Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General lllanager SATURDAY DECEMBER 161 PIlI Vote As You Please But Vote In Barrie Election Monday Electors will go to the oils Monday to choose mayor counci of 12 men and an eightmember public school board Voting is democratic privile and it should come first on the list every citizen on Monday Candidates who Win support will get twoyear terms Con sequently the opportunity to exercise the franchise will not come again until Dec ember 1968 As campaigns go th election in Barrie has been quiet There have been no out standing issues and certainly no scandals or other forms of irregularity to whet the voters interest and bring out heavy turnout at the polls The fact that they are not impelled to vote by reason of outstandingI issues places more responsibility on em to visit the polls urely as civic duty And make no mists voting is someth ng we cannot disregard for socalled more im portant things Nothing is more import ant in public affairs than the selection of the ablest men and women to run our af fairs Most of the candidates have worked hard during recent weeks to focus at tention on themselves and what they hope to accomplish if elected Tile least we can do as voters is to exercise our franchise in accordance with our own ideas The slogan vote as you please but vote is trite but true Dont forget Judge Should Apologize Orlllia Packet and Times It is not often that there is cause to complain of the conduct of court cases by judges of county court such men are usually selected from the best qualified members of the bar and their judge ments and their summingu for the jury are often marvels of luci ity and con ciseness It is therefore all the more disturbing to read of recent case heard in county court at Barrie involving charge of in decent assault brought against an Oril lia man by an Orlllia girl in which the remarks to the jury of the presiding iudge Donald MacLaren seem to have een irrelevant irresponsible and of fensive to degree In review of the case Judge lilac Laren criticized the conduct of the in vestigation by an Orlllia constable and threw in for good measure flippant suggestion that someone should investi gate the Orlllia Police Department Apart from being completely irrele vant to the case in question the remark was most unbecoming member of the judiciary and in particular one who had formerly been member of the Orlllia Police Commission Offered gratuitously and even fiippaiitly as it was it consti tuted an inexcusable insult to an Orillia department already hardpressed by po litical contention and re Iected in the worst possible manner upon the citizens of this community and their conduct of municipal affairs It Is impossible to say if Judge Mac Larcns lapse obscured in any way the issues involved in the assault case but certainly jury confronted with sum mation containing such irrelevancies might be excused some slight confusion Following this original faux pas Judge MacLaren did nothing to retrieve the situation by claiming that he was mis quoted when the inevitable storm broke about his ears following the publication of his remarks in newspapers across the province This of course is the tradi tional resort of the public figure con fronted with an embarrassing reaction to remarks made previously Regardless of whether various news reports erred in the actual phraseology used the report ers present are unanimous on the general tenor of the remark and of course in this instance it is the sense rather than the phraseology which is so offensive There can be no question but that Judge MacLaren was guilty of making most offensive remark which on the eve of municipal election in which the conduct of the police department is an issue was capable of causing great alarm in view of its source His comment did great harm to Orlllia bringing an enormous amount of bad and quite un deserved publicity to this town Nothing less than full and complete apology can remove the memory of this thought less insult from the memory of this com munity nor the blot from the judges record Down Memory Lane DONKEY BASEBALL IN I936 The Examiner of Oct 1936 told of donkey baseball an uproarious game where all players rode donkeys of the type that might have their own way at times All play was from the donkey back and time was no object evidently Sometimes the donkeys had that impres sion Pitching catching and batting were all from the bareback No gloves were used no spurs nor saddles and each donkey held the same position throughout on baseline or in field after Blay fielder could take one step from is transport to get the ball but must mount before throwing it in The lit tle Texas burros brought from Lakeland Florida were named from notables as John Dillinger Mae West Jack Demp sey Zabu Pitts Hoot Gibson Moon Mul lins Clark Gable etc DOWN ENGLISH LANES The Barrie Examiner of Oct 1936 had bit from Lukin Johnstons travel book Down English Lanes descrip tion of little inn of Evensham Wor cestershire It is an inn in the best sense of the term lace where from landlord to boots and andlords wife to barmaid everyones job is to make the wayfarer feel at home Not only the inn staffbut the townsfolk and the far mers who dropped in showed the same cordiality Such an atmosphere of sin cere friendliness left an enduring im pressmn upon the visitor Would not this be fine thing for our tourist in dustry if everyone connected maintain ed this attitude of friendliness Other Editors Views THEY SPEND OUR MONEY Brantford Expositor The role of government is highly im portant in our society but the real na ture of that role should be kept const antly in mind HonRobert Winters former Federal Cabinet minister now one of the coun trys leading industrial and business ex ecutives emphasized this in his address to the Brantford Boardlof Trade He pointed to the danger of going on the false assumption that government is somehow thing apart and thing more over capable by mystical means of producing money from an inexhaustible purse Governments themselves are partly to blame for this silly and dangerous con The Barrie Examiner Authorised wanna class mail Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Dally Sundays and Stlfutory Holidays excepted KENNETH warns Publisher IIIIAN ELAIGIIT General Manager RICPHERSON Managing Editor cannons vlmcia purines Manager nanny wrnson Advertising innm some noznen Circulation IIIplies Subscription rate only by carrier 55 weekly 01810 your single copy 7c By mail in ontrrio 3700 yen $400 ix months sun three months vim month Outside Ontario 00 year Outslda Can sds $2000 year Offices 415 University Ave Toronto Chinert sweet Montreal 25 West Gcnrgiu sinrt Vancou yer ilembrr of tho Canadian Daily Newrpnpsr Pub llslisrs Association The Canadian Press and the Audit an of Circulation The Canadian Press ls Exclusively entitled to the use Ior republication of all nows dis stchen in ihis sprr credited to it or Tho Assoc lied Press or eullrl and also the loul now published tilfairs cept They are apt as Mr Winters said to take credit even in fields outside their spheres of real influence when things go well and this creates the impression that they can or should control all as pects of the economy unless we live under totalitarian ruie this Simply is not so Who is the Government and where does it get the money it is being asked to spend MrWinters both asked and answered that question His answer it is import ant to keep before us the basic relation ships between governments and the elect ors and in particular to have in mind when asking the Government to spend its way to prosperity that it has nobodys money to spend but that which we our selilï¬s give to it is is another way of uttin the aXiom that there is no psuch Thing ii something for nothing Apparently it has to be repeated oft en in many different phaseologies be grasped by some peo ple Realized or not that is the truth of the matter N0 CLASS PARTY Halifax ChronicleHerald Canada needs party of the left but one not based on the narrow if often Justified interests of any one class of our citizens no for the New Demo cratic Party has made every effort to recruit wider support particularly In the universiities and in this campaign we can only wish them well CANT BE KICKED AROUND MUCH LONGER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir would appreciate it very much If you would allow me to have little spaceIn your paper to let your readers and the con stitucnts of Centre Slmcoe ob tain the following information As you know the Legislative Assembly in Toronto opened re ccntly under the leadership of the new Prime Minister the Hon John Roberts During the ccing Session which will pro bnbly lost except for Christ mus recess until Easter there will be number of school chlldron who will wish to visit the Parliament Buildings under the supervision of their teach ers May say firstly that such visits are encouraged by the Government of the Province and welcomed by the powers that be Should there be any schools that wish to send class or two to the Assembly during the next few months would be only too happy to arrange visit at this end and to see that the children are shown around the buildings where the Government of the Province makes the lows of the land would appreciate it too if you would allow me in this letter to let the general public kno that should they haveany personal problems in dealing with any department of the Government it is easier for me to bring it to the attention of the proper authorities while Parliament is sitting and there fore would ask them to have no hesitation whatever In con tacting me and can at least attempt to try for solution of whatever that problem may be Thanking you for your valu able space am Yours sincerely Evans MPP would appreciate your print ing in its entirety tho enclos ed article written by Mrs Hugh Simpson Editor of the Euex Tourist Guide book better known to the Tourist industry as Mr Ontario as published in the Brockvillo paper recently along with the request of Mr Roy Jones to the Council HIGHWAY 401 In order to acquaint the pub lic of the possible situation on Highway 401 and it is similar to Highway 400 feel It Is only fair that they should bear both sides of the story It is my opinion that the very top level of the Provincial Government had already given the green light to large Amer ican chain interests with the privilege and option of purchas ing the majority of key loca tions close to the main Clover leafs on our new 401 and 400 Highuiays despite the promises made at the time of the last Provincial ByElection of Sim coe Centre that this would nev er happen It is well known fact that these key properties are now being acquired by American Chains who camouflage the real ownership by having few wellknown local citizens take out preferred stores in the deal Consequently the wool has been pulled over tho eyes of some of the local planning board and part of the City Council Ap parently the councils aim for favoring the proposal was in creased assessment with no can sideratllm for the present tour ist operators or their plans for future expansion which in Itself would give increased assess ment plus the already high taxes they eagerly collect from We welcome competition but not on the iurnpikes Grant Mayor llir Simpsons letter in part follows am the editor of the Tour ist Guide Book of Ontario and on two occasions have bad the pleasure of speaking to your local Rotary Club would like to give you some background relativo to the Toronto Star editorial to which you refer which appeared following published statement by Howard Brennen John under the two column headline in the Tomato Star of Tuesday November 14 Howard Johnson Comes To Canada have no quarrel with Mr Johnson who has announced the formntion of dian Company with himself as pre sident Mr Johnson the son of Howard Denring Johnson in his statement to the press made these comments Thousands of Canadians have tried our hospitality in the US and rest aurants so miles from Toronto in Buffalo and Niagara oils have done well presume from Canadian business He adds We are also definitely interested in Highway 401 have driven over it many times Highway 401 nearly 400 miles without direct con nection to restaurant or mo tel is prize for any chain end of quote NOT SIGNIFICANT is it not significant that Mr Johnsons statement in the press should be followed by ed itorial comment in many pap ers The big question is Does the government have the following in mind and quote again from the statement by Mr Johnson The Provincial Cabinet has yet to make de cision on the highway but sen ior officials have reconunended about 20 locations away fro in facilities in built up areas The truth is there are no built up areas on 401 away from which Mr Johnson or anyone else could build com bination motel and restaurant facilities If the statement is true then 401 is nearly 400 miles without direct connec itin to restaurantor mo Motel operators throughout Ontario are up in arms over the statement attributed to Mr Johnson and they should be Motel operators who have been cut off from the main flow of traffic have had extreme diffic ulty getting signs indicating they exist and they have formed 10 cal mutel associations all over Ontario to put pressure on the Ontario Department of Highways to take second look at Its highway sign policy oven towns like Brockville have had to fight to get proper signs in dicating that the town still ex ists and is in business can you imagine govern ment that has consistently relt fused to deal with the prob lems of bypassed areas government that has refused to In some cases put up type of sign indicating the existenca of bypnsscd areas land my files are full of the representations made to the Department of Highways even by motel owners in your home town relative to this ques tion now considering the granting of concession to build motels and restaurants on limited access highway to the detriment of every mo tel ond tourist business in On tarlo ALONG WIDTH if the highway is long and eomfortless just hear in mind that there are cloverlcnfs all along its width that lead to fine towns like Brockviile in most cases just few minutes drive from the highway To say that the public is in any way inconvenienced is in my opinion bunk lot the towns along the highway have proper markers large bright enough and attrac tive and the problem you speak of will vanish into thin air Granting concession to build 20 locations along Number 401 highway featuring restaur motel and gas station facilities with English china and souven ir selling facilities wuuld destroy the tourist business in little towns all along 40 highway and do great harm to the fine Can adians who have pioneered tour ism In this province Any town that can attract just two dozen tourists day throughout the year has at tracted the economic equivalent of new industry with an an nual payroll of $100000 tour ists are looking for things to see and do number 401 high way is not just highway from Windsor to the Quebec border its highway adjacent to some of the greatest tourist attrac tions in the world Let us do better job of advertising and promoting these and lets change our highway sign policy for the convenience of the stranger within our gates Howard Johnson motelsand restaurants would indeed be pure substitute for things that are Canadian because we as Canadians are flying too many American flags in the field of tourist promotion already To grant the prize plum to Mr Johnson wuuld indeed be blow to the tourist business of our province and the flavor of Canada our greatest asset in the attraction of American Tourist dollars Hugh Mr Ontario Simpson Editor Tourist Guide Book of Ontario and the key note speaker at the last three Ontario Tourist Courts Associ ation conventions WIEDER JEWELLER REPORT FROM UK Like Fairy Tale For Canadian Family By RICINTYRE HOOD Special Auden tEngland Correspondent for The Harris Exlmlner POYNINGS Sussex The people of the village of Payn ngs in Sussex are in the midst of combined operation to give warm welcome to Canadian widow and her ismlly of ii children who are coming Into their midst The widow ls Mrs Joseph Tighe daughter of Mrs Margaret Hollingdsle whose husband Is gold club greenkecper She has just re ï¬eivgcld will thati iicr widgwcd an er rs la log back to England from Canada with her if children to make their future home In Poynlngs It is like fairy tale like dream come true said Mrs Hollingdale as she and her neighbors make plans to take care of this family when it or IlVel WARTLIE ROMANCE wartime romance is in volved in this story Back in 1043 when she was 17 Jean Hollingdole met Canadian sol dicr stationed near her home Joe TIghc They fell in love and were married Their first son Peter was born In Eng land Aiter her husband was demobilized liirs TIghe follow ed him to Canada and they set fled in his home town of New Victoria mining villageon Cape Breton Island As the years passed the lam ily grew and lived happy life on their Novu Scotian island Their children Bernie little Joe Eileen Patsy Johnny Ella Derek Jeannie and Bruce ioined their firstborn Peter Their llih child Joanne was born last year TheTighe family was making line progress until the early summer of this year when Mr Tighe miner died suddenly at the age of 40 His wife now 35 was left with the 11 child ren and with very little in the way of material resources Mr Tigho conveyed tho sad nowsifo her mother Mrs Hill ingdo But they were able to do little to help They had not been able to save very much and they could not help to bring the bereaved family back to England Almost in despair Mrs Hollingdale wrote to the Red Cross Society making plea that It do whatever it could to bring her daughter and her 11 grandchildren back to England few days ago the glad news came that the whole family will be flying back to England next month Apparently said Mrs Hot lngdale the Red Cross Soci ety got In touch with tho Cans dian government which made substantial financial contribu tion to the cost of the air fares to Inndon The county outb oritlsl out there have paid the REELECT Fred Smith ALDERMAN WARD SOUND CIVIC GOVERNMENT Vote of HIIlcrost School Monday Doe II iooo am 700 pm For Information or Transportation Phone PA 82669 PA 34176 REELECT MARSELLUS ALDERMAN Ward Years Experience Am In Favor of NEW FlRE HALL FOE ALEANDALE BETTER ACCOMMODATION FOR CITY EMPLOYEE VOTE Kenl MORRISON AIDERMAN WARD respectfully solicit your vote on Monday December IIth Ken MORRISON FOR CONTINUING PROGRESS IN WARD REELECT WIEDER AIDERMAN