for the family that needs extra living space Seven 17 beautilully proportioned rooms bathroom up bathroom down with grade entrance to lower level Irom back $15300 lawn llas family TVrnonl plus den convertible to 4111 bed rooml This is truly the Ideal largefamily plan at low price Exociiy $3400 down payment CllllC mortgage Owner Is transiencd quick possession is available llr Rogers PA 35568 1N QUIET RESIDENTIAL CRESCENT CLEAN TIDY BUNGALOW $2000 DOWN $13000 Larger than most 3bedroom homcs in ths price range this spot lcsSIy kept bull brick bungalow is ideally located Ior both Public and Collegiale Schools Has an extra big living room wide din oils and bright sunny kitchen Basement is high very bright and bonedry with séparate laundry room Can be Inspected daytime Phone PA 85568 or Evenings IIRI II It MOOREPA Hm IloGERs PA was EVENINGS CALL FOSTERPA avale CONNELI PA am MEMBERS EARRIE Si DISTRICT REAL STATE IIDARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA cow PA com Mamba OI Lila Bnml Rel Ella amth CampbellPA 07337 Fergus Garvey PA b7952 Roam Joan LangPA 35111 Charlie ReadPA 57317 Norman Shelswell lvenlhga Call Joe Loagtin PA Wm Everatt Sbalsweu Oro 291D Jack Willlnn PA Meal Norman Shelawall PA bml B5403 Howard Narrla PA CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA 97119 IIAapI MARSHALLPA suso 93 Dunlop St COREYPA salsa MURIEL JDFERYPA 6533 RENTALS RENTALS ARTICLES tor SALE APTS HOUSES TO RENT APTS HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOOD TEERACE Sell contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en lull basement Central loca tion $35 per month Telephone PA 89738 mu ROOM unlumlsbed ID ment or rrrlt Heated $50 month Telephona PA 57597 FOUR BEDROOM Ilonse Dining room kitchen two bathroom Heated with IL Central location Apply Duhdonald street Two cozY three main belied Iurnllhed apartments Rant rea aonable ply Cr uni Gen eral Store elepbone M515 per aDr R00 brick IIOUI or rent with flange Available December 19 turnaca and hardwood noon Talephona PA alol1 UNPUILNIaIIED heated apart mcnl our room In nlnvnNh and bath Overlook ril latte Cen Available now Telephnno PA mo nEDnDoM Apart New refrigerator and atovo at her and dryer New butlalbg Ava abla Im mediately Telaphnnl PA 152 Hours to rent at or Oakley Park Saline Three Dedrodml oil beat xioo monthly Available 1111 Insctaeiy rrha PA 610 ror Inrthel details ANGUS Four room house with bath unlurnlshed Apva to Ill Robertson telephone llE H595 Available immediately naval ror rent near Codnngion School oil but Use garage Telephone PA coals evening on MODEIIN two bedroom Iurnlshcd home or rent or January and February only Tclcpllone PA Man FURNISHED winterixed cottage or rent at IlIlncta Point 55 per month Locatcd about two blockl Irom tha belch Tel hone PA 54811 ror Iurthor dctai UNFURNISIIED tour room meat with private bath Bur top at the door llcatcd Available January $15 monthly Located at 111 Conn street PA sills DUPLEX main floor apartment to rent live rooms and bath otl bcutcd Very reasonable rent to rcllah icnanl Telephon PA LIVE IN LUXURY Ncw spacious ultrrmodern Iivo room apartments with uch and reIrlgerator op tionnl Telephone PA Mass or PA 80851 evenings LARGE HEATED ApartmenL Liv In room dining room kitchen bcdrooml and bath Sell contained Very central Plenty or storage space Available now 55 monthly Telephone PA Malt UNPURNISIIED upstalr ment three rooms orivita Central location apart bath oil heated Pri vate hot water tank In privan homeno other tenants Avnll abla now Telephonu PA 39757 THREE DEDIIODM House oil healed all modern convcnienccs garage nd brvnzcwly Available January mllcs south or slroud on Highway 11 Telephone IJRzI Stmnd LOTS FOR SALE parcels of land suitable lor subdivision into building lots Located on Steel Street close to schools For further informa tion call PA 85500 or write Po Box 182 Barrie Ontario xa1on FULL PRICE fail per month will buy thIa lovcly bunga lolv wilh bedroom kitchen 11v Ing room and tourpiece both Pull balcmont Du healed Alum inum atorma and screens Few min ulcs walk to supermarket and bank In Stroud on Highway Telephone PA 82951 HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT BURTON AVENU Private sale room brick home built tor lamgt lly living on landscaped lot 165 It deep 1wo roam apartment on main floor Telephone PA $5191 IDIJII ROOM House at lvllnetl Point with threepiece bath Hot water Full bscmcnt Full price $5900 with low down payment Telephone PA 95341 BUS OPPORTUNITIES TWO BEDROOM House or rent with attached beauty aalon part Iy Iqu pied Located on Centre street right Also garage Includ egthasonable mlt Telephone BE WASAGA BEAC Seven unIt Mo tel with separate cooking Iaclu tIcs and hot water Private living quartels Also six cabIns II 211 complete with hot water Apply to White Seagull Motel Wasaga Beach Telephone aaz waaaga Bench MONEY TO LOAN PRESCRDTION FOR PAYING BILLS Pay cm oil with lowcost liteinsured BCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 25 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 60203 Immediate lST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited private funds aval ahla lol my typo ot dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING 7129Dunlop5 East over SIMPSONsSEARS MORTGAGES MORTGAGESIn and 1nd bought laid and arranged commercial and residential honeys loaucd on existing mortgages Barrio Hort gage Broken PA oaaol RENTALS Low COST SPACE or rent CILIII modern buildings Suitable Ior commerclal or light Industrial Telephone PA 54575 OFFICES STORES RENT Office Space Large or small oilice space conveniently located downtown on Collier St Hot water heat ing adequate windows provid ins lighting Private washrooms natural ventilation and Contact Slessor Is COLLIER ST PHONE PA 85934 ATTENTION Businessmen Oppon tunity to have downtown oIHcs all acllltlcs Including recretary Moat reasonable Pbona or con taet Secretarial Bureau PA 87310 Barrie Immediately NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN Nullst HOIIE Built Ior this work Semi private rooms kind nursing care good Iood Tv rooma station wa gon for outings Telephone dbRI Strand APTS Houses To RENT APARTMENT Three bedroom apartment large kitchen and living room Newly decorated Located in the east end Stoutt Agencies Ltd Realtors telephone PA 85901 ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and refrigerator Use of washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 51068 SEVEN ROOM House or re oil 1Llrnaccitwn storeyrr our bed rooms good garden In village or Thornloll herrigoraior supplied Availbio danuary Io Telephone Ivy IaRII POUR BEDROOM UNPUIINISIIED two bedroom modern brick bungalow Dil heat Ing Recreation room and range 515 per month Located on lnnllm Street Available February Tele phone PA M2117 TWO BEDROOM rent Tasterully decorated Oil heal Aluminum storms and screens All conveniences write box Barrie Examlncr or phone VA 73800 Onkvlllc THREE 110011 Apartment Ior rant private bath rerrlgeraior and stove overlooking lake Im mediate possession No children 309111 PA 32515 or further UNPUIINIsHED ground floor apartment Living room bedroom kitchen and bathroom Heat sup plied Downtown Private ent rance Rent 55 Telephone PA $2556 TWO unlurntsbed apartment in modern apartment building Rerrlgerator and stove Host water storage parktng and laundry iacllitlcsAvallable Dec ember 15 Tclepbone PA 61161 Bungalow Ior DEDIIOOM NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kemponlclt Elly Heat wa tcr parking and Janitor Servlco Included Automatic washing la cuItica PA 9117 LOWER selfContained two bed room uniurnished artment In the west end Comple ely modern with builtin cupboards and priv ate bath Heat and water supplied Telephone PA $11915 LAIIGE central ground floor apartment Could accommodate two children Nicely tarnished heated hot water and parking Also bachelor apartment Tele Phona PA 651 mornings ONE BEDROOM Apartment Owen and Grove Streets area Ample storage parking laundry room with dryer Available January Telephone PA 115331 or PA 84453 or PA 50790 ruminant three room ment also two larg rooms East cod Hydro atom and piled Telephone Ilsrlber Information NEW MODEM centrally located two Dedrnom apartment tar not Relrigcrator alova and laundry raelutiek Avail Immediately Janitor PA leIe bans on or timber lnIIirmauon HEATED Inmishcd tbrco room apartment wiih been out atoro and relrigeraior Rent mon ibly Available Immediately Ill Baylleld Street Apply llama Flowers lelepbnn tot apart mmtlbod diagraml rvull re era or slip PA Hold to mer eic included Telephonl PA Ill BEST BUY La pruned Seateb Pisa Christmas Trees 11 at lam or 15 delivered but bratele bono Mioealn am or arflo PA EF alnrclu our local or bars CCII as super Small Quebec eater Table and Mnlcr ms Pontiac Moor Telephone PA can alter pm QUANTrIv Or Used Television sets various makes All to A1 condItIon Priced to eiear Fire stone stores as Dunlap St West Barrie Telephone PA buds numic TRAIN or 111 no Inge 11 layout under ton atruetlon Rolling aioek lnmlor FOUR ROD Apartment Illa balh unlurnIlbed stove and re lrigentor wfipfled centrally lo cated No on area Avauabla im mediaiely For runner Inloma tion telephona PA soul UNFURNISHED three room apart meal or rent on North street Heated Plenty cu board space Telephone at meal tines or oven tnga PA M510 rungs ROOM unturnuhedapart menl ror reh also ground near rumlrhed apartment use or Ii iiia mlchlnc Telephone PA was alter pm 164 Arm st south ROOM BOARD non AND DDARD able Ior gentleman Central loeann Tele pllnna PA Lana no AND IIOARD available on Essa Road In private home ivlll pack lunchea For rurlher lnlnmv ation telephone PA m1 MOVI CAMERA like new Yllhr lea model anill lhrea lens tur ret model one aux old Regular rice was $11995 Will lell to rot orrer Telephona PA 3127 lAs Tans Ior to lo choice Balsam Spruce and Scnlch Pine 15c io 52 Apply Conrads Fruit Merket Highway 11 or telephone Oro 111 SPECIAL cnalsrsraa ms orrer lhla week Chooac your runed Scorch Pine at Iarm on Ilgh ay 15 So eenis to 31011 Bert Maw bundling Pnnno 313 allncslng CAR TRAILER or laid wIIh two aparo wheels with tires Trailer not finished ply Ralph Tavclde 5hr 1Abgus in line Essa Town USED TELEVISION Sela various makes and models 17 and 11 good condition 25 and up Iire lions Store ad Dunlop st West Barrie IIOOH AND BOAIID pliable Close to downtown Gentleman prolerred Lunches parked II de sired ParkIng ar Telephone PA 843 SPRINGPILLED like DOC new or wide uo New Mary Maxim IIultry chater Mans sire 44 chest pheasant pattern Telephone PA cows MARY STREET vIcInlty Room and Board Genilcman prererred Will pack lunches Home privil eges close to downtown Tele phone PA 56665 IIUG Fol PALS II II Oriental design predominantly wine Neal ly new In excellent condition lele hone PA aoiao tor turther delals 1100 AND BOARD Private homc East on On bus route Home privileges Parking space Gentleman prelimed Teie Phone PA 60955 or Iurther 1n Iormatlon liable In clllusnlAs TREES lor sale good qualily Scotch Pine and sums mm Apply Russell Church alo bie Homes 110 Eurlnn Avenue IIthwa 11 south or telephone PA b91166 ROOMS TO LET DOGS 81 PETS FURNISHED heated bedlilting room with rangeite and use or re Iriggzraior Central Telephone PA as ARTICLES For SALE HANDY HARDWARE 0th Linc Innistil Alcona Beach Road ICOmplele matchbox model series oskates tobbogans wagons oiull line of our toys nGIltwares oBeatty Appliances CASH 0R TRADE on Skates Appliances etc STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC Thése books are in per fect condition but have l95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20c Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 64537 FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED am OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Strand AIRS WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Strand scale lrlcyclcs TWO BEDROOM Apartment pri vate ronnplcce bath partially rur niahed Heated and Water sup piled Close to downtown schools Elsi stop at door PA 82997 aiter Home well heated attached garage Contrai ly located Heat and hydro sup plied Laundry tubs and washing machine 5110 per month Phone PA 68392 UNPDnNISuED onc and two bcd room apartments heated Central ly located Kitchcn wltIIIhuIlMII cupboards Rent $53 monthly alld up Tolephone PA bzIaa after 630 pm PA Dasha UNPUILNISIIED three large room cd apartment sellcontained main floor beat and hydro one child welcome Also garage prefer ably for boat storagc at 207 Brad Iord Street PA 33534 or 146 Bulb Iord stre TEACHER willing to share five room apartment tarnished and heated with or business gtrls Dr teachers Scpnrntc bedrooms Available Dcccmbcr 111 Reason able rent Telephone PA oaloo PA 111192 alter pm THREE ROOM ground Iioor apart rncnt separate entrance and bath heat supplied close to school Also ttircc room modernly dc corated apartment with nursery Each available December Toto phone PA sozzo ATTRACTIVE heated modern apartment sellcontained rivate cnlxancn Ideal for bachc or or couple stove and reirigerator sup llcd Adequate storage and cup ourd apucc Parking Iacllltics Must be aeen to be appreciated Telephone PA 34294 or PA billion FURNISHED Apartment suitable or two business or proresslonal women Two bedrooms Ilvlna roamrkltchcn with builtIn cup boards Frigidaire stove and re Irlgerator Dishes culler heat light and watcr Large attic Ior storage Less than rive minutes walk downtown or collegiate and public achool1e1aphona PA Itasca afar5 NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 Ideal for lining beh houses attics garages etc perfect Insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario TWO USED reconditioned Bicy cles Reasonable Cash or trade In accepted Telephone PA 61015 WASHING MACHINE or sale Maxwell good condition 370 Tele phone lvy IBRZI GENDRON Baby Carriage or sale also Baby Crib with new mattress and convertable baby swing Boa sonable Telephone PA SDI KnLleATOR cu rt Relrlger stop for sale sealed unit 315 Ap ply John Norrena shanty Bay telephone on 442 CASII LOANS$500 at 512 per month Telephone PA Imus Cresccllt Finance to Duniop EL West ORDER YOUR Fresh killed Tur keys and Geese Ior Christmas now Telephone Oro 404 Arthur Caldwell 1952 CHEVROLET Parts Including radio and two new snow tires complete motor etc Telephono PA 3911 OIL RANGE Empire tor sale nearly Ich Also large size SPlcc Heater nearly new heats to rooms Telephone Stnyncr Ial SANTAS CHRISTMAS TREES SEE them It Lennard Caseys 15 Centre SiYPUI Barrie or tnieplmne PA 85434 Placfl your order now seen delivery ELECTRIC Chord Organ tor sale In good condition with It playoy nuinoer books would make nice Christmas gm Telephone PA 50710 Larrys IIABY BUDGIES in moult all col ora male or remale 31 For tur iher lnlnnnlllnll telephone PA H101 PUIIEIIIIED Cockcr Spaniel PllP pies Ior sale wcoks old Blacks and Blondes Apply Lockhart Highway 11 Thornton RADIO Iv HlFl MCFADDEN Appliance 113 Pcnetang at SLVincent FM STEREO RADIO by ELECTROHOME PHONE PA 09188 ARTICLES FOR RENT EDEASIIIDNED Sleigh Rldcl available For llrrtllcr inrormaiioa telephone 2101 Mlncslng FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE CIDER Ircsh or trcsb tro zen also apple butter or break last snack or anytime Wu buy gallon and hail gallon lugs Tele Pbona PA 33300 Try All Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 BUSINESS FLOWERS PLANTS Christmas Trees Tclcphone PA 37208 or deliv ery in Barrie or to pickup at 236 DUNLOP ST cImIaTslAs mad delivered to your home Apply II One Tree rams telephone FA Mag or PA cm FARMER MARKET DEAD STOCK Illghest prices paid or dead or crippled cattle and horses Smali animals removed tree For fast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask or ZENITH 94130 1N0 CHARGEI It aaora day neck NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmcad Ontario License No IJSCBI PASSENGER Sleigh Ior aale ala pauenger suitable Ior bane or pony First class condition ltea sunablfHApply narrie Iron works ii rig Street Telephone PA New LIVESTOCK ANGUS IIULL ror aale one year old Apply Herb aaelby stroud Ontario SUFFOLK EWES tor sale pure bred chnlcc young stock bred to lamb in March very reasonable lolcphona Jerry Quinn PA uses SEVEN YORKSHIRE Pigs or sale weeka old Apply lohn Living lion RR 010 Station or tele phone Oro 77 sIlIzTLANb PONY ror sale Gela Ing Inches Ilulel broke to saddle and harncss Telephone stroud 15ml ror nlrtller details RED DURHAM cow duc In ten days Apply Andrew Graham VI mile east or No 11 Highwa 61h Line Innlslll Telephone my admit PUREDRED Yorkahire Bonn lep vlceabla age lronl dams and sires with III to or In advanced redia try Eligible ror government Doe nua Apply Iaek Anderson RR 0111 Oro PUnnnitED Holstein Heller dun December to kircd and bred la outstanding unit bu Reginald and Iully accredited mfiflsteln Bmthcfl Cnukxtawn or labOld POULTRY 8c CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks 0rdcr now or early order discount For service help on your poultry probleml call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 71 Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 824 SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About LOW Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 TREES our and lots cleared In barrio or district For Iurther par ticulars and rrce estimates tole Pbons Rama PA 61433 or Ivy alts WILL DO ANY type 01 wrecking or demolishing of buildings Avc ly to lilike hilly Wasaga Peach Eyrecklhg and Salvage company Waaaga Beach APPLIANCE sagwcas TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47DUNLOP ST PA 6l I42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 56071 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickur dc deuver II FRANCIS or REAR PA basal Ier sharia pack or cigarettes db EXCAVATI NG FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Hall yard Backhoe or hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 4907 PLASTEEIN STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT Barrie AWERIISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER Snow Removal Driveways Parking Lots Cleaned Irucked if necessary also WATER DELIVERY ED TAYLOR PA 68317 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA S6556 MASONRY II it can be built with BLOCK BRICK 01 STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61673 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re move your dead and crippled ram animalsunder the above Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT EARRIE FAlllway 83617 GOR DON YOU NG LIMITED BARRIE LiCchE carol TAXI SERVICE wily WADK CENTRAL TAXI NOW RADIO EQUIPPED 29 MAPL AVENUE PA 85555

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