OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele bone PA Milt The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 66537 97th YourNo 290 WINNER AND LOSER SHAKE HANDS Mayorelect Les Cooke shak es hands with his opponent exhlayor James Hart last Appeals Judge Named To Delve Into Crime TORONTO CPl Premier Robarls bowing to repeated demands from the opposition Monday announced in the leg lslotore establishment of one man royal commission to invcs tigate crime in Ontario He promised his gorernmenti would take any action neces sary as result of the commis sion report The prcnliers decision re verses stand taken by for mer premier Leslie Frost who several times rejected opposi tion bids for crime inquiry Mr Hoborts left little doubt that his decision had been forced by speech in the leg islature Nov 20 by Opposition Leader Vlntcrmeyer who linked names of individuals and social clubs with organized crime in the province The Liberal leaders spcech Unemployment Rises Again night at city hall after re suits indicated Mr Cooke iaiso implied illegal operations tof many of the mentioned so cial clubs were made possible by the absence of interference by the responsible government departments rWONT DISREGARD have been given the re sponsibility of setting up new administration in the province the premier said and have no intention of disregarding charges such as have been lev elled at two of the departments of thegovernmcnt and at sen ior administrative personnel of those departments On the other hand must bear in mind that investigations into the conduct of public offi eiais and police officers can be be very destructive of mor alc The man selected to handle the task is Mr Justice Wilfrid But It Is Unusually small OTTAWA CF Unemploy ment in Canada rose by 31000 to 340000 at midNovember from 310000 in Octoberan unusually small increasethe Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported today The November jobless figure was 00000 lower than for the same month of 1900 and repre sented 54 per cent of the Ca nadian labor force compared to 66 per cent year ago It was the fourth month in row in which unemployment de clined from the corresponding period of 1060 following 17 suc cessive months of increases in the yeartoyear comparison The bureau of statistics said today employment declined less than seasonally between Octo ber and November mainly be cause of strength in the manu facturing industry The employ ment drop of 65000 occurred mainly in the farm force Manufacturing employment which normally declines at this time of year because of cuts in food processing and the output of construction materials was unchanged from October MADAME VANIEB AND THE BOYS CLUB SING JovernnrGeneral and Mme Vanier entertained some 200 Total employment was two per cent higher than in Novem ber year ago with the manu facturing and service industries making sharp gains The figure af employed at midNovember was 6155000 compared with 6220000 in October and 6029 000 year earlier The picture in brief with esti mates in thousands Nov Oct Nov 1951 1961 1960 6504 6538 6458 Employed 6155 6220 6029 Unemployed 349 318 429 The report is based on sur vey of 35000 households across Canada Unemployment in the Quebec region during the month but in creased in the Atlantic Ontario Prairie and Pacific regions Employment figures were un changed in Quebec and Ontario but showed drops for the three other areas of the country of the 349000 jobless 307000 Labor force 24000 were seeking parttime jobs and the other 10000 were on temporary layoffs of up to 30 days youngsters at their annual Christmas party for the Ot were looking for fulHime work Titanic Examiner Cooke Wins Vote In 45pc Turnout had won the amincr Photo election Ex Roach of the Ontario Court of Appeal Among previous in qulries conducted by the judge was one in 1953 into charges of intimidation loid against the in lernational Brotherhood of Teamsters Ind The question of when to start the inquiry has been left up to the 70 year old chief com missioner The premier said Mr Justice Roach will inquire and report 0112 The administration of the laws and regulations regarding the incorporation and operations of social clubs having regard to allegations made by the leader of the opposition in his speech of Nov 20 1961 Any improper relotion ships as alleged by the leader of the Opposition in his speech See Mr Justice Roach Page 13 between senior officials of the legal staff of the attorney gcneral and any person or per sons and more particularly re lating to the termination of investigations to the suppres sion of evidence tc the pay ment of money The extent of crime in Ontario and the sufficiency of the law enforcement agencies to deal with it Mr Wintermcycrs first reac tion in the Legislature was that the terms of reference were too limiting This long page he said would have to be tortured beyond reason to in clude the broad investigation had wanted But following the sitting he said he had decided the lang uage was broad enough just hope the commissioner will be encouraged by the gov ernment to use it HERES ONE DUBLIN Reuters De tective Jr Branigan told court Monday that man be arrested had bitten him in that part of my anatomy which cannot be produced in court as am sitting on it tawa BoysClub Here Mme Vaoler and sums of her guests Barrio OntarioCanada Tuesday December l2 I961 WOMAN FBEED AT ORILLIA Eileen Marshall abducted from Toronto house last week is led from police sta tion at Oriiiia by Metro To ELISABETHVILLE United Nations jet fighter planes today were reported to have riddled Katango strongholds in new strafing runs aimed at breaking the resistance of the defiant se cessionist in The Congo Informed souriï¬said one air attack was made an Jadotvilie big copper mining town 00 miles northwest of Elisabeth Villa The jets believed to be Swed Six Nations Chief Dies BRANTFORD CF Joseph Logan 03 oldest hereditary chief of the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy died Monday on the reservation near here Chief Logan horn on the re sorve and was educated at schools on the reserve and farmed there He was also ce ment mason in his youth He was made chief in 1002 and was part of the reserves official government until 1924 when the RCMP ousted the hereditary chiefs from the coun cil house at Ohsweken The he reditary chiefs were replaced by an elective council watch cartoons in the Gov ernment House ballroom armed robbery are Bruce Nash ronto Detective Sergeant ir vine Alexander Mrs Mar shall 40 phoned provincial police Saturday to say she was free and that one of her JetFighter Fire Riddlesa Katdngo Mine Town ish SAABs struck at the citys railway terminals and installa tions of the big 1330 owned Union liliniere mining company the sources said UN spokesman in Leopold ville said unidentified aircraft attacked Elisabethville airport four times before down today dropping 20 bombs without damA aging any United Nations instal lations The UN headquarters in the Katanga capital also came an der heavy attack during the night the spokesman said from Kalangan mortar batteries to See UJL Right Wing P5 cated on ridge west of the headquarters building The spokesman said he did not know the origin or type of the aircraft that attacked the airport or if more than one plane made the attack Bombs were dropped during fivehour period beginning at midnight Two Indian Gurkha troops this brought UN casualties in the Kotanga operation to 10 alleged abductors Earl Nash 40 of Toronto had been kill ed Police found Nashs body in farmhouse near Victoria Harbour were killed and one wounded in the attack on the UN headquar ters the UN announced it said dead 37 wounded and 13 miss ing Katnngan casualties are un known but Gen Sean McKeown the irish commander of UN forces in The Congo estimated them at 50 to 60 dead New UN air attacks also were reported to have been made against Kolwezi major indus trial centre 150 miles northwest of the capital and on vmicles on main roads The aerial assault appeared aimed at paralyzing the Ka tanga regimes lines of commu nication and transport between outlying centres and Elisabeth viile where the battle for con trol of the embattled capital was in its eighth day The lighting has sent 700 civil ians into refuge in three emer gency camps in the city and brought big demand for dwin dling food stocks Caught In Two TORONTO CPITwo light ning raids today brought the arrestsof two suspects in the kidnapping of Mrs Eileen Mar shall 40 last Thursday Charged with kidnapping and 20 and Gary Carmichael 19 Detectives Charles Harding and Douglas Lewis arrested Nash at gunpoint when they raided midtown rooming house Soon after they arrested Carmichael in downtown hon tel Nashs father Earl 40 was shot and killed Saturday in vacant farmhouse nearCold water Ont FACED DEATHTWEATS Police said Mrs Marshall blonde Toronto secretory had been held captive in the house where Nash was shot Accord ing to police she had been ter rorized and threatened with death for three days Inspector James Morgan of Metropolitan Toronto policein vestigating officer in the kid napping aspect ofthe case said am satisfied that she shot Nasht Sometime after Nash was shot Mrs Marshall staggered through 18 inches of snow to nearby farmhouse to get help Detectives questioned the woman for several hours and took an eightpage statement from her before allowing her to return to her home No charges Barrie Youth 19 And suspect Gunpomt Raids have been laid in connection with Nashs death Mrs Marshall was sitting with her ailing sister in Scar borough when three men burst into the house tied the sister to her bed and took Mrs Marshall out at the paint of gun As they left the men rifled purse and took $7 Later police said they forced Mrs Marshall to sign cheque for $1200 They cashed this and apparently bought car for which police issued an allpoints alert The older Nash was originally charged with kidnapping and robbery along with two persons identified only as John Doe Later the younger Nash and Carmichael were charged LOCAL WEATHER Snow and later some freelinl rain Cooler with frequent mow iiurries Wednesday Law to night High Wednesday 16 NotMoro Than per Copyl4 Page Sunday Sports Lead Changed Les Cooke wellknown Bar rie businessman and alderman for Vnrd One was elected Mayor of Barrie yesterday Mr Cooke defeated James Hart former mayor Mr Cookes plurolty was 1033 The final count released by City Clerk Ben Straughnn gave Mr Cooke 3073 votes and Mr Hart 1990 in nldcrmanic contests in all four city wards number of veteran campaigners were vic torious with sprinkling of new faces scheduled to assume council positions in 1962M Les Jolllffe defeated by three votes in previous elec tion ran third behind veterans Frank Hersey and Earle Will iams in Word One The unsue cessful challenger was Graydon Kohl former mayor of Calling wood who was making his first try for office here Major Hersey captured 1005 votes and was followed by Wil liams with 925 and Jolliffe with 060 Mr Kohl polled 351 in Ward Two sitting alder man Chorles Wilson led the way with 079 votes followed by Gerald Roberts also on older man with 090 votes and Char les Newton with 708 Mr New ton will replace the late Williams as representative for the ward Defeated in Word Two were Ernut Petri moulx 548 Norman Stewart 457 and Alexander King 277 There were no changes in Ward Three representation Al derman Arthur Morrow led the polls Hc polled 1050 votes followed by fellow alderman Fred Smith 941 and Murray Mills 913 Wilbert Archer newcomer was defeated in this race lfe polled 350 votes Ward Four saw battle with seven candidates contesting for office Winners were present alderman Roy Marsellus 492 Clarence Cumming 43 and Everett Emms 361 Sitting al derman Mike Weider 335 fourth was defeated Other alsorans in the ward were Garnet Plaxton 232 Ken Mor rison 200 and Harry Norton 70 One of the highlights of the election to which 425 per cent of eligible voters turned out was the closeness of the vote on Sunday sports and Sunday movies SUNDAY MOVIES Electors approved hothforms of entertainment but only after close struggle during whidi Defeated mayoraity candidate James Hart criticized as lack of adequatepolling facilities in Barrie and hinted that some voters had cost more than one vote for mayor In prepared postelection statement Mr Hart said Les Cooke received two years and Im home free would like to thank those who worked and voted for me in this election was not in agreement with the way in which city business is transacted have always been vitally interested in Bar rie therefore offered my services The voters indicated that they do not need them congratulate Les Cooke and wish him and his council everysuccess in the years ahead litany people arrived at polling booths and did not want to stand in line for half an hour At one time Barrie had 12 polling locations More than one vote for mayor per person should not be allowed Commenting on Mr Harts hint about the mayoralty vot ing returning officer Ben More Barrie Donors Sought Today is the last day for the Barrie Red Cross blood donor clinic to get 309 more donors to meet its objective of 1200 The clinic at Trinity Parish Hall Collier Street will be open 130 to pm and pm to pm Win By 407 Several Times leads changed several times Sunday sports were approved by margin of 407 votes Sun day movies by 77 votes The yes vote for sports was 2638 and the no vote 2231 For Sun day movies the yes vote lot alled 2433 and the no vote 2356 Nine candidates were in the running for eight public school board seats and the successful contestants were Jack Mac Laren 3310 Dr Goorge Scy mour 3107 Noel Stephenson 3001 Gard Tcskey 2785 Mrs Marita Pnulin 2744Ed Nor man 2030Cecil Young 2608 David itlcClymont 2554 and Mrs Dorian Parker 1900 Mrs Parker was the unsuccessful candidate Excitement and determination were the mixed moods of mayorelect Cooke after his vic tory at the polls More than 100 people camp to the house last night and the phone hasnt stopped ringing yet Mr Cooke said this mor ning We didnt get to bed until about am One of the new city councils greatest challenges Mr Cooke said is to have continuously strong and active program of industrial development lWorld market develop ments the mayorelect said would make it harder to at tract US interests to Barrie We must develop hard sell approach in the area of indus trial development The new council must can solidate Earries position as the capital of this area Mr Cooke said We must make more use of our natural assets and dont mean the old cli ches about cleaning up the hay We must tieour natural assets into everything we do and use them as an aid in our com mercial development Retiring Mayor Willard Kin zie said felt like lost sheep last night It is the first time in nine years that have not taken an active part good mayor and council was elected last night offer them my congratulations and best wishes for success in their term of office hope the new council keeps Barrie going forward on the progressive policy established in recent years In fact hope they will pursue this policy with renewed vigor to improve the city and industrial and commercial de velopment Defeated Candidate Hints Some Votes Cast Twice Straughan said it was entirely possible made personal check of every polling station Mr Straughan said and none of them knew if they hadgiven out too many ballots We learn ed of two cases where voters volunteered the information that they were on the assess ment role in another word it is possible for one person to appear on the assessment role in two wards if he moves from one to the other while the assessment role is being taken Returning officers are human It is possible that some them could have slipped up during the heavy surge of vat ing in the evening Mr Hart would have to prove there were sufficient number of spoiled ballots to offset the count and he was too far behind anyway for that to make any difference Youngest On Board Lawyer Unaware The youngest Public School Board trustee in point of years Gordon Teskey is still unaware of his finishing placeyin voting yesterday Mr Teskeys wife Patricia said this morning her husband had left the city early this morning and had not been informed nstolhis final posil tion We rétvery happy he succeeded Ashe said Mrs Marita Paulin the only woman elected said she was pleased to be en the school board and want to domy best 1have already been phoned and informed of the next board meeting she said