Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1961, p. 2

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narrows room FARMING Lord and Lady nodnoy have sold their LOGOacre farm at Fort Saskatchewan Alberta INNISFIL NOTES and are now living in retire ment in Victoria The couple had formed for 40 years and raised prizewinning win frf Driver Is Convicted Accident Victim OK By 1195 Douglas Brewster 12 Painswick was found gu last week of careless driving following an accident last New Years Eve when his vehicle struck Ernest rnold who was Walking on tire shoulder of the road The boy whohad severely fractured leg which only the skill of his doctors was able to save from amputa tion had misscd nearly your at high school following the ac cident Magistrate Gordon Foster told the accused the dirty wind shield and the fact that the wipers on his car were not in 2working order had contributed to the fact that he did not scc led driver behind was said to have no difficulty in seeing the lad lying on the road following the accident He fined the offender $40 and costs The Arnolds live on the Toi Iendai Road in Innisfii In dis cussing the accident Mrs ArnA old said it had been long and costly struggle to save the boys leg and she and her hus band are glad they still have him with them He is now back at school PLANS NEEDED In order to get an opinion on the worth of the new overall plan which the township plan ning board is asking council to Japprove and designed to regu late all the developments throughout the municipality we discussed it with one of the land developers who has been selling land for some years Warnicn He has put on some develop ments in the FainswickToiien rial area and has aplan now underway His comment after having studied the preliminary sugges tions was that it was something lthat was needed and had to come perhaps the sooner the better When visited Eng land recently had an oppor tunity to see how these mat ters are handled there and iealized that we would have to do something here shortly to avoid hopeless mess Mr Wainica said This step is good one and may be the means of making progressive development was the comment of another party with whom we discussed the ew overall plan One of the matters which the plan will deal with the parks This in some hing that has been evaded in the past owing to the fact that donthave in the township authority responsible for arks It the proposals offered the new overall plant are adopted it would be necessary establish park authority so that if cash were accepted lieu nta portion of land on subdivision then the funds erived would be handed over to that parks authority instead of becoming so much fuel for general levy Innistil has many of these ortiona of land lying idle across the township which might be made useful it an au ority were established with pend the necessary The suggestion of its tablishing green belts parking areas and wayside parks is all part of the general parks business The fire on the 12th en es tieorge linvies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio PA 8318 ion west of Highway 27 last Week which destroyed the home of Bud Lee and took the life of the dog he had saved previously was the second fire on that form We did not realize this until it was called to our attention by neighbor that it was just 30 years ago that the barn on that farm was burned one noon hour willie the threshcrs were at lunch The feed and thresh er also burned We visited the Lees at their farm the former Dyer place The couple were there during the weekend endeavoring to get the writer working after the well was pumped dry when the power was turned on after the fire Mr Lee has some HereA ford cattle in the stable and needs the water There is not building on the place which could be converted into living quarters and until some art rangements can be made they are living with relatives Friends and neighbors have sent them plenty of clothing which Mrs Lee has no place to put atpresent Until they get home they will not require anything but then it could be that some furnishings will be useful Tell the Innisiii firemen they are to be complimented on the quick response made to the call Mrs Lee said It did not seem any time until they were here and although they could not stop the fire they did enable use to get some papers out that were valuable The basement was filled with Asbestos Abitibi Algomo Steel inlurn Alberto Gas Mics Stcei Bk or niontrccl Bank or us Bell Toi Brazilian BA Oil BC Power can uk of Com Cdn Breweries CPR 3431 401 mi out 171 273 Dom Tui Gt Lakes cat Pow Huico Pit Home on imp on Canada Cement Con Chemical can on can him as sea Con Paper Consumers Gas Dis Snag Labatt Noranda Can Husky Camp Chib can Del mo Con Denlsan Cnn Hall 11 Sullivan Fnlcnnhrldgn Geno Miner Gunnar bf iioulnccr anzoue srni Nometli 251 Openith Indnrtrialr up Lit Golds up Jo CUSTOM Exquisite PM Famous Ploy Harden Form 13 Hudson Bay Min 54 Imp Tobacco Ind Accap Ininnd NG Inter Nickel Interprov Pips in Jockey Club 3511 Mac Powell aw in niassoy Fcrg KerrvAddlsnn Long Lno Mnrltimu or Lady Rodney is the daughter of the sixth Earl of Lonsdale her husband is the eighth bar on of Rodney CP Photot burned debris that remained after the fire 25 hp outboard motor in the gnrage simply melted into mass of metal The fire started in the buck apartment which was divided from the front part of the house and the night of the fire was the first time heater had been left on there The fact that the door between was closed pre vented the smoke from being detected sooner The barking oi the dog which was in the burning section was the first alarm The Lees may put some type of dwelling or portable house on the property so they could be hearby to look after their stoe PIIEASANT DINNER When Illr and Mrs William Emery left for Florida last week they cleared out their freezer and we were the for tunoto recipients of pheasant which he and son Don had brought back from hunting trip to Pelee Island last fall This was the first tinid we had had the pleasure of tasting this game food and to say the least it was delicious Mr Emery is as good hunter as he is fisherman getting his limit of 20 birds when they made their hunting trip It certainly pays to have those friends who are so lucky with their game and fishing and who are so happy to share it This is another reason we are anxious to get down south again DEATHS TorontoWilliam John Dean 56 mining consultant and for mer explorations manager for Kennco Mines StratiordDr Hugh Welling ton Johnston 78 former medi cal director at the Algoma Steel Corporation in Sault Ste Marie rooan STOCK PRICES Compiled By Flynn 93 Dunlop St 11 Barrie INDUSTRIAL ucm Found Dom Stores Nor Ont NG Moore Corn Oshawa Faclilc Peta Fem GHZ 14 mi 11 in 1th 1159 400 Roe Rothmons Rbyll Rank RioAlgom Salado snlrriu Simpson struord Staci of Can Stelnberl Tar Dom Bk Trnnr can Pipe Trans Mt PIPE Traders Fin icxcco Union on Walker GW 17M 4m 51 out 355 16 11 56 amt 25 Quamont 75 Sher Gordan 91 Steep Rock United 01 Venture wflrvy MOST ACTIVE nTncKu Blank noylnko Dufanlt Pacino roe BA on wutuy DOWJONES NEW Yank Avnmaas Industrial up 275 Roll up 07 Utllltlil up lg rononro srocn EXCHANGE mun 13 Motls up 611 Ditr up 91 THS CHRISTMAS SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS MIRRORS CHRISTMAS CARDS FRAMING DATES PAINT AND WALLPAPE 82 DUNLOILSTJ and one sister mm EXAMINER MONDAY DIM 11 Jill Vote Is Light Increase Later Barrie voters made their way to polling stations throughout the city today the Iirl time since 1155 Municile officials wer elected for twooyear term at that time Report from the various polling station Indicated that the early vote was light Humanthin we expected to increase over the noon lunch hour period with concerted vote taking place later this of ternoon when husband got home from work with the fam ily cor Polling stations opened at 10 um and will clots this even Lng It oclock Mnyornlty candldator James Hart and 1e Cocks were among the first visitors to their respecqu polling stations Numerous other candidates al so were on bond early to reg ister their votes police officer was on duty at each of the polling stations and will remain throughout the day However no difficulties of any kind were reported and none are anticipated The election this year has something for almost everyone Not only in there contest for mayor and alderman launch of four wardl but tbcre are eight public school trustees to be named with nine candl dates In the running In addi tion electors are being asked for their opinion of both Sun day sports and Sunday movies and theatrical performances Ontherpot press coverage is laid on for this evening and chief returning officer Ben Straufbnn indicated today that the fnal result will be made known as quickly after the polls close or II humanly possible The city hall itself will prob ably be the busiest spot in town tbll evening It In the usual OBITUAEY WILLIAM COLE Following lengthy illness well known former business man in Barrie William John Cole at Peel Street passed away on Monday November to 1961 at the Royal Victoria Hon pltol He was in his 76th year his was born in Grcnlei Ontario the non of the late Henry and Rebeccn Cole when young man he hnd taken up forming at Essa Sta tion and continued for 21 years He came to Barrie and opera ted grocery store for ten years He becamo sales rep resentotivo for 13 years before retiring William Cole was member of Central United Church Enr rie and charter member of Jamie Lions Club life mem ber of Corinthian Lodge No 96 AF and AM Barrie and was member of the Scottish Rite Bodies of Barrio Valley The Masonic service was held by Corinthian Lodge No 96 Barrio The funeral service was from the Steckley Funeral Home Barrie and was conducted by Rev Bannerman and Rev Brenn Interment followed in the Barrie Union Cemetery Surviving members of the fa mily are his widow the for mer Phoebe Ann Cole Tracey also three sons and one daughv ter Clarence and Lewis both of Toronto and Del oi Barrie and Velma Mrs MeNulty of Toronto Ihelo is also one brother Henry Colo oiEsn Station Mrs Minnie Carter of Ripley Ontario The family also includes nine grand children and five greatlgrand children cznns Wivns Ivan IV known as Ivbn the Terrible first czar of Russia in 1547 was married seven times his discarded wives bo lng sent into convents the 1981 custom for candidates interest ed citizens and election of fidall to gather there for the Hull counting and to accept or give congratulations to the vic torn Those who win seals or re sult of the election will not in the next municipal election in 1963 Warning By Chief Marshal Barrio Fire Chief 11 win today advised local real denil to take special care In the bundling of laristmns trees and decorations which can be fire hazard if not bandl properly The warning wal mused by Ontario Fire Maribll If hunt in an appeal to families throughout the province to tub more serious look at iiro danger around the home due to the winter holiday union His office shown the number of firm particularly Involving WEATHER FORECAST Synopsis An active disturb once moving Inorthanrtward from New Mexico has spread snow freezing rain and rain eastward to Lake Michigan this morning Snow is expected to reach southwestern Ontario this evening and Central Ontario Tuesday fall of several Inches of snow in southern 16K ions will likely be followed by freezing rain then rain on Tuesday Lake St Clair Southern Lake Huron Lake Erie Windsor London Mainly overcast With not much change in tempera ture today and Tuesday Snow beginning this evening chang ing to freezing rain Tuesday morning or afternoon then rnln becoming southeast 15 to 25 to night nnd Tuesday Northern Lake Huron South ern Georgian Bay Mainly cloudy with few inowfiurrles today and tonight Overcast with snow Tuesday Not much change in temperature Winds light becoming east 20 Iuesday 309 Donors Still Needed By Red Cross Tomorrow is the loot day for Barrie Red Cross blood donor clinic to meet its objective of 1100 donors Jack Maanren chairman of the committee reported that in March the first clinic for the year service club effort relt suited in 311 donors June was part Labor Council and port telephone canvass 287 donors Eleven industries and few from the Ontario provincial police brought the total for September to 810 This leaves 309 donors re quired ii the Red Cross is to meet its local objective The clinic Tuesday will be held at Trinity Parish Hall from 130totipm and from to pm Some phone calls have been made Mr MaoLaren said to day but we still need lot of people to help us meet our quota He said anyone who hasnt given blood this your is welcome to drop by theciinic tomorrow TRAINS 027 TRACK 10° or Valle CROSSDVER 89c SWITCHES pr 298 REMOTE CONTROL 449 ELECTRIC SIGNALS 293 Authorized Repair Dept For Trinng 1210 Headquarters for E0 track lwitcbel hulldlngl trees LARGEST TRAIN DISPLAY NORTH OF TORONTO ROBINSONS QUALITY HARDWARE 31 Dunlop St PA 82411 tho holiday season approaches Idvoru won thor conditions iomoilmospiaca maximum burd on on ourrinff to maintain our high level of service to our retail stern and home delivery customers To avoid serious congestion at our Siorasand also disappointment In our delivery service during this peak salol period we respectfully suggest that our customers order crpurchaw their requirements as early on possible uiEwEisi WAREHOUSING mutiny uunro rrgtlngfiruwors Retail Stores and netted Niagnrn Western Lake Onta rio Hamilton Toronto Cloudy with sunny interval today Overcast with snow tonight and niesday changing to freezing rain then rain Tuesday after noon or evening Not much change in temperature Winds light becoming southeast 15 to 25 tonight and Moseley Eastern Lake Ontario Hall burton Algomn Northern Georgian Bay North Bay Sud bury Variable cloudiness with few inowfiurrler today Over cast with snow Tuesday Not much change in temperature Winds light becoming out 20 Tuesday White River Cochrnne WestA urn James Bay Variable cloudA iness with few cnowfiunlos and colder today and Tuesday Winds light Timagnmi Variable cloudi ness with few iuowfiurries to day Mainly clear and colder to night Mostly cloudy and cold Tuesday with snow beginning towards evening Winds light becoming east 15 Tuesday Forecnll Temperaturel Low tonight High Tuesdny Windsor 32 33 32 31 32 32 31 32 30 32 I10 30 L5 25 20 Hamilton St Catharine Toronto Pctcrborough Trenton Klilnloe Muskokn North Bay Sudbury Farlton mEBSGEERRRECEOI Christmas trees and Christmas decoration has steadily In creased during December and January Last season there were 351 year before to and before that 21 Fire in winter months in Ontario always increase in number but the extra fire hu nrdl you bring into your homes for the holiday period means you must be more Ierloul about family safely uyr 11c Hunt He stresses the importance at buying Christmas tree which definitely fresh green and keeping it in cool place until the time to let it up for decoration Ha advises to make from dingonal out in the tree trunk and stand It ilrrnly In water You can put plain water in the container holding the tree trunk but make sure to keep tho con tainer filled with water as long or tbl tree in the home All strings of Christmas lights ibould be inspected for fray and short circuits before they are put on the tree Of come use 15 amp fuses only Beware of opennrme ccnv dles cur airistmnr trees or II church candletight sorvl eea add the Fire Marshal safe and equally cffcctlvc carp din can be butterybulb We WIHIIOHHI GIFTING SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS PACKARD FOAM TREAD OOMPIIIES IIIOCCASIN GIFT CERTIFICATES WALKWEI SHOE STORE Dunlop St PA 02357 GET AN HIEW SHOPPERS LOAN Make the season more onioyable for your lamb and friends and for yourseitaa well With cash from HFC you buy just the right gifts to please everyone on your list make better buys shop at any store you wish and avoid mailbox full of bills Simply relt pay HFC one low monthly amount afterthls expensive season Is over or 1qu 5100 500 75 life Insurance moo 1600 ovalable at 2200 low group late imnlunmnulul WI MONIHLY PAYMENT MAN 12 20 JD mt ms mi 946 612 4673 3001 6921 4413 9156 5811 14652 9411 6881 20146 12941 9462 22893 14705 10752 4145 lllm in mi mu commitu alarm HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Hargrmu Manager 28 Dunlop Strut Wool Totphone PA 66534 BARRIE TUES WED erClAis JAYS FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 OZ TINS FRESH KILLED EVISCERATED CHICKEN 25c CUTUP CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS LOOK WHAT ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY LB IRS PORK NECK BONES LBS CHICKEN WINGS LBS FARM STYLE SAUSAGE LBS BOLOOONA by the piece LBS WIENERS ONTARIO NO Potatoes 10 EHLERS FOOD MARKET fisoumor sr 39° BARRIE

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