THE BARRIEAEXMIINER WEDNESDAY DEC ll 19 nï¬w PESIDENT Mrs Syd Cox left incoming president accepts the presi dents book from Mrs II Williams outgoing president of the Inner Wheel of the Ho liCCEPTS FFICE tary Club The ceremony took place at the annual Christmas dinner party of the club held at the Boyview Terrace last evening Examiner Photo St Marys Scene Ot Morning Rites SI Marys Roman Catholic Churï¬h was the setting for the wedd ug of Miss Donime Carla Huggins and Steve Elstub Father Law performed tho ceremony Nov 18 The bride is the daughter of Mn and Mrs Fred Huggins AleduStreet The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs George Elstub Barrie Given in marriage by her fatbér the bride wore baller lnalength gown of taffeta and lace The gown was fashioned vi fitted bodice softly sco opedgneckline and long sleeves Laéé applique enhanced the neckline and skirt of the dress lier shoulder length veil of tulle illusion was held by tiara oi sciystals The bride carried Vhitdhrayer book adorned with white camelias The brides only attendant vasMiss Jackie Landun as FOUNDED IN 1890 maid of honor Miss Landun wore street length gown of emerald green satin fashioned with fitted bodice with bat eau neckline and elbow length sleeves The skirt of the gown was houlfont She wore pill box hat of matching material and green accessories mania and yellow murns formed her bouquet The groumsman was Bill Han in The reception was held at the home of the brides parents The brides mother receivedI and the mother at the bridegroom assisted For travelling the bride was attired in two piece suit of yellow wool brown accessor ies and furs On return from the wedding trip to Toronto the couple will reside at 42 Toronto Street Barrie History Related At WMS Meeting NEWTON ROBINSON The WMS met at the home of Mrs Robert Jackson Wednesday alt ernoon Mrs Don Brown was in the chair and opened the meeting Minutes of the last meeting were read and roll called Re ports were given by Mrs Connell and Mrs Meher Mrs West gave report on tbebalo sent Mrs West toot the worship service Hymn 50 was sung and prayer given by Mrs Johnson Mrs Jack son sang solo An Old Sacr ed Lullaby Christmas scripture were read by Mrs Johnson Mrs Bredon and Mrs Rowe Mrs Jackson favored with piano solo 0h Holy Night Mrs Harold West gave reading HISTORY RELATED This was our last meeting as WMS Mrs Halbert is the oldest member and for the longest time and so was pre sented with coxsage Mrs Houghton and Mrs Connell wrote history of our society down through its 71years This is part of the history as read by Mrs lloughton The society was organized March 1890 with eight chart er members it comprised lad ies from Newton Robinson Su therlands and Bond Head Meth odist Churches The first officers were Mrs Savage president Mrs lljpwell vicepresident Miss Cuibert corresponding secretary Mrs James Bruce ALL THE LATEST EAvMourus BOOK STORE so DUNLOI ST recording secretary and Mrs Merrick Sr treasurer From the first meeting in 1890 meet ings were held the first Wed nesday of each month FORM OWN GROUP In 1905 the ladies of Bond Head decided to organize their own auxiliary Membership fee was one dollar until 1927 when it changed to tittycents Monies were raised by mite boxes and free will offerings The envelope system was first introduced in 1927 From the beginning there have been Easter and Autumn Thankofferings The amount sent to the Presbyterial has risen from small amount to our oresent collection of $300 Three awuversaries have been observ ed our silver anniversary on March in 1915 our 50th on June £940 and later the 25th anniversary of church union VETERAN MEMBER The longest continuous memb er is Mrs Halbert be ing member since 1912 The living members with the earli est recorded membership id Clark formerly Miss Maul Chantler in 1901 Mrs Agnew formerly Miss Anna Banting in 1903 Mrs Wib son formerly Miss Effie Bant ing in 11105 and Miss Lottie Hamer of Aurora the same year From membership of 17 in the first year it grew to high of 40 and at the present day stands about 20 GAMES IN STOCK PA 84055 POUND CAKE ach33 thkmmmhmnx AAP PINEAFFLI ï¬n HAVE GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 3an1oo HUNT CHOlCE QUALITY Illa 35oIAVI 5e APRICOTS 3MwsnIOO BRIGHT FANCV QUALITI RIB In NeGAVI TOMATO JUICE 246nww55q CHOICE CREAM ITYLK ACCP CORN ANN PAGE KETCHUP HAIR DRESSING CHRISTMAS PACK BRYLCREEM BALLET Run llru fleIAVE zeroes Rep Mil HAVE In Zniwim37c ROI tuba MoBAVE 29 Jane Parker FRUIT CAKE llb ring slob 429 IVzlb piece June Parker Sliced FRUIT CAKE take 19 on pkg WeIAVE TOILET TISSUE wizards REYNOLDS HEAVY DUTY Ron HAVE ALUMINUM FOIL 59 MoCOFIMICKS CHEESE SNACKERS eozbox29c MONARCH REGULAR QUARTERB MARGARINE 4uww95c 48P landlesanly Canadas Finest Government Grdded Meats CANADAS FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF BEEF ROASTS 3°5° SHORT or tkoss RIB ROASTS BONELESS POINT SIRLOIN ROAST mar 69c PORK SAUSAGE this 49 SAUSAGE PATTIES 81139 COOKED HAM m49c SUFERRIGHT ALL MEAT BROWN SERVE THINLV SLICED Flog Inf 11oMVE 1602 loaves 31 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