Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1961, p. 3

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KCs OPERATE CHRISTMAS llleagon Hinds Cathy ira han and Nancy Lynne lilac Donald left to right help James Quail principal at St Johns Separate School and John Brennan Grand Knight to carry Christmas tree from the Anne Street lot to the school The selling oi Christmas trees is project TEE HARM EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC 1m Barrie Ys Mens Scrapbook Received By Australian Club of the Knights of Columbus to raise funds for youth work They are also supplying tree trees to all of the separate schools Examiner Photo IN INNISIIL Rabid Fox Attacks Prevalent Alarming Despite the insistence oi pub lic health oiilcials that cases of rabies among wild animals in Slmcoc County are not prev alent number of cases oi mad 0ch attacking live stock and cvcn people are re ported irom lnnisfil Township Former Minister Dies In Midland MIDLAND Ont CPiitev John McEwen who served in parishes in Alberta and Ontario died here Sunday He was 85 Mr McEwen was ordained Presbyterian clergyman after graduating irom the University at Toronto He joined the United Church of Canada on its forma tion in 1925 First posted to church in Cartwright Alta he later was minister in Port Arthur Wye vale Hillsdalc Melville and Schomberg all in Ontario He retired to Midland about 1949 Surviving are son and live daughters Latest in series of such in cidents were reported yesterday when several dogs were attack ed by taxes on the 10th line of lnnisiii One at the dogs had its throat torn and is being kept under observation The faxcs escaped before they could be killed or captured other instances of peculiar actions by these animals in clude the killing at heilier on the term of Herbert Beeiby He repaired the fox actually had to rcach through window to inflict the wound on the ani mal William Smith 10th line re ported his dog was attacked by fox and was bitten to the ex tent that the animal had to be destroyed Ross Hubhert llth line re ported he was attacked person ally by an apparently rabid fox and had to run tor the house to escape the animals furious charges Later the fox vented its anger on the doorstep of the house indicative at the seriousness of the situation is the report that because oi the upsurge of Hillcrest Christmas Program Draws ll Capacity Audience It was standing room only in the auditorium oi Hiilcrest School as the senior pupils pre sented their annual Christmas program to the public This year it took the form of highly successful presenta tion of the pagean In Christ mas Carol Land by Dykea Beachy in which no less than 25 carols and tableaux are coupled together in continu cusflow of color and melody Six of the carols were per tormed by chorus of Grade children in unison The others involving unison two three and fourpart harmony and descent parts were sung by choir of some 200 voices irom Grades and Soloists in the ren DEATHS DOUGLASsAt the Rom Vic toria Hospital Barrie on niesdly December 12 1961 Mary Ellen Rcuwtck beloved wire at the late George William Douglas in her 92nd year Dcar mothcr of Mary Ellen Mrs James Steele or an rie George William at Montreal erxuret Mrs James Miller or London England and the late Thomas and Edward Resting at the remrm Funeral Home 15o Bradlord street Barrie Funeral servtCe Friday December 16 at 2121 Interment unirie Union cemetery dition at The Three Kings were Clifford Cascanette Bob West and Alex Harradine FORM TABLEAUX Some 70 pupils participated in the forming of the various tableaux These included scenes of Christmas customs in other lands Huron Indian nativity scene to accompany Jean de Brebeuts carol iesous Aha tonhia and the traditional Bethlehem nativity scene done in pantomime by the Holy Fam ily the shepherds and the wise men The program was of slightly over an hours duration in charge the presentation were the teachers of the classes taking part Mrs Lamb Miss Dellart Mrs Camp bell Mrs Schandlen Mrs Faster John Dowling Rich ard Boswell Barry Elliott Paul 1grelase and principal William MJ CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving andStoraga Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 BARRIE CITY CONCERT SAND ASSOCIATION Erase nt CHRISTMAS CONCERT featuring the Barrie City ConceriBund HOLLIER Director and the Barrie City Junior Bond WILSON Director Thursday December I4 Codrington Public School 730 pm ADMISSION 25c AT THE DOOR cattle deaths dut to bitca from rabid animals the government is considering the reinstatement of awards to farmers who lose cattle in this way Such awards have bcen paid in the past but were discontinued when the in cidence oi rabies dropped to an almost nonexistent level OBITUliBY MRS GORDON LOXLEY As result at car accid 19 61 Mrs Gordon xiey Brampton died instantly The tuneral service was held on November 23 Conducted by the Rev Wallace McClean at the James Lynn Funeral Home interment was held in Elmvale cemetery The pallbearers were Messrs Gordon Loxley Jr wu iiam Loxiey Harry Watts Earl Drysdale Joseph Stracbnn and Jack Ritchie The late Jean born at Eimvalc on May 1913 She was the daughter 01 Mrs Mable McKnight and the late Georg ight She was educated in lmvale school and for the past 20 years she re sided in Brampton Shebelong ed to the Presbyterian Church Surviving are her husband GorA don Loxley Brampton two stED children Gordon Loxley Jr and Betty Walsh both of Tr enton her mother Mrs Mable McKnight and brotherLloyd both of Elinvale Among the floral tributes were from relatives friends Norris Dairy Universal Grind ing Wheel Co oi Canada Ltd William Shoe Co and Samuel Osborne Ltd Friends attended from Toronto Brampton Tren ton Markham Aurora Graven hurst Collingwood and Barrie FOURTH MAN BRANDON Mali tCPPat rick Angus Kennedy 81 has be come the lourth man in Mani toba to become aKnight of the Orderoi St Gregory Mr Ken nedy was invested recently by Most Rev George Fiahift arch bishop of the Winnipeg Roman Catholic Diocese cut on Sunday November 19 isobel McKnight Loxiey wast At the WEekiy meeting at the Barrie Ys Mens Club Glen Widdifield was initiated into the Club by 11 induction team head ed by President Ernie Runham assisted by Ys uen John Nut beem Dalton Ncsbitt Mike Blit lar Harry Fromm Gordon Watt and Nail Taylor Guest Bob Watson was wel corned to the meeting letter was rrceived from the Bendiso Australia Ys Mens Club indicating that the correspondence and Scrap Book mm the local club had been Icccived The Scrap Book troni iarrlc is to be circulated llroughcut the Australian mg on The Australian Club chal enged the Barrie club to com icte against them and their thcr brother clubs in com iclition to determine which club contributes the most stamp to the Bishops Fund This fund composed of the proceeds at the sale at cancel led postage stamps ll used to help delray the expenses of or erseas delegates attending inter national conventions in America in accepting the chal lengo the local clubs Bishops Fund Director Mike Miller rev marked he would be pleased to hear tram any local collectors who would be willing to con tribute stamps Phone Mike Mil lar PA 89820 Plans were laid to mark in ternational in Mens Day on January 22 1962 roslcr to sell Christmas trees Irom the Barrie was finalized by Ys Mun Jim Hol mes Kori Cnthera announced next weeks program will be bowl ing tournament and prospective team captains Bob lticCalgan and Bill Evans are reported to be contemplating training night or freshman bowlers Playoffs To Start For Labatt Trophy Playoffs tor the Labatt lro phy start this evening at Bar rie Curling Club The trophy goes to the winner of the first schedule Eight rinks two from each group qualitlcd at thesend oi schedule play last night Qualifying rinks are Monday Thursday group Charles Knight skip Doug Fairbrother Wilmer Howell Jack Pollock and Pat Bertram skip Ross Simpson Jack Troub Fras Bi MondayThursday group Charles Hurtlbcse skip Robinson Miller AmosG ir vica and Card Needham skip Ross Stephens Charles Christie Russ Saunders TuesdaYFridny group Lodge Elects New Officers ELMVALE Special Dec ember lst Worshiptul Mas ter Elmer Lord presided over the annual meeting of Elmvole LOL No 991 Visiting brethren included District Master Fred Edwards oi Vasey who gave short address covering matters of the Waverley District for the year 1961 Russell McElwain of Allenwood was also present The full slate at 1961 oiiicers ere returned for the coming ear headed by Master El mer Lord Following the election William Archer presented Lee Wright with Honorary membership association on June 1910 the close of the meeting lunch was served On Friday night in the Or ange Hall progressive euchrc was the highlight of the even ing High score went to Mrs Cooper and Arch er Second high Mrs Archer and Clarence Turner He also won the door prize Refreshments were served by the LOBA members mummy Mlny people never min get in bed then In dull Indliitieu during the day when kidneys slow down wastes crew Ititls its in the mom Disturbed rest lire feeling and backache otter lollou it you dont rut well at nightii you Incl dull in th daytimeinf Dorids Kidney Pills Then you IceI betterrut bother unrk better You candopsnd on Doddl Kidney Pills ESSA ROAD lay away BULOVA PRECISION ELECTRIC RAZOR FOR HIM TRADEIN tovhtrold mam Bring it In an Chlirtnihl osy Webbs Jewellery PA 82267 VzASlIEPDm cod nights mt Tiny tau and turn Gord Miller skip Jock Mer rett Webb Andy Watt and Harold Smith skip Demps ter Harry Young Gilchrist hiesdnyFriday group Fraser Sutherland skip Doug Homer Stan Cooke ll Long heed and Paddy Miles skip Norval Luck Charlie Surgcnor Tony Matthews Here is todays draw with the wonlost records of tho rinks Miles 102 vs Necdham 93 Sutherland 93 vs Smith 12 Knight 102 vs Miller 93 Bertram 84 vs Hurtibese 84 Playolis in the knockout ser ies continue tomorrow with the linals slatEd ior Friday Christmas Dinner For Sr Citizens Christmas dinner was held tor Barrie senior citizens at the True Blue Hall with about 85 members present Aa appetlzlng turkey dinner was made more enjoyable with tables decorated by candles and candles and Santa Claus dcpict ed on the tablecloths The president Mrs Nora Bowles moved hearty vote of thanks to the ladies of the Soroptimist Club for their ser vices in preparing and serving the tine spread The club president Mrs Lee also moved vote of thanks to the Canadian Academy at Mus in or their entertainment 25va208 orchestra of accord inns guitars and drums was present Following dinner tables were removed and splendid pro gram lnciuding Christmas hymns was much enjoyed Secretary Sydney Rowe ex tended vote of thanks to The Barrie Examiner for reporting their meetings during the past year New Reeves In Elmvale Plus 77 Percent Voters Respond Elgin Ritchie won out rion day night in twoway contest tor move 01 Elmvaie air Ritchie an alderman last year polled 285 votes to unseat in cumbent rears Archie Train who was given 167 votes Large Number Leave Course OTTAWA CF About 1100 ot the 20396 men recruited inr the first sixweek militia sur vival training course have dropped out an army spokes man said Tuesday night The course is scheduled to conclude Sunday The spokesman said one main reason tor the iivepcrccnt loss was illness at Saskatchewan re cruits Probably because at the influenza epidemic in the provlt ince Slmcoa Shopping Plaza Johnson St Hwy No II FREE CITYWIDE DELIVERY CHRISTMAS WRAPPING Giant Rolls 79c FLASH BULBS Reg 98c illRITE AT AT LE Rog 10 Dos M2 and A61 77 MOVIE FILM Processing included iiiRITE AT Indoor and Outdoor IiiRITE AT is AT At BlRITE PEPSODENT FLUORIDE Toothpaste Giant Size tilRITE Kodak Automatic MOVIE CAMERA 1962 Model Reg 5875 illRite As Advertised by Ed Sullivan There were we contestants tor the our council seals Ross Hutchinson lost with count or fit Elected to council were John Watson nos Alex hicAuiey 290 James Lynn 23 and Roy Hider 55 Four hundred and seventy oi the 609 eligible voters turned out at the polls Town Clerk Harold Nash said that the hm turnout 17 per cent was probably due to the exceptionally tine weather There were no hot issues in the campaign The Township oi Flos also held elections Monday and elected new reevc and depu ty recve Frank Coughiin recorded 570 votes to defeat incumbent recve Earl Trace who pollcd 388 votes The election for deputy rcevc was close contest with Lilname POODLES GIANT PANDA Rog 095 Reg 595 BIRITE AT 595 lame Graham unseating in cumbent George McFadden by narrow margin oi 15 votes Mr Graham was successiul with count or 458 votes to 441 polled by Mr McFadden Reeve and Deputy floors were the only positions cot tested in Pics Towtuhip CHRISTMAS PERMSJ szooo $153 and slow LESS 50 Till Dec 21 1961 RUBYS seamv SALofis 1M DUNLOP ST PA Butt ESSA ROAD PA 88311 Post ONIcI In Storai Phone PA 82429 OPEN am pm SUNDAYS ii nm pm BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CORSAGE TO FIRST I00 LADIES VISITING OUR STORE THURSDAY lt FRIDAY SATURDAY CHRISTMAS CARDS 379 CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS FILM Black and White Series Lights complete litRITE AT MOVIE 30x40 3995 mom Ar 93 Protester SCREENS Beaded Glass Rel 1495 650 121 120 BIRITE Rolls mg 105 TONI HOME PERMANENT Reg 200 38 Mmmlook at that new streammed decanter The mellow maturity of this superb light whisky means infinite smoothness In its new streamlined decanter IMPERIAL is easy to carry easy to pourond so easy to eajoyWhy not enjoy it tonight HIRAM WALKER 8t SONS LIMITED WALKERViLLE CANADA DISIMLERS 0F FtNEWHISKtESFOR OVERIIODYEARS

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