Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1961, p. 7

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Wright Robinson ITALLATON CEREMONY HELD AT BAYV Bayview Chapter DES of ficers for 196152 are as fob lows from left Mrs Flor cnce Fraser organist Mrs Marjorie Clcwes marshal Mrs Myrtle Reid associate conductress Mrs Etna taw er treasurer Mrs Norma Guests Of Honor Attend Ceremonial An impressive installation was held at the chapter rooms on Owen Street when liiiss Margaret Caldwell and Dome Vhitihg were installed as Wor thy Matron and Worthy Patron 0f Bayview Chapter No 105 Order of the Eastern Star The retiring matron Mrs Jessie Maxwell and retiring patron Frank Levering wel comed more than 150 members and visitors from the district including Lindsay Oriilio and the Yukon Among the distinguished guests were Donald Galbraith past grand patron Orillia Mrs Marjorie Galbraith Orillia grand representative to the State of New Jersey Mrs Dor otlly Holt lifidland Mrs Jean Lindsay Mrs Beth Cookstown Mrs Della Green Stroud Mrs Min nie Thompson Barrie Mrs Beatrice Spearn Barrie grand representative to the State of Rhode Island The above guests are past district deputy grand matrons Presiding matrons and pat rons Mrs Willa Rutherford Orillia Douglas Watson Col lingwood Douglas Wood White horse Yukon New combe Orillia The retiring matron and pat ron expressed their apprecia tion for the opportunity of serv ing in the past year and thank cd their executives and mem bers for their cooperation throughout their term of office The installation board con ducted the ceremony and in cluded installing matron Mrs Morojrie Galbraith PDDGM installing patron Donald Galr braith PCP installing mar shal Mrs Lily McCaw PM installing chaplain Mrs Freda Wilson PM floral marshal Mrs Mae Nesbitt IM instal ling warden Mrs Louise Thompson PM installing sen tinel Bruce Nesbitt PP in stalling organist Mrs Beatrice Spearn PDDGM buffet supper was conven ed by Mrs Dorian Giggond served by her committee Duringthe social hour draw was made and the win ners are Mrs Dorothy Holt Midland first prize Mrs filin nie Thompson Barrie second prize Mrs Florence Cocking Tottenham third prize Mrs Lila Sichluna Lindsay fourth prize George Beat most batters 50 strokes by Caldwell Esther Mrs Dor othy Scragg Adah Mrs Mar garet Davie Ruth Ray Lati mer Associate Patron Mrs Dorian Gigg Associate Mat ron Miss Margaret Caldwell Worthy Matron Lonic Whit ingn iorthy Patron Mrs Mary Jory secretary Mrs May Garrett gem THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY DECEMBER II IBGI Best Cake Baking Techniques Call For Light Hand In Mixing Now that the holidays are ap proaching treasured old time cakes are being baked not from mixes but from scratchl Here are few cakebaking techniques to refresh your mind To prepare cake pans rub sparingly with vegetable oil dust the interior with flour then turn upsidedown to shake out loose flour leaving thin film To spread cake batter use spatula or back of spoon mak ing the batter deeper at the edges titan in the center Dont overheat Overheating in an electric mixer can cause cake to fall hand egg whites should be folded in last with no it milk milk tbsp butter or margarine plus tbsp prosifted flour Mr tsp salt is milk additional 14 tsp baking soda Cut up chocolate melt over hot water Beat egg YOlk Add first is milk and stir into melted choc late Cookstir until thick like custard Add sugar and butter Transfer to qt bowl Conductress IE CHAPTER 03 Mrs Ada Spencer Martha Mrs June Galloway Eleclrl Mrs Lillian Baldwin chap lain Miss Hazel Caldwell warder Leslie fiosc sentinel Sift together flour and salt Add to previous mixture alter nately with additional milk Beat in baking soda dissolved in tbsp hot water Beat egg white stilt and fold in Transfer to oiled seven inch by 10 inch low baking pan flake 40 min to mod oven 350 degrees lialt cool Cover with chocolate fudge frosting CHOCOLATE FUDGE FROSTING Uncooked sifted coniectioners sugar tbsp rich cocoa iii tsp salt is tsp vanilla tsp butter 2t tbsp heated cream or evap oratcd milk Sift together sugar cqcoa and salt Add vanilla butter and cream or evaporated milk heat ed together li necessary stir in Yr extra confectioners sugar TRICK 0F CHEF when spreading smooth but cooked rusting on cake first dip the spatula in boiling water Lefroy Women Decide Pattern For Traditional WI Crest Mrs Curtis president of to the older citizens of the com Annuol Visit To Toylondif Should Be Planned Early If you are going to take your child uilh you for Christmas shopping especially if he is un der six or seven do now be fore the rush is too great You may wish to do so for his amusement and to ascertain what gifts might appeal to him most If hes under five or six and still believes in Santa Claus he will think and act in terms of expressing his wishes to Old Saint Nick Any child even as old as it or 12 may be overwhelmed with playthings that are glamor ous and novel especially those toys which are almost mechani cally human You yourself may be overly impressed and may not easily be able to evaluate them in terms of how long they will last You and the child may be captivatcd with the size at the object be it doll car or truck but theres not much sense in buying anything huge Their value to the child rarely is com mensurate with the cost and the space they require indoors doll which the child can easily handle dress undress and use with other playthings is far su perior as rule to one life sized or larger dull The poorest choice is the bride and groom dolls STURDY OBJECTS Several small very sturdy cars or trucks may be had for the price of one that is huge and afford muctl more fun 0n the other hand selection of many cheap irogile small trucks and cars can also be foolish Rarely will you decide to buy any particular gift while the child is with youYou will prc fer to keep it as surprise relt mcmbering the information you derived while he was with you If you do choose gift for him whiln he is with you he on your guard against his strong prcs lures While in the store you may be confronted with the problem of his handling and using the toys lest he harm them if clerk encourages him at first in this direction he may be hard to curb and may easily become nuisance in the store Some young children are so easiL excited in crowded store they should not be there long few might be far better all left at home Often taking the toddler to store at Christ mas time can be too much for the mother to handle alone cven with Dad along BOOKS AND MAGAZINES Be sure to plan your budget to include generous amount for books and at least one chil drcns magazinesuited to the childs age and interest rhiL drens magalinc has the merit of coming to the child monthly throughout the year PARENTS QUESTIONS We give our daughter has allowance every Monday morn log Should we require an Item ized account of the way her at lowance was spent the previous Week before giting her the new allowance No but her allowance should be budgeted with the ex ception of small portion for her to spend as she pleases CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 oofi INNISFII My sincere thanks to all those who supported me at the polls for Reeve for 1962 I963 To all those who so diligently worked in my be half extend my most grateful thanks more beating Always prosift flour for cake before measuring Otherwise too much flour will be used and the baked cake will crack open on top Baking in too hot an oven also causes cake to crack Cool cake on wire rack for broiler rack to allow current of air to pass around so there will be no soggy undersurface TOMORROWS DINNER chroy Womens Institute led the opening exercises of the regular monthly meeting alter which the roll call was answer ed by giving the name of gen eral and his importance to his tory It was decided to purchase the pattern received from the Ostrander WI for VI crest whidi when completed will be framed and hung in the hall munity at Christmas time Mrs William Ingram cone vener citizenship and educa tion then took thechair After commenting appropriately upon prepare for the future of fast growing municip the motto Fight the Good Fight she read some interestlt ably WM POSSIblmms ing items about the stress the in is putting on adult educar tion including the progress which women can make in their community will continue to serve the entire township to the best of my ability and continue to build and YOUR HEALTH our Ways To Treat An Acne Condition Your Reeve Elect By aileron neon Mn ARE GREASY cosmetics chocolate bars or vitamin pills ring your tecaag ra world All three may trigger acne At first whiteheads form in stoppedup overactive oil gland Dir soon darkens whiteheads into blackheads When clogged pores burst and spill irritating oil into the skin bulging cysts form Infection may creep in and sear the skin Fight acne four ways Reopen clogged oil glands Scrub briskly but lightly with warm soapy washcloth five VOW Delegates Hold Session TORONTO GP Whether men like it or not women have powerful role to play in the salvation of mankind Mrs Eu gen Meyer of Washington said Sunday Mrs Meyer spoke at the open ing session of twoday na tional conference of Voice of Women delegates During sem inars today delegates will for mulate plans for a1962 internalt tioal conference of women Mrs Meyer said she was dis mayed that the American press ignored recent conference of 12 Soviet and 12 US women in the United States she said many prominent of ficials and leading press repre Seniatiues attended recep tion at her home following the conference but got the im pression that in holding such peace conference we women wereinvading the prerogatives of the male sex and invading field of whose complexity we were ignorant What our masculine leaders forget is the power of public opinion she added And to stir up popular support of dis armament and peaceful rela tions between the USSJI and the USis just as necessary in our country and yours as it is in Russia Fort GHRISTMAQ CALL SMITH STUDIO 38 Dnlllop St PA 84175 Over Hunts minutes twice day Ask your druggist about germkilling cle SHEETS MakeUp Clogs Pores Rough materials like wool irritate the skin Cake make up clogs pores Avoid them And hands off Pinehing and squeezingcan explode mild acne into giant cysts Eliminate acnec sin chemicals Vitamin B12 cobalt iodine and bromine found in many vitaminmineral pills ir ritate oil glands too Cold and cough remedies contain bromine or iodine Check the labels carefully or new sts may boil as the cold evapor ates 0n but humid days acne of ten storms across sweatsoaked skin Fan away acne Instead it tennis and basket ball swim hike or play golf The acne prescription includes freshrair and exercise irritating Foods Nuts chocolate sharp cheeses and iodinerich sea food usually irritate oil glands Many other foods spark new flareups Youd starve if you gave them all up at once Cut ea few ata time to find out which are bad for you Frequent warm soaks help dissolve raw red infected cysts Stronger Treatment Let your doctor prescribe stronger treatment Female har mones are the perfect medicine when acne flares up just before during or after each menstrual flow Both emotional tension and lack of sleep multiply acne tro ubles so dont worry and rest assured at least eight to ten hours each night SpinachCarrot Soup BaconBeef WrapAround Brussels Sprouts Fresh Fruit Cup andor Squares of Fudge Cake Coffee Tea Milk Measurements are level recipes for BACONBEEF WRAPAROUNDS lb chopped ground beef tsp salt Vi tsp pepper Vi tsp Tabasco ti strips American bacon cooked medium potatoes peeled sliced thin tbsp butter or margarine Paprika Mix beef seasonings Form into sausage shapes Wrap strip of bacon around each fasten with pick Cover broiling pan with alu minum foil Arrange bacon beef rolls around edge Place sliced pota toes in center of limiting pan Dot with butter sprinkle with Mrs Donnelly read the re port of the area convention for Mrs Ferrier who was ab sent Bask ts of cheer will be sent SALLYS SALLIES iPlease give this no my hualt band forgot to put it in his cake An item in Mrs Reids current events about Institutes in the Northwest Territories again pointed out how women can take the initiative Mrs Ingram concluded this part of the program by reading an informative paper on per fumes pointing out how to use them in good taste After closing the meeting with God Save the Queen the ladies enjoyed social hour The next meeting is to be held on Dec 12 Each mem ber was asked to bring white gift in answer to the roll call HISTORICAL SITE FORT WILLIAM Ont tCPl Plans by the United States gov ernment park service to turn Grand Portage just across the Ontario border into national park and historical sit were outlined here The multimillion dollar project is to include res toration of two furtrading forts Weve got the answer to housing for working CnnadiansSelIHclp Homes that let you buy the home you want in the stage of com letion you can offer No mono down no salary requirements 10 year lifeinsured mortgages All Nicholson Self Help Homes are de signed Norman Wallace Do ell are eree ted by local craftsmen employed by us Credit selling is our business Iii days to 10 yearscredlt term can be arranged DENIS SHEARD LUMBER LTD paprika Broil 10 to 12 min inches from heat Tum once after six min FUDGE CAKE squares 02 unsweetened chocolate egg separated BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 gwnmsisiamaaaaaiarnmaumanmmmnmmmmnfimammg PRECHRISTMAS SPECIAL MON TO THURS till DEC 20 suwumunicuurmsisveiuisuuwmmsv PERMANENT WAVES complete By Appointment Only msnmmmmasaiansnanniversary VOTHERS 695 750 Shampoo and Set At All Times $l25 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE ALLANDALE EWICKEWWIKW FOUR If If it 33 ESSA RD Eve Lennox Germaine Lowe Hflnunwzflmfluzxuummmzkm x1 anmablnintsimzlrmsisipwaizwnzsin OPERATORS iaianraaraimnsiaimiaaiaafi promisingme s50 lo0o 1250 PA 68571 wen at Smith June Johnston PA 8596 Dont FORGET FOR BIGGEST TOY VALUES VISIT NEXT oooR TO FLEMINGS MAIN STORE white hraullelufll SixWI Bra with Eth straps to wear as halter wide halter offshoulder cusscross back or regular bra Sizes 3236A323EB 32339 it inn Jos Cochrane Gorilla rm THREE Gothic goes to every length to cirrpe every iiguree2ru fashion silhouette Each Gothic strapless eunmlired with gentle pudding and wiring to mould pretty curve in embroidered tdngiille tila securely suppflftsiynttf curves sleeks your diaphragm Sizes frontZip Braselette for litheltfigunng from high bosom to Whittle waist and shaped Removable gartsls Sizes 3235A32A3iii3 32386 WAIKERS 50 DUNLOP ST 32400 8300 Saba PA tZrIJLEs 52 13A GnuMr

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