Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1961, p. 6

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Among the many guests at tending the second annual Engineers Christmas dance party in the lounge of the Buelt Building Camp Bor den Saturday evening were Mr and Mrs James Elliott lift Alliston above who enjoyed dancing to the music of Don McKenzies orchestra from Alliston Christopher Plummer Heads Company For Longest Season STRATFOIIIJ CP Chris topher Plummer will head the company at the Stratiord Shakespearcan Festival for its limit and longest season next summer The company will do Macbeth Ti Tempest The Taming of the Shrew and Cyrano do Ber gerac The festival will open with consecutive performances of the Shakespeare plays June IS and 20 and Edmond Rostands Cyrano de Bergerac will be added to the repertoire July 30 The season will conclude Sept 19 one week longer than the 1961 season Details were not released for an expanded music season but it will consist of weekend eon ecrts in the Festival Theatre and sixweek run of light opera in the Avon Theatre The pro gram will be directed by Glen Gould Leonard Rose and Oscar Shumsky The Film Festival has been suspended until the showings can match the standard set by the drama and music seasons The films are very import ant aspect of the festival and we hope to be ableto resume showings in some future year Michacl Langham artistic di rector said WILL STAGE PLAYS Mr Langham will stage two of the plays The other directors will be George McCowan of Tor onto and Peter Cue from Eng land Macbeth ls being presented following many requests Mr Langham explained The Tam ing of the Shrew was presented in 1954 but the 1952 version will be an entirely new production The Tempest is one of the few romances not yet done at the festival Although no casting has been done Mr Langham said be ex pects many of the actors prom inent in the first nine years will be reunited for the special 10th season celebration CHRISTMAS PARTY West Bend of Canada held the annual Christmas dinner and dance at the Embassy Hall Blake Street Friday evening cocktail hour preceded the dinner followed by dancing to Tom Pattendcos orchestra The event was arranged by the executive of the social club of the company namely Ernie liarrls Arnold Zoigler Poul Ford and Mrs Wagner 11 door prlze was won by Miss Linda Wheeler Vasaga Beach Lucky spot dance winners were Mr and Mrs George tfosier Mr and Mrs Ernie Harris Mr and Mrs Austin Wigg DonLalnson Miss Lenore Mne Donold Jerry ORcllly and Miss Llpda Wheeler CHRISTMAS DANCE The lounge at the Buell Build ing Camp Borden was Ihe setting for the second annual Enginecrs Christmas dance party Saturday evening The event was arranged by the so cial committee members W02 Duggan SSgt McLean and Sgt lt Everett Music for dancing was provided by PEOPLE AND PLACES Phoag Eflflunn oxfudrey unison PA 56537 Don Mchcnties orchestra from Allistoa roast turkey din nor was served at midnith Among the guests were Mr and Mrs Cliff Kelly Mr and Mrs Meoford Thompson Mr and Mrs Bill Noble Mr and Mrs Gord Emrick Mr and Mrs Bill Pickering Mr and Mrs Reg Black Mr and Mrs ired Parker Mr and Mrs Fred Coulson all of Bani Mr and Mrs Russell Lowery Mr nnd Mrs Ferguson Fra lick Mr and Mrs George Weathcrill all of Stmud Mr and Mrs Don Bush Angus Mr and Mrs James Elliott RR Alliston ST MUNICAS PTA the monthly meeting of St Monicas PTA will be held Tuesday at this pm in the school Entertainment will be provided by the women mem bers and refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting WEEKEND GUESTS Mr and Mrs Hurdle and family of Aurora were weekend guests at the home of Mrs Hardins parents Mr and Mrs Horold Cooper host St The ilrcd working wife who orereats trying to keep up her strength for two jobs finds that excess food does not make extra strengthit turns into fat The follovlng complaint gives the picture need help sit at desk eight hours day as am working wife and mother get very little exercise am 27 medium frame five feet five in chc and weigh 155 pounds have neither the time nor the energy to prepare diet fare as as fix substantial nutritious meals for my husband who loves rich fattening food as much as do tic does not gain but do Diet menus do not apply to working wife Could you out line weeks practical dict ugly word for me that would include the basic nutrients starve for few days lose two or three pounds and end up by gaining five That starvedout fooling around 1100 am and pm is most miserable Im sure Im not the only young working mother in this jam Working wives pull up rocker Get over the notion that you must either diet and go hungry or be overweight You are overweight because you overeat Are you game to cut portionsi Knowledge Of Languages Wins Woman Unique Post VICTORIA CPIVhen Mrs Rhoda Erickson rose to address in convention of the Canadian gt7 Brotherhood of Railway Trans port and General Workers CLC in Montreal her eyes shifted to the seats occupied by the French speaking delega tions She made her pitch in Eng lish then to the astonishment of fellow delegates from the west coast swung into flawless French It helped her win unique post for woman in Canada executive member on the national governing body of labor union Mrs Erickson 44 realized two months before she went to the convention that her election would depend on the French spenking vote She spent the in terval studying the language with professor who was holi daying here Mrs Erickson has been union member for compara tively short time since she joined the Empress Hotel coffee shop staff in 1952 WAS CCF CANDIDATE The union had lot to say about the department and what was expected of its members so decided to find out about the union she said Her studies soon made her an authority on the brotherhood constitution and the locals working agreement with the hotel which is owned by the CPR She has since served as local president recording secretary LIVE BETTER WHERE YOU ARE Youll Install notes or coir vrniericc snouu tones of MILD when you so the experts at BALL PLAN ING mu co and plan modernization project thatll bring your kitchen up to tho mlniitol Come In such and let us advise you give youFree Estimates on all the materials for this Job and explain our easy ways to pnyl For Home Estimates THE BALiliaLANiNG MILL CO LTD MRS RHODA ERICKSON financial secretary and is cur rently chairman of the bargain ing and grievance committee She also was labor spon sored CCF candidate for Vie toria riding in the provincial election last September didnt feel too badly about losing since wasnt widely known outside labor circles said Mrs Erickson As local official she not only represents waitresses and hotel maids but stationary en FOR THE HOLIDAYS Theres aglamor look to our Holiday that selection expressed in smart shapes lush textures and glitter EVELYN TUCK REGINA CURL snows 58 Dunlop St PA 89246 48 Anne St Ill 82496 gincers accountants and other trades employed at the hotel HELPS IMMIGRANTS lot of people have the mls taken idea that unions are in terested only in pay raises she said Thats not the case at all One job the union local has taken up is counselling and help ing new Canadians who find themselves in difficulties with finance companies It also spon sors Little League ball team and helps supply food for free food stall here With these and number of other activities Mrs Erickson finds little time for any recrea tion except bowling with the ho tel team lIer schedule has tem porarily halted hobby of painting Married with two grown sons Bruce an RCAF reeniit and Ian member of the hotel gardening staffshe took most of her schooling in the San Fran cisco area where her parents moved when she was five years old Working Wife Finds Overeating Adds Extra Pounds in Strength Just last week young mother wrote sat down hadnmnde out wholesome menus for the whole family measured my por tions and countcdcalories left of rich desserts and excess starchy foods so that could fill up on lean meat green vege tables nnd foods that are filling but not fattening Today look like different person and feel so much better with 46 less pounds Stop looking for reasons why you cannot diet that just makes it more difficult Give some forethought to the idea of eating modest portions Eating IE will not subtract from the pleasure of eating Plan but anced meals and cut calories in the kitchen whenever possible Have one serving only Aim to reduce one pound wee if your normal calorie re quirement is 2000 day on 1500 calories day you can eat well and lose pound week You will not feel hungry better breakfast will pre vent that starvedout feeling at midmorning Cut down to half portions at dinner tonightyou will want breakfast Midafter noon is the time fora purpose ful pickup Have glass of for mula diet If you enjoy it Recognize that faddy dieting is keeping you fnti With less weight to tote Youll have more energy Ten minutes of shape ups can help you to come alive NEEDED BALANCE If fruit is low in either pec tin or acid it may be combined with one or more fruits rich in the needed elements SALLYS SALLIES And watch out for the Big Girls tool can garrick HAIR STYLISTS announce COKE min for TBENAGEBB EVERY WED Fnonl 415 PJtI special student notes ny Ippoilltmem only PA 84661 35 Maple Avenue NAME ADDRESS PHONE ENTER NOW HAMMONDS DISCOUNT FREE TRIP to NEW YORK CONTEST Nothing to Buy Simply Fill in The Coupon and Deposit In The Ballot Box at Hammondsl FREE TRANSPORTATION FOR TWO Return From Maltbn Airport Fly TCA SPLUS $2500 CASH OR $I0000 CASH HAMMONDS CHRISTMAS BONUS FREE TRIPto NEW YORK Arrnnzed by Barrie RentACar andTrnvél Service EXTRA COUPONS with 5500 Purchase EXTRA counons with $1000 Purchase TheMore Coupons You Enter The BetterAIe ifourChnnecs erty and domestic 22 DUNLOP ST Vinyl Place Mats Are LaborSaving Have you noticed that many plush shops the two that once scorned plastic table accessor ies have had change of heart Looking at some table dis plays in one of our towns smartest stores we found prac tical vinyl place mats used right along with handsome tabla linens Its simply another indication that these versatile easy to keep clean tabletoppers have really come into their own Even the most conscientious hostesses now appreciate that vinyl place mats are not only easy to keep clean but also have great deal of fashion ap peal for company occasions as well as for everyday meals host of new pattems range from floral designs to land scape scenes to art reproduc lions There are handsome mats to please the early American enthusiast the tra itionallst and the modernistw much em phasis on imaginative motifs such as free form designs and highly stylized flown In strong shade rother than wishywasby pastels REPRODUCES TILES One particularly pretty and novel design is faithful repro duction of antique Dutch tiles on glazed white plastic An interesting sidelight on the place mat story is that manufac turers no longer rely on lookslikefnbric approach to tempt potential buyers They have come to realize that the patterns and colors are appeal ing enough to stand on their own merits without imitating linen or damask While most of the mats are bncked with foam some come with cork backing Scrubbing with vegetable brush dipped in hot suds does an effective elennup job on either type The foam backing should also be scrubbed occasionally because crumbs may get caught there All in all plastic place mats are among the greatest labor saving accessories available to todays homemakers By ESTRELLITA For Tomorrow This day planetary vibraA tions are encouraging for menA tal work artistic matters busi ness and personal affairs Ex ceptionally fins aspects also govern teaching creative work research medicine chemistry and other sciences The evening hours will be friendly for personal rel on ships and so clot acti ties should provo highly enjoyable For The Birthday If tomorrow is your birthday your chart indicates that career matters should be on the no grade during the next three months with further expansion limited only by lack of wil lingness to wait out dull pe riod later in the year The weeks from midJune through July will be exceptionally fine for monetary interests but dur ing that period be careful in personal relationships Tact will he needed August and September hold fine auguries for trfvel propA fairs Sep tember will be the beginning of another fine business period As pects then will be excellent for finances and job matters Dur ing the balance of this month concentrate on improving your job setup so as to get good start in 1962 Avoid nervous ten sion and fatigue in March and April however child born on this day will be versatile artistically inclined and extremely sensitive THE STARS SAY piosiun MR AND MRS DAN MCGILLIVRAY Couple Celebrate 50th Anniversary The families of Mr and Mrs Dan MCGIllliray joined tcgc ther at the New Lowell Com munity Hall to celebrate the couples golden wedding anni versary Present for the occasion were their three sons and three daughters and their families They were Mr and Mrs Don McGillivray of Stayner Mr and Mrs Roy McGillivray of New Lowell Mr and Mrs Clar ence McGillivray of Gloncairn Mr and Mrs John Sammuns of Strand Mr and Mrs George Garland of Lisle and Mr and Mrs Doug Shiplon of Toronto Mr tlnd Mrs McGiIIivray have lost two sons Howard aged two Cecil at the 13X ex anri one daughter Reta aged nine months Present at the brides table were her sister Mrs Mor rison of Glen iiuron and her brother Ed Rawn of Stayncr and sisterinlaw Mrs Fred Rawn of New Lowell The grooms family incbidcd two sisters Mrs Bishop and Mrs Frank Rawn both of Bar rie and one brother William McGillivray of New Lowell Rev Lindsay of New Low ell officiated in the toast of 50 years of wedded life to the bride and groom His remarks were followed by Fred Garland Who presented his grandpar ents on behalf of the 28 grand children and three greatgrand children with two lovely cups and saucers and so yellow roses The family presented them with hifi radio litany lovely gifts flowers letters and telephone messages were received these conveying messages of best wishes from relatives and friends from far and near Congratulatory messages were also received from Prime Min ister Diefcnbaker Premier John Roberts and Heber Smith MP Open house was observed in the evening and great num ber of friends called to pay their respects and best wishes The anniversary tea tables were decorated with golden candles and flowers and cen II you insist on comfort in pajamas were the people to see Youll find wonderful array of sleepinspiring pajamas by Forsyth And Forsytb has earned reputation for pajamas with builtin comfort Theyre styled for com plete wearing ease with lots of sleeping room no twist bunch or creep to rob you of good nights rest Whatever your choice in colour oi fabric youll find just what you wantin our selection of pajamas by Forsyih From $50m coma which Mens soon OPEN FT OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY vJE lull um BARBIE tercd with threetiered wedv ding cake Pouring tea was Mrs Phil Lamb of Barrie niece of the groom assisted by Miss Sha ron Christian of Shelburnc Mrs Dale Scott of Lisle and Miss Lois Lawson of Stayner Mr McGillivray was born in Sunnidale township and is the son of the late Angus McGilii vray and Charlotte Matthews Itu bride is daughter of the late John Rawn and Eliza beth Smith also of Sunnidale They were married at Barrie parsonage They resided in Utopia where Mr lticGillivray was employed on the railroad few years later they moved to Coiling Wuud where he worked in the shipyards and later took up residence and farming in Sun nldalo township Later in the evening friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs McGillivray presented them with an eightpiece setting of dishes in toaster and coffee percolator special event of the day was ride to New Lowell of the familys four generations in Model Ford of 1913 BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY DECEIBER II I96 TODAYS RECIPE STEAMED SALMON LOAF large tin salmon eggs small cup milk tbsp butter 10 soda wafers rolled fine salt and Pepper to taste Crush salmon with fork Then blend in all ingredients and mix well Steam 20 minutes St Pelers WA sAchY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA em BARRIE Upholsterlng In Our BusinessNot Just Sideline as Bradford st This Christmas GIVE GIFT THAT KEEPS 0N GIVING See The Wonderful Conveniently Priced at 199 SEE OUR FULL mennon or TRANSISTOR AND ronrnsu nacono ounces small deposit will hold the gift of your choice tilt Christmas MONARCH REFRIGERATION 118 Dunlop St PA 8205 from THE BANK TorontoDominion Christmas Gift Order no wonderful way of expressing your warmth With each orderyou receive specially designed cheque plus acard and envelopcto extend your own good wlshss its such convenient way to giftshop too You may buy them at any branch ofTha Bank In any amounts you desire Sop your own nearest TorontoDominion branch torfull particulars TORONTQADOMINION Where 220215711ch the diflerm SE

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