One of Tossorontlos well own citilens Geo Henderson sssed away very suddenly El 11 week ago The late Mr Henderson was nown far and wide for his nod deeds and was very de oted father to his children Fl wife predeceased him at ut six months ago Mr Henderson was yery de ted to his home life and urch and was always ready helping hand to arty it need The funeral was well attended and friends came from ior and wide to ay last respects interment as in Everett Anglican Ceme cry lSlTORS Mr and Mrs Reg Knox and Lonny were weekend visitors at thelr potential home in Crco more At this time of year as Christmas draws near your correspondent wishes to extend casons greetings to The Ear ie Examiner and all the stall ï¬nd all readers oi the Examin yor everywhere very Merry lstmns and prosperous year and Mrs Pat ODohell family at Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs George Peacock Everett is to have very tine nursing home for the aged and sick people The home will be operated by Mr and Mrs Walter Sweet formerly cl Lind say The home is expected to be opened oilleially early in this new year oatsrou Dalston school children are holding their atristmas concert at the United Church Dec zi at 000 pm Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Roy Salisbury on the birth rat daughter Mr and Mrs Lorne Handy and family visited Mr and Mrs Dee Partridge ot Clowcs on Sunday Miss Marilyn Moore Hunts ville spent the weekend witti her parents Mr and Mrs liar old Moore WA NEWS The December meeting of the Dalston WA was held at the home oi Mrs it Norman with the president Mrs ilandy in the chair opening the mccting with the theme and pruycr Rev Norman was in charge at devotions The min TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE IIUEEDAY chsntuzn is 400 Tha Womens show no Lots Look us Alberta Game Farm Loo ltaaslo Dania Dick Tracey Nawa Headlines Man From Mars Farm Market Report News Don amiuon Weather Sports Pierre Berton The Flintstones Tha ttaai sicCoys sir rancls Drakn My Three Sons The Dolonoou country Junction One step Reyond CBCTV Now The Waatharmaa Today in Sport Community News Naked City niDAV occasion is too The Womens saw no Tim Fraser 00 nauia owls lfl Papeycs too News Headlines sli Popeyas rv party 520 Farm Market Report us News non lamiesnn Wnltiier Sports ass Pierrn Barton lalbnr Knows But Danna Rand Show country aoeoowa Car 14 Tommy Ambrose Parry iiiton The oatactivca coo TV News The tvutherman Todv in arts Community tuovi lssven Sinners IATURDAY DECEMBER ll 14a Test Pattern 13 News Wlather 100 aroncanaoa Curllnl coo Bowling soo lelnl World sso Bugs Butmy aoo Countrytlml eso Nawl Weather Sports our sun Coleman 100 Dennis the Monaco 730 noblnHood am am oun wtu Travel aso Petci Gunn moo N111 flashy 1015 Juliette 1045 Kins Wbyta 111w cac TV News 1110 Wollth News EDDY 1115 Movie Small Town story 700 110 000 330 000 010 1030 1100 1115 am ll CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO spay nkcznmau 1t Professors Hideaway luau From cochiia Sports Weather 5y Pit Berton News The Real nlccoya Showdown Theatre At night lKeap mi Big Four Playback 5111 Along With Mtth NOW Weather Sports Men or Destiny aattar Lats AY Dccahtuizrt is Now Pres and Buy Playhouse Channel Theatro Til Horses Mouth ans Prolossora Hideaway Man From Cochise Sports nunco identifies your WELCUME WAGON SPONSDRS ï¬rms of prestige in the business and civic life of your community For information call PA 66302 540 Wenthcr 545 By Pierr Berton 050 News 700 Tim 710 West Coast and Walton ratio 100 Have Gun Will Travel 050 Country Styla 1030 Law and Mr Jones 1100 News Weather Sports 1115 Photon 1110 Batter as 1230 Friday Night Thotn Knock On Any Door aarurtnIiY 1330211111211 is man Professors Party Sports College News Weather Sports Movie Brave Bulls ov Basic and tho 11ale wrestling Lasta To Draw Cartoon Tima Hi Ttma Within rour Walla Sports Weather Nam Outdoor Sportsman rha Flintstones Route so Naked city Jack Benny Show right ot the Week Johnny thaw Show Cross Canada Barn mac Saturday Night Movie riot Rod Girl Christmas light set string of Santa lights with purchase oi TOYS lo the value of 1095 or over Cash Layaway or Budget at firestorm STORES 88 DUNLOP ST PA 86585 TO THE ELECTORS or within it would like to ekpreas my appreciation for your sup port in reelecting me to city council wish to pelts in oppor tunity of wishing you com pllrnents of the Season utes of the previous meeting were read and dealt with sev eral members handed to gifts for the ental Health The roll call an item for the shutin boxes was answered by 12 members and two visitors Rev Norman was in charge at the election of cttlcers who are as ioilows president Mrs Watson vicepresident Mrs Dicker secretary Mrs Jory assistant secretary Mrs Handy treasurer Mrs Brown parsonage committee Mrs Em and Mrs Brown pianist Mrs Custom Mrs Wood and Mrs Norman flower committee Mrs Dicker Mrs Emma bits Rule and Mrs Jory vis Iting committee Mrs Jory Mrs Dicker Mrs Forh es and Mrs Williams Mis sion Band Mrs Emms and Mrs Jory auditors Mrs Salisbury and Mrs Handy Everyone was in favor of changing the meetings in the future tram the first hies day of the month to the second Wednesday The program was story on titled The Three Wise Men with several members taking part and Mrs Normun coa ductcd contest with Miss Misutani being the winner Refreshments were served by Mrs Dicker and Mrs Watson assisted by the hostess Rev Norman closed the CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BROKER South dealer Neither side vulnerable NORTH KQS was citsr 1903 EAST 1074 QJJDS osios antics aom oars circuits on 48 Thcblddtng south Wort North boat Pun 2N1 Pass Pass wast 532 oqcis 4010743 Oepning lead tour of clubs Declarer begins the play of most hands played in suit cori tracts by counting his to ass This usually gives him pret ty good idea of his chances of making the contract However while this is generally goo practice to follow it does not always lead to the right can ciusion Take this hand West leads club and East takes the king and continues with the ace De clarer rafts of course and at this point has no N350 to fear the outcome of the hand But when he leads heart to the ace and West shows out South has something to worry about Apparently he is down one because he has already lost Aï¬ DHILY CROSSWORD ACROSS To nose Picturesque 11 Gel ball along 12 grits 13 Melody 14 Sumter to Respond 17 Pmnnun 15 And tut 19 Forward 21 Mount he Persia Constella U011 27 An amateur ornitholo gut 30 Hardwood tea at Inaugurat Hort Day suture West Point freshman 34 Paid notice so sun goo 37 The devil 41 Ma away 44 Real 45 De Com spikes 41 Emphasize wild sheep Asia Punctuation mlrk To act as into earth Nothing Arrow poison 1° Slalle structurn 16 Mail 20 Troopl belting plus mill seaport 22 Inlet 25 NonWI boat CARRIER MISS You If your carrier has not arrived by please phone PA 82433 AndiA Copy Will Ba Delivered To YourHomo THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VAllEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS meeting with prayer 1110 next meeting will be at the home at Mrs Forbes Wednesday January 10 THORNTON Joe Manor and Neville Jam icson attended the installation ceremony at Peel Masonic Lodge Catedon East when Prank Lennox was installed as worshlpful master Misses Eleanor Peacock and Lois Black new in Syracuse NY last week tor short holi day Last Wednesday tha WA of St Judes Anglican Church held successful tea and bake sale in the basement of the church UN Votes To Free South West Africa UNITED NATIONS APiA UN committee voted overwhel mingly Wednesday to set free the vast territory at South West Africa from rule by South Af rica and give its halt million tribesmen their own govern ment The 103 nation trusteeship committee voted under strong AfroAsian pressure to proclaim the right oi South west Airleaa people to independence and nae tional sovereignty and deï¬ned steps to bring it about LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE Jutisr JONES ouwcooonsss TUDEUEVS I5 HAVINS BIG club and still has two hearts and diamond to lose At laa st thats what count of his losers tells him Things are not always as they seem though and it South plays correctly he still makes the contract Warned of the bad trump break he takes steps to overcome it He starts by 111 ing another club In his hand Then he cashas three spades and the AK oi diamonds wind ing up in dummy At this point South having won eight tricks the situation is Dummy leads the lack at clubs Regardless of what East does South wins two of the tour remaining tricks It East discard diamond South ruifs and makes tea tricks These consist of three clubs he has trumped in his hand the AKAQ of spades the AK of hearts and the AK of diamonds If East rutis the club instead South simply discards dia mond tbus telescoping two losers into one He then makes ten tricks by force One of his losers disappears Tomorrow Test your dummy Ex clams Lion 25 Sea Ads 28 Part 25 Flaps 29 Brings into being as Not verse 33 Washes Arman iart river as Obliga no Iaalndlyl Aim 89 Subtle emanation IO Eirdl home 42 To damage 43 Feminine pm DONALD DUCK BUZ SAWYER GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER ï¬t WONDEPED WHATALL HAT DEED BREATHiNG WAS BEHYND PHEWTHIS CHECKING ACCOUN STUFFREALLY smAiGHrEN ED out WHEN YOU GET MOMS win You HELP ME WHIP MY ALGEBPA HOMEWDRKF wu M55 THCHILI on 114 wav qus WELLJ DONT WANT BE HUNGRV ONE BOWL auDTcuiLI THIS LATE wuuugt GiVE ME ALL klNDs OBAD DREAMSl MYSON lil60 15 STUDENT lEADER HE WISHES 10 APOLOElZE HIGOSAN ONE OF FDR Hi5 iARl iii AMAMERlCAN DEMNSTRATION mil WEEK BRIGHT PiliiL5 NE ACT FOR GOOD OF guMAYlMVE CARD PERSONALLY ShwtERSAN 1M SURE All moostump You What tNliLtECliJAmel or JAPMIS wings or magma