WED liT ALLISTON UNITED Miss Faye Dermott Allis ton and Frcdcric Elines oi Cookstown exchanged vows at Alliston United Church at an afternoon ceremony The bride is the daughter of Mr ANNUAL EVENT and Mrs Lloyd Dermoit or Alliston The bridegroom is the son of Mrs George Little and the late Jock Elines The newlyweds will make their home in Cookstown Christmas Supper Party Held By Members Of Trinity Guild Trinity Guild members held the annual Christmas supper party in the Parish Hall with approximately 100 members and guests present bullet supper was served irom centre table extending the length or the ban laden with an eyeappealing variety of delectable dishes Head table guests included Arch deacon and Mrs Read and Rev and Mrs Sher ring Myriad Christmas tree lights and candle arrangements on the tables made an attractive setting for the si ing of car ols and Christmas story read by Mrs Ineson Convenors or the party were Mrs Jack Duval and Mrs Amy Vair The president Mrs Brydges conducted the bus ness part at the meeting choir fund for new owns $1 000 was set aside rem Guild lunds Other sums of money voted by the Guild included 5200 or drapes for the Senior Sunday School room $100 each or the Ingles Home for Girls in Toronto and the Beverley Home for Men and $200 for the Trinity Building Fund Guild members bring dona tions for welfare activities to their Christmas party and this year hampers were ï¬lled and tables piled with gitts for the following An Indian school in the Yukon where former Guild member is now working Canadian Mental Health Asso ciation Christmas welfare parcels in the parish Except for the packing and distribution of Christma hampers and cheerup boxes or shutins under the Past Presidents Committee the Christmas party brought to THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA For Tomorrow Adopt realistic attitude to ward your problems now since you can solve them more easily than by shutting your eyes to facts Be patient and perseverv ing It your goals are worth while you will achieve them The aspects during the eve nir hours will be favorable for community and welfare pro grams also for cultural inter ests For The Birthday it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that as of last week you entered period in which past elforts both occupational and financial should payroff well Be alert in seizing new opportunities which should come your way between now and the end of February and you should be able to con solidate gains still further Opportunities or travel and some unexpected social con tacts may broaden your hori zons during August and Septem ber and if you are engaged in creative work September and October should prove highly in spirational Recognition of your talents in this connection may not come immediately but it will eventuallypossibly late in November During next Decem her do your best to avoid ten sion in domestic aifairs and look for some heartening news during the last days of the year child born on this day will be endowed with great sense of justice and fine executive ability HOBBIES HELPED T00 MONTREAL CPD Part of the Montreal Junior Leagues golden anniversary celebrations the Haze the Roofrevue in eluded some husbands in the cast Proceeds of the revue which ran for three days go to the leagues community trust Iund close Guild activities or the year Archdeacon Read extended to the Guild his sincere thanks for their help and cooperation during the year OPEN ALL DAY TOMORROW OPEN FRIDAY MARY HAWORTHS MAIL Kept Under Thumb Of Mote Wife Cpntemplcrtes Suicide Dear Mary Hauorth am housewile 49 married 25 yum We have two boys one senior in college the other senior in high school My husband always has been good provider we never have wanted or anything The prob tern is that be is always dls pleased with any little social ac tivity have ventured Since we married it have joined church group or club oi any kind somehow he always contrive to pull me away from it Grocery shopping visiting his talks occasionally going to school or the boys or other placa he wants to go is the extent of my social lilo Sometimes get so upset cry or days and have thoughts oi suicide lcel ii there isnt change maycommit suicide sooner or later want to teach school but when do there is conflict with my husband Then quit and start holding my hands and cry ing lceling am of no value anywhere cant go on like this Life without purpose isnt worth living Please help me GF Dear GF In all probability there are at least three versions the background of your prob lem Namely your version as narrated here your husband version whinh would diiler from yours and the true Vet sion which an expert lamin re lotions counsellor might bring to light it given chance to study the acts It occurs to me tbat you are discouraged disconsolate her mit nowadays or reasons that havent dawned on you To suggest low First not so much because your husband pulled against your social ven tures in the past as because you arent really the outgoing type hence usually tool like fish out oi water in groups and easily give up the stnrggla to keep the pace PHYSICAL EASE Second because mothering the boys occupied much or your time enough to keep you lecling purposeful and necessary until they began to grow up and away from you into world of their own interests where they no longer court your support Third because you are verg If in Doubt As To Color or Size GIVE STEPHENS ï¬ï¬ï¬eï¬ï¬mï¬ log on the socclled change oi are which for many women is accompanied by nostalgic vogue depression medically labeled involutionai melancholy This melancholy has an emotional oi psychological as well as some physical grounding Ordi narily it weighs most heavily on women who leei unconsciously that their uselulness ended with their childbearing childrear ing phase Fourth and quite obviously because you are more or less stranded on the lam oil the beaten path at social trailic at time in your lilo when you most need to be busy with peo plc to counteract doldrums WILL MAY ADJUST Nowlor advice Whatever the reasons for your problem dont dwell on them Rather address your mind to changing the pat tern ol your days It you qualin as teacher than take teaching lot the sooner the better and bear with your husbands disapproval Once he gets it through his head that his lmwns no longer hold you back he will adapt to your decision think At any rate dont argue with him Let your course at action speak lnr you ll teaching jobs are tilled or teer Study the classiï¬ed ads organizations as the YWCA the League oi Women Voters the Good Will Industries the up local oitice oi the political party at your choice etc or job op portunities lllH Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 8411 BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 5x 30 DUNLOP ST srocx BOOK STORE GAMES PA 84055 AhhhlIn30mlhhhlhhlhhhlhlhiulnlhhlï¬ this year iind other worklull time part time paid or volun follow up clues Also check the local branches ii any sud TR HAM EXAMINER MAY chmm HEALTH WARNING WINNIPEG CF Users minopcraled laundromat have been by Manitoba Health Minis George Johnson 19611 that solvents used may cause gas intoxication lle said gar merits should be aired and car vents be opened while transport ing them Its time to dress up and have fun Get ready to greet the lestivo season in glamorous fashion come la and sec orious gathering at sin dresses lor big events The largest choose from our new selection of Party dresses in Simcoe County Available in all sizes in wide range of attractive new shades and materials Priced from $1495 at STRANSMANS 44 DUNLOP ST Give Man What He Wants For Christmas It takes special gift to please the fashion conscious crowd Weve dozens of ideas that fill the bill Bloch tie in the exact coloring and striping required Shirts inronly the acceptable collars Slacks socks and jewelery each fashion we show is fine with the fussiest so your gift is an assured success Suits Sport Jackets Trousers 1095 to 2750 Dress Shirts Sport Shirts 500 to 1295 Car Coats 1995 to 3500 Dressing Gowns Sweaters Tie and Sock Sefi Gloves srarson AND MALLORY Hats 895 to 1595 Scarves Ties Socks All Gifts Individually Gift Boxedi 5995 to 8995 2995 to 4500 500 to 795 1295 to 2995 895 to 1895 295 to 350 250 to 995 295 to 595 100 to 500 10010 500 STORE FOR MEN IANDBOYS 40 DUNLOPST BARRIE PA 82566 LADIES WEAR PA 84284