Help Santall Sell Those Not Needed Items With Want Ad PA 82414 6AUTOMOTIVE0 MOTOR CARS FOR SALE THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC 1961 PROPERTY FOR SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE DIRTits ARTICLES for SALE STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity or old stock RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT mu ROOM uolurnisbed merit tor redi Heated no month Telephone PA $7591 REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELLI ARTICLES For SALE ARTICLES FOR RENT OLDJAllIIONBD stein Rides available For lunhrr tutororation telephone Lilli Mlneslng PROPERTY FORELE Street Currie at the loss or one we loved to bilirhuLAt the Royal Vic tori itospitel Barrie on Thea dus December ml to Ir and Mr Cheriea Dnlneil Armx Due turio dluxhter GILESAl the Royl Victoria Hospital Barrll on Tuesday Dec ember it lost to LAC and SI Edward Giles 15 Dunlop Street East Aon brother tor TICRNEYAt the 01 v1 tort Houpltll Carrie on necem mg lo llr and him men IIospllll perrle ember lz i9oi to Mr Charles Wilson enter stillborn DEATHS QUI Al St hIIChcll IICIpl III Tonto Ontario on Tucsdly December IT 1951 Josephin Cltlltrlnb Qulnn dluflhldl In late John Ind Ilrllret Quinn Ind lisler oI IArCIlI an II Rating the Slcckley Funeral Home 30 Worsle Strut Barrie Funeral nus II SI III11s church Barrie on Fridl December 15 at Interment St Marys Cemete IN MEMORIATR liAIiIubln loving memory at my dear wile Eltle Illrrir who used may Decomber ll ESL dcnllhs ot lorrow we cannot tel well And lihlle she sleeps peacelul eeP Her memory ahall dinya keep hdAlwalx remembered by bus an teKINNDNln loving memory at aeer husband Lorin Larry McKlnhon who passed away Cece ember 13 loss We cennot Lord Thy Punope see But all well Ihntl done by FORSTER COLLIER STREET OPPOR WANTED IIOIIES TO LIST INCOME IIOUSE 341mm HAROLD REALTOR 93 BAYIIELD ST PA 5645 ANYTIME TUNITY Vant Charm Com fort Charming intranet hall to attractive living oak pan elled dining room bed rooms one with sitting room Third floor soilcontained apartment View at Bay Driveway to Poyntz Street Etuily conicrted to income home Inspection by appoinb ment only with Maryann Smith To sell or 510000 or under Catholic School area and East and much In demand Call Norm Hesketh PA $7016 tor immediate service sellcontained Apt rent or $50 per month 5room sellcontained Apt rents for $70 per month Close to down town and Catholic Churdi Lot 66 333 Only $2000 down and full price 100 Call Joe Palmer PA 60853 lor this Once In lifetime buy Thee Lovngly remembered by wile Jos ne loving memory or our dear tolber Lorin llhrryy McKinnon who passed away Drc ember 11 1959 Your presence is ever near us Your love remains with in yet You Iver the kind or lather Your loved oner would never tor llet Alwayr remembered by Joanne and Drian Sandra and Warren MILLERIn loi is memory at deer mother liry Miller who cared away December 12 1960 In our heart your memory Iln gers Sweetiy lender loud and true There Is not dlv dchr molkcr Decoration Contest is on again That we do not think at you Lovlngly remembered by son Ernest and Annie 6XIEBP7mNKs Iilomhcr Dl Barrie and District Real Estate Board Evenings Call Emory Miller PA 60176 Job Palmer PA subfiil Karl lilnrsllall PA 39917 Doris Nuttycombe PA 11 37 Norm llnsketh PA 1270111 Maryann Smith PA 84028 ROSE REAL BTATE DRDKCR 7a rlllIN STREET DAnltils CALL my on cqulNo PA 82379 Iilembcr oi the Burt and Dlltrlcl Real Estate board WEAYMOUTIIWe wish to axe tend our heartrutt thanks Ind ape reclatlon tor the many acts or ndness messages or sympathy and beautllul iloral otterings re ceived tmm relatives neighbors and rriendr also thanking Dr Friedrich and the nurses at the rioyal Victoria Hospital In the re cent hereuvcinent or our dear hue band and lather Iobn it Weav moulh The weaymouth lly COMING EVENTS MMUNITY DANCE AND EUCHRE STROUD HALL FRIDAY DECEMBER 15 Admission 50c EUClIRE STARTS PM DANCE STARTS PM PROCEEDS FOR MINOR HOCKEY WES WILLOUGHBY ORCHESTRA ROTARY CLUB Annual Radio Auction CKEB WEDNESDAY DEC 13 COMMENCING Plil Choose tram hundreds of items Your annual Christmas Home Sponsored by your BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OPEN TO ALL RESIDENTS OF BARRIE DOROTHY viLCOX PA avast Member oi Barrie and District and CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre MOVING Donl forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage 01 any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 OR PA 84802 11 Dunlop St HENDERSON REALTOR COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 112678 EVENING CALL ttlTA SCANDRCTT PA Mills PERCY FORD PA Moan CMERSFN swAlN PA Hood Ontario Real Estate Board REAITOR PA 6648 Member oi Dorrie and District Real Btata board Keith MARSHALL PA 85568 1111 it it lloortDPA um ROGERS PA use ONE DUNLOP STREET Em First in Barrie Horus SalasForemost in Quality of Service TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL rosmtPA mu CONNDJ PA mu MEMBERS pAltlIIb DISTRICT RIM IsrAld boARD smith CampbellPA was terrui Oeney PA 1179 CLIFF BROWN REALIUR 12 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60141 PA mu Alembura ot the Bnrt Reai thlll Board Joan LangPA um charlie ReadPA lull Norman lee Lootiin PA Hi7 Everett sachweli Dro 291p How rd Nor COR Phono PA P2119 ilABEL MARSHALLPA 550 Shelswell Evenings call Jack wtlIaon PA Hm Normal1 Shelaliell PA Iml PA um BY REAL ESTATE BROKER so Dunlap St COREYPA 55 Alumni JDIEllYPA soap lion cal PA 115500 or write PO LOTS FOR SALE parcels of land suilnble Ior subdivision Into building lots Located on Steel Street close to schools For further inlorma Box 132 Barrie Ontario MORLGAGES HOME OWNERS YOU HAVE HIDDEN MONEY IN YOUR PROPERTY To Pay Your Bills Real Estate Loans Arrang ed In One Visit In The Fol lowing Areas ANGUS WASAGA BEACH BARRIE COLLINGWOOD ORILLIA CHURCHILL LISLE SHANTY BAY STROUD NEW LOWELL STAYNER COOKSTOWN MIDLAND ELMVALE WYEVALE PHELPSTON ALLISTON CREEMORE lst 2nd Mortgages Low Interest Easy Budget Terms No Hidden Bonuses Loans On Frame Insul Brick Homes PHONE com IN OR WRITE PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING 12 Dunlop 51 East OVEI SIMPSON SesEARS MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED Three RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT APARTMENT bedroom apartment large kitchen and living room Newly decorated the east end Stoutt Agencies Ltd 85901 Located in Realtors telephone PA ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and retrigerator Use or washer and dryer Redeccratcd annually PA 51068 BRENTwooDï¬inhcE Sell contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch cn full basement Central loca tion $85 per month Telephone PA 89238 Pour bhunooM House Dining room kitchen two bathrooms Heated with gun Central location Apply Dundoneld street pix ROOM Brick House tor rent usual relre Available December in oil lumaee and bardwood tloorl Telephone PA H017 UNFLINISIIKD cab and two bed room apanmanta bested central ly located Kitchen with huIILlD eupbourds Aduiu oni Telephon lfliflguw and alter 30 pm PA PURNISIIDD thm room IPIrt ment also two large liarcubed mama East end on has route Hydro aiove and retrideratpr slur piled Telephone PA Now or lunhar Inlormatlnn Ndw amount centrally located two bedroom apartment tor rent numerator no and laundry taeiliuea Available immediately lanltor lervlce Telephone PA tor mrihar lctermatInlI 0N3 BEDROOM tutniched bent ed apartment tell contained Lou ol parking Jplc Tile loan and large clo in verandab Tele Elton da PA 210 eventual 34803 UNIUILNIsunD heated tour Main noor outed APAIlllilltNT rooms and bath Modern newly dec atove reirigarator and dupes piled Clean arkihg Near Do poet otitco Hui HEATED mmlbhed tbrec room apartment with heavy duty rtovo and relrtgerator Rental cos moo thiy Available immediately in beydeld Street Ap ly Itarria Flowen telephone TOUR 1100 Apartment tlld bath unturnished stove and re lrllerltor au piled Centrally lo cated No cbldren Available Im medlaiely For turther Interme tion telephone PA 641241 TnRDz ROOMS tell contained with sink and modern cupboards nil heated tiled tloora kitchen plenty ot closet rpace stove and retngcrator rupplied suit couple Phone PA duos UNPURNIAIIRD three room Iplrl mcnt tor rent on North street lleetcd Plenty cl cupboard space Telephone at meal times or even lngt PA 54510 THREE Rooht unrurnlrbed apart ment tor rent also ground floor Iurnllhed artment use or walk in muchin Telephone PA 55563 alter 151 Anne 51 south TWO nisDItooll unlurnlsbed apartment in modern apartment building Relrlgentor and stove Hut water storere parking and laundry tactiltles Available Dede amber 15 Telephone PA 51157 Ntsw MODERN two bedroom aptrt meat living room kitchen bath room and laundry room with are or dryer Reasonable rent Tele phone PA 51587 tor lurther parr CHII1 Ntsw AND Modern and and two bedroom Ipanmdntl uverlooklrtl reenle Itcmpenleli Day Real ter rfancier and ienitor rcrv lthu ed Automatic wuhinl la ellltles PA 901 LARGE apartment two children Nicely rumlshcd heated hot Inter and parking Also bachelor spurtment Teie gtphonu PA solos mornings lilolllsrtN APARTMENTS tour rooms and rivate bath hot water heated ttlltles supplied Lolt cated in Angus Telephone Camp burden 135 1115 pmlls and er p111 0le alsDrtDolit Apartment Owen and Grove streets area Ample storage parking laundry room central ground tioor Could accommodate Tclcpbono PA 85111 or PA to or PA 56111 ONE REDrLDoM modern untur nished basement lplrlmnnt 35500 at month Avutlablc lmmedldtc ry Telephone PA b7911 or apply an Thompson st TWO cozY three room heated rurnlshcd apartments Rent rea sonablc Apply Cralghurrt Gen eral store telephone PA $1575 FIVE ROOM Bungalow ror rent with garage all heating Close to bus stop and lchaols Located in east end Telephone PA szsau UNIURNISHED heated apart ment tour rooms plus sunporch and bath Overlooking lake Cene ï¬rsagézAvlillhle now Telephone PA Two hCDnoDM Apartment New rolrigerotor and stove washer and dryer Ncw building Available im mediatelv Telcphono PA 112351 HOUSE to rent at at Oakley Park Square Three bedrooms oil but ed slna monthly Avallbllle the trim Tctcllree PA 51510 Inl turthe tails lsI 2nd and 3rd Prizes awarded in each of the Wardswith an Realtor and Business Brokers 15 CLAPPERION sT BARRIE $I549 at $56 Monthly ANGUS hath unnimished Apply to Robertson Pour roolp beuse wig N595 telephone 111 ROOM 8e BOARD R00 AND DDARD available tor gentleman Central location Tele phone PA M275 THREE hoARuEns Wanted Young men prelerred Good meals saslo per wcck Phone PA b9326 R00 AND pomp avallable on ruse Road In private homew111 pack lunches For further Inland ution telephone PA mi about AND 501ml available Close to downtown Gentleman prelerred Lunches packed it de sired Parking Irel Telephnnp PA saw ROOM AND hoARn lvailahld in private home East end 011 bus route Home privileges Parking space Ccntleman prelorrcd rele phone PA 60955 ior lurihcr ine Iormatlon COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I9S on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM l2c to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged items way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Appliance 123 PENETANG STREET PA pom ME FLOWERS PLANTS Christmas Trees Telephone PA 87208 for deliv ery in Barrie or to pickup at 238 DUNLOP ST CHRISTMAS races delivered to home Apply Oraeey rams telephone PA mm or PA on FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Snow Courlland and other varieties Windlalls $125 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 89201 APPLE CIDER tresh orlresh tro xen Ilsa apple butth tor break tan snrck or anytime We buy Illnn and hell gallon lugs Tele 1111011 PA mic FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid or dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask for All VlAU MOTORS LIMITED Rambler Hillman 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN ST PA H488 FREE nowtires and L962 licence plates with any of the fol lowing purchases 961 Ford Fairlane $1990 961 Pontiac $2550 960 Chev Biscayne $1725 1159 Buick Hardtop $1830 959 Chev $1390 957 Pontiac 3995 956 Chev Sedan $880 956 Ford Custom $595 955 Oldsmobile $587 calr reconditioned and guaranteed Same with anionic Ind to transmission now tires MI DTOWN USED CARS 41 ESSA ROAD ROY HAWKINS HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD radio ZCNITR ellao NO CHARGE II hour lily1 dlyl war NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmebd Ontario License No 139cm LIVESTOCK SEVEN CllllNRs Yorkshire Pigs tor sale Telephone PA Mm tor turther lnlonnailon with dryer Available December USED Tinds tor sale all BIlll also now Show Reireads Apply William Sentii nrentwood Ont CENDRDN Baby Carriage tor able also Daby Crib with new mattress and eonvcrtebie baby swing rtea ronahlc Tclcphnna PA solos MOTOR BIKE Iar Elle IIWl Illnch rsu lightweight 11250 Used one seeon 390011 Telephone PA ulzo pAsll LOANSSEED at 12 per month Telephone PA moi Cvresccnt Finance 2d Dunlap 5L es PIANOACCORDION the sale 120 buss Poiilnu Cost $270 Hardly used vili sell for 3150 Telephone PA Halo SANTAS CHRISTMAS TREES See them at Leonard Caseys 15 Contle SIcct Barrio or telephone PA asallt Place your order now Pree Delivery OIL RANGE Empire tor ralc nearly new Also large size Spuce chlcr nearly new heels to rooms Telephone stayner CLDCTRIC chord Organ tor sale in good condition with 12 pllybyA number books Would make nice Christmas gilt Telephone PA M7117 BEST mill in pruned Scotch Pine Christmas Trees St at farm or $125 dcilvcred hcrt litow tele 2051 Mincslng an or Dorrie PA IvAsIIrNG MACHINE lilaxwell $25 Rungette stove s5 Both in good condition lilotorcyclc Jacket like new site 16 35 Telephone PA 50183 DICYCLES Girls Cell 28 hoya CCM 2a Euys super to Small Quebec Heater Table Saw and Motor ma Pontiac Idoor Telephone PA 68335 utter 1111 QUANTITY OF Used Television Sets or various in ea All in Ad condition Priced clear Fire stone storcs an Dunlap st west Dorrie Telephone PA 6555 ELECTRIC mam or rate 110 gauge 12 layout under cone strucllon ltoillng stock transtor mer etc included Telephone PA $9271 MOVIE CAMERA like new Yash in model 11111 threc lens tile ret model one year old Regular Price was $12995 Will sell to best otter Telephone PA bun SUFFOLK Diviss for nle pure bred choice young ttocit bred to lamb in March Very reasonable Telephone Jerry Quinn PA dmt RED DURHAM Cow due in ten days Itwa Andrew Gnhcm 15 mllc our of No 11 Highway nth Line lnnlstil Telephone troy 39mg PUREBRED Yorkshire Doors acre vieeable age tron Items and rtrea with lit to in in advanced reg try Eligible tor government nua Apply lack Anderson RR 01111111 173 00 Puncrtucn Itoirtein Heller duo December 20 sired by and bred to outstanding IInlt bull Registered and lully accredited Ageg stein Drothcrs Cookslown 4756 or so171 FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Militers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts or any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 50338 BUSINESS to so willnwdald Avenul or phone PA ossu excellent condition lilust retl wit down and take over DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OIIL and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 8415 WHO EliSE WANTS ANEW CAR Buy It Now With LowCost Lifeelnsured SCOTIA PLAN MAN THE BANK OI NOVA 3C0 PERSONAL This is to announce the arrival of the most beautiiul 1954 Chev rolct Deluxe our door ever to hlt Barrie It is equipped with radio automatic power sleep ing Power brakes deluie heat er and tinted safety glass The body is in uteellenl conclltioh and is finished in evergladp green Can arrange linance No reasonable offer refused Tele phone PA 50195 ms DODGE Station Walton scarce model suds per week Tele Phohe PA 56593 and asic tor Jim on CHEVROLET tor sale with acne and tour good tires Applly glymentl 4370 per month Telep one asst or PA bolas alter SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 mans CDT and lot cleared in Burle or district For further pan ticulurs and tree estimates telde phone burllo PA sttila or ivy 8R1 WILL Do ANY type or wrecking or demolishing of buildings Ap ply to Mike Dilly Wasaga Beach Wrecking and salvage company Vaslxa Beach APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE RR Barrio PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Ranging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 PA $695k MASONRY If it can be built with BLOCK BRICK or STO $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABQARD DISCOUNT I4 Dunlop St PA 66477 iitDrtrCAGlzstst and and bought told and arranged Commercial and residential honeys looped on existing mortgages Barri Mort gage Brokcrd PA beset FINANCIAL $5000 474 FOR 21VEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR BUD DALEY PA 60203 RENTALS LDw COST SPACE or rent Clean modern buildings suitable Inr commcrclcl or light industrial Telcpbnnc PA 65575 OFFICES STORES RENT ATTENTION Buslncssmen Oanri tunin to have downtown otriee all abilities Including secretary Iilost reusoncbio Phone or con llch Secretarial bureau PA riials EIIYIB Immediately NURSING HOMES AIIK EDEN NURSING HOME built tor this work 5ch and Irlvntll rooms kind nursing care good road lv rooms station we gon ror outings Telephon 59m strolll overall prize for the BEST DECORATED HOME Also lst and 2nd prizes torlhe best Door decoration in each of the Wards Door decoration entries are the only ones that need to be phoned in Deadline for phon ing entries Dec lBIh Judging will take place from December 18th to December 217 Please have your Christmas ROOMS TO LET FURleuRD heated bedailting room with rcngette and use or re lriiterator Central Telephone PA issoaz latter p111 cmcassrAN WALNUT can springs and mattress cxcpnent condition Hand knit ribbon and boucle dresses size is one red one brown Telepbom PA 311155 CHRISTMAS TREES or rule to 111 choice balsam Spruce and Scotch Pine 75c to 32 Apply Conrads Fruit Market Highway 11 or telephone Oro 3713 can TILL1sz tor sale with two spam wheels with tires Trailer not Rhished Apply Ralph chelde RR Angus 4th line Essa Town rhlp USED IRLCVISIDN Setl various toll and lrl es makes and models 11 and 11 Skates bog we good condition 25 and up Fire Wag°ns stone store lip Duniop st West lFuIl line of 86c toys Dan1e SPRINGFILLED bl ttr good Gmwares new 54 wide $130 New lilary IBeatty Appliances Maxim Bulky Sweater titans CASH 0R TRADE slxe 14 chest pheasant pattern on Skates Appliances etc 20 Telephone PA scoot RUG FDR shut it 12 Oriental FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR I5éb1l°l$lliÂ¥uw €mttfi orb on GAS NEW $110 Telephone PA SMbll for further details TYPEWILITERS bought snld rent FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud AIRS WOODWARD SONS co repaired Student rental rates Ask about our Rent Try then any Heating Contractors RR Strand altar NEWSPAPER MATS FISH SHANTIES Well construct Sizes mill Ideal orlining hen ed 535 each also too gallon and mo gallon minnow tanks Allon houses allicsLgarages etc perfect insulator Vic Palmer 191 Rempenlelt Dr 25c PER DOZEN Telephone PA 50197 PAmv nnassas size 11 color Apply The Barrio Eltamlner Barrie Ontario ii ht can or chcrtrousz with Jogcitetznlllso she 12 in light blue COMPLETE MM Movie equili ment 11 months old Elmo Its Practically new selling reasone Zoom Auto Eye Pistol Grip Tri obiy Telephone PA pom DOGS PETS boa Carrying Cum Lighibar Argue 750waTIPr91eetar screen WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Tnlal cunt Sllfl Sell or $110 PhonePA pom Available immediateLv FURNISHED winteriud cottage for rent at Minetl Point 55 per month Located about two blocks from the beach Telephone PA 114841 or further detaua ONE AND TWO bedroom lfllfl mcutr Stave rclrlgerator Janitor genie angatllolalzdry luculgels rllent ng mm molt ee on Leech PA 3257011y LARGE HEATED Apartment Liv lng room dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath Sell contained very cAenï¬al7i Plentynnl storage space now month Telephone PA aaazl UNFURNISRED upstatra ment three rooms private bath Central location on heated Pfl vote but water tank In private homeno other tenants Avbll chic now Telephone PA um POUR nannooiir ltouae well heated attached garage Central ly located Heat and hydro sup plied Laundry tubs and walhlnl machine silo per month Phone PA 51m THREE rtdbnooM House oil heated all modern convenicbcel garage and hreezeway Available January mlteuouth of strand gr Héghwny 11 Telephone 111m rou UNPDRNIslIED two bedroom modern brick bungalow Oil heat lng Recreation room and garage $75 per month Located on Innlsï¬l Sireet Available February Tell phone PA 66287 Two hannoolil bungalow or rent Tastetully decorated 011 heut Alu inum stoma and screens Al conveniences write box 53 Barrie Examiner or phone VA 75300 Dakvllle Tiiltlzl IIDOM Apartment for rent private bath retrigerator and stove overlooking lake 1m mcdlate possession No children Tele hone PA 32516 or luriher detalx TEACIICR willing to share ilvo room apartment turnirlted and heated with or huslnnills girls or teachers se crate bedrooms Available Decem er 15 Rearon cble rent Tcleghonb PA Niall PA Hm attct pan THREE ltDDlll ground rloor apart ment separate entrance and bath heat supplied Clare tu schOOL Also three rnnm malletmy ne enrkleu Apartment tvtlh nursery Each availablemecember Tell uhond PA 119119 ztebour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA I42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Complete triuunipg to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 DIAPER SERVICE BARRlEs PINES1 DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup delivery 11 FRANCIS 71 11mm PA 63551 Tells than punk LIEHCISII day SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 38 Clappallon it PHONEPA 111st SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re move your dead and crippled tAram animals underrthe above Cl FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECI BARRIE PArkwey 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE amt TAXI SERVICE WHY WALK CENTRAL TAXI NOW RADIO EQUIPPED 29 MAPLE AVENUE PA 85555 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLE FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR BARRIE liloortEPA lasso FRANK NELLEsPA asses OFFICEPA 32592 liiemher DI Barrie and District Rcui Estale board SEMIDETACHED Bungalow NHA three bedrooms lull basement storms and screens Located in Ncwmarkct Will sell or trade ror house in Barrie Telephone New market Tw 54242 ATTRACTIVE slxyenrald three bedroom bungalow Lrhoped liv lag and dining room Aluminum Lights turned on this Period storms and screens Asphalt drive TEL McLAREN why Carport Large landscaped PA 630 5Erilee sla uaiiorTgeieEEiioixewgtii FOR DETAILS AND DOOR solos DECORATION ENTRIES Puthrz sALC Grey brick ranch SI shaped livingd nlng mom HIM ver kitchen bathroom has builtin vanity and tub enclosure Finished recreation room attached garage FOR DUCKS Bythe pair Shells stipplied P11th and grounds are attractively landscaped Wlll meet any buyers SAT DEC 16th 12NOON terms TeIEPhonC PA 56093 Harry Fralieks HWY 26 HOUSES FOR SALE MINESING 0P RENT Pub 5111 on RENT Three bed TURKEY SHOOT mum bungalow Near schools Fenced yard Retrentlurl room Elephonc PA 53133 liter Saturday December 16 PM ALLAN BROWN DALSTON IIIITON AVENUE Private role Shotguns only Shells supplied room brick home built tor rum MIXED DANCING Ilyllvlnx on landscaped lot 155 it deep Two room apartment on main llour Telephone PA 115297 FOUR ROOM blouse at Minetd Ivy Orange Hall FRIDAY DECEMBER 15 930 to am Paxtons Orchestra Point with threepieee bath not watch mu basement rull price Lunch Counter Admission 75c 551100 with low down payment Telephone PA 115317 MALE SURPLUS ItidiasJilGl census showed BUS OPPORTUNITIES that in Bombay there are 1656 gt TWO BEDROOM louse or rent then ItlldiIcry 1000 women ARTICLES For SALE HANDY HARDWARE 8th Ling Inhislil Alcona Eeach Road OCdmpleta matchbox model series scale apart ONLY DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Since 1936 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 66551 EXCAVATING P111 GRAVEI TOP son SEPTIC TANKS PUlIflED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe or bird DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 2907 INSULATION INSULATION With No Rockwool THE BLOWING METHOD SCOTT MUm AirTile Insulation Rep PHONE MINESING 211 Free estimates guaranteed work with attached beauty salon part ly equipped Located on Centre street Angus Alsn paragl includ 3Eeasonable rcni Tciephonc HE Barrio Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely sang birds budgles and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 330 RM DAILY PHONE PA 68038 nAnY DUDGILS in moult all Nil nrr male or Inmate For lur thcr lnlormatlon Ielephpnn PA 84107 WASAGA BEACH Seven unit No tel with scparate cooking IRelll tlco and not water Privntc living quarters Alsu llx cabins in Zfl com lcte with hot water Apply to bite seagull Mattl Wusugo Eeaclli Telepllolio 132 Wasugn eoc Try Anneamine Want Ad PHONE PA 121114 Its wonderful the why Classified Ads get re sults PhonePA 824l4