See Marriage As Boost To Restoring Monarchy MADRID tReutersiSpanlsh monarchlsts lung anxious to have king hack on the Span irh throne have taken new hope from the engagement of Prince Juan Carlos of Bourbon to Prinms Sophia of Greece Although Generallsrlmo Pran cisco Franco shows no signs of stepping down as head of state monarchist circles believe that the marriage of the son of the Spanish pretender to the at tractive Greek princess will in the long run boost their cam paign for the restoration of the monarchy The news of the engagement of the handsome er year old prince was well received by the Spanish people The govern ment also has made it clear that it approves of the match Franco himself who is em poweer by law to propose his own successor to parliament is believed to approve the restora tion of the monarchy with Prince Juan Carlos as king when he decides to relinquish power himself or after his death RENOUNCE RIGHTS But to bring has about Don Juan father of Juan Carlos would have to renounce his rights as the direct heir to King Alfonso Kill the last king of Truck DriverslawYers Help Solve Migratory Bird Mysteries OTTAWA CPLMany WIN of peoplethey Include lawyers housewives truck drivers are helping scientists study the wan derings of the continents mig ratory birds By placing small aluminum bands on the legs of thousands of birds each year Canadians in every walk of lie are help ing the scientists determine flight patterns life spans and hunting regulations The accredited blrdbnnders an active group of wildlife en thusiasts came into being in Canada 56 years ago They hand about 200000 birds year from robins to geeseand send basic information on each bird to the federal record centre in Ottawa which duplicates the in formation to Washington DC Between them the Canadian and 115 offices keep the his tories of millions of birds The Ottawa office run by Canadian Wildlife Service biol ogist Hughie Schultz 34yearold native of Hespeler Ont is lined with tiling cab inets containing records of 500000 birds banded since 1922 when the federal government took over the country wide scheme The records in Washington cover 12000000 birds including the duplication of the Canadian collection The Canadian office hopes soon to have complete set of the US records so that Canadian biologists can work with these in Ottawa Each aluminum band is num beredthe first number band was clipped onto the leg of robin in 1905 by James Henry Fleming in his garden in Tor onto Eachbander must prove he knows wildlife befora getting government licence About 10 per cent of the birds handed are recovered each year and information on these Lake Level Is Changing OTTAWA CP Lake Onta rio levels are changed by move ments of the earths surface or crust bulky CanadianAmer can report said Thursday Water levels have risen prolt greasively around the lake be cause land in the Galop Rapids area of the St Lawrence River hetween lroqunis and Prescott has been rising at more than half foot each 100 years said report by the Interna tionai Joint Commission The rise of 55 feet each 100 years at Galop Rapids is in comparison with the land lev els at Oswego NY on the southeastemshore of Lake On tario it is rising at about one foot every 100 years in compo rison with the west end of the lakethus diminishing the dis charge from Lake Ontario through the St Lawrence River The report covers factors at fecting the level of Lake Onta birds pours into the collection centres from many countries around the world recent band found in Cans ada turned out to be from bird handed in Russia which llke many countriesuses the system to keep track and con trol of migratory birds international treaties between Canada and the United States and the 115 and Mexico con trol bird banding in the three countries to protect North American migratory birds The bonders provide basic information on particular spe cies or groups of birds Mr Schultz said in an interview With this he said biologists can determine flight or mig ratory patterns speed of mige rations life spans population and in the case of waterfowl the number of birds bagged by hunters The latter information helps biologists to determine the length and bag limits of each hunting season thus helping them to manage and protect the many species that annually migrate northward and south ward CLEAR PATTERN After 56 years of handing biologists can tell just about where any species spends win ters and where it goes for sum mer where it nests and where it usually dies The records show one herring gull that was banded Aug 1936 on Kent Island Newfound land it was recovered by dif farent man at the same spot 75 years later The handers use some in genius methods to nab their fleet footed high flying quar 95 These include boom traps hugo nets about 20 feet by so that shoot from cannon like mechanisms and entangle the birds before they can take off and dogs trained to pick up the birds without harming feather As rule however waterfowl are handed in the moulting and nesting season when they do not fly and can be herded into en closures Spain who left the throne In m1 So far there has been no indi cation that Doo Juan living in Portugal is ready to do this The last meeting between the Spanish dictator and the pre tender to the throne in mo ended with Franco fully rec ognizing Don Junos rights to the throne if the monarchy ll ever restored The possibilities of such restoration were strengthened by an alliance in June by sev eral Spanish groups opposed to Franco In which it was made clear that they had no oblec tion to monarchy provided it was constitutional and democrch monarchy These groups included the Socialistr Catalan and Basque regional parties and left wing Roman Catholics Francos Falangs party does not like the Idea of monarchist restoration but is likely to ac cept whatever the generalis simo decides on the matter River Iunlrs Donkey Carts llnd PlanesChina Uses llll PEKXNG Reuters Prob lems in Communist Quinns walking on two legs policy dovetalling the countrys cen turies old methods with 20th century techniques are seen nowhere more clearly than in the vast sprawling transporta tlon complex Hers tr planes and ships work sidesby ride with old fashioned carriers such as river iunks donkey carts and Chinas most prevalent carrierhuman porters Lack of an adequate upto dsta transportation system to serve its 600000000 population has been one of Chinas gravest problems for many years and was long regarded as primary reason for recurring famine Newspaper editorials and aa tlcles here rseantly have streued the importance of continuous flow of goods They point out that food and raw maA terials for factories must move into the cities while ï¬nished consumer goods and farm ml DYCKS rooo MARKET lb Lean Hamburg Steak lb Llnk Sausage it lh Winners Sirloin and TBons Steak Rindleu Bacon 2ibm99s Subject to stock DYCKS FOOD MARKET I50 Collier St Phone PA 85339 For Delivery Every boy or girl needs de pendnble watch and one that looks smart too We have iusi what they need Ladies or Genis I7 JEWEL MOVEMENT WATCHES WATERPROOF SHOCKPROOF PRICED FROM 9w 81435 JEWELLERS LTD 76 DUNLOP ST PA 83745 HIGHER PROFITS WITH HIGHER GRADES oblnery and fertilizers must get back to the villages COUNTRYWIDE Chinas walking on twn legs policy in transportation can be seen throughout the country Heavily laden donkey carts line up at modern trains in vil ge railroad stations Porters bent under unbeliev ahle loads suspended from bam MENS Er WOMENS $499 $399 it THE HARD murmur THURSDAY DEC if boo shoulder poles transfer coal from railroad can to seagoing ships City streets but with traffic ranging from big trucks to pedIA cabHicycledriren carts Often the trucks and pedicabs will be carrying the same cargo Trucks may be carrying it to or from the villages while CHOOSE GENUINE Moulded Slippers the bnsl Commercial aircraft often carry freight machine parts fruit mail in the passenger cabtn At the aupo rts an odd assortment of trucks carts we gons and pedicabs waits to re lay the cargo to the next link in the distribution chain pedicabr operate on local or ls 3s 0ftan lmliatsd but hover this quality Ganulns full rhaarling lining arid cuff Long wasrin with rubber CHILDS Childs GENUINE COWHIDE Mocassin Slippers SoFigt fanned natural slippers with trimming on vam Indian head Haavy padded roles and heels Red wool lining warmth Menssimdtell Maflmttflu Boysslgesltos Chlldsslnslllolu Smd cirrus Io FOR HER Pouiisv for extra GLAMOROUS Slippers M199 So frivilous and yal so practical feminine looking Ganuina shasrllng with warm lin lugs and long wearing padded soles Availablo in she myriad of colon English s5to9ina In Made Childrens Slippers OF SUPERIOR QUALITY Richly ombooideravd fabric uppers that are extremely durable wool lining for extra warmth Shearling Collar Extra heavy teeth It side leather soles eolr Mens sizes to 12 colors Cherry brown and Tan Ladies sizes to colors Rcd Cherry brown or Pastel Blue sizes 11 to colors Cherry Brown or Pastel Blue 33 ore5 mlï¬mwwflwl Ri rubber and heels Colors red and blue solar rtomammade and otherwise and was made public by the ex ternal affairs department The report was sought by the Cana dish and us nmeots ï¬prior to construction of the SI Lawrence Seaway Related to that were applica dd lions to produce power as is being done nowat the inter national rapids section of St Lawrence near Cornwall gt AvaIlable miller flat or wedge heels vThiclr foam rubber roles Colors pink pastel blue bone $0 black Sixes DONT WASTE DOLLARS BECAUSE OF LOW GRADES Youll ï¬nd ihntihe SHURGAlN step Hog Feeding Program is the plan that helps to provide top grades and highest profits for you it provides all the nutrients needed for each step of growth Drop invanyfime well talk about HOG FEEDS HOG GRADES HOG PROFITS Eon QUALITYAND SERvicE CALL SHOE 07355 woman cFPflny gilllllllllï¬ll more efï¬ciency for your money in the new IRA WILSON COOKSTOWN HILLSDALE FLOUR AND FEED HILLSDALE APA 60691 DENNIs CLARENCE CUMMING BRADFORD rnï¬l whim mo BARRIE d5 mini Bill BIIEFgPM