CREEMORE ancy Forbes saga Beach spent the weekend with Miss Sandra OReiily Misses Carolyn and Dawn Lynn Corkan Barrie spent the weekend with relatives Rev and Mrs Walter Dyer and family Allnndaie attended the Fall Fair Festival and sup per at St Lukes Anglican Ch urch on Saturday Tile Sunday School children of St Lukes Anglican Church under the leadership of Derek Alon superintendent pre sented The Christmas Story at the evening service on Sun dlly Dec It large attendance turned out for this annual event and everyone enjoyed the comb ned efforts of these young people in presenting at this time of year the ever beautiful story of Ft The Birth of our Saviour Tile Brownie mothers held their second meeting on Nov 20 at the home of Mrs Doug las Gill and the following of floors were elected for the com ar president Mrs Gertie vicepresident Mrs Pal Vill mson secretaryireas Mrs Lois Steele telephone com mittee irs Marie McM and Mrs Dorothy Palmer St Lukes Anglican Church were hosts to team of young men from the Church Army who conducted the services and gave the sermons Lunch was provided at the rectory and supper at the home of Mr and Mrs George Kinghnm The day called with Iircside program at St James Church Lisle The call of the work of Christ brought these men from var iety of places Calvin Reid of Stephcnville Newfoundland Ja cob Small Courtenay British Columbia Ron Smith St Cath arines Ontario Mike Guy Bar bados West Indies and Captain Frank Clarke Nottingham England The Little Helpers Party was held recently in St Lukes Par isll Hall Adults and children present numbered 30 Three new members were welcomed Bar ry Douglas Wines James Fran klin McLellan and Judith Anne Walker The afternoon opened with service then games and fun fol lowed by lunch Mrs Bert Sm ith and daughter Lillian are credited with the success of the afternoon tlousseau tea was held on Saturday Dec at the of Mr and Mrs Norman Mc Lead in honor of their daughter Margaret who is being married in liong Kong later this month on the editorial staff of the printed in Hong Kong Miss McLeod will be leav ing by air on Dec is and her many friends In Creemorc wish her much happiness in her new home Mrs Norman Gowaa returned to her home in Creemore this week after being patient at the Collingwood hospital for thl past week Mr Bert Smith patient at the Collingwood hospital Is mak ing favorable progress at his home Mr and Mrs Reg Westbrooiie had narrow escape last week when returning to their home after attending the opbning of the new Stayner Collegiate when their car went through guard rail and turned on its side in the ditch Both occupants ar coped with bruises and gen eral shaking up Damage to their 1961 car was extensive Russell Beilinger was named president of the Creemore br anch of the Royal Canadian Legion at the election of offic ers for 1962 held on Tuesday night Other officers elected were Vince Cahoon and Herman Mac kny first and second vicepres idents respectively secretary Douglas McLeilan treasurer Jack Lemmon executive Wes Ferguson Clarence McCuteheon Robert Boyce James Falls and Ken McIntosh Other officials and committee chairmen include service bureau Cecil Hayward Poppy and Welfare Harold Dun stan Sgtatarms Iluss Mars den parade marshal Don Car ruthers Padre Rev George Medley public relations Alex ORellly bulletin Ernie Rob erts VLA James Falls Mr and Mrs Gordon Wanner and family moved to their new home at Chatham on the week end Mr and Mrs Neilson are moving into married quarters at Camp Borden this week Mr and Mrs Anson Geddes and family Tomato spent the weekend with Mrs Emma Ged For Expert Guaranteed TV REPAIR all makes Call Horace Beaumont At MONARCH REFRIGERATION to llr Barry Conn Hughes who The like nothing SUEDEllA mvnwrosmls SIMMONSS co PA 81059 re is Voted most succeed who wean lhis IRVING POSLUNS corded siilehing and pockets She sin to 20 THE COAT STORE 89 DUNLDP ST Asia Magazine publication chlsk 36 length and warm quiltcdllninn In red coffee ehnmolll rust green or brown der and enjoyed the Santa Claus parade in Groomers lucky draw for to turkeys in being held at the bingo game sponsored by the Creemore Le gion Brandt No 39 on Thurs day Dec to llNiEN MILLS The weekly euchre party had nine tables playing Prizes were won by ladies first Anne McRae second Irene Kenwell men Fred Maw and Dave Kenwell Mr Elton Coir and friend of Hamilton visited recently with Mr and Mrs Ralph Howden Mr and Mrs Laddie Wilson entertained about 50 relatives and friends to social evening in honor of his parean Mr and Mrs Ed Wilson to rk their 46th wedding anniversary also to meet and visit with cousin Mrs Jim Martin who was visiting here from Roblin Manitoba most delightful evening was colored by all with music dan cing and other entertainment The monthly meeting of and was held Wednesday night with vied attendance each member bringing friend Marion Cox was in the chair wit Lillian Hankin assistant secretary It being the Christ mas meeting all members as sisted with program which proved most interesting and entertaining Dont forget the Christmas School Concert on Dec 21 THIS nouns season Girls Special Perms $500 up 20 OFF Perms 850 and up REGINA CURL PA 89246 as nuniop at fikély the girl cent by featuring an collar loves the AROUND SIMCOE MW COUNTY SHANTY BAY Mrs George Sutton nd baby son John are home from the hospital Glad to report Mrs Cyril Peterson is much improved and will be home from the hospital shortly Mrs Bowman is takv ing six month Food Super visor course in Tomato and spent the weekend with her Iam iiy Mr and Mrs Frank Hale Jr and Mr Hale 5r spent Sunday in Niagara Falls USA Members of the AYPA attend ed senice on Sunday at St Pauls Cathedral Toronto Friends of Mr and Mrs Bob Martin gathered in the Hall Sal urday evening and presented them with several gifts for their new home on Steel Street Mr and Mrs William Muri son parents of Mrs Martin The ladies of St Miss Joan Morison Mrs liturphy Linda and Wayne With Your Convenient drive up from Toronto for the ntgrnaiongl occasion banquet Friday evening in the half hot turkey supper was served The Womens Institute held their December meeting at the home of Mrs Ioe Levison l9 members were present and three visitors No Christmas parties are to be held on Dec Is and Is at the school The Dec and meeting will be party or the children with Santa as visitor Films will be for the children down stairs and carol singing for the adults Coffee and cookies will be served by the II and members Eight tables of eugire were played in the hall Prizes went to ladies Peggy Simpson lama Gilchrist Mrs Moore gentlemen Jack Macgoagle Austin Kendall Mrs Sutton church pot luck supper will be held on the hall Saturday evening Dec is The Ladies Guild will be hosting the affair THIS CHRISTMAS DONT PAY DIME to Dunlop st pa 64701 Dr Lighthourn and Rev CREDIIIMEARD William Flynn spokc of the work Marie did with the Guides and Brownies and was always IMOSTYN willing to take over the church ENS Ind STUDENTS organ in an emergency WEAR Church catered to hunters musinnuunnuaua the nucleus of Christmas gift GUTHBIE In setting of softlyglowing candies the Christmas meeting of the Womanl Federation of Guthrie United Church was held in the Sundayme room with large attendance and the pre sfdent Mrs Gough in the chair This was the final meet ing under the present name Womans Federation next month the group becomes part of the new organization United Church Women During the business period the secretary read acknowledg ments from several who were ill also from the Victor Home for girls for cash donation re ceived The sum of was voted as 0N ZELLERS EASY CREDIT PLAN ZELLERS LTD 60 DUNLDP ST PA 32 10111 mm EXAMINER TUESDAY DECEMBER arranged beautiful Christh worship centre and the cache lighting carol service followed the theme Christians Gifts with several members reading parts and the leader lighting candle for each after which all Joined in singing the carols for the Muir of Japan This sum to be augmented by in dividual contributions Reports were submitted by the various secretaries indicating year of continued activity and pro $235 The president expressed her appreciation to all for loyal cooperation during her term of office After the offering had been received it was dedicated with prayer by the president Mrs George Caldwell conduct ed devotional period She Tr An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA Inï¬ll Piles Without Fab new huh ability to shun to relieve Thousands with this the right in this Youll install notes of com unlaan inhu tones mm In case after me while relieving shnnkzgo took place modelmunch nroiect thatfl Most amazin of allmm snag your allrnen to we the mlnulol Cara lnlwloon mm 35 and let advise you in go mhnï¬unrt men orb mined tobenprobleinl mgmgmgmgegygg villi Home cranial llmtmlden ï¬nimtitutc Call Now thla new healingauhstanoe THE BALL PLANING IWWdIDWï¬WflbruwotnInmi form called reparation Ask My cg Fans for it at all drug stormmoney gt back guarantee Science New Shrinks Pain or Discomfort Selenium n3 AnditehnAIlsbuh auralam Toronto Ont SpoolI For the ï¬rst time science has ound ngaubstanon with the lr hemorrbldds and gain and Itching ave been relieved vo substh any of their own homo without say disoomiort or in actual Mimi undo statements like Pills have Dress up your home for the festive season ahead with lovely Shimmering Heres one of themedinexpensive Ways to have drapes with rich custommade look And Fiber needs N0 IRONING IBERGLAS anew glas is really easycare dries in jiffy just wash and hang In additionits resistant to shrinking and stretch lng to sunrot and radiator heat to moths and mildew Come to EATONS and see these beautiful draperies for mas festivities or WhiteTurquoise PATTERNED DRAPES About 63 Long Single width to cover about 48 Double width to cover about 104 Triple wllhd to cover about 144 About 84 Long Single width to cover about 48 Double width to cover about 104 Triple width to cover about 144 PlainColoured Drapes Abouf 63 Long Single Width to cover about 43 Double width to cover about 101 Triple width to cover about 144 About is Long Single width in cover about is Double width to cover nhoutIM Triple Width to cover about 144 OPEN All DAY WEDNESDAY DECEMBER I3Ill and 20th If EATOhlSWlll NOT BE UNDERSOLD COMPARE EATQNS PRICESI WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD yourself Picture them in your own home Then buy NOW in time for all the Christ New Brighton floral modermdeslgn in NaturalBrown Cyalraiiae Fiberglaa Boucie Lilac While Beige so FORYOURSELF THAT Enrons Pair 1350 Fair 2650 Fair 3950 Pair 1650 Fair 3250 Pair 4850 Pair 1550 Pair 3150 Pair 4650 Pair 1950 Pair 3950 Pair 5050 IT EATON C9 IRANCH sronll eANAna