Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1961, p. 23

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Chevrolet AUTOMOTIVE GIOTOR CARS FOR SALE as bonus or air our door tour is lists can throon an tiru siephcne Ore Iliule nu uunuIm Coach nan dlItI sale necesslr But our oilsr copied rsisphons PA Mme user pm VOLKSWAGEN sunrool Al rendition Recent motor lob Good Iiru Ind body Telephone PA l4 between Lin and pm us PONTIAC senn cylinder in good running order But sun ollsr Telephone PA slut arm pm ssn innaNAdnoerl 11 whilst body In cI In mi Chevrolet 51 Dr III DECO it ICU CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 34272 can run your car Lian paid off We trsdo up or down Al uudsis Motors Lin hard as ris PA soul TRUCKS TRAILERS teas FORD PICKUP in good runs An order site Pnous strand no alter pm MOBILE HOMES 35 FO0T GlendIle Trllllr fully equip cd nlus mm In at condition elophonu IJrfy Simon PA 32181 == PERSONALS FORTUNE TELL no you want your toriune told by unis Trio phone PA soiso Ior appointment Anytime WOMENS COLUMN uzAvn Silgllmcoldwltis ex ea mind rcsscr it hrome Phone Bernice at PA aosm or PA sssal Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES 69 Johnson St PA 60247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIRE Hair Styling Studio 166 Napier St CHRISTMAS SPECIALS $10 PERMS $8 $1250 PERMS 10 $15 PERMS $1250 TEENAGERS $550 PA 82693 BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLEHS PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIHDRESSING Governxneat Chartered School Through training in all bran ches rd beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY ST PA 961 IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP STENOGRAPHER EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY In addition to sienographic duties you will greet cus tomers in our modern con veniently located office Work with congenial of fice staff start at good salary and receive regular merit increase and em ployee benefits No previous experience necessary HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP 28 Dunlop Street Phone PA 66534 The office will be open from 630 pm to pm Wednesday and Friday for your convenience nAnOn nATLrus ausinm requires typlIt with shorthand Must be an accurate typlst Telephone ability asndiinr incoming calls very lm portht Employee ocnenir Ploass rc ly by letter stating ace edu firm and alPelIdnEe to no auxrs Examiner GIFTS FOR HIM Smith Ruiier FURNITURE 137 Dunlop St 60245 PA 60246 PLATFORM ROCKERS NYLON FREIZE $2995 SERVICE SAVINGS SATISFACTION MACKS MENS WEAR as DUNLOP ST WEST PA 89641 Sweaters $395 up Good sélectlon of viyella lo HELP WANTED MALE HELP EARN AS YOU SERVE FOR SIX WEEKS IN THE CANADIAN ARMY MILITIA ll you are between is and so and meet nrolment standards you can help Canada and your sell by taking part in the Spy clal Militia Training Program One hundred thousand Iddltlon al men are needed as soon as possible to help the Canadian Army Militia carry out Natlon al Survival Operations in the Sim veck training courses are being held In your community begin Later courses sinri February 26 and April is event of nuclear attack ning January During the course you are given allday training live days week You receive the same pay as regular soldier you will live at home and recoil living allowance Get full details without obli gation from your Militia Hr crulllng Olliccr at the address below that is nearest to yoin homo ARMOURY HIGH AND PARK STREETS BARBIE ONTARlo E517lI12 ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER GIFTS FOR FAMILY Dixies Smoke Shop And Record Bar 106 Dunlop St GIFT IDEAS Rust Craft Greeting Cards Boxed Christmas Cards Family Christmas Cards Morris Boxed Chocolates Best Quality Biliiolds Pipes and Smokers Supplies Tree Lights and Decorations Visit Our Toyland Party jokes and novelties Timex Watches AT OUR RECORD BAR All the Christmas LPs Holiday Sing Along with Mitch All Christmas selections with the best recording stars Mitch Miller Sing Alongs Ray Connif For Dancing SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS GILFORD WRITE GIFT SERVICE The Gillon Sunday School held special While Gilt Ser vice Sunday December Sev eral Oi the children look part in the service Mary Nesbitt read the scripture John Ksll gave missionary story and Eddie Husch told story Each member look their white gilt and placed it In the box at this front oi the Church The gilts were later sent to the Fred Victor Mission GILFORD MISSon BAND The Giliord Mission Band met In the church Monday Nov ember 27 or their meeting Those taking part in the pro gramwere Mary Ncsbitt read lng story Ronnie Russell poem and Elsie Simpson read the scripture Alter the meet lng the leaders prsctlscd the children tor the candlelight car ol service to be held Sunday evening December 17 at pm in Gillord Church GILFORD WIIIS The linal meeting the Gil iord Womens Missionary Society was held at Mrs Paul Russells Thursday December with is members and two visitors pre sent The meeting opened with Christmas Worship Service with Mrs Todd in charge Mrs Keli read the Christmas story irom lsslah and St Luke The carols it Came Upon The Midnight Clear and As With Giadness Men of Old were sung Praise was used for the roll call and the minutes wcrc road and approved Mrs Sawyer read story on Stewardship and the offering was taken lol Iowcd by the prayer ol dedica tlon Erie annual reports were giv en by each secretary at this meeting An executive meeting is to be at Mrs Paul Russells Wednes day December is to complete all yearly reports for 1961 Mrs Weaver read the report IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP BICRETARY or an interesting Ind responsible position Must be an IccurIta typlst with dietphone cont msnt experience an asset Exrclcnt working conditions Please nply hy leiicr stailns Ila education and experience to Box BIrrio Examiner SALES HELP AGENTS WBRIENCED Real Estate salcsv mm required or modern cun trsil located oruce Apply in wrltng stntlng age and on ort anm to Box Harris Exam nsr AVERAGE seas hourly arttime Nccd three neat appear men seal or route Work In is hours weekly Writs Box 97 Barila Ex Iminnr I3 AUCTION SALES BANKRUPTCY AUCTION SALE Friday December I5 pm sharp At The Farm of JOSEPH COWIE at Lot 25 Concession Adiaia Township miles straight west oi Alliston and miles south of Highway 89 Auction sale of pigs cattle farm machinery hay and straw Terms cash No reserveas this is bankruptcy sale Auctioneer JERRY COUGHLIN their at our missionary or prayer Miss II Sermon oi JIpIn irom Lbs book OutraIch in Christmas carol inlInt Holy was sung Mrs 51W er gave chapter ol the Study Book entitled Peace Out The Storm The meeting closed with the singing of Our Long Time Members from the Missionary AUCTION SALE 0i Farm Stock and implements Hay Grain Straw and some Household Eliects The undersigned has received instructions from WILSON WRIGHT to sell by Public Auction at the promises LOT OON ESSA TWP miles west oi Cookstown hall mlla north ol Highway s9 SATURDAY DECEMBER id AT 1230 PM SHARP tho lollowing CATTLE Holstein Cow years bred to lreshen Jan Holstein Cow years bred to lrcsbcn Feb HolsteInAHcre lord Heller years due Feb 10 HolsteinHereiord Hcliel years due Feb 15 Roan Siest horn Cow years to Ireshen Jail 18 Holstein Bull Hol stein Steers year old Here ford Steer yr Herclord Stcer Call Holstein Heller years old pasture brcd Holstein Heifer Calves to months old Holstein Stccr Calvel months old PIGSas Yorkshire and Tsm Pigs around 75 lbs each HAY AND GRAIN 300 Square Bales of Clover Hay well saved 15 Tons of Loose Hay Quantity Loose Straw 300 Square Bales of Wheat Straw 1500 bushels cl Garry oats IMPLEMENTS AND MiSCEIr LANEOUS AH John Deere Tractor good working order Case Tractor VA completely overhauled with new tires Hoot Pulpcr Cockshutt SeedFertil izor Drill l5 disc power Iiit good as new Rubbertired Walt gon New idea tractor Manure Spreader like new John Deere 7lt Powcr Mower good as new George White Threshing Machine 24 32 grain blower shredder good working order Mli Murrow tractor plow years old George White 21 tooth tractor Cultivator on rub her good working order MAH sidedelivery Rake on rubber good condition Set 4scction Drag Harrows steel drawbnr 1952 Studebaker halltan Truck with racks Set Scales 2000 lbs capacity weights complete DeLaval Milking Machine units steel piping and motor complete outlet for 12 cows DsLaval Cream Separator 25 steel electric fence posts Chains forks shovels and many other articles HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Gurney cooking range electric or coal or wood combination with 4burner electric Upright Msglc Pantry Freezer 17 cu ft good working order Kitch en table and chairs Chester field Suite with and chairs Washstands Toilet Set many other articles too numerous to list TERMS CASH No reserve as farm is sold Nothing to be removed until settled ior Buy era from distance must prove identification with the clerk Owner will not be re sponalble for any accidents day of sale Frank Webb Clerk Ooughlin Auctioneer Jerry phone Barrie PA 449 Monthly lollowed with tbs Mis pah Benediction PERSONALS Mr and Mrs Paul Russell subsum wire in the difi on In Ronni atten ed Qristmas Party Miss isabciln Alberta was Sunday visitor with Mrs Neilly Mr and Mrs Eben Sawyer entertained the Farm Forum Monday evening Dec YOUNG PEOPLES UNION The Young Peoples Union met at Donald and Gary Sawyers Sunday evening December to with 30 present Sandra Knecshaw convsncr ol citizenship looked alter the program Those taking part were Lynda Wright Kathleen Ron and Sandra Knccshaw gave reading Helen Sawyer read the scripture The next meeting will be held January at Jean Spences CRAIGHIIBST Craighurst school mncort will be in the public ball Doc 20 Miss Craig cl Barrie spent low days with Craig Miss Helen Shcllleld of for auto spent the weekend at home lilies Ectty Csston ol Toronto was home or the weekend The VAAbazaar of St Johns Church held last Wednesday was great success We are all digging out alter the very heavy snowlsll Mrs Arthur Dunn was lucky to win $300 In milling com pany contest Congratulations There will be carol service in Knox Presbyterian Church at seven oclock Christmas Ive Doc 24 Mrs Hilda Richardson and Mr and Mrs Ron Richardson and baby at Toronto visited Mrs Hodgson on Sunday Mr and Mrs Harvey Prince and Gayle ol PeltThorough spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Currie Baldwin ELMVALE WNTER SCENE Approximately 11 inches at snow kept the snow ploughs busy but the spirit ol Christ mas is in the air Eimvale buslt Tin BARN mama WEDNESDAY DEC iness section took on lestivs appearance with Christmas trees and other Yuletide decorations Elmvalo hydro turned on the colored lights and on the corn er 5anta and his reindeer make an Ipproplala display Elmvals District High School Board appointed Campbell SA Sc lor the position ol sec retarytreasurer to the board He filled the post Ielt vacant by the late Leslie McKay EANTAS MAIL BOX The lint mail box or Elm vale appeared on post at the corner at Robinson Road and Yonga St This Is only or boys and girls letters to Santa Claus It the children write they will receive letter In reply irom Santa George lichlnnis was admitted at the end at the week to Fem ctang General Hospital His friend hope to see him home 3001 CHRISTMAS CONCERT The children ol St Johns Una lted Church Sunday school pre sented their Christmas concert on Saturday night to tilled auditorium oi parents and iri ends There were three plays dramatizedons by Mrs Mort ons class entitled They Come bringing their gills Mrs Rob ertsons class presented Christmas Story and Mrs Ten rys Explorers The Shepherd who did not go were well can rled out The coming oi Santa Claus ol course was what the little lolk looked lorward to each receiving gilt ELWALE CHORAL SOCIETY Sunday evening the ElvalI Choral Society presented less LIVII in Elmvalc District Kb School Auditorium In nine les sons Scripture was red by Rev Chapman of St Johns Rev Wallace McClean at St Andrews and Rev tackle ol the Anglican church The choir sang My sheep were gn and the mens chorus You Hear Me Moanln The Holy City WI sung by the ladies chorus Con negation sang Little Town ol Bcthlshcm and the Carol ol the Bells The male quart etta sang The Bells Within the Sleeplcs Joy to the War ld was sung by congregation and Christmas Hymn by Iadles chorus Rev Mr Leckle led In prayer allowed by the Lords Prayer The congregation sang The First Noel The choir concluded the evenl ng with Halleluiah Mr Leckia pronounced the benedlo tinn The organ lor the service was provider by Jack Webster oi Alcona Beach Please Note Iluciiuli SIILE CANCELLED The Auction Sals Advertised ici Thursday Dec 14 of KRAMER MOTORS up has been cancelled plsasI watch for special IIIHOUHEOMIHI II Ilfl date Jerry Coughlln Auctioneer Ask YOUR AGENT ABOUT ScenlsDoma rsli hunt Atllnclurlva ions Including meals berth use Group discount ions Overseas Steamship services Great Lakes and Alaska cruises Hotels and resorts across Canada Alrllns urvlso across Canadalinking continents Madllsrrunsnn Carin1962 Information and nurvniions ms CINGMARS Tel PA 32125 The Worlds Most Complete Transportation Sysiem MIlWAVS srsAMsnIrs Aisimss gt items COMMUNICMIONS sxrssss VIUCKINO sloovuat DIAMONDS Cash Credit Layaway No interest or carrying charges 52 DUNLOP ST WEST PAa3343 APPLIANCES ONew and used vacuum clean ers $10 and up 0Free pickup and delivery on service OReplacement parts for all makes of cleaners OOVOI SALES 8s SERVICE DUNLOP ST 2ND FLOOR PA 68643 GIFTSW JBARRIE Stamp Coin I7 Bayfield Si VBuy Him Catalogue for Johnny Mathis Frank Sinatra Jane Morgan Connie Francis Perry Como Pat Boone Bing Crosby Mahalia Jackson Seabreeze Record Players and accessories Record Hacks and Cases Buy Record Gilt Certificate JACKSONS DEPT STORE Barries Most Famous House of Bargains OUR MOiTO IS SATISFACTION OR CASH MONEY REFUNDED SOMETHING FOB EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY Top Quality Rock Bottom Prices DIAL PA sms 59 DUNLOP ST RUG anil UPHOLSTERY CLEANING ALL MEnanNoisn INSURED wniLE 0N ova BARRIE ONT PREMISES DOGS PETS AT ITS BEST We do NOT machine wash our new process will not FREE hreIk the wool or synthetic Innes of your urpat or uphnr CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY COMPANY Christmas Trees stery Ibric We are now able to 1le you much higher 43 ESSAROAD some llt of with every puppy purchased oarbisqprlics 6mm md Home cm my rm from our kennels Next To Cook Cartaga PA 61612 IBASSET HOUNDS FrulPlekup and Delivery socks $150 GIFTS FOR FAMILY STENNICKS JEWELLERY 12 DUNLOP or =17 Jewel Watches $1495 and up Also Misc Gifts BARRIE SUGGESTS Membership for young and old it brings full year of growth through wholesome fellowship and activities CALL PA 87261 FAMOUS PLAYERS Gift Ticket Books iTHE IDEAL gt GIFT FOR EVERYONE Now Free Ticket in each book IPOODLES on sale at opACHSHUND noisy THEATRE OR have fun bring your children to or Phone select and cut the tree at your Good Album PA 84681 cgolcefsl ST PS INQUIRE ABOUTOUR we ANIDey Ram AM CONVENIENT Try An Examiner Want Ad ECONOMICAL on Highway 27 PHONE PA sznt WEEKLY RATE PA 89722 We Are Still IN BUSINESS or 43 ESSA RD NexiTo Cooke Cartage MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY CO Hove Moved to New Premises at is Essa Rd at Cooke Carnage Rug sizing Binding Fringtng Dyeing Custom lieUpholstery Furniture Cleaning Rug cleaning Furniture Custom Styling Drauerics flarieilng Furniture Repairs BARRIE REUPHOLSTERY See us or the finest to Custom Chesterfield Davenport or Chau reUphnlsicry and restyiing or for custom Furniture Building to your spe cilicailons iys can restore the lustre or your carpet with our excluslvs new lackIn process This ouistsading Lockin Christmas or shrink any carpet muss yd lint bleed or All III or very little more thln It would cost you did the job yourself with your own cleaner which any not be provan product Give us call soon istul resin unw lilo Ito YOUR esrpet or upholstery gtINYOURHOME comma 12 YOU wiszi COINS Royal View Kennels miles north of Barrie

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