RUGBY We were sorry to hear at the sudden passing oi Mr Roy Ratciiii The deepest sympathy oi the community goes out to Mrs Rntcliil and relatives at this time Congratulations to Tyson Lang man who was reelected to the Oro school board at the Men day election Congratulations go out to Mar Ion Moore who named the Year Book at the Park Street Collegiate Mr and Mrs Ted Ralciiii oi Toronto attended the funeral his uncle Mr Roy Roth on Thursday and visited with his sister and sadly Mr and Mrs Everett Hornel Sor to hear Gordon Moore had It misfortune oi breaking two small bones in his loot We wish him speedy recov cry The Rugby school concert will be held Wednesday evening December 20 at 830 pm in Rugby school IVY All are welcome to attend the combined Presbyterian and An glican Sunday schools Christ mas program The Christmas Story to be held Sunday Dec ember II at pm in the An glican Church There is to be great im provement at the orange Hail The Orangemen are pulling water into the hall Just reminder that the ivy School Concert will he held at the Orange liall December at pm all are welcome Mrs Esten Davis and Mrs Henry Davis spent couple oi days in Toronto Mrs James licheimoii taught TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE TUESDAY DECEMBER 12 The Womens Show Arthur Halncs SRDW llaula Danie Mike Mercury Cartoon Party News llcldiinal beam to Draw Farm Market Report News Dan Jamiesnn Vellilel Sports Ben Casey Gary Moors Show Red skelton Front Puke Challenge Inquiry Kin Diamonds CB TV News The Weatherman Today in Sports Communit New interval ailing WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 13 nus Test Paitarn 1100 Romper Room ls0a Popeye arid Psis run Noondsy Report News Weather sports inrni Ra art Coming Inta nlnvio ilstiisrs Doing Fine little as Paris Musie lirek Friendly Giant Magus Muggins The womens Show Yes Yes Nanette Raule Dazslc Huekisherry Hound News Headlines Nations Business Farm Market Report News Don rsmlessn Weather Sports Pierre Berton The Law and Mr Jones 8152332358 PFFUIFPnkuuu CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO TUEanAY DECEMBER 12 400 Pmleasors Ridsswsy 500 Man From Cochise answer riiis EMBLEM Identiï¬es your WELCOME WAGON SPONSORS tinns oi prestige in the business and civic life of your community For intonation call PA 66302 wsseome when CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 school at ivy No nlesday December as the teacher Mrs Tosievin was ill Allen Ellis and Ron Hoggsrth play hockey in Alliston on one oi the legion Minor Hockey league teams Thc council at North Essa Anglican Churches met at Christ Church Ivy Monday December Church iinnncu were gone over and report on work being done at the rectory was given Monday December election day saw very good turnout at voters considering the miser able rainy day Congratulations to all those voted into council special congratulation goes out to George Davis oi this community who was elected the new deputy reeve Sunday aitsrnoon December the Junior Choir attended The Christmas Story at the Church oi the Holy Trinity Tor onto From all reports the Cilii dren said it was beautiiui and enjoyed it very much Mrs HenryiHnrper and Mrs Wilmer Wilson spent last Mans day in Toronto Mr and Mrs Bert McLean Mr and Mrs Lyai McLean and children Miss Ella Mc Lean and Mrs Elwood Jennett spent last Friday In Tomato Mrs Max Boyd Barrie spent low days with Mr and Mrs duck hunting and iamily Recent visitors at the home at Mrs Lennox and Roi ert and Maude Keown were Mrs Florence Banting Barrie Mrs Kenneth and daughter To ronto Mrs Charles Mills and daughter Barrie Mr and Mrs Sentio Ball and iriend Barrie Mrs Campbell Barrie and daughter Janet Toronto Keith Money Tom Arnold and Joe Wilson play hockey on midget juvenile hockey league Barrie Bachelor Father Pisydate Background News Magazine mpisrstions cnc TV Naws The Weatherman Today in orts community ews 1140 Highway Patrol snunsaav necnllnnn it 1045 Test Pattern 1100 nnmper Room 1200 Popeye and Pals lno Noondsyv nepnri News Miner Sports Farm Regrt Cornins cnls Movlo Maverick Queen Opln House School Telecast People and Places iIopI Around the Sun The Womens Show lets Look Alberta Gama rsmr Rania Dania Dick Trans Nswr Headinas liian From Mars Farm alarm nrpnri News Dan Jamieson Veriiirr Sport us Pierre Berton 100 The Flintstones 1in The Real McCoys noo Sir Francis Drake ssa My Three Sons non The Melenders 1000 country Junction 10 one Step Beyond 00 vac7v News is Wasthnman Today In Sports Community Nsws Naked City 730 800 000 1000 1030 1100 LN no on 9999999599 assesses ll no Sports sin Weather Pierre Berton News Leave it To Beaver Zana Grey Theatra 800 Thus At Bight tCrl nIl Lawyer 930 Checkmate 1050 Peter Gunn 1100 News Weather 1125 lien oi Destiny 1130 Better the WEDNESDAY nscsrraea ll 1030 News 1035 Free and Easy Lao Playhous 200 siao 130 lpofll Channel Thutr gush Consnund layhouas Nawa Froleasofs Hideaway Man lrons Cochin sports Weathar By PlanC Berton News Bachelor Father to Questions 77 Sunset strip Eizin Playhouse Moon Over Miami The Detectives News Weather Sports The sini Coleman show Battli Lats THURSDAY DECEMBER 1030 News Fran and Easy Free snd Easy Channel Nine Thesiro second Plants News Prolessorl Hideaway Man From Cochise sports weather By Pietra Barton News The Hall McCoys showdown Theatre At nght Keep Fit Big Four Playhld Sing Along With Mitch News westhsr sports Men or Destiny Better Late $323223 sun$991939 83323338 And Copy Wiil Ea Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VAIIEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSEIF CARS AND TRUCKS GRENFEI With to tables playing at the weekly euchre prize winners were High scores Alice halt and Kelly lone hands Dickenson and McFadden low scores were Jean Guest and Pete Mason committee in charge Mr and Mrs Suth erlsnd and Mr and Mrs Tracey iba WA met Wednesday Dec at the home at Mrs Har ris with it members and three visitors present Devotional was taken by Mrs Smithf Food to be delivered to Fred Victor Mission Is to be brought to the church by Dec 17 Nominating report was given by Mrs WsonVSmith as follows president Mrs Cola vice president Mrs Howard sec rotary Mrs Harris treasur er Mrs Russell Harris sewing committee Mrs Mrs Howard and Mrs Parr parsonage Mrs Cole Mrs HoWard and Mrs Harris Flower fund Mrs Ford Nominations Mrs Holmes Mrs Taylor and Mrs Mcastsr Alter busi ness had been completed ben ediction was pronounced The hostess served lunch Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Howard The girls oi the Greniel LH Isomemaklng Club entertained their parents at turkey din ner prepared by themselves at the home oi Mr and Mrs Ross Harris on Saturday evening Those attending were Mr and Dabs AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY Mrs Dobson Mr and Mrs lmea Mr and Mrs Ross Harris Mr and Mrs Smith and Mr and Mrs Wheeler Misses Pat Harris Jean Ve ensIra and Gayle Wheeler were presented with their County Honors Certificate and pin at the it Homemaking Club Ach levement Day at Guthrie ST PAULS The ilnai eucth oi the year will be December is at pm At this suchre thsserles priz will be awarded tor the top lady and man The schoolhouse euehrs will he resumed alter the holidays Blames Tiles In Hospital Fire BOSTON APIThe National Fire Protection Association re ported Monday night that iast hurning ceiling tile was the principal reason tor the loss at 15 lives in last Fridays Hart iord Conn hospital iire Percy Bugbce general manager at the association said Combus tible ceiling tile was responsi ble or the rapid spread at the flames and smoke NOTED FIGURE Olympia Brown the Wiscon sin womens suiirage leader who died in 1926 was ordained to the universalist ministry in loss CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER South dealer NorthSouth vulnerable NORTH Ksoei A39 9653 10 EAST A7 KQIOI 9110 nAalB norms names 2km ass The bidding South West North East Pan Pass Opening lead three of hearts Any time you combine legitimate line oi play to make contract with the opportunin of allowing the defenders chance to make mistake you hav good thing going for you South was In four spades and West led heart Declarer saw that he could lose two diamonds and we clubs ii the cards were badly placed for him He knew he would make the hand it East had the KQ of diamonds or it West had the ace oi clubs But he also saw iher was chance of matting the contract even though these cards were stacked against him So he won the heart with the ace East signaling with the wasa is $103 OQB aqua ACROSS 42 Not work Actress lng Lillian 4S Girls nickname Eves child 44 Tunisian Familiar rulers with DOWN slang Land 02 10Valiey plenty tpoet 11 Deathly pain 13 making 14 lh sound as bells 15 Old decrep it horse slang 16 Colander ate soldier colloq In what manner 18 Besitation sound 19 riddle 33 Relative Workers 23 Catholic Church service 23 Senior alarm 81 chaidean city 32 boy 34 Sudan native van 35 Horas ally 37 Island of Venezuela SO Threefold Pitch er of Rov oiutionnry Wasfame seaweed Branch on Digital boat ti Lentil Lambs penname Pertaining to pin Easter season Reatrains seven and without touching trumps first led diamond at trick two East played the nine and the lack lost to the queen West returned heart which declarer niiied 1i West had led the queen of clubs Instead he would have dcicated the con tract but from Wests view point not knowing declarers cards the club lead was highly dangerous since South might have the ace Declarer was now able to take advantage oi the situation He cashed the AK ot spad es and then ruiied dummys last heart When he then led the ace and another diamond East iound himself saddled with the lead and could do no better than cash the ace of clubs The only other suit he could return heart would allow South to discard club as he railed the heart In dummy So declarer made the contract losing only club and two diamonds if South had started by tak ing two rounds oI trumps lm medlataly he might have gone down This would have given East chance to signal the ace oi clubs on the second tr ump lead and the winning line at defense might have been found The advantage of Souths line of play was that he main tained every legitimate chance to make the hand and at the same time left room for the opponents to make mista Tomorrow Pltiails In slam bidding DAILY CROSSWORD land meas are 18 Girls nick nuns i7 Hunted as into prison 20 Entry geese Iaslndayl Answer 31 Note 27 Biblical mount 36 Eerio 29 Russian delally coins City 80 Kill as Regions 88 Hosp Among as floated DYCKS FOODMARKET Top Quality Fronts of Beef Hind Quarter of Best of Park 49 its 39¢ lb GUARANTEED 10 BATES DYCKS FOOD MARKET 150 Coliier Si Phone PA 85339 For Delivery BLONDIE LARRY BRANNON NONIMNHY WOULD MOTHER SHIP Nosmin mourn sue KNOWS IVE WORN rrrwvcs Mon was JULIET JONES WIPE YCXJRFEET REAL G000DFAR SPENIALL DAY We Gar THE House SHINING Fm TOP ownsmm THE MATCH USED TO LIGHTPYDUR PIPE WHAEDIDYOU DOWIIH renewals BAVERY SMALL ounces wwwmoweu man you CHEER AND ounces GREEK MAvaEmE BLOOD worm FROM ommcerpsummpsumw DRMAYBE n9 Insmomma WEILSEEWELL5E CAN IOLI GIVE ME THE COST ON NEW MOTHERS DRIVING ARE You OKAy MOM HELLO MAKE THAT TWO FENDERS DONALD DUCK NOW KEMEME W1 WANTED TO ASK WHIIWfliflED 01 057 775 545 Ilï¬l 9m REA iv Eli manned GRANDMA WAS Jusr OVERI GPANDMAS AN sue cuer HAiIz Now KNOW uow THOSE OL WESTERN PIONEERS FELT WHEN msv cor SCALDED BUZ SAWYER MUGGSAND SKEETER YOU LIKE starred snow FINES WARFEDTREE IIIINWEX FYEARS 0W STORE IANTERNS dIIKCiLINIs WATER FIIKYLAND avian