New Years Eve Will Be ODIY For Most Canadians CP CIIUMANADA hufltns By MEL SUFRIN Candi Pr SIAM Writer New Years Eve will be II dry night or most Canadians planning to celebrate the ar rival at 1962 in nightclubs it tails on Sunday this year and In most provinces the liquor regulatiqu will prevent cabaret from serving alcoholic retreshment croseConada survey by The Canadian Press shows that only in Quebec Nova Scotla and Newfoundland will licensed public places be permitted to serve liquor beer and wins New Years Eve in some provinces such as British Columbia Alberta Sal katchowan Manitoba and Prince Edward Island Its pos Iible to get banquet permit gtIor serving liquor at parties in rented halls after midnight Sun day but ortha most part this is limited to private groups Even in Quebec celebrations will be curbed because the low Tunkua Instant Nation LONDON CPIEven In these days at instant statehood the proposed Federation of Malay sia takes the cake tor fast halt ing Less than six months ago the federation was no more than an idea in the mind of Tunku Prince Abdul Rahmnn the prime minister of Malaya Today with the British gov ernments blessing its reality waits only on Iavorahle ret erendum in troubled Singapore and the perfunctory consent of the hitherto untranchisod peo ples of Sarawak and North Bor neo II everything goes as expected and there seems to be need or urgency1962 will see the creation of proWest multivra cial nation curving out through the South China Sea in 1600 mile island arc The Iederatlon embracing Malaya Singapore the colonies oI Sarawak and British North Borneo and the protectorate oi Bruneiwould comprise 10000 000 llialayans Chinese lndians and primitive tribcsmon AGREE ON STRUCTURE At series of recent London meetings the tunku concluded speedy agreement on the struc ture of the iederation and reached compromise on the touchy problem of the Singapore delence base Simultaneously at tho Collt ombo plan conference in Mal syas capital Kunla Lumpur Malayan politicians were hap pily advancing their postmer ger plans with complete cer talnty and conï¬dence Although few oi them partic ularly care the Borneo peoples were included in the iederations plan principally because of po litical expediency and the color of their skins The reasons for this and the one outy looking bail on the smooth Malaysia complexion is It to II later than mid night The province will be un der normal Sunday regulations This means that in cabaret liquor may be sold with meals between pm and midnight In other licensed establishments sales are permitted between noon and midnight on Montreal Island lle Jesus and in Quebec City and between pm and 11 pm elsewhere in the prov ince SOME CLUBS CLOSED Some nightclubs in Montreal wont bother to open that night The lilocambo ll thinking oi op erating just to give customers chance to start party beiore going on to their homes to con tinuc Nova Scotia law permits lie ccnsed dining rooms to serve spirits on Sundays until 1130 pm Holders oi licences may apply or extension long enough within reason to Ialte care at their requirements says Aston chic inspector oi the tavern licence committee Nova Scolias tow cocktail bars always closed Sundays are out at luck However ban quet permits may be issued to any group that normally would quality in Newfoundland private clubs with regular liquor licence PERSONALIZED GREETING CARDS rRoM KonAcoLon NEGATIVE or cotoux InANsrARINCIts 15 569 50 1650 BLACK AND WHITE Ii 175 50 495 COLOURED 25 875 100 2995 each 15 275 100 945 15¢ IISDNALIIED SIGHArllIE ADn 19 EXTRA PER NEGATIVE Ii GIFTS MAX FACTOR FOR HIM AFTER SHAVE LOTION GIFT SET AFTER SHAVE LOTIDN AND cowoNE FOR MEN 475 FOR HER PR MlTl rAuruM cotooNs 225 400 Singapore and her 500000 pre dominantly Chinese voters The tunku previously opposed to merger with Singapore de cided the move would become feasible if the Malayans in Bar neo were brought in to oiiset Singaores Chinese bloc STILL RESERVATIONS In Singapore itself there are reservations about the whole project Prime Minister Lee Kuanyew remains in otiice by grace of single vote but is pledged to resist all pressure to dislodge him until the merger is accomplished gt However the Communist baelted Barisan Socialist oppo sition which controls most of Singapores trade unions is gathering patriotic and perhaps ideological support against the merger Since the Communist leaders Ioce immediate deportation or imprisonment it the merger comes off they are unlikely to stop at the nuisance strikes that are currently damaging the is lands industrial development Both British and Malayan minister apparently believe the Iederation must be formed be fore the industrial disorders end in violence HURRY HURRY There is not much time left or you to have soiled stuiied an imal cleaned like new for Christ mas Do you have Panda Bear Teddy Bear Doggie or stutted Monkey in the basement or attic that could be cleaned at Wright Cleaners and given to some child at Chrntrnasi We have had seal parade of stuifed animals in to be cleaned this last week and we are sure number of children are going to be happy Christmas morning after Santa Claus has called and lelt new stuffed animal PRIMITIF SPRAY Mlsr Moron coLooNE AND BATH POWDER the onceaweek oncea week hair selling lotion from the makers of Alberto Ila qul squirt and at mm Heels no your Iluir all week rum caller um pin cull permuncnlr ND nightly pl In Sut tor coloured and bleachedhnir HYPNOTIQUE BY SIGNATURE mm 225 COLOGNE FOR MEN 250 GIIT SET Amp suave tonoN cotooNE AND TALCUM HYPNOTIQUL earn rowan with aura 225 HYPNOIIQUE PARFIIM COLOGN 225 400 NIURIT BUBBLE BATH In Decorative GI Reg 95 SPRAY MIST PARFUM COLOGNE 250 395 LANVlN PRESENTS FOR vou LANVINETIE NEW GOLDEN rucoN was Inscribed Itml Box by Cartier ARPEGE PERFUME 500 max scram FLAGDNS roaer Contains TABLETS tutIEr Eon HEADACHE Reg 57 41¢ mmmmm REXALL AVANI GIFT SET busting Powder Cologna Rey 35 VDIII swarmingms may open their bare Sundays The liquor board may also one special licences to night clubs and holcls Mrs John Ryan owner of the Crystal Pal ace nightclub on St Johns nub skirts says she hasnt applied for permit yet but that one city club has received licence and as tar as know we ulll bc allowed to open Private ponies held outside the home In Newfoundland dont need licence providing they frent open to the general pub ic In British Columbia regular licensed premises will be pro hibited from serving liquor but lbanquct permits will be issued cltectivo at 1201 am The nightclub drought hasnt deterred isys in Vancouver irom putting on 10 pmto om celebration at $20 couple Inr smorgasbord floor show hats and balloons Victoria has no nightclubs but No Radio or TV Innaum Tblma Control Pnnnh Meter Ovcrbcatlng 1299 or minus VAPORIZER HUMlDlFIER Humidiï¬er on Room Al Night Operation Soothing 41v Colds an Mali ShutOll Full Gallon Capacity Rcs e75 number at cabaret on plan ning drinkless dance parties at $12 to SM couple The tables have little shelves for people who choose to loot the law by bringing their own bottla Many Alberta hotels have can celled New Years Eve celebra lions although few will have dancing with promidnight din ner hlost clubs ollcr dancing Irom 1201 am but only priv ate clubs may serve liquor un dcr special banqucttype per mits between 1203 am and 330 nm New Years morning Saskatchewans public places will be dry both bcIore and alter midnight Pclmits may be issued or private parties who rent public places but Iew up plieaiions are expected These will be oIItctive minute alter midnight The same situation applies in Manitoba where at least one major Winnipeg club has de AuroMAnc TOASTER JuflRigItllvuy Tlm Taken In gmmuk out at toastmailing Sparkling chroma with panic handler trim and bore ELECTRIC BLANKETS Lyon luaruntcl Cholc or clean Annqu Box as 1559 consonant sauna YOU aided not to bother with any celebration ONTARIO DRY in Ontario licensed public places will be forbidden to sell liquor Irom 1130 pm Saturday until noon New Years Day The province has even cut out banquet permits Restriction also apply to private clubs 12 Travel Arrangement World Wide Service AIR SHIP BUS RAIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CAI RENTALS Johnson and Co Ltd in male Euric re use 91 Bay IL Tomato sat Mm mm APPLIAN SPECIALS HAIR DRYER oltuxl MODEL with DIAL Pl RLGULATOR light wow with Adluxtahla Vinyl Pl Inn and and flexible Hon anului Quiet rttcmc FRY PAN him than to In ullh mm mic hm mnon than um wan toys mm In IiIIlI 3y nanny 2h Inllnlp entipl with light Cumm with uni merit Inn THIS WEEKS CHRISTMAS BONUS BUYS lSNEURALGIA Ioo Rog 91c 59¢ the Skin Ll FTON AFTER SHAVE LOTION VASE 79¢ Rug Iso MENS KIT ï¬nd Oilskin Lined 99¢ 398 mmmmmï¬xsamr FOR RELIEF OF SINUS CONGESTION AND HEAD coLD MlSERY SPRAY MIST 97 TABLETS 14 Rue us so Reg 22 all essentials for perfect ARPEGE coLooNE AND PERFUME 675 home manicure PRICED EgoM llllll may burr ns nail mrll Softens and Soolhos Riffs 99¢ OLD SPICE RcIrcslIcs the Skin Reg 225 97 177 UTILITY Genuine LcoIhor Waterproof Pouch 89¢ 173 monotony designed in mil Inigo or blue Contains purl polish cuticlt an polish remover In ounzowood um ANTISEPTIC Mouth Wash FOR COLDS SORE mosr on BREATH 14 63¢ ng Mmmmmxmflt mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm VICKS LISTERINE VAP°RUB QUICK RELIEF Front Head and Chest Colds to 83¢ PERMAN Long lasting on OLD SPICE GIFT SET TRAVEL 5le AFTER SHAVE LOTION AFTER SHAVE TAtcuM Regular sin LATHER SHAVE CREAM 99 225 KODACH ROM MOVI El LM eEéithff 35 FILM 20 EXP 29 SPECIAL mmm DODDS he nml eclinl dun and Bladder Dilwmlort You la Urinary Irritation KIDNEY PILLS DoesId gt For lath Ilaids DOROTHY GRAY Jovotls NEW BALLET INSPIRED FRAGRANCE can 75 Potlumar 150 Dunn 250 2575 SPEEDFLEX 3295 slamme HANDSOME SETS PHILISHAVE SPEED SHAVER 1895 POWER MIXE Handy Top In eru All Kinda SPEOIALLY Ill 2795 LP RECORD ALBUM GIFT 101 You of Music America Lover ByJM Strings RECORD SET 298 CREST TOOTH PASTE ECONOMY SIZE Reg 89 105 GIANT size menu KETILE AIICIIIIMI Am II lam Ino Im in run indium 200 27 EAII ERY Mans EXAMINER BIONDAY DECEIBEB ll 61 mit drinking in private clubs but liquor act not due to come into only alter midnight Sunday One Iorce until next year is covered such club in Saint John has delt by the old regulations that per cided not to bother New Brunswick with its new CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY BLOOD DONOR CLINIC TRINITY PARISH HALL TUESDAY DEC mm 130 400 500 900 rummgrzmsï¬zï¬immmmnn Builtin Flash Holder Colour or Block White Complete villi Film Floxhbuibr and names Reg 1350 mmmmmmmtï¬mrxwwrzummp PHOTO FLASH BULBS ILAEK AND WNITI OR COLOUR SHOTS so MUCH Imtk WITH HASH sutls GUAIANYEED TU FLASH EVIIIY TIME AGI 12 for 81 M13 Mala12 or 119 No5 12 for 119 M2 12 for 81 No 53 12 for 159 Give the luxury of these gift sets by YARD LEV 00 Exit mellowed Autumn 79 ENGLISH LAVENDIII SOAP and BATH TAILETS choGNl $1 85 and 50A TONI HOME ENI Easy to Us Wows torus cornea AFTER snAvmo LOTHIN soar rulers um sHAVINo $235 Aha now In $315 Red am and April Violet Kitchen at Drinks CED AT 89 AVAN ET Cologne Soap and Powder Puff GIFTS BY SHULTON roe HER GIVE HIM THIS CHRISTMAS MIIIIITE SIIIIVE CHOOSE FROM no II up 79 ralENosIIIP GARDEN TOILET WATER passer FLOWER DUSIING IOWDER SPRAY COLOGNE AND IUIILE IAIN 409 Ti 129 41 OLPSPICE FOR HIM Am SHAVE LOTION COLOGNE TALcuM HAIR TONIC STICK oraoonAHT 69 100 Wises 64020 LIITIIIII ercK nEnDoaAm Anslt sHAVl LOTION