Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1961, p. 4

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REPORT mom tiff Famed London Church Has Been Rebuilt theme Examiner 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Slaight General Manager TUESDAY DECEMBER mt Pnse Cooke Receives Clear Mcmdc1te From ElectOrs The election of Alderman Les Cooke as Mayor of Barrie for 196263 was the feature of quiet but interesting muni cipal election Mr Cooke who has worked with dis tliiction as member of the City Council received solid majority in straight election fight with Jim Hart Mr Hart former mayor who gave good service to the people in his day at the city hall re ceived respectable total of 1990 votes He was far outstripped however by Mr Cooke who took an early lead and was never headed The mayorelect got more than 3000 votesand clear mandate from the people to proceed with his pro vgram for the coming two years Barrie has been fortunate in its selec tion of mayors in recent years Mayor Kinzie proved to be an excellent admin istrator and fine representative for the city Mr Cooke will maintain this fine record we feel sure The fact that there were no outstand ing issues apart from the Sunday movies and sports bylaws contributed no doubt to the lack of response on the part of the people Only 452 per cent of the eligible voters bothered to go to the polls in other words more than half the peo ple did not exercise theirfranchise This is not good by any standards and is an indication of apathy that should have no place in an election that comes only once every two years The decision of the majority to support Sunday movies is not surprising It is in accordance with trends across the prov ince and it means that Barrie will oin the mounting number of communities which have instituted more open Sab bath The only big upset was the defeat of Alderman Mike Wieder in Ward four Added Safeguard The Ontario Legislature at this session is expected to make it little tougher for all motorists who do not carry insur ance on their vehicles Although it is esti mated that only 10 per cent of the driv ers in Ontario do not carry insurance they are responsible for the claims made against the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund the result of accidents special committee hasbeen delving into the subject for some time and now has its report almost complete Should it be adopted and it is expected that the members of the legislature will give it their wholehearted support the drivers who dont hold an insurance card are going to pay more in various ways At the present time an additional $5 fee is attached to the vehicle owner when he gets his regular licence plates each year This will most likely be boost ed to $20 to help enrich the unsatisfied judgment fund Should an uninsured dri ver have an accident and be assessed da mages through court he will not be al lowedto drive again until he has re compensed the fund for the entire amount that it paid out on his behalf The name of the fund will also most like ly be changed to the Motor Vehicles Ac cident Claims Fund The amounts pay able to accident victims will also be in creased The special committee also plans to bring the insurance companies into the new regulations through the control of insurance premium rates and regulating the risks they take The Ontario Legis lature is to be asked to approve mea sure that all insurance firms licensed in Ontario be required to join the new plan and that they not be allowed to refuse anyone who holds drivers licence If these new regulations become law we do not feel that the uninsured driver will be long behind the wheel of car because the proposed changes certainly fall little short of car insurance being compulsory for all Ontario motorists DoVVn Memory Lane 45 YEARS AGO Members of Barrie District of the Me hodist Church now number 5120 an increase of 144 over the previous year The old public school in Elmvale was destroyed by fire new telephone building here has been approved York Countys road system will join up with that of Simcoe Students enroll ed in 191516 with BCI who withdrew to enlist were Mayor Esten Dyer Longman Orok Marr McKinley Clark Ford Boag Irving Ontario Licence Board had rescinded an order closing all hotels and liquor shops because of proximity to Camp Borden but the premises will still be out of bounds for soldiers Other Editors Views NOW IDENTICAL Stratford BeaconHerald The complete divorce of city govern ment from county government may have frbeen the sensible thing 111 years ago when Ontario cities were few and when urban problems of public welfare and public services were radically different from rural government Now including lrelief public health old age assistance fapd hospitals rural and urban problems re identical STRONTIUM EATERS Ottawa Journal The deliciously English thing about the three scientist who dined for month on strontium90 is that they did it last Sum imer and didnt let out word of it until ow No hourly bulletins on their pulsetem erature and geiger counter readings no nterviews with their wives on what it is flike to have radioactive husband no ppublic heroics They just quietly ate what the rest of fear and then said nothing until they ad something to say That is reticence unbounded DID WE HEAR CORRECTLY Milwaukee Journal 15 the presidential press conference in décline under of all people John Ken edyl The one he has scheduled will the first since four weeks ago and The Barrie Examiner Authorized as second cllsl mail Port omee Department Ottawl and tar payment of pnstbgo tn cosh naiiy Sundays ind Statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH WALLS Publisher nnrAN snarcm General Manager hlanansoN Maulsan Editor CHARLES wanna nurinm Manager nanny ersoN Advertising Manager JOHN noLnnn Cfrculatlnn hlmlgar Subscription rltn entry by olrrior asn weekly swan yenr Single copy By min in Ontario smo year use six months 3250 three months $100 month Outside Ontario 5000 yen Outside Cln arra $2000 year Offices 425 University Ave Toronto no cmwm Streat Montreal ma Wen amin Skiant Vancou iVU ombcr or the Canadian Daily Newspaper Pub Ellgilers Association The Canndlln Press and that noun Bureau of circulations an Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to the use Fm republicatlnp of staner sputtered in our aper credited to or noun real or cuter Ind ma the taut pawl publilhud fhlroln only the second since 10 weeks ago Yet it was he who as candidate anticipated seeing the press at least once week if elected What has happened There has been of course far more intensive pressure of urgent and critical affairs than he probably expected Yet lowered priority of press conferences on this account would seem to ignore their particular usefulness under just such con ditions to give the public his explan ation of these affairs One main difficulty is that the press conference crowds nowadays are simply too big The policy of televising confer ences has so aggravated this problem that they are mass meetings The press corps has its share of mike grabbers and camera hogs Too many questions from this sector are long winded and muddled or of such trivial or provincial nature that no president conceivably could know the answers Much precious time is wast ed especially his More basically both the televising and the allowance of direct quotation with out which of course televising would be impossible enormously increase the risk of blunder which might be disast rous in world so explosive as now There can be no saying Strike that or putting it off the record or correcting the record later So President Kennedy may well have concluded that the presidential press con ference under todays terms and condit ions is mixed blessing Yet there is no adequate substitute for the general idea No other device enables the public in the person of the press to have the in itiative in probing the presidents think ing face to face The decline can scarcely be matter of difference on Kennedys own part for he has shown himself uncommonly ar ticulate and skillful in the mass inter view One would expect president with such abilities to be especially eager to use the conference as an opportunity to further his own leadership HE PAYS BILLS Brandon sun You can tell the oldfashioned fellow who pays the bills in the office He is the chap who turns out theiights that are not being used JOHN WPMKERSGILL FIRST GAINED meotllL $17 BREE MIN CmZBlSwPMlMMWON 1951151 mes um Drew ME 5113 Dbl mm remn BENCHWHEkE ills RAPIER wrromn DRAWS GOV BLOOD MAKfi Hi mam MP Emmyzsmsknmwmr warms wwmoN MM Quasiaim 47W MIN PAS3 NNWPIPDFEXPM OTTAWA REPORT fimwamm our as AND EDUCATED IN WW MR TWILUNGATENHD Sportsonce we mum Population Up 30 Per Cent In decade By PATRICK NICHOLSON Look whos grown We have grown 30 per cent in population between the cen sus of 1951 and the census taken this year At the earlier count there were 14009429 people living in Canada The early estimates of our population this past summer show an increase to 18168000 That increase of approximat ely 1159000 is of course by far the largest ever recorded be tween two every10yenr census counts The jump in the pre vious 10 years was our record hitherto and that amounted to some 2502000 additional Cann dians The largest population gain was achieved Ontario which added 1610000 residents to make new total of 0203000 Quebec come next adding 1162000 residents to expand to 5000000peison provincethe exact population is 5217000 BIG WESTERN GROWTH Our fastest growing provinces are in the West Alberta added 41 per cent to its population to rise over the 1000000 mark for the first time and British Co lumbia added 40 per cent or 471000 new residents to achieve total of 1636000 PEI added 7000 citizens to rise above the 100000 total but its seven per cent growth was Canadas smallest it was just by Saskatchewan which added10 per cent to reach 918000 residents and thus lust beats out Manitobas new total of 912000 to remain our fifthmnstpopulous province When the complete tabulation of the census figures is avai lable probably early next year we are likely to learn that our two largest cities Montreal and overcrowded cities Toronto each have population larger than that of the whole of British Columbia our third mustpopulous province More surprising we will probably learn that our Queen City Tory Toronto is no longer predominantly an AngloSaxon Scottish community The huge inflow of ethnic immigrants over the past decade has re duced those of British descent to minority position Anyone who is interested by figures may be surprised to know that our 10 years growth would still hnve been record without any immigration at all We are filling up the wide empty spaceslargely of our faster through the Canadian cradle than through the inunigrant steamship today About 4163000 Canadian hab ies were born in the past dec ade 1513000 new Canadians arrived here in the past decade MIGRANT FLOW DROPS of these new arrivals 407000 came from Britain 495000 from Northern Europe 105000 came from USA and 511000 come from all other areas of the world in the same period we last approximately 500000 Ca nadians by emigration chiefly to USA Births in Canada outnumlt bored deaths by more than fibres to one 1321000 Canadi ans died between 1031 and 1961 in contrast to our population expansion of just over 4000000 over the past decade it is in teresting to note that China adds 16000000 to her popula fion each year and the popula tion of USA has grown by 3000000 since President Ken nedy was elected While the above is not based RECREATIONQZ OCCASION FIENlNG END lNDOLENCEL PchmSGlLLSfB FOR BONNIva on the official census figures which pro not yet available pub licly can say that obtained them from usually wellin formed source in Ottawa Some of the vital statistics of past years obtained from that invaluable and invariably help ful source the Dominion Bureau of Statistics others from the Bank of Canada If you have child who is ever troubled by simple arithmetic please use my own recent experience to comfort himor her had con siderable trouble in reconciling the figures was working on be cause somewhere hadlost round million Canadians in time traced this to the fact that the Bank of Canada in its addition had made one plus two equal four BIBLE THOUGHT For the trusts of death llomnns 623 The wild oats that we sow are certain to grow and bring forth wild oatsworthless and curse in the earth Selfwilled doers of evil are certain of punishment of their own mak ing sin is Steelworkers Spend $10000 On Union Raids SYDNEY NS CPlAn of ficial of the lntemational Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Work era 11nd said Monday the United Steelworkers of America CLC isspending $100 month on raids against Mine Mill Nels Thibault Mine Mills legislative and welfare director said in prepared statement that the money is coming out of individual members dues The two unions are engaged in powerstruggles at interna tional Nickel Company opera tions at Sudbury Port Colhorno 0nt and Thompson Man By MtINTYRE HOOD Special London England Correspondent for The Barrie Examiner LONDON The Church of St Vedast on Foster Lane In the heart of the city of Land on has been rebuilt and will be reconsecrated and reopened early in the new year The or iginal churchof St Vednlt one of the famous London churches bulltlby Sir Chrostopher Wren after the great fire of London in 1666 was destroyed during the war And to the new edifice are being brought treasures from many other churches which have been destroyed but which were rescued and will now enrinh the St Vedast Ch urch When the architect Dykes Emmi was given the task of rebuilding the church he found himself in exactly the same position as Wren did af ter the Great Fire of London Only the 13th century walls and the 17 century tower were left standing ON VRENS DESIGN On these remains the new church now very much as it had been built to Wrens de sign has been reconstructed it was black and white Ecumet ricnl floor with walls and ar ches surmounted by typical Wren cherubs Only one radical change has been made Instead of having pews across the nave St Vednst is furnished as collegiate church with th reo banks of stalls on either side in the musicians gallery ov ar the West door unique En glish Renaissance classical org an has been installed it was built in 1740 by lienatus Har QUEENS PARK riI Jr for the Church of St Bathelomawbythe Exchange long since demolished But tho organ was preserved and now find its home in St Vedasts Part of this organ was used for many year in luihnm Church the rest being left to gather dust for century When it was assembled once more complete its unusual purity of tone delighted mualcians WHEN OLD TREASURES Beneath the east windows fine 11th century oak made has been placed This was or lglnally made for the church of St ChristopherrleStocks emlt olfshed 100 years ago Craftsmen are repairing the 17th century pulpit which came from All linllows Church on Broad Street Much of the or iginal carving still remains The south aisle has been made the Chapel of St Dunstan Dun stan we the patron saint of goldsmilhs and the Goldsmiths Comprny is irng the silver crucifix and or candlesticks Old St Velasts had no recs tnry but beautiful home for the rcctor 1Inrin 13 Mort lock has been built next to the church SKELETONS FOUND The builders found hundreds of skeletons laid one on top of another in the vaults under the ruins of the old church The city corporation offered to re lnter them elsewhere but Canon Mortl decided they should stay They were covered over and courtyard laid out above them St Vedastl is parish chur ch belng union of is ancient parishes This Canon Mortl is commemorating by having not two but 26 churchwardens Sessions House Relatively Dull By DON OHEARN TORCZZTO Earlier feelings that this would be an unspec iacular session are being borne out Except for the crime contros versy the sittings have been rel atively dull And there doesnt seem any reason to look for any substan tial change in this The house Is getting its busiA ncss done And it is having its clashes and arguments But it lacks that fire under neath to make it alive and ex citing There is the feeling about It of stopgap an assembly that is filling in Parliament in limbo NEED ELECTION And it probably will be lhls way for few years The Robarts government is ing up the ends of the long pe riod of Drew and Frost adminis tratiur Ur its oi assumes an identity of or is replaced by an other governmentit is bound to haves stopgap character That is we wont really have full time solid legislature again Ontario until there is another election Except for some signs of new lifeirum the liberal benches this is very much sunset Par liamenf Lonely Soldiers Stand Gourd Over Bomarc MiSSile Pads Hombre antiaircraft mis sile bases are being built at two Canadian sites near North Bay Ont and Mont Laurier Que How will they operate In this story Har old Morrison CPIWnnling ton correspnnflent describes the quiet calm operation of the first BomarcB squadron on the 05 east coast By HAROLD MORRISON NEWPORT NEWS Va CPI Nestling amid the autumnal splendor of pines poplars and dogwood the spanking new Bo marcB anti aircraft missile squadron in this Atlantic coast area appears as silent and mo tionless as cemetery Row upon row of concrete andsteel missile sheds are as inviting to the visitor as nu marked mausoleums and in fact says the commanding of ficer the she is or shelters have been dubbed coffins by tho airmen on duty here The Newport News Eomarc centre about 150 miles south of Washington hnuses 28 mis sile Bomarc squadron as well as the Elimissile more ad vanced BomarcB group They sit side by side on 55ncrn fenced site with the operational area where the weapons are housed almost bare of humans FEW GUARDS SEEN Only fewglonely guaids armed with pistols and rifles can be seen patrolling the fence line as visitor accompanied by LtCol Robert Andrews 42 yearold commander is sciu tinized and allowed though the security gate into an area hold ing enough nuclear materials to blow up city the size of New York Both the BomarcA with 200 mile range and the solidbooster Bolt mareB with 400 mile range are reported to have nuclear warhead But both are cap able of firing conventional high explosive warhead as well Andrews highly conscious of the need for secrecy hinted to reporter that while all the BomarcB missiles may have the more powerful nuclear ar mamenf some of the human types may have the conven tional bomb Im confident weve got both types for the weapon said the husky 42yearold veteran of the Second World War per sonally havent seen the con ventional warhead but lve rend about it and am confident it exists We always try to use the best weapon for the target and if you go after just single bomber the conventional high explosive ndght do the job MISS THE BUSTLE One of the modernday con cepts of air defence is that the enemy might direct just one bomber with massive nuclear liquid propelled load and perhaps one hackup bomber in the rear for each in dividual target area While mass of bombers might sweep out of enemy territory they soon would separate each mov ing to its individual target As onetime bomber instruc tor Andrews faces some of the human problems Canadian com manders may encounter when the two Bomarc Canadian sites at North Bay Ontu and Mont Lauder Que come into operation It takes little getting used to said Andrews as his brown eyes surveyed the silent mis sile shelters Airmen miss the hustle and bustle of bomber or fighter squadron They miss the noise of engines the smell of gasoline and the constant pressure to get planes over hauled and repaired Bomarc squadron is not like that at all Thereare pe riodic inspections to be done on the missilest minor inspec tion every 90 days and full inspection every 21 months if you rotate the work you keep the men busy And the area has to be guarded constantly night and day REMOTE CONTROL But there is barely any noise and the average airman on duty doesnt have much chance to become involved in the actual operation of the Bomares The firing button is 100 miles away at the Fort Lee SAGE semi automatic ground environmentl centre Even havent mtich to do with the actual firing The SAGE chief would have to con sult m6 probably by telephone before he decides to fire the weapon but he presses the fire buttonnot can stop the missiles from being fired by something can do here but cant fire them not from here The aimien probably find themselves linked little closer with the EomareA than the Eu marcB The Bomaic has liquid booster that requires lot of inspection and attention It takes about lhmlnutes to warm up BomnrcA for firing The airmen can possibly sci it little longer before it takes off But the EomarcB with its solid booster can be warmed up in so seconds Probahiy before you can turn your head the BomarcB is out of sight The pilot of fighter or bomber can come back and re late his experiences to his ground crew Most of the men here probably would never know how well their Bomnrcs did in the nlr Airmen love to fly And rews added nostalgienlly But like this This is something new greater field and chal lenge It is reflection of the old faces and the old issues The Liberals are breaking some new ground They are talking of finance companies public water supplies and other things that are new to this house and to the public But the government and the NDP are largely singing the same song Education municipal grants and etc etc from the one Talk of labor and fierce do nunciatinns of many things from the othEr The public is tired of these things And it is really some years since it has had issues which were genuinely close to it These will come again in this new era the government of the day will have to get around to those new problems which are the problems of the people in the era But that requires new start and also many new faces And this wont come about really until the era is fully launched with general elec tion Todays Dimerick Someone said that if nine cats and dogs To say nothing of buskysaw logs If it were truly so What we would like to know Why they left out the bi chunky hogs fima BOSTON LOS ANGELES LON DON 7+THE44 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR who dinv NEWSPAPII Interesting Accurate Complete lnhvnnlionnl Nm Conap Th Chrlsflnn Scienco Monitor Ono Norway so Boston 15 Man Send your nlwspnplr for in um dmm Enclosed find my check or money and year 22 months 5n months sssn Nome Adams

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