elm TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ad Tele hone PA 821 The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 66537 Loan WEATHER Variable cloudiness with few spewflames today Overcast pith mow tomorrow Low to islet 50 High Tuesday 80 97 YearNo15 had tough time mak ing up my mind mayorally candidate Les Cooke oulps as YS COOKE he hands his ballot for mayor to Mrs Violet Caldwell at the Ward One polling booth inc led in Codrlngton Publlc School Guilty Verdict Read Eichmann Just Shrugs Ily ARTE VALLENSTEIN JERUSALEM Reuters Adolf Eichmann today was found guilty of masterminding the assembly linc murder of millions of Jews luring the Sec 0nd World War Swindler Is Guilty By MARTIN TAYLOR VANCOUVER tCP George Caldnulel British sclfrstyied promoter was found guiltv lday night of de fraudth an estimated 535er lol his companies The rcldict came months alter in 1nd at the clld of fourday deliberation longest crcl British Columbia and possibly in Canada Tile British Colum biaSupreme Court trial involv ing atotnl of 48 counts against six accused had taken two months Found guiltyrnn the same charge of defrauding investors by deceit falsehood or other fraudulent means were two of Caldoughs companies Eagle Plains Developments Limited and Mount Baker Investments Limited Mr Justice Ruttan relt manded Caldough and the two companies for sentencing at date to be set later Columbias weslprs in obtaining aldoughs arrest in Brit Tile former Nazi lieutenant colonel sto erect with his eyes riveted on three judges as the historic verdict was passed on the 15 counts against him 12 of which carry the death pen alty lie was convicch of crimes against the Jewish people crimes against humanity war crimes and membership in hostile organization Justice Moshe Landau in voice heavy with emotioll dcs clarcd There is nothing more serious than the crimes with which you have been charged the worst crimes of the Hitler ite period Eichmnnn nutrt no sign of emotion Landau announced the crdict ill tile tense silence of the courtroom Eichmnnn wa dc ed to sit down aftcr the erdic pounced Ilc sank ha in the chair in his hullct proof glass HERES ONE Businessman was telling his friend about the host of worries plaguing him declaring Theyre beginning to smother me dozens closing in from all sides The thing for you to do consoled the friend is to sim plify by lumping the related ones Now thats what did and now have only three pr oblems nagging creditors profitless business and the fact that Im broke CONGO BATTLE SEVENTH DAY UN Guns Rip ELISABETHVILLE Heavy fighting raged on the outskirts of Elisabelhrille today as the struggle for control of this bet tleweary capital entered its seventh day The fighting was accompa icd by new air attacks on mil ltal=y strongholds of the oppos tng Katanga province and United Nations forces which have struggled to near dead lock lone Katanga plane dropped five bombs on Elisabethville airport darly today but UN spokesman said there were no cadualties or damage The plane believed to have come from Kipushi 20 miles south of Elisabethvilte flew in pitch darkness over the airport which has been held by the UN Tuesday New air attacks also were reported to have been made by the UN within the last 48 hours on Katanga troop camp in Elisabethville and strongholds at Jadotville and Kolwezi as well as installations Elf the big Union Miniere copper rrm since the fighting broke out last cum PUSHBACKUN The fighting has brought few clear victories But Katanga forces claimed today theylrad pushed UN forges 1000 yardsw back from vital road tunnel in Elisabethville after 26 hour battle Despite the growing strength of the UN Katangas President Moise Tshombe today declared the confidence of his break IN NUTSHELL Search Called Off MANILA AP Chinese crew members sea and air of Panamanian freighter which sank For Freighter search for 28 missing in the stormy SouthiChina Sen Twas called off Suqday Its Safety Week TORONTO cPi nationwide safedriving week in accidents Escapes Caught Went Back MONTREAL CP Three deaux jail who was went back to the prison to police as not too bright wearin night in picked up near the jails front gates when he get his clothes But 19 Die During the first weekend since 19 Canadians lost their lives For Clothes prisoners from Montreals Bor downtown Montreal cage with aslight shrug of his shoulders He swallowed hard and his face often twitehed but his gaze never left the three judges and the menora tthe State of Israel emblem nbotethcir heads The accused was expected to remain in the cage for at least two days while the 100000word judgement is read The sentence is expected Friday Landau sold the trial was not the first time the holocaust has been brought up in courts of law At the post war Nuernberg and subsequent trials he said the issue of crimes against the Jews had been raised but this at the centre of trial tail of thc sufferings of theLlew ish people the heroism of the camp inmates and ghetto and partisan fighters he said QUESTIONS ARISE Questions of great import have arisen and call for clari ticationl How could all this have haplt pcncd in the light of day Why was it just the German people that caused all this Could it have been averted had the Al lies shown the will to assist the persecuted Jews What are the causes of anti semitism What can be done to prevent recurrence of these horrors These questions he said were beyond the scope of the court which is bound to restrict it self to hearing the criminal charges against the aceused away province is than ever We will conquer because we have faith he declared The secessionist leader also told reporters that lhe aim of the1 UN in Katanga was to ple the provinces economy by air attacks VHe said attacks Sunday by Swedish JAM3 iet fighter planes had annihilated for several months the ecu nbmic complex which was our pride vital processing factoryurnd metallurgy plant at nearby on Kolwezi LONDON AP announced tbday it wf ot deliver the 24 gtbalfton bombs it promised to Un ited Nations forces in the Congos Katanga province until the UN explains its lCongo policies more clean Tshombe said UN jels as Supply depot BLAMES WALL STREET The attacks were undertaken he said because Katangas cop per production was embarras sing to the interests of Wall Street bankers strument of certain powerful capitalist interests making com nism was described by stornbe mad thé accuser Uh harrie Ex Barrie Ontario Canada Monday December Mil961 By ALTON BLAKESLEE CARLSBAD erlI APScl cntist blessings of knowledge from the us under ground atomic bomb explosion Sunday despite the escape of cloud of radioactive gasl They reported 70 per cent success in getting data on ma for scientific programs And they Judged the steam ing radioactive cloud hadnt hurt anybody or anything al though lts unexpected fallout partially blockaded nearly 300 observers The five kiloton atomic device was detonated it mile undcrs ground It was in chamber at the end of buttonhook tun be dug 1100 feet through salt rock from vertical mine shaft main objective was to learn what happens when nuclear blast equivalent to 5000 tons of TNT occurs in salt rock scientists hoped it might form cavity party full of molten was the first timeit had stood lVe have rheardhero in do By STANLEY JOHNSON MOSCOW APJRussia has severed diplomatic ties with Al baniain the biggest Communist bloc split since Stalin expelled Yugoslavia from the Comin formin 194a HM and confirmed by the Al banian embassy here Sunday had beenexpeCIed since Prem ier Khrushchev at the October Soviet party congress de nounced Albanian leaders as Stalinist and accused them of trying to disrupt Communist unity Other Eastern bloc nations are expected to follow the Kremlins lead leaving tiny AL bania supported only by Com munist China and perhaps North Viet Nam and North Korea Aspokesman for the Albanian Embassy here said the Alban ian ambassadorwent home sev eral weeks ago He gave no in dication when he and the rest of the diplomatic staff will Luilu also were destroyed said had attacked Kolwezi railroad station destroying several loco motives and rolling stock and another attack destroyed more than 250000 gallons of fuel atsa The UN was just paperin nioh cause with wotldgegmmus leave He said the rupturein rc latlons came sevgral days ago Tobin stronger tion as his troops continued to holdcontrol of most of down town Elisabetbviile and the south and east suburbs of the city The UN has established line of defence across the north and west suburbs of the city includ ing the airport The battle line hardened Sun day as new efforts were made to reach ceasefire in the fighting believed to have killed ost as many civilians as troops UN military chief Sean Mt Keown told reporters in Leo poldville Sunday that Tshombe an ous to bring the fight Butshe said Tshombe andhis fministers have lost control to whites who were forcing the war against the UN Shopplng any before Christmas Moscow Breaks With Albania Others Expected To Follow FEELbreakmï¬séloscdï¬tnfl salt and steam and wanted to see if enough steam could be brought up to operate turbines and generate electricity The earth shock produced moderate earthquake in Chris bad miles away where waitress saw an itty hitty Santa Clause shaking on drug storccounterl It didnt harm the Carlsbad Caverns 34 miles west or potash mines kept em ply of people when the blast detonated nt ESTT Seismic measurements may help show the difference be tween the signature of an earthquake and secret nuclear underground bomb test The blast apparently turned chamber room into leaky builder said Dr Phillip Rana dolph deputy technical director of project Gnome The leak sent radioactive gasses up the mine shaft white steam turning into an in visible but quickly fading cloud of radioactive gas filter in The Albanian news agency ATA said an exchange of notes beginning Nov 25 concluded with on Saturday announcing the withdrawal of the Russian Iembassy and commercial staff from Tirana ATA said this note alsLdemanded that AL antan pcrsonnel get out off Moscow By diplomatic accounts the trouble between the two coun tries exploded in an angry ex on an go between Khrushchev and Albanian Communist leader Enver Hoxha at the Moscow conference of world Communist leaders in November l960 Albahia boycotted this falls Soviet Communist party con gress at which Khrushchev at tacked Albania and Communist Chinese Premier Chou Enlai in turn criticized Khrushchev for airing the dispute instead of trying to settle it privately Many Westerners here felt that when the Kremlin de nounced Albania it actually was attacking Peking for notl supporting Khrushchevs policy of peaceful coexistence The break deprives the Soviet Union ofv advanced strategic bases on the Adriatic at the edge of the Mediterranean from which scores of Soviet subma rines had been reported operat ing However theyare believed to have left the Albanian bases somewecks ago Farmers Seekr Machinery Ilct TORONTO CP The On tario Federation of Agriculture today met Premier Roberts and his cabinet to reiterate its request for provincial farm machinery act The Federation we to deal withavalla of re pair parts and service and with control and sale of farm mac fnery and parts in Ontario It also wants farm machinery sold in the province to be test wit esultsof the tests made public The at contains resolutions passedat the Fe rations nual meeting here lnsttmoltlh Other parts of thetbrief asked problemsespec ly study at the Ontario Agriculturalwoltegé et Guelph into furm manage ment and marketin immigration offr after leavinga Cuban plan Saturday night at th international for continuedstpdyiritofarni talks with Scientists Say US Bomb Useful And Not Dangerous the shaft head apparently stopped solid particles Atomic Energy Commission officials said the gas swept away over mostly unpopulatcd areas But for more than three hours they blockadcd the direct road to Carlsbad until radioac tivity acrossthe road died down The AEC washed seven cars caught between blockade points MARY MOTELS AND MAZARETH PENSACOLA Fla AP Chlistopher Brock nine yearrold Third Grader was told to write Christmas story His story prizewinner at Montclair School was on titled The First Christmas and was written this way Once there was lady who was very young this happened 2000ycars ago her name was hlaryl She lived in Mazareth One day she kneeled down to pray then all of sudden angel aperd She was fright ened for minute then angel she said hail full grace the Lord is with thee Sheldtdnt know at first what the angel meant VHo said you are going to have greatbaby yolr ale goTrlg to callhim lesuSE One day Caser who the emperor of Bethlehem or dered every body who was born there was going to have to be in rolled Mary was in the house of David Joseph was from the house of David which was in Bethlehem He met Mary on the way and got married When they got there all the hotels and motels were filled up They asked man who owned stable if they could rent it until Mary had her baby End of story 15000 Strike llt GM Plants TORONTO CPtMore than 15060 members of the United Auto Workers union CLC went on strike against General Mo tors of Canada at plants in five Ontario cities after negotiations broke down between them at am Workers manned picket lines in Toronto Oshawa St Cathar ines London and Windsor ty ing up the companys $800000 000 annual production of cars trucks buses diesel engines appliances parLs and engines nlstcr JuliusrNyerere lost Not More Than per Copy18 Page Caught Inllct Oi Receiving Official Documents Report OTTAWA CPi milltary attache at the Russian embassy has been expelled from Canada for attempting to buy secret documents from government employee The external affairs depart ment said today it asked the embassy last Thursday to or range the departure of LtCol Annton Loginov assistant military attache An embassy spokesman said today that the attache left Sun day by plane for Moscow The government announce ment said Loginov was declared persona non grata because he had been engaged in activities incompatlble with his diplo matic status It said Loginov was arrested by the RCMP in the act of re cciving secret documents from government employee The employee not identified was said to have reported to the RCMP Loginovs attempts to obtain secret data Loginov the statement re ported attempted to obtain secret information from Cann dla government employee after carefully cultivating his friendship over period of in months initially Lt Col Loginov sought to obtain only informa tion of an innoccnt nature Later however LtCul Log inov made it clear that he was prepared to pay for information on matters which could not low fully be communicated to him Police Charge Two Youths With Kidnapping Secretary TORONTO CPUTwo youths one the son of kidnap sus pect found shot to death in Georgian Bay farmhouschave been charged with kidnapping blonde secretory Inspt Jim Morgan of Toronto investigating the kidnapping of Mrs Eileen Marshall of subur ban Scarborough said today am satisfied that she shot Nash Earl Nash 40 part time car salesman was shot todeath Saturday Police said no charges have been laid in connection with his death His son Bruce 20 of Toronto and Gary Edward Carmichael Illuof Barrie were charged with kidnapping tn the abduction of Mrs Marshall Police said the youths armed and dangerous are belielfed heading west in white 1952 Pontiac Pennies Short For Christmas TORONTO CPINew United States pennies are being shipped into Canada to allay shortage of Canadian pennies aggravated by he Christmas shopping sea son and the Ontario retail sales tax Supermarket chains are hard est hit by theshortage Even overtime work at the royal mint in Ottawa has failed to meet the demand One supermarket chain re ported Sunday it had purchased shipment of 10000D0 US pen nies spokesman attributed some of the shortage to hoard ing by change hungry depart ment stores The cost of shipping US pen nies into Canada involves shipping charge of about three per cent plus four per cent premium on the currency it self Sralonmdo ling celebration Which led to the declaration of the Air Mrs Marshall was home again today in suburban Scar borough after giving police an eight page statement dealing with Nashs death Police said Nash ivas one of three men who kidnapped Mrs Marshall from her sisters home In Scarborough He was found dead Saturday shot six times in two storey stone farmhouse near Coldwater Ont Mrs Marshall was due to be witness against Nash Friday in an assault charge Thursday she was sitting with her invalid sister lurs rut lhreeTncï¬ cd house They tied th sick woman to abedpost stnie $7 from purse andforecd Mrs Marshall to go with them Before leaving Toronton0licp said she was forced tosign cheque for $1100 which was cashed Mrs Marshall was secretary in Toronto office The men then drove to the farmhouse Mrs Marshall is separated from her husband Nash used car salesman was married with six children BanTheBomb gRally Fizzles ERSFIELD England AP An attempt by banthe bomb demonstrators to immoblt ilize three US Air Force base in Britain fizzled Sunday Some gave in to the fog bound Brit ish countryside None could get by the overwhelming numbers of British police and American servicemen At none of the three US bases did the demonstrators their objective of swarming on to runways and halting Hbomb flights Mass rallies in provincial cities also failed to muster the expected number of demonstrators