Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1961, p. 6

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The Importance or studying the Bible isindicated by the Son of God Himself when nreth by reading from th 3scriptures in the synagogue SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS comma Growth Through Bible Study Thus He fuliills Isaiahs pro phecy Luke 11621 Alter Ills resurrection when Christ begins Hls Ministry in Naz appears and walks with the two disciples to Emmaus He dwells not only on the glorious the curling bonspiel on 12 day in Newmarket nccompam ied by Mrs HCoulter Mrs ScflpmraLnkls 21621 24 moth El fact of His rising but on its prophecy In the Bible Luke 24 2527 Paul writes Timo thy from prison urging him to continue to be good min ister to the people even as Timothy szso silo15 The Guthrie School Christ Lowe and Parker mss Concert will be held at the Community Hall on Tuesday cc 19 at pm The Presby rian Sunday School is holding Its Christmas party on Satur lday Dec 16 and the United Sunday School on Friday Dec Mr and Mrs Ewen Caldwell spent last weekend with their twainlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Bertram visited friends in Coldwater last Sunday Mr and Mrs George Sinclair oi Harrie entertained many at their former neighbors at cord party at their Barri home Inst Friday night The congregation to the Uni ted Church had specla treat when their pastors father Rev Montreal preached an inspiring sermon on The Real Purpose of LIV He based his sermon on St Luke Chapter 13 This was Mr Mitchell oi ing the iirst Sunday of Advent and prior to the choir singing Come Come Emmanuel Miss Dorothy Ann Campbell lit the first candle oi Advent 0n the evening of Dec 24 the choir leader and organist Mrs Howard Campbell and her choir will present candlelight service in the church MIDHURST Weekend visitors at Mr and Mrs Pcacocks were Mr and Mrs John Robson and fa mily of Toronto Mr and Mrs Broley and family and Mr and Mrs Peacock and furn liy oi Barrie Midburst United Church WA met at the home of Mrs Charlie Day Tuesday evening with 17 members and five visitors Mrs Holder president con ducted the meeting Mrs Frankcom had the devotional Mrs Russell was in charge of the program The meeting on January will be in the Sunday School room Mr and Mrs John Anderson and Sherran Toronto spent the weekend with Charlie Bow dery Mrs Colburn and Larry Coleman of Boston spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs DAn gio Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Collins were Mr and Mrs Collins and iamlly oi Barrie skip oi Barrie WASAGA BEACH OF Over 200 attended the final dance of the year held by the Chmbcr of Commerce in Oak view Community Centre Satur day Dec Music was suppl ied by John Joscfik and his group of Barrie and Jack Puc cinni ot the Beacon John Mc Connell Staynor called off for t1 square dances Lunch was 51 by the WA at the Prin ce of Peace Church An elimin ation rofite was conducted with seven $15 prizes going to the following Dori Hennesscy Dun troon Jim McGill Oakview Beach Hazel Cooper Oxbow Variety Store John Simo Spr inghurst Beach Ron Pucclnnl The Beacon Gray Grays Beverages Colllngwood Bill McEachcrn and Mel Snge Sunnidnlc Garage The last and big ticket went to Miss Nancy Norton Bar rie School teacher This ticket bougb tior five dollars brought Miss Norton one thousand dol lars The big bill was present ed to Miss Norton on the stage by the Chamber President Gone Langevln Mrs Merter Lynn Chamber secretary who sold the winning ticket receiv ed $100 Many thanks are due to the mayor oi Stayner Jack Carroll who so ably acted as master oi ceremonies for the look Tom the era of kings queens and court claptrap is over We do things the simple way Business like thatsus Straightto the point and eiii cicat Well Chet murmured Tom whats that got to do with the Mass Cncts answer was quick Just this If the Mass is what on say it 15 then youve real got something there Why The Unitarian Fellowship at Barrie Is presenting 55min ute documentary color tilm oi Unitarian Service Committee at Canada Foster Homes and Vo cational Training Facilities at their Sunday service on Dcccm her 10 11 nm at Barrie YW YMCA 28 Owen Street The USC Foster Parent scheme is an eiiort to take care oi homeless children nod 20 foster homes are sponsored in Korea India Hong Kong Italy and France All children In USCsponsored homes are pro vlded with wholesome iood warm clothing and the best pos evening Sunday Dec IOIh CGIT vnsrns snnvrcn Central United Church pan CANADIAN CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION presents CHDCKED CHANNELS SUNDAY DECEMBER 10 230 11111 TRINITY CHURCH 24 Collier Street Next to It Post Otllco ADVENT II 300 am Holy Communion 030 ismMorning Prayer Sermon Our Title Deed The Rev sherring THE ANELIEAN CHURCH 01 EANAIIA Surton Avenue at Granville Ithe Word was made flesh 11 amMorning Prayer Niti though many will depart from their faith giving heed to de ceitful spirits and doctrines oi demons Timothy Paul tells Timothy that the Bible is the only true bulwark against CATHOLICS SAY Ceremony Is Natural clutter It up with lot oi silly ceremoniesbowing and mat terings Come on Chet Take it easy Youre talking too fast and for getting to think You know as well as do that ceremonies are most human most natural Tom was full of honest en thusiasm as he continued why for instance does the army toliowsuch careful rev erent procedure any well Unitarian Fellowship Presents Documentary Film On Sunday slble medical care basic edu cation and vocational training Most important of all they re ccive love from their teachers devoted staff and their Can adian families The Unitarian Service Com mitten is nonsdcnomlnattooal voluntary organization which as sists in areas at greatest human need regardless oi creed na tionality color or caste 1945 the USC has aided thous ands oi children and adults in Europe and Asia it has sent almost eight million pounds oi food clothing blankets machin HY Since supplies abroad ST GEORGES ALLANDALE Street ADVENT sumHoly Communion at Sunday School Nursery Jr Congregation and Chinch THE MEETING PLACE 0n Little Lake Road lust past too Bridge REV GEO LEWINGTON THE ANSWER TO FAILURE We are pleased to hear that Judy Reid Is coming along nicely after tonsillectomy last wee Mr and Mrs Herb Palmer spent Thursday with friends in Bracebridge Mr and Mrs Wilbert Free and Klein of Meaiord ent Sunday with Mr and Mrsflllio CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Reid 50cm The Von Read Sabbath DAY Illir aErgl Mrs Eidwell and fa 159 cong 51 Orsanlst Mrs Shaw Akron miy ar th we You rdl In ited Challisaw 5m end witthr Mds 55m semen smith sell Rector Rev While our Hilts 11 am Mr and Mrs Tom Partridge and family Barrie spent G°D THE mEfRVER °E day With the latters grand parents Mr and Mrs Sam Reading Room Hinz on premises Mrs Halpenny attended Wm pm 5T ANDREW All on welcomo UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP 0F BARRIE Eskimo Artist Prepares Show TORONTOICP Pauloosie Stvuak Eskimo artist came to Toronto Friday to prepare for threeday exhibition and sale of Eskimo prints and carvings which opens Wednesday at the oyal Ontario Museum Pauloosie 31 is secretary of Ihe skimo Conperatlva Society or Povungriituk 1700 hates north of Toronto on the 1100 am School of Religion REACH FOR THE SUN color film story on the Unitarian Service Committee YMYWCA 20 Owen SC For Further Information Call PA 60252 ortheasl coast oi Hudson Bay Accompanying Paiiloosle is IInnulipok hunter who works iparttime as an artist and the usiness manager of the coop Frative Everyone Welcome Gordon Yearsley NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL Gowan Street SPECIAL GOSPEL SERVICE 1100 smMomlng Prayern Sermon Our Title Dead The Rev Sherrlng 700 pmEvcnsong Sermon Man Needs Saviour PRESBYTERIAN cHu Owen and Worsley St School pupils of the Sunday School Rev Adams BA Minister Director of Praisai Raymond Daniels LTCL 945 amSenlor School 1100 camNursery Junior School ii om THE SACRAMENT OF STRENGTH The Lords Supper will be celebrated SUNDAY DECEMBER 17th 800 PM Choir Carol Service Come And Bring The Family To Church ESSAIROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner of Burton Avenue Allandala pmPrnsentation of the Christmas Story by the We invite you to oomoand Worship With Us On Our ROIl December IOtli Rev can na Minister Mrs Walker Organist 71070 RM Speaker MR HEINO PROMM An Estonian who mcaped oho Russians and was savey by BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE in Toronto Mavens wnmoME 1100 am WHITE GIFT SERVICE Kindergarten and PYPS will assemble in church Church School at 030 nmPrlmnry to Young People 7oopm BACKSLIDING VISITORS AND NEW RESIDENTS WELCOME such dceelvers and against be ing discouraged by the pau city oi other believers II Timothy 31417 GOLDEN TEXT Psalms 119 in taking down the flag at sun down or when the General comes to make an inspection Didnt you ever notice the cut anddried conventions that are observed the ceremony oi the occasion Tom took deep breath and continued Dont you remem ber that newsrch we saw oi the inauguration of the President Say man they really put on demonstration And you can just bet that the principals tak ing part had to practice ahead oi time too Chet was frowning There was no doubt about it this all made sense And Tom kept going You see Chet In the Mass not just general or presldent ls be ing honored Catholics believe that during the Mass the God oi Heaven and earth comes down on the altar Now what Is more fitting than to show Him very special kind of honor by observing very set carefully planned manner of acting in His Presence Right there Chet is why Catholics have ceremonies In all their services they know that they are in the special presence oi God and they try in poor hu man way to show Him the greatest possible honor COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH MINISTER The Rev Gardiner Skelly MA BD ORGANIST Sr CHOIRMASTER Lloyd Tutford 1100 am Subject DECEPTIVE INNOCENCE lhe Sacrament oi Baptism CHURCH SCHOOL years and over 930 nan under years 1100 om Baby Sitting Facilities at 1100 am IGA CAR PARKING AVAILABLE FOR CHURCH GOERS VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS WELCOME CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH THE NEW CHURCH WITH THE IOLD STORY Ross and Toronto Streets REV CECIL BRENL BA BD MR Organist and Cholrmnster ii BAPTIST so VINCENT an 945 sumFAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL ll am and pm GUEST PREACHER nevi Leander 110an Canadian representative of the Association Baptists for World Evangelism formerly oi Benton St Church Kitchener Unity In Christs Body All Are Of His Church By REV JOHN RUNNER United Church Minister lllllsdule Ontario Text There is one body nIii one Spirit Ephesiaiu The Iormer declaration of our text Is is patent fact which states that all believers in JP sus Christ are members oi one body His Church it is sin gle Body with car attentive to the voice of the Eternal Spirit with eye singled to the Divine insight with heart thrilled by the Omnipotent Commission Go ye into all the worldLo am with you always with band empowered for tho Inrdl service and llnsliy with foot guided for Godly walk We live in day when the world horlwns are growing smaller and closer but yet there are the most sharp divi sions in religion Sad to say the Church is divided over many minor issues at doctrine life and practice Whereas on the Mission Fields the conirontlng and near overwhelming forces of paganism tend to compact Christian workers together into Unity This only emphasizes the words oi our Lord when He was confronted and accused of being an ambassador of Satan He answered sayin house divided against ltse will fall In such situation only deca dence distrust and decay can be the result of Church div Ided So often only in the face of evil do we begin to realize how trifling in comparison are the things that separate Chur ches and how precious and on during aro the hopes and ideals that Christians hold in common Sometimes it seems to take the pressure of some threatening torcc the urgent senso oi great peril hanging oer to sit enca our contentious and there by compel the soldiers of Christ to fall into line and pre sent to the enemy united front Against such front the enemy will be defeated and the Church oi the living God will prevail Our text states There Is one body and one Spiritone Body on because and lo so far as iioo AM The Lost Is Being Found SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 945 am years and over 1100 am up to years 700 pm CGII CANDLELIGHT SERVICE for Barrie tion should be logically asked what constitutes the unity of our physical frame Is it mere outward attach ment or mechanical juxtaposi tion These account for noth ing What clasp In my hand put to my teeth is no more part of me anymore than if It were another planet The clothes that we wear only take the bodys shape give and partake of its warmth and as we think give it outward presentment But for all this clothing does not make the body Whereas the fingers that clasp the lips that speak the limbs that move and the glow from God beneath the raiment these are the Body it is the life that courses through and thrills nerve and artery the spirit that anim ates with one will the whole being the spirit that governs that makes the one Body Otto ervnse we become an inert and decaying heap of matter 0th the spirit depart then it Is no more body but rather corpse Similarly the Body of Christthe Church and more particularly the members of that body must be alive and in Vital contact withrtlie One Spin It which animotes the Church and makes it Living Body Let us close by asking oun selves pertinent question Am an integral living and fund tlonal member of His Body Or do merely belong to th ralrnent and ornaments of the body The Apostle Paul chall enges as saying if man hath not the trlt of Cbrlst be Is none of Is The man the woman the boy or girl indwelt by Christsspir it will iiod place of fellowship and usefulness in Christs Body its iunctionsit is this alone the Church WHITE GIFT SUNDAY Til small children of Burton Avenue United Churcl come in to the morning service last Sun day and placed their Whltu Cuts in the white baskets at the front which were filled to overflowing These glits Rev David Reeve explained will go to ii spot north at Cochrana where there is great need Ev erything from canned goods to toys and books went into the baskets following which the children listened attentively as Rev Reeve told the story of fAndross and the Missing But tons BAPTISMAL SERVICE The Sacrament of Infant Bap tlsm will be held on December 10 in the morning but the even ing service has been on celled in favor of tho CGIT esper Service to be held at Central United Church this year The first meeting oi the board at stewards was held on Dec 1961 at the home of Ernie there is one Spirit The ques 011111121 Lot its litter Harris with nine oi the 12 stew BURTON AVE UNITED REV DAVID REEVE BA BD Miiilsier GEORGE JAMILSDN Organist 11 am Sacrament of Baptism Sermon THE CHURCH IN AROUND THE CHURCHES Sunday School 045 un Holiness Meeting 1045 am Evangelistic Service 100 pm Temporarily held in the odd Fellows Roll on Collier Street ards in attendance Nomlnis tions ior aiiieers were held and appointed were John Thompson as chairman floss Cook as treasurer and Jack Caldwell as secretary finance com mittee was also appointed which directed the discussion in preparing church budget for the year 1962 The Salvation Army Citadel 00 Collier Skeet MAJOR AND MRS GILLESPIE Corps otilcerl SUNDAY SERVICES Opp Post Office YOUR HOUSE Nursery care provided pm CGII VESPER SERVICE at CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Sunday School 030 11 Visitors and Newcomer cordially invited REVEREND JOHN DBEDA as 42 Bradford WILLowoALE Prospect satin UNITED CHURCH Steel Street Public School Mr Allan Tomlirison Minister IRELAND ILMJ 1000 tum MORNING WORSHIP and Sunday School ANEW CHURCH SERVING NEW DISTRICT Everyone Welcome Roman Catholic ET MARYS CHURCH 05 MULCAIITER 51 PA 32085 SUNDAY MASSEE am am 1015 non 1130 3111 EVENING nnvolsorvs Sunday pm Wednesday at 730 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 730 and 1115 am 600 mm WHITE GIFT SUNDAY Baptist DECEMBER IOth PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE in JOHNSON ST SCIIOOI STUDENT MINISTER 930 am MORNING WORSHIP 030 can ISUNDAY SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME WELCOME AWAITS YOU LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Steel St on nwy ll VACANCY PASTOR Sunday School 145 pan WORSHIP 300 pm The Church of TV Title In The Life rim ALLIANCE CHURCH nerezy uno Dunlor Streets Georgia Ross Pastor 945 munSunday School 1100 anonMorning Worship 700 mumEvangelistic service FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent Street Rev Jae ueuzcbroeli pastor Phone PA 89376 157 Shanty Bay Road 1030 am nsv sac GEUZEBROEK 230 pm REV JAC GEUZEBROEK Dutch The Church of Back To God Hour Radio Program THE SARRIE REFORMED CHURCH Rev Corncils Dons Mlnirter Phone PA 61024 SUNDAY MORNING iioo SERVICE or wonsmr in Dutch language 1100 SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN To be held in St James Church at Crown Hill YOU ARE WELCOME All Church Notices must be in Examiner office no lat ter than 12 noon on Thurs 05 day

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